Final Exam Info_Wk15LabDayPlan

1)ACS Exam Study Guide books?
2)Hand back any graded work (if applicable)
3)PS12 turn in (by end of day)
4)Persistence Survey
5)Finish Exp 41
a. Mass of aspirin + watch glass (and filter paper?)
b. Mp of synthesized aspirin and store-bought
c. Modify report form
d. Aspirin sample should be discarded in waste
6)Clean Glassware check out of drawers
a. If you finish before others, work on review
questions (green handout or ACS Study Guide
book) in groups.
 Take everything out of drawer
 Make sure everything is clean on outside (wipe
down with wet towel) and inside (hold up to light!)
 Do NOT put back in drawer—order glassware and
equipment on benchtop above drawer.
 Replace the paper towel in the drawer.
 Write down / check anything that you need.
 I will put everything back into drawer!
Discuss Plan for next week
b. 1st Day: Review
c. 2nd Day class period: my part of final*
d. 2nd Day lab period
i. ACS Exam (90 min)
ii. Optional retake exam [Exam 1 (25 Q), Exam
2 (20 Q), or Exam 3 (20 Q)]
*My Part of Final: 32 pt total, 10 questions, 2 pg
8 pts (2 Q’s) on PS3-4 material (equilibrium, general)
10 pts (4 Q’s) on PS5-7 material (acid-base equilibrium;
not solubility equilibria)
4 pts (1 Q) on PS8 (thermodynamics/E-chem)
3 pts (1 Q) on PS9 (electrochemical cells, potentials)
7 pts (2 Q’s) on PS11 material (metal complexes, color)
No kinetics, no nuclear, no organic on my part (satisfied
with coverage on ACS exam)