Biogas in Tanzania Slaughterhouse Waste Treatment Facility Location: Vingunguti Slaughterhouse, Ilala Municipal Council, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Partner: Sapporo Mobi-Vet and Ilala Municipal Council, Agriculture and Livestock Department Group Members: Dr. Assenga Severine Edward Silva Matt Kallerud Scott Moskowitz Spring 2012 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Project Definition 3 Project Background and Literature Review 3 Expected Environmental and Socioeconomic Benefits 8 Project Methodology 10 Stakeholders Analysis 11 Results 12 Anaerobic Digester Design 14 Cost Benefit Analysis 17 Recommendations 19 References 21 Appendices 23 2 Introduction The Ilala Municipal Council (IMC) is one of the local authorities in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The council is involved in a variety of community development and income generating activities and among these is a public slaughterhouse facility. The slaughterhouse facility faces energy and waste management problems and accordingly the IMC has sought to create a waste treatment facility which will manage the slaughterhouse waste while producing useful byproducts biogas and bio-fertilizer. The biogas will be used to provide electricity to the slaughterhouse facility, boil water. The bio-fertilizer will be used to grow vegetables and the surplus sold to farmers. This project will greatly benefit the IMC in generating more income, creating jobs, improving the living stands of the people in the surrounding communities, and most importantly improving the environmental health and sanitation of the area. Problem Definition The goal of this report is to conduct a feasibility study that discusses, designs, and analyzes the most economically and environmentally viable way of eliminating solid and liquid waste from the Vingunguti slaughterhouse in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The suggested alternative from the client is an anaerobic digester used to manage waste and produce biogas to be used as a source of electricity and solid waste to be used as fertilizer. The intention of this feasibility study is not to produce a set of definitive plans, but rather an outline, basic schematic and output data of biogas and biofertilizer that the system will produce. Finally, this study will include a cost/benefit analysis of the project to quantify economic feasibility and payback time to aid the policy makers in Dar es Salaam. This study will use all available and provided data, including current operations descriptions, waste streams, and energy and water requirements. This project must work with respect to social, environmental, financial, and technological aspects. The scope of this project entails the design, construction, and use of a biogas digester on the property of the slaughterhouse. Further, the management of the biogas will be studied, including both storage and method of power generation. Also, distribution of the digested waste as fertilizer will be discussed. Not included in the scope of this project is the construction of a new slaughterhouse or the management of the slaughterhouse. Project Background and Literature Review Tanzania Background Tanzania is an East African country with a population of 42,746,620 (Tanzania national website) and with a total land area of 947,300 km2. The main natural resources in Tanzania are hydropower, tin, phosphates, iron ore, coal, diamonds, gemstones, gold, natural gas, nickel and a high range of forests and game reserves. Its economy relies heavily on agriculture (43.3%), fisheries (3%), industries (17.7%), and services (36%), which traditionally are featured by the processing of agricultural, trade, tourism, agrarian, fisheries and farming products and light 3 consumer and manufactured goods. The Tanzanian GDP is estimated to be US$ 22.7 billion with a growth rate of 6.5% and GDP per capita of US$ 548.30. Figure 1: Map of Tanzania Figure 2: Map of Dar es Salaam Tanzania Energy Capacity The Tanzanian commercial energy generation system consists mainly of hydro, thermal and coal based generation. Hydro contributes the largest share (73% of total power generated) while gas and thermal contribute the remaining amount. The hydro-plants are interconnected with the national grid system which produces a total of 561 MW. Within the energy sector, the electricity sub-sector contributes approximately 0.6% of the total energy consumption. The energy situation in Tanzania indicates that less than 15% of the country has energy access, but in rural areas, energy access is about 2%. Also, rural energy consumption makes up to 85% of the national biomass energy consumption. Per capita electricity consumption is 100 KWh (versus 500 KWh required for quality of life), but the country has abundant energy sources (largely untapped renewable energy resources) which could be harnessed for power generation and access expansion (Olotu, 2010). The potential solutions that are currently being developed and implemented are the national solar and wind power programs which are developed by effort and cooperation between governments, the private sector and NGOs which promote wider use of renewable energy sources. The government is currently working to encourage investment in the electricity sub-sector in order to expand its generating capacity and distribution systems while also working to develop the local energy sources, including wind energy, solar energy, coal and biogas. 4 Figure 3: Tanzania energy consumption Biomass fuel can be derived from waste or byproducts from industrial or agricultural industries such as wood waste from forestry or furniture industries; straw remains from wheat crops; chicken litter; sewage; manure and used vegetable oil. Biomass can be converted into energy through various methods include burning, pyrolysis (chemical decomposition through high temperature heating in the absence of air), gasification (conversion of solids into gaseous fuel), and anaerobic digestion (also in the absence of air, this is involves using bacteria for decomposition and fermentation). In anaerobic digestion, sewage or manure is used to generate biogas after feeding slurry into a digester (conversion can take from 10 days to several weeks); this method is well established in many parts of the country with livestock (Marree et al, 2007). The energy sector in Dar es Salaam is dominated by the public utility Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO), and their participation will determine the viability of this project. The on-grid energy sector in Tanzania relies heavily on hydropower, but as the energy sector of Tanzania is dominated by the use of biomass and non-grid fuel sources, the electric corporations are considered a sub-sector of the Tanzanian energy sector (Ahlborg et al., 2011). However, with the Tanzanian Electricity Act of 2008, alternative public and private corporations are encouraged and incentivized to cooperate with TANESCO for usage of transmission lines and the charging of tariffs. Why Biogas in Tanzania With a GDP (PPP) of US$ 1300 per capita and 37% of the population living below the poverty line, Tanzania belongs to the poorest countries worldwide. This is reflected in the low share of commercial energy use; 94% of the country’s energy requirement is met by biomass, primarily wood fuel and over 80% of the total energy consumption is used in rural areas. The high consumption of wood fuel contributes to deforestation and soil degradation. Nearly 80% of the national energy consumption is applied for domestic energy (cooking and lighting). Poor households spend a considerably higher share (up to 35%) of their income on domestic energy. 5 The biogas development program in Tanzania joins well with the development intentions of the Government of Tanzania (Kellner, 1992). Notably, a national biogas program will support realization of government policies in the fields of energy, poverty reduction, livestock development, rural development and SME development. The Benefits of Biogas The benefits of domestic biogas in energy supply, agriculture, health, sanitation, gender and environment are well documented. Domestic biogas contributes to sustainable development and reaching the UN Millennium Development Goals. Various aspects of well-functioning biogas systems have multiple benefits. Health and Sanitation Benefits Animal dung and ruminal contents from the slaughterhouse are collected regularly and fed into the biogas digester; this reduces pollution, leading to a cleaner slaughterhouse environment. It also reduces human and animal disease by improving sanitary conditions related to bad sanitation and polluted surface water and soil and reduces greenhouse gas emissions from traditional waste handling (dump trucks, etc.) Gender Equality and Environmental Benefits The generated gas from biogas is a substitute for conventional fuels and therefore reduces deforestation by reducing the demand for firewood and reduces indoor air pollution associated with the incomplete combustion of conventional biomass fuels (which result in a reduction of eye and respiratory illnesses, particularly of those most heavily exposed to smoke, namely women and children). It’s also reduces workload, especially in regards to fetching firewood, maintaining the fire and cleaning cooking pots. The use of biogas can reduce workload by 2 to 3 hours per day, particularly the workload of women and children. It reduces fuel expenses, traditional domestic fuels are increasingly becoming part of the formal economy and provides income generation opportunities by providing an energy source for different economic activities such as generating electricity, pumping of water, running of machines and other farm activities (incubators, kilns, lanterns) as a new or more efficient resource. Biogas also increases benefits of better lighting and boiling hot water through the use of appliances such as gas lamps and water heaters; Agricultural Benefits The residue of the biogas process bio-slurry is a potent organic fertilizer when used in the farms provide a superior organic fertilizer in terms of available nutrients and soil texture, increasing agricultural yields by 10-40% and provide a catalyst for composting other agricultural waste in the farm and by applying this practice increases the amount and quality of organic fertilizer (FAO, 1996). Raw waste material contains infectious pathogens, but by passing through biodigester many of these pathogens are killed. It also reduces chemical fertilizer costs of farmers by reducing the amount of synthetic fertilizer used, encouraging organic crop production. It 6 enables farmers to participate in animal husbandry in areas in which discharge regulations would otherwise have been prohibitive, especially by reducing odor and environmental load that result from livestock holding. Wastewater Treatment in Tanzania A primary goal of this study is to determine a way to eliminate the slaughterhouse waste stream in an environmentally viable way. Physiochemical and biological treatment is not highly prevalent in Tanzania due to the high cost of treatment, however this anaerobic digestion system is proposed for not only the treatment of water, but the production of biogas to subsidize the cost of the treatment. Most wastewater treatment in Tanzania occurs in the form of constructed wetlands, where areas are constructed to manipulate plant life and bacterial growth in such a way that they provide a sufficient level of wastewater treatment without harm to the environment (Mahudi et al, 2001). However as this type of treatment is area intensive and does not produce biogas in a containable manner, it is not recommended for the slaughterhouse. Biogas Project in Ilala Municipal Council Ilala Municipal Council is one of the 128 Local Authorities in Tanzania and it's among three Municipalities of grand Dar es Salaam City Council. Ilala Municipal Council (together with citywide Authority and other two Municipalities) was officially established on 1st day of February 2001. During that time the Ilala Municipality was given authority to own, coordinate and develop the Vingunguti abattoir house. In 2001 the slaughterhouse was handed to the Ilala Municipal Council, and was given the following activities: frequent rehabilitation of the abattoir, collection of fees and revenue, ensure expert staff are available in the areas, coordinate safety and cleanliness, and also communicate with the ministry in case of any zoonotic diseases. Figure 4: Map of Ilala Municipal Council with a star on Vingunguti Ward Figure 5: Aerial view of Vingunguti Slaughterhouse (Google Maps) Project Background 7 The Ilala Municipal Council is intending to construct a new modern slaughterhouse in the old Vingunguti abattoir center. At present the existing old slaughterhouse is apathetic to the treatment of solid and liquid waste material. Ilala Municipal council intends to improve its services to those that buy meat from outside the country. The project will be located in Vingunguti old abattoir center in Vingunguti ward. The project site has a total area of about five acres. The study conducted in the areas revealed that building a new solid and liquid waste treatment plant will tremendously improve the cleanliness of the abattoir and prevent pollution to the surrounding environment, including nearby Msimbazi River and nearby neighborhoods. The project will be a good source of income to the Ilala Municipal Council. The slaughter house currently collects an income of US$ 241,250 and with a total capacity of 86,500 liters of a mixture of solid and liquid wastes for daily slaughter of 300 cattle and 350 sheep and goats with consumption of about 40,000 liters of clean water daily. This project is targeting to serve Dar es Salaam City dwellers, who always claimed that the meat produced by this slaughterhouse is not clean and that the number of cattle and goats slaughtered per day are not enough to meet their demand. Therefore, constructing a solid and liquid treatment plant and later building a new modern slaughterhouse will satisfy the consumer demands and eventually will increase the revenue of the municipality. The lease rate charged to each slaughter is US $2 for cattle and US $0.50 for goat/sheep per head. Consequences of Inaction In the absence of the project, the slaughterhouse waste would be left to decay at the disposal sites anaerobically, emitting methane to the atmosphere. This process would continue due to the fact that the slaughtering of animals would continue for the whole year and cost to maintain would be higher and environmental pollution would continue. As far as electricity generation is concerned, the absence of the project activity would mean a continuation of using fossil fuels from the grid which is not reliable due to allocation caused by low supply and result in continued emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere. Figures 6, 7, and 8: Current method of waste disposal Expected Environmental and Socioeconomic Benefits Local benefits 8 The proposed project will create employment to the local residents, especially during the construction and operation of the biogas plants. Moreover, many jobs will be created for the youth during the construction and in providing slaughter services. This will make them busy and keep them from indulging in crime and irresponsible sexual behavior, which may lead to the spread of AIDS and unwanted pregnancies. It will also supply organic fertilizer to the farmers from the slurry produced by the biogas plant at an affordable cost. This will positively impact agricultural production and ensure food security. This will lead to more income generation to the municipal council and also a relief to the farmers since the bio-fertilizer will be cheap compared to artificial fertilizers. By reducing the accumulation of slaughter house waste at the disposal sites and avoid its mixing with local water resources, the project will protect the environment and reduce hazardous impact of slaughterhouse waste to the local people. Global benefits Globally, the project will contribute in preventing the anthropogenic GHG emissions by reducing emissions of CH4 from the slaughterhouse waste disposal sites, and reducing CO2 emissions from pile up manure and waste removal. Socio-economic aspects The proposed project and that of constructing new slaughterhouse are expected to increase the income from US$ 241,250 to US$ 468,750 per year after completion and also will improve the image of Vingunguti ward. This project will greatly benefit the Municipal council in generating more income, creating jobs, improving the lives of the people and most importantly improving environmental health and sanitation in the slaughterhouse area. An increase in overall income of the municipal council will result from revenue collection as well as carbon credit trading CERs, sale of electricity to the grid/neighbors, and avoiding purchase of electricity from the grid. This will lead to increase in employee’s salaries and other fringe benefits. The project will necessitate operators and municipal officers to acquire relevant skills, especially in biogas technology. These skills would not have been acquired in the absence of this biogas project and will enable adoption of similar technologies and processes by other slaughterhouses in the country. As the environmental strategy/priorities of the country, Tanzania prioritizes environmental protection and its well-being. The sustainable use of slaughterhouses waste to produce biogas will lead to a sustainable environmental and eventually help in achieving the sustainable development in Tanzania. Wastewater Treatment in Tanzania A primary goal of this study is to determine a way to eliminate the slaughterhouse waste stream in an environmentally viable way. Physiochemical and biological treatment is not highly prevalent in Tanzania due to the high cost of treatment, however this anaerobic digestion system is proposed for not only the treatment of water, but the production of biogas to subsidize the cost of the treatment. Most wastewater treatment in Tanzania occurs in the form of constructed wetlands, where areas are constructed to manipulate plant life and bacterial growth in such a way 9 that they provide a sufficient level of wastewater treatment without harm to the environment (Mahudi et al, 2001). However as this type of treatment is area intensive and does not produce biogas in a containable manner, it is not recommended for the slaughterhouse. Agriculture in Tanzania As eight percent of the Tanzanian workforce are involved in the agricultural sector, a sector accounting for twenty-five percent of GDP (FAO, 2012), there is considerable incentive to provide cheap fertilizer. Along with biogas, the other primary byproduct of anaerobic digestion is nutrient rich solid sludge commonly regarded as biofertilizer. With progress, farmers who would be able to make more money would ideally be able to pay for some of the externalities that their animal waste is creating for the slaughterhouse, such as unavoidable environmental degradation of the local rivers and water sources, transportation cost of the manure, and potential for disease spread with the proximity of wastes to raw meat processing. Design of Anaerobic Digestion Systems Anaerobic digestion is a process by which organic material is broken down into inorganic material in the absence of oxygen. The end products are a reduced amount of high-nutrient biomass as well as biogas and of course water. It is commonly used for waste stabilization in industrial wastewater treatment plants (Tchobanoglous, Burton, & Stensel, 2003). Three types of anaerobic digestion systems are prevalent in developing countries in Africa. These are the floating drum reactor, the fixed dome reactor, and the plastic tubular reactor. Floating dome reactors are designed with the top of the reactor as unfixed; it moves up and down depending on the amount of biogas in the reactor. Fixed dome reactors are similar but the top of the dome is fixed, and these reactors are typically built underground. Plastic tubular reactors are similar except they are made from plastic. They are compared in Table 2. Table 1 - Anaerobic Digestion System Comparison (Kenya, 2009) Project Methodology 10 The methodology of completing this study was implemented in three sections. The first steps were to create a project statement and to define the scope of what this study was to entail. This beginning component of the project was done with the primary goal of understanding the needs and goals of the clients. Speaking with the clients, it was understood that the primary goal of the project was the elimination of slaughterhouse wastes and that the suggested alternative to the current disposal method was an anaerobic digester. The literature reviews were conducted to understand the techniques and methods of other similar projects and to see what factors caused them to succeed or to fail. Experts from the University of California, Davis were interviewed and relied upon to contribute practical knowledge and scholarly advice. These contacts were exceedingly important and including student Michael Cunningham, a D-Lab alum and student with extensive experience designing and working with anaerobic digesters and wastewater treatment. Dr. Frank Loge of the Environmental Engineering Department contributed his years of experience with wastewater treatment systems to discuss the possibilities and necessities of a treatment train which would adequately serve the slaughterhouse. The knowledge gained in this component of the project allowed the team to define the scope of the project and what was to be delivered. Moving forward, the team goal was to complete the deliverables that are analyzed in this report. This involved the calculations pertaining to the suggested treatment train and gas and electricity output. Peer reviewed literature values and current industry textbooks were utilized to estimate the specifications of the proposed process. These outputs were then used to create a cost-benefit analysis. With these deliverables completed, the team was able to summarize the results of the study in order to provide recommendations to the clients. Stakeholders Analysis In order to identify and assess the importance of key parties involved in the development of solid and liquid waste treatment project option in Vingunguti slaughter house we conducted a stakeholder’s analysis. Within this process, stakeholders were organized according to their impact and influence levels as displayed in Table 2. “Impact” measures the degree of change they will experience in response to the project, and “influence” measures their degree of support for the project’s objectives. High Impact Low impact Neighborhood community Business community at slaughter house Political parties and politicians Transporter Building contractors Traders Meat buyers Financial institutions Ilala municipal council D-Lab at UC Davis Power utility company (TANESCO) Staff working with Municipality Ministries related to the sector 11 Food venders Low influence High influence Table 2: Stakeholders Analysis Stakeholders who will be highly impacted by the project and have had high influence on project development are critical to this initiative, as they will be the primary decision makers in the process, and thus their opinions matter most. Those stakeholders are the financial institutions and Ilala municipal council who will be responsible to decide and provide funds for construction of the project also D-Lab whose goal is to both design and disseminate low-cost, clean and efficient intervention technologies in developing countries will decide on the option to be undertaken to remove the waste from the slaughter house also the power utility company TANESCO is responsible to purchase the excess electricity produced and to ensure grid infrastructures are available for transmission of the electricity. Stakeholders with high influence on the project but who receive little direct benefit are staff working with Municipality and Ministries related to the sector like livestock, agriculture, environment, energy and water will benefit from the project because it’s one of the key responsible activity and should be kept informed of project developments. Those that are highly impacted by project outcomes but have low influence, are the neighborhood community, business community at slaughter house and political parties and politicians who suffer from odor and environmental contamination caused by pile-up of the waste and politicians who provide support to municipality by sensitize community to accept the project. Transporter, building contractors, traders, meat buyers and food venders are in large numbers but have low impact, and their influence is relatively low since their aim is to get or supply service to others, they don’t mind about the situation existing in the slaughter house. Essentially, the stakeholders consist of individuals, groups, and institutions as both beneficiaries and funders. While the slaughter house customers will be impacted the most by this project, their influence is low in the development of the biogas project, but IMC as the recipient of this technology chosen by D-Lab as a consultancy it has a big role on the analysis and decision of the project. Notable however, is that their decision as to whether or not to invest in the biogas project or other alternative ultimately exposes them to the most risk, and perhaps more costs to clean the slaughter house and therefore effort should be made to increase their involvement in this process to analyze the feasibility of the project. Results The proposed treatment for treating the slaughterhouse’s waste is shown in Figures 9 and 10. The system is a complete treatment plant for a wastewater stream. All slaughterhouse waste materials, including wastewater blood and ruminal fluid, will be input into the anaerobic digester. 12 As it has been assured that the waste materials have sufficiently small sized particles (less than 12 mm), no grinding or pre-processing is expected to be needed. The recommended anaerobic digester is a low-rate anaerobic digester, meaning that heating and mixing are not required. Lowrate systems generally have residence times of 30 to 50 days compared to a high-rate system requiring 12 to 20 days. This means a low rate system will have a higher volume, but as the primary reason anaerobic digesters fail is due to poor maintenance and operation, the simpler low-rate system is what is designed in this scenario. The anaerobic digester will produce two products, biogas and digested sludge. The biogas is collected from the digester and the sludge moves on to further treatment. Once digested, in order to use the solids as bio-fertilizer, the effluent must go through a dewatering process. There are several ways to do this, and it is suggested that this be explored if this project moves on into the design phase. Currently existing technologies include centrifuges and belt presses. However, open drying beds are also common. This method is currently done with the untreated waste on site at the slaughterhouse, but as this waste would be more inert and lower in volatile content after digestion as well as lower in volume, odor from hydrogen sulfide and space would not be an issue so much as it is currently. However it is suggested that the drying pit be lined with concrete to prevent the leaching of ammonium into the ground which nitrifies in the soil to nitrate and contaminates aquifers and rivers. If mechanical dewatering is utilized or a settling tank clarifier, the removed water must be treated before it is disposed of to the river or reused as grey-water as the effluent water would be high in both ammonium and biological oxygen demand (BOD). There are many ways of doing this but the system generally regarded as simplest is a trickling filter. A system of two filters would be necessary. The first filter would be utilized aerobically to nitrify the ammonium to ammonia and then to nitrate as well as lower BOD. A second trickling filter would then be utilized anoxically to denitrify the remaining nitrate into harmless nitrogen gas. The resulting effluent would then be able to be discharged harmlessly to the river or used for agriculture or municipally as grey water. From the digester the gas may be passes through the disulphuric tower where H2S is removed, and then into a gas storage tank where the gas is stored or fed into the generator for electricity production (Knoef, and Stassen, 1999). The excess gas can be used for boiling water or flared using a safety flare. The residues left from the process can be dried and used as organic fertilizer and the liquid part can be treated and used for irrigation of gardens. The biogas produced will be used for electricity generation and powering abattoir equipment. Weerasinghe and Silva (1999) describe two main types of electricity generation equipment to be considered for biogas power generation: Microturbines are small gas turbines that burn methane, mixed with compressed air. As they burn, the hot pressurized gases are forced out of the combustion chamber and through a turbine wheel, causing it to spin and turn the generator, thus making the electricity (Monteiro et al, 2011). Reciprocating gas engines that have been modified from natural gas engines but which can handle the larger quantities of carbon dioxide and contaminants that are found in 13 biogas. They work on a much larger scale, burn efficiently, and deliver between 1MW and 2 MW of electrical power (Ottinger, 2005). Figure 9: Treatment Train Schematic Figure 10: Anaerobic Digester Schematic Anaerobic Digestion Design Influent Waste Stream The daily waste stream produced by the slaughterhouse includes the rumen, stomach, and intestinal content of 300 cows and 300 sheep/goats. Several parts of the animals that are not traditionally used are utilized, including the hides and the blood. Additionally, 40,000 liters of water are used by the slaughterhouse daily that also enter the waste stream. The mass of solid waste can be calculated based on known values for cattle and sheep/goats. On average, solid waste from the slaughter of a cattle averages 83 kg and for that of a sheep/goat 2.5 kg (CED India, 2011). Because the microorganisms in the digester only process volatile solids, this mass 14 is used in design. Slaughterhouse waste consists of approximately 30% solids, 85% of which are volatile solids (CED India, 2011). Using these numbers, the mass of volatile solids can be calculated. 83 𝑘𝑔 300 𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 2.5 𝑘𝑔 300 𝑠ℎ/𝑔𝑜 𝑘𝑔 𝑉𝑆 ( + ) ∗ 0.30 ∗ 0.85 = 6540 𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑠ℎ/𝑔𝑜 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑑𝑎𝑦 Biogas Production The mass of volatile solids is used to estimate biogas production. Low rate systems are simpler but more inefficient that high rate systems and have a have a relatively low biogas production rate. Biogas production is stoichiometrically related to the mass of volatile solids destroyed. A typical value for a low rate system is 40% volatile solids destruction. Biogas production ranges depending on operating conditions but a typical value is 0.85 m3/kg VSdestroyed (Tchobanoglous, Burton, & Stensel, 2003). Therefore, the biogas production can be estimated. 6540 𝑘𝑔 𝑉𝑆 𝑚3 𝑏𝑖𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑠 𝑚3 𝑏𝑖𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑠 ∗ 40% ∗ 0.85 = 2,223 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑘𝑔 𝑉𝑆𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑎𝑦 Biogas can be burned in a generator to produce 1.7 kWh / m3 biogas (Government of Alberta, 2008). This represents approximately 28% conversion efficiency based on a heating value of 6 kWh / m3 of biogas. The electricity generation per year can be then estimated. 2,223 𝑚3 𝑏𝑖𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑠 365 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑘𝑊ℎ 𝑘𝑊ℎ ∗ ∗ 1.7 3 = 1,350,500 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑚 𝑏𝑖𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑠 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 Cost of Project Though difficult to accurately estimate, installed capital costs are operation costs can be estimated. One estimation for a biogas electricity generating plant is based on power production. At 1,350,500 kWh/year operating continuously, divide by 365 and 24 to obtain power production of approximately 150 kW. Capital costs can be estimated at $7,000/kW for the entire power production system (digester, generator, etc) (Government of Alberta, 2008). This results in approximately $1,000,000 installed capital costs. The same source suggests an estimation of $0.02/kWh (year) for operation and maintenance costs. At 1,350,500 kWh/year, this results in $27,000/ year. An alternative cost estimation for a biogas production system is offered by Electrigaz biogas engineering firm ( Based on waste stream inputs, they provided a capital estimate of $1,200,000. These estimates are in line with a survey of capital costs of biogas digesters in California (Chen, Overholt, Rutledge, & Tomic, 2010). Neither of these costs account for the secondary treatment trickling filters recommended for complete treatment of digester effluent. Costs can be estimated based on flow rate. This flow rate (86,000 L/day or ~0.025 MGD) results in trickling filters that cost approximately $20,000 15 and operation and maintenance costs of $1500 per year (USEPA, 2000). This is a small price relative to the digester and generator. The price of $1,200,000 was multiplied by 1.5 to account for the small price of the trickling filters, unforeseen costs, and a general cost safety factor to obtain $1,800,000. Operation and maintenance estimates were increased to $50,000 per year for the same reasons. Factors to consider when building a successful biogas digester Technical To ensure sufficient raw feedstock must be available on a long-term basis and over the whole year, or supplies will be inconsistent and people will lose confidence in the technology. In this case the feedstock from the slaughter house is enough to run the project for the whole year. The temperature has to be high enough (25oC – 37oC) to cause the digestion process to work or additional building work/source of temperature must be employed to create a warm environment for microbes to work. The quality of the building materials must be high as the biogas is held under pressure and skills and know-how are needed both to build and to maintain biogas plants. Many units built in the past have been abandoned for lack of servicing skills. Social The project will succeed if there is a market for the fertilizer end product. This supply chain should be part of the planning stage of biogas introduction. Even if the set-up costs are subsidized, those who will use the gas should have some financial stake in the construction or they may not have a sufficient sense of ownership to maintain the plant. Promotion and dissemination of the benefits of biogas will be needed to the stakeholders if it is to be accepted by community around the project area. Financial / political Government promotion and involvement in the project can assist in dissemination. This can be a win-win solution as it provides clean energy and reduces problems associated with waste and private sector investment will support long-term sustainability. Four Lenses of Viability Within the scope of this project, we develop four lenses of vitality, which state that if this project is undertaken, there will be four key areas where potential prosperity and vitality can occur. Socially, developing and implementing this project will primarily allow for better aesthetics for the slaughterhouse, surrounding neighborhood, and hopefully become a trend for slaughterhouses in Tanzania. Greater aesthetics includes less pungent smells, which are a main complaint of the locals. Also, greater aesthetics makes any further investment in the slaughterhouse seem more appealing. It also has potential to increase the real estate value of the 16 area, which can have tremendous affects. Socially, implementing this project can also lead to more employment, as the slaughterhouse will need personnel to run/manage the digester, teach the local farmers how to use the new fertilizer form, and oversee the input of solid waste into the digester. Also, the benefits of this digester can have a trickling effect down to the local farmers, who in will have access to a better source of fertilizer, and at least in theory, potential for greater output in their crops. Finally, with better management and processing of the animal waste, there is a much lesser chance that any backtracked-contamination can occur with the meat, therefore preventing a market scare among the public meat consumers, which ultimately serves to protect the job sector and health of the people. Environmentally, there are many benefits that can be derived from the implementation and development of this bio-digester. Firstly, by developing this digester we can help to prevent what could become an environmental catastrophe for the Dar-es-Salaam area. With a local water source so close to the stockpile of waste, the neighborhood houses so near the gases and fumes, and the ground water dangerously exposed, it is only time before this waste triggers irreversible consequences on the local environment, and the people. Also, developing this bio-digester can help to transfer the use of other conventional energies to more sustainable ones, and in turn reduce potential green house gases. Also, the fertilizer developed from this process is much more efficient in delivering nutrients in amount compared to the pre-treated waste. This greater efficiency can lead to less transportation needed to distribute this fertilizer, and overall a lesser toll on the land and the air. From a technical perspective, there is obviously the great technological introduction of the biodigester into the slaughterhouse. Yet, there are many other opportunities that the technological perspective of viability can bring. With this digester, there exists the technical capacity to develop an adjourning water treatment facility, create a more resourceful, efficient animal process, and provide technical capacity building to locals and farmers. Also, there is large potential for many different uses of the bio-gas produced, such as for boiling water and blood, for emergency lighting, pumping water, cooking, and even heating the building. From a financial standpoint, there are several aspects that can potentially make this project very viable if it can find proper funding. Eventually this project can develop into a larger income for the municipality by allowing them to save money on electricity, waste transportation costs, and even earn profit through selling the excess energy. Altogether, this perspective is one of the most important, and rightfully so, but it must be noted that many times the ability to find funding, and the limitations on that money, can often blur the potential for a productive financial vision. Cost-Benefit Analysis In developing the cost benefit analysis, we of course are not necessarily placing a greater importance on the financial lenses of this project, but rather acknowledging the well-known understanding that the financials of any project of this magnitude are often the determining factor in it being implemented. In developing this cost/benefit analysis, we developed a few assumptions to ensure that the scope of our feasibility study was established: Project Assumptions: 17 Feasibility study ends analysis at the development of useful biogas. The supply of waste is constant, and energy is produced 365 days a year. Power can be sold back to the municipality at $.07 per kWh. The interest rate, as stated by the CIA Factbook, is 18% minimum. Operating and management costs of the digester are $50,000 per year. Now that the assumptions are understood, it is important to understand the parameters of our data. The cost of the project is estimated as 1.8 million dollars, which is $600,000 more than our original estimate so that we may account for fluctuations in cost. In order to understand if this project is feasible, we must see how long it would take to pay back this investment, and if it is worth it ultimately. Technical research we were able to derive the following cost train: Slaughterhouse yearly cost - 1 less waste $99,439 - $11,102 - $9600= $78,737 removal – Slaughterhouse energy Slaughterhouse (SH) yearly profit – Cost $142,000 - $78,737= $53,263 Net SH profit $53263 Projected kWh produced per day from 3700 kWh x 365= 1,350,500 biogas x days of the year Yearly energy production x price can sell 1,350,500 x $.07 = $94535 each kWh Bio-gas profit per year – Operating and $94,535 – $50,000= $44535 management cost per year It can be seen that from this model and thought process, we are taking a very simple, yet effective approach by splitting up the slaughterhouse and the actual digester, and then looking at them together. This becomes important for understanding the potential of the digester along with conducting the cost-benefit analysis much better. And as one can see below, the cost-benefit analysis was developed by look at payback periods of the large investment, keeping the 4 lenses of vitality in mind, and deciding if this project is still worth it. In the first chart below, we looked at solely the profit and cost of the digester, and wanted to analyze whether that would be a project that, stand alone of the slaughterhouse, could have a financial return. As one can see, with only looking at 7 years, the cumulative cash flow is still increasingly decreasing, which there is an increased debt that one would undergo if the $1.8 million was acquired by a bank which stuck to the national average lending rate of 18%. Project payback period of digester only, assuming free constant waste input Cash Flow Cumulative Period (Solely digester) Interest (18%) Cash flow 0 -1800000 0 -1800000 1 44535 -324000 -2079465 18 2 3 4 5 6 7 44535 44535 44535 44535 44535 44535 -374303.7 -433662.066 -503704.9379 -586355.5267 -683883.2215 -798965.9014 -2409233.7 -2798360.766 -3257530.704 -3799351.231 -4438699.452 -5193130.353 Now assuming that the slaughterhouse and the digester are one entity, as shown below, we compile costs to find out if the extra profit from the slaughterhouse would make this project viable. It seems to be the same case that in fact, as the 7 year trend clearly shows, there is no sign of the cumulative cash flow increasing, meaning that this project, in its current state, is not necessarily feasible to conduct and undergo simply based off of financial data. Project cumulative cash flow assuming slaughterhouse and digester are joined Cash Flow Period (Total Cumulative Facility) Interest (18%) Cash Flow 0 -1800000 0 -1800000 1 97798 -324000 -2026202 2 97798 -364716.36 -2293120.36 3 97798 -412761.6648 -2608084.025 4 97798 -469455.1245 -2979741.149 5 97798 -536353.4069 -3418296.556 6 97798 -615293.3801 -3935791.936 7 97798 -708442.5485 -4546436.485 There are however several potential possibilities that could allow this project to develop and grow into a viable project, thereby creating a digester with a payback period within a reasonable time. Some possibilities include: Government reduction of the 18% interest rate Cheaper than expected local costs Grant funding from non-profit, humanitarian efforts Increased cost to slaughter animal We believe these potentials are possible, and very likely to occur under the circumstances told to us by our Tanzanian contact. With that said, we still believe it is worth the opportunity to proceed with this project, and at the very least, a more in-depth cost-benefit analysis aligning true costs in the very local context. Further recommendations will be listed below. Recommendations It is recommended for the council to move forward with the design and implementation of the anaerobic digester. The environmental benefits of the treatment system are clear and prevalent, 19 minimizing odor, eliminating direct emissions of methane, and protecting the water and surrounding area from contamination. There are many design aspects left incomplete by this feasibility study, and it is understood that the financial implications of this project will drive the decision making of the IPC. A further detailed cost-benefit analysis delivered by a contractor pricing the treatment system would be required prior to the beginning of constructing such a system. Pilot testing would also be needed in order to characterize the waste stream and determine the appropriate residence time, the biogas output per unit of input, as well as the quality of the sludge leaving the digester. Of incredible importance to this project is the electrical output of the biogas and the ability to generate and distribute the energy from the biogas. A working relationship with TENESCO is imperative to understanding the technical and financial implications of such project. The municipality must work with the power company to survey the infrastructure surrounding the slaughterhouse and developing a cost structure for the selling and purchasing of electricity. In regards to the digester system and the accompanying treatment train. Discussions with the contractor in regards to the type of system used will be necessary. A high rate system that requires heating and mechanical mixing may be more cost effective as the digester size is minimized. However heating and mixing have costs and require more skilled operation to prevent upsets. It is recommended that this be explored further. Financially, the numbers as of right now do not leave us with a digester that has a feasible payback period, however with all the positive externalities, and variables that can change the affordability and feasibility of this project, we are undergoing the recommendation regardless. This recommendation looks into the massive impact an investment in such a project can have on the community, and the possible trend it can start with regards to research and implementation in Tanzania and at other slaughterhouses. Overall this is an excellent project and if this type of project with many details to be discussed and worked out, however a project of this type that becomes successful would prove a useful model for dissemination of slaughterhouse waste treatment. 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Not included in the scope of this project is the construction of a new slaughterhouse or the management of the slaughterhouse. 23 Revised Project Definition Problem Statement: The goal of this project is to create a feasibility study that discusses, designs, and analyzes the most economically and environmentally viable way of eliminating solid and liquid waste from the Vingunguti slaughterhouse in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The suggested alternative from the client is an anaerobic digester used to manage waste and produce biogas to be used as both a source of electricity and solid waste to be used as fertilizer. The intention of this feasibility study is not to produce a set of definitive plans, but rather an outline, basic schematic and output data of biogas and biofertilizer that the system will produce. Finally, this study will include a cost/benefit analysis of the project to quantify economic feasibility and payback time to aid the policy makers in Dar es Salaam. This study will use all available and provided data, including current operations descriptions, waste streams, and energy and water requirements. This project must work in respect to social, environmental, financial, and technological aspects. See other group project. Answer, why have other projects worked/more importantly not worked? The scope of this project entails the design, construction, and use of a biogas digester on the property of the slaughterhouse. Further, the management of the biogas will be studied, including both storage and method of power generation. Also, distribution of the digested waste as fertilizer will be discussed. Not included in the scope of this project is the construction of a new slaughterhouse or the management of the slaughterhouse. Questions to be answered What is the slaughterhouse's primary need, waste removal or electricity? What electricity source is currently used by the slaughterhouse? Is the current generator adaptable for use with biogas? (Is a specific generator required?) Will biogas need further refining/compression/treatment after collection? What treatment and to what extent? How will biogas be stored/collected/used? How much biogas can be expected to be created from the given waste stream? How much electricity can this biogas be expected to produce? How will solid bio-fertilizer waste be removed/collected/sold from the slaughterhouse after being digested? What type of fertilizer forms are needed from locals? Where would consumers get their fertilizer if the slaughterhouse did not exist? Is there an opportunity to charge those who slaughter their animals for the waste the slaughterhouse has to remove? How will the solids leaving the reactor be dewatered? How much water is required in the system? How is outgoing water quality effected? Will there be need for further treatment? (high ammonia) 24 What is the existing ducting/piping of the slaughterhouse? What is required for the biogas reactor? What process does the slaughterhouse currently have for moving solids out of the slaughterhouse to where waste is stored? Could there be a way that those who bring animals take away with them as much waste as animals brought What characteristics of waste stream must we understand to design the biogas digester? o Percent solids? o Carbon to nitrogen ratio? o Volatile to inert solids ratio? 25