Sign up to our mailing list on our website: Stalls 1 OGHG Oxford Global Health Group is a student-run society that raises awareness of global issues with weekly seminars from experts, conferences and fundraising. Careers Fair 2011 Programme 1 6.o5pm: Susan Wright Human rights lawyer and director of Doctors of the World 6.45pm: Dr Anita Makins Médecins Sans Frontières: Emergency Medical Care in Sierra Leone 7.30pm: Lord Nigel Crisp ‘Turning the World upside down- the search for Global Healthcare in the 21st Century’ 8.10pm: Dr Juliet Bedford Director of Anthrologica-applied anthropology of healthcare 'Global Health initiatives: why patient perspectives matter' Medsin is a network of students with an interest in health, there are branches at universities across the UK. Medsin’s activities aim to promote local health as well as educating students about health inequalities. 28th February, 6 – 9pm, MSTC Talks Medsin 1 Medicine Africa 2 London School of Tropical Medicine is a platform which allows live case based medical teaching and support over the internet. It has been designed specifically to try and replicate clinical teaching as near as is possible, and bring the expertise of the global medical workforce as near to the world’s bedsides as possible. The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is Britain's national school of public health and a leading postgraduate institution for public health and tropical medicine. Training is provided through taught Masters Courses, Research Degrees, and through distance learning. In addition, a short study programme provides intensive advanced learning. 3 Conflict medicine 202 (Midlands) Field Hospital is a Territorial Army medical unit, with training detachments in Stoke, Abingdon, Shrewsbury and Kings Heath. As one of the Army’s leading Field Hospitals, we have a diverse staff base with extensive management, clinical and medical support trade expertise, with proven success on military operations abroad. 4 4 VSO VSO is an international development charity that works through volunteers. We believe in a world without poverty where people work together to fulfil their potential. Instead of providing money or food, we provide skilled professionals who share their talents and expertise with communities in some of the poorest countries in the world to make change that will last. 6 The Campaign for Greener Healthcare 7 The Campaign for Greener Healthcare is a dynamic, independent team working on the interface between health and sustainability to bring health messages into the centre of the climate change agenda and to transform healthcare for a sustainable future. 5 SCI is an independent unit within Imperial College London. We aim to coordinate the funding and drug donations which will allow African countries endemic for Neglected Tropical Diseases to offer annual treatment to up to 400 million people (focusing on school aged children) to improve the quality of their lives and prevent serious illness in later life. 5 Global Health Trials 6 Mercy Ships UK 7 OxPal Medlink Oxford University Medical School has a history of supporting medical education in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), with various consultants and academics affiliated to the university visiting the region and providing teaching and training on an annual basis. OxPal MEDLINK is the natural progression from these informal arrangements with the aim of promoting long-term collaborations and an exchange of knowledge. The link includes medical elective exchanges between Oxford University and the four medical school campuses in the oPt, regular online case-based teaching, and a platform for medical students and professionals to exchange knowledge and collaborate in research projects. is an open collaboration aiming to facilitate the conduct of non-commercial clinical trials across all diseases in resource-limited settings. As part of the Department of Tropical Medicine we conduct research all over the world. If you are interested in learning about doing research abroad, drop by and see us. Mercy Ships operates the world’s largest charity hospital ship. Dedicated medical teams and crew provide surgeries and surgical training, health education and onshore medical development. We are currently serving Sierra Leone, where child mortality is highest. Dr Keith Thomson will be on stand from 7.15 to answer questions about surgery and anaesthesiology in Africa. Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) MAP works for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees. Established in the aftermath of the massacre at Sabra and Shatila, MAP delivers health and medical care to those worst affected by conflict, occupation and displacement. Working in partnership with local health providers and hospitals, MAP addresses a wide range of health issues and challenges faced by the Palestinian people. MAP responds rapidly in times of crisis, and works directly with communities in the longer term on health development. Anthrologica Anthrologica is a research-based organisation specialising in the applied anthropology of healthcare. It was established to develop appropriate and sustainable processes for improving health and healthcare especially in resource scarce settings. Anthrologica is developing specific expertise in incorporating the needs and perceptions of intended beneficiaries into healthcare policy and programming to ensure that it is contextually relevant and that opportunities for improving health are maximised. Schistosomiasis Control Initiative 8 Christian Medical Fellowship Offers a database of organisations, events and opportunities in International Health on its website. An elective handbook and directory are available. The Developing Health Course teaches a broad range of topics and practical skills – students are welcome on Special Interest Days. 8 Engineering World Health 10 EWH-Oxford aims to mobilize the biomedical engineering community to improve the quality of health care in vulnerable communities of the developing world. EWHOxford's approach is closely related to this mission, although it concentrates on the core strengths of Oxford's Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME) in the Department of Engineering Science. These strengths include telelmedicine, mHealth, data mining, artificial intelligence and signal processing. 11 Giving what we can Giving What We Can encourages people to donate a significant portion of their income to charities that work the most cost-effectively at combating poverty in the developing world. Currently, our most recommended charities are those that treat Neglected Tropical Diseases, such as Schistosomiasis King's College London King’s Health Partners is a pioneering collaboration between King’s College London and three NHS Foundation Trusts. Global Health has been identified as a key cross-cutting theme and is driven from the Global Health Offices, which houses our Global Health Intercalated BSc (and soon MSc), our research on health system strengthening and our capacity building programmes. 9 Global Health Corps 9 TALC 11 Teaching Aids at Low Cost (TALC) is a charity dedicated to providing affordable educational resources (largely books) and accessories to doctors and health workers worldwide. The materials are aimed at users in developing countries. 12 MSF 13 International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research 10 Global Health Corps (GHC) aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity and improve the quality of health care services for the poor by connecting outstanding young leaders with organizations working on the front lines in the fight for global health. Book sale HIFA2015 Healthcare Information For All by 2015 is a global campaign and email discussion forum. Our goal is: By 2015, every person worldwide will have access to an informed healthcare provider. HIFA2015 has more than 3200 professional members in 157 countries worldwide, from WHO, governments, research institutions, universities, NGOs, hospitals, and primary healthcare facilities. Hundreds of medical, nursing and midwifery students are active members of HIFA2015, in the UK and worldwide. Together we are working to avoid unnecessary death and suffering in developing countries, due to lack of availability and use of reliable information for healthcare providers. Lord Nigel Crisp MSF is an independent humanitarian medical aid organisation. They are committed to providing medical aid where it is most needed, regardless of race, religion, politics or gender and also to raising awareness of the plight of the people they help. 70% of all cancer deaths occur in Developing countries where globally cancer is killing more people than HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria combined. The not-for-profit International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research (INCTR) helps Developing countries build up their capacity for cancer care and reduce the suffering of terminally ill patients. 13 14 Africa Health Placements Africa Health Placements(AHP) is a not-for-profit project that aims to support the recruitment and retention of public sector health professionals in Africa. Surgery Abroad/CURE international CURE International is a Christian charity that builds and runs surgical hospitals in the poorest parts of the world. It started in 1998 and currently has hospitals in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Niger, Ethiopia, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Afghanistan and UAE. It runs a hospital in China and is shortly to open one in Bethlehem. 14 World Anaesthesia World Anaesthesia is a specialty group that grew out of the successful Oxford course "Anaesthesia for Developing Countries". We assist colleagues in the developing world by training in the different technology, drugs, logistics and personnel requirements for safe anaesthesia (and hence surgery) to the majority of the world's people. 15 UCL Global Health MSc 15 Islamic Relief Climate change, economic crisis, poor governance, vast inequalities in health: today’s global health challenges demand a new approach which explores health within its broader development context. Taking a cross-disciplinary approach, UCL's MSc in Global Health & Development will challenge you to understand the complex forces that shape health worldwide and help you to design a programme of study well-suited to your needs. Islamic Relief strives to alleviate suffering, hunger, illiteracy and diseases worldwide without regard to colour, race or creed and to provide aid in a compassionate and dignified manner. We aim to provide rapid relief in the event of manmade or natural disasters. 16 Doctors of the World (Medecins du Monde) Doctors of the World UK is part of the Medecins du Monde network which has celebrated 30 years of delivering healthcare before during and after a crisis. We work across the world, as well as across Europe, helping vulnerable people access the healthcare they need. Global Health Careers Fair, Medical Sciences Teaching Centre 6-9pm 28th February