Microbiology Virus Project

Microbiology Virus Project
Due Date: ___________________________ Student Name:___________________
You are going to create a PowerPoint & corresponding 3-D Model about a virus of your choosing. I must
approve your virus before proceeding.
Virus PowerPoint (35 POINTS)
Classification of virus (scientific name and family/group of viruses to which it belongs) 
How the virus is transmitted (groups of organisms it infects; body system(s) it infects) 
The molecular mechanisms of infection (How does that virus get into the specific targeted system AND
cells of the organism. What vector does it use to get from host to host?) 
Disease(s) caused (name(s) of disease(s) it causes) 
Symptom(s) of infection 
Treatment(s) of infection 
Epidemiology (Is it a common virus? What treatments, cures or preventatives are available to stop
infection by this virus?) 
Bibliography (MLA Format) 
Presentation: content is organized and easy to understand, presenter is knowledgeable with the content,
presenter is engaging and connects with audience (eye contact), presentation is appropriately paced 
Virus Model (65 POINTS) 
Use viral pictures from your textbook or from a website to construct a 3-dimensional model of a virus. Do not
just print out a premade model! Your model must meet the following criteria: 
Must be 3-dimensional (each part should be clearly labeled)
Must show the two main parts of the virus --- nucleic acid core & protein coat or capsid 
Model must have string attached & be ready to hang or be accompanied by some sort of stand to
hold it.
Must include a label with your name and name of the virus
The following rules for constructing you model must be followed: 
Must be light enough & small enough to hang and not "bump" other students heads 
Must be sturdy (use plenty of glue & securely attach your string) 
Can't be made out of food products 
May not have sharp points (no toothpicks) 
May not be made of anything flammable (no matches) 
Should be made of inexpensive materials 
All parts should be properly labeled 
Some websites on virus structure that may help you are: 
http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/virus.html 
http://www-micro.msb.le.ac.uk/109/structure.html 
Possible Viruses to choose from:
 Human Papilloma Virus 
 Herpes Simplex Virus 
 Dengue 
 Rabies Virus 
 Hepatitis B 
 SARS 
 Epstein Barr Virus 
 West Nile Virus 
 Ebola Virus 
 Variola Virus 
 Varicella Virus 
12. Influenza A Virus
13. Tobacco Mosaic Virus
14. Smallpox Virus
15. Parvovirus
16. Adenovirus - a family of cold viruses • H1N1 (Swine) Flu
17. T4 Bacteriophage
18. H5N1 (Avian) Flu
19. Polio virus
20. Marburg virus
21. Rotavirus