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Mesotopia! Indus!
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.A city-state was made up of the main city,
other towns and settlements, and
surrounding lands. Each city-state was an
actually an independent kingdom but
sometimes one would dominate the others.
The world’s first civilization was created in
southern Mesopotamia in a place they
called, Sumer. It was established in 3500
B.C. The capitol of the Mesopotamian
Civilization was Ur – Uruk.
Harley D. Brown. “Mesopotamia and
Technology. The Beginning of The
Agricultural Era” n.d. NLCS. Oct 8, 2011. <
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Kings, priests, elders, and normal Mesopotamian
people controlled slaves (who were the lowest rank in
their society) while the kings and priests were of
course in control of everyone. Slaves did not have
rights, and made no money for their hard work. But
they were provided a small shelter when they weren’t
working, which they had to share with other slaves
controlled by the same owner. Normal Mesopotamian
people had their own rights, could do anything they
wanted that did not break the law, got paid for their
work and controlled their slaves.
“Social Levels” n.d. Kids News Room. Web. Oct 9,
2011. <
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Complex institutions (Religion):
These small statues represented gods, that the
Mesopotamian people worshiped. They were
placed in temples by worshipers to represent each
god they believed in. Every city had its own god or
goddess Anu was the father of the gods and the
god of the sky; Enlil was the god of the air; Utu was
the sun god and the lord of truth and justice; Nanna
was the moon god; Inanna was the goddess of love
and war; Ninhursag was the goddess of earth; and
Enki was the god of fresh water as well as the lord
of wisdom and magic.
“The oriental institute of the University of Chicago,
Teacher resource center Ancient Mesopotamia: Religion”
n.d. u Chicago. Web. Oct 8, 2011. <
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Record Keeping:
The very first form of record keeping was
called, cuneiform. The term cuneiform
means “wedge-shaped.” It was made of
many word shapes that were wedgeshaped, due to the pen, or Stylus, they used.
They wrote on clay tablets, that they layed
out in the sun or fried in kilns to make it
Harley D. Brown.
“Mesopotamia and Technology. The
Beginning of The Agricultural Era” n.d.
NLCS. Web. Oct 9 2011.
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The Mesopotamians created and began many
things that we use today! Things such as,
glass, the twelve-month calendar, the wheel,
the plow, and the sailboat! They created other
things like, their form of writing (cuneiform),
and the water clock. Even though we don’t use
those things today, back then they were a big
improvement and helped them in many ways!
Harley D. Brown.
“Mesopotamia and Technology. The Beginning
of The Agricultural Era” n.d. NLCS. Oct 9
2011. <
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Record keeping:
Our form of record keeping
is pen and paper. We find
this useful because we can
record important things
such as, important legal
documents, and of course
the everyday use of pen
and paper in school, to help
further our education.
Christianity is our religion.
We believe in one God and
a heaven and a hell.
Heaven being the place
Christians go after death.
Hell being the fiery furnace
that people go to after
death, without Jesus in
your heart.
Our newest
advancement towards
our community is
computers. Their
helpful in so many
Carpentry is our
specialization, we
build our buildings
and other helpful
Indus river valley’s technology consisted of,
Large irrigation systems, Other trade
technologies such as boats and carts were
employed to facilitate trade, and they were
the first civilization in the world to develop
precise measurement and weighing
“Indus river valley civilization” Sep 12,
2011. Web. River valley civilizations. Oct 11,
2011. <
The indigenous were farmers, after the
development of the irrigation system
they were able to provide food for
themselves. Wheat and barley were
their main crops. But the also grew
other things such as, rye, peas, cotton,
and rice.
“Indus river valley civilization” Sep 12,
2011. Web. River valley civilizations.
Oct 11, 2011. <
Rome Religion:
Roman religion was centered around gods.
The Romans believed that gods controlled their lives.
The most important god was Jupiter, the king of gods.
The other gods were, Mars- the god of war. Mercurythe messenger of the gods. Neptune- god of the sea.
Janus- god of the doorway. Diana- goddess of
hunting. Vesta - goddess of health. Minerva–
goddess of healing and wisdom. Venus- goddess of
“Ancient Rome and Religion” n.d. History Learning
Site. Web. Oct 9, 2011. <
Roman Technology:
The romans were very smart when it came to
building and other crafts. The made things such as,
Ropes, Pulleys, and winches, which they used for the
construction of bridges and roads! Roman engineers
brought water to the city by building water bridges
called aqueducts. Nine aqueducts provided the
Roman people with 38 million gallons of water every
day! Parts of that system still supplies water to
fountains in Rome today! They built huge stadiums
called, amphitheaters. The greatest roman
amphitheater, the Colosseum. Is still standing today!
But is damaged from earthquakes.
Greek Religion:
The ancient Greeks were polytheistic. They believed
that gods and goddesses controlled everything.
Greeks built temples in every town for the gods.
Temples were large and beautiful buildings where
they went to pray and sacrifice animals.
“Greek Religion” n.d. Puhinui. Web. Oct 9, 2011. <
Greek Technology:
Heronas of Alexandria was a Greek mathematician,
engineer and inventor of the first century BC.
He was a shoemaker, but decided to further his inventions
and created the first steam engine!
Here’s how it worked; It consisted of a closed, spherical
container, filled with water. When the water was heated and
began to boil, the stream was relieved by two nozzles,
configured in a polar alignment. The container was fixed in
such a way that was allowed to rotate. The steam release
caused a rotating motion of the container that could be
used as a steam motor for many different things.
C. Lazos. “Ancient Greek Technology” Nov 29 2002. ETelescope. Web. Oct 8 2011.
< http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.etelescope.gr%2Fen%2Fhistory-and-archaeology%2F132ancienttechnology&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNF6HPTTUXSfxRXq1owlQVv
Curators Office
Hello and thank you for visiting the museum of
Tanner Howard, Holly Hackleman, Walker Lambert,
and Karey Parker. We hope you enjoy the museum
any questions or comments please email Tanner at
(tanner.howard@knomi.net). Thank you for visiting
we hope you enjoy!
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