MDE Mississippi Teacher Center Beginning Teacher Support Training Program: Module 2 Key to Module = Read = Common Questions Asked = Stop and Reflect = Dialogue with New Teacher = Action Steps = Tools to use with Teacher Mentoring Outcomes Module 1 Mentors and New Teachers view module. Module 2 Identify the needs of the New Teacher and offer support tailored to those needs Module 3 Module 2 Supporting The New Teacher A Guide for Working Together a) b) c) d) e) f) g) First Year Teacher Issues and Needs Types of Interaction and Collaboration Activities Phases of First-Year Teaching MS Teaching Standards: Our Commitment M-STAR as a Guide Continuum of New Teacher Growth: Our Journey The Standards and the Continuum New Teachers talk about Induction (Mentoring) A Collaborative Journey View with a purpose: 1. 2. After watching together, discuss the following: How can the Mentor serve as a coach, an observer, an idea generator, a guide? What focus areas are covered between the Mentor and New Teacher? A supportive Mentor can help the New Teacher address these potential needs: Setting up the classroom: physical space, classroom rituals, routines and procedures Planning for the first weeks of school Covering the required curriculum: materials, guides, resources Technology: use, expectations Grading: procedures, format Parent Relations: contact, language, frequency Relieving Stress STEPS you can take together STEP 1: Assess New Teacher Needs [Print out 2A, 2B, 2C for Resources on Step 1] a) Use the Decision Points Checklist to exchange information and generate ideas in planning the mentoring year [Resource 2A] b) Use the Focal Points Checklist to identify concerns and areas of confidence (identifies challenges in areas of Classroom Management, Time Management, Workload, Classroom Instruction, Technology, Standards, Diversity, Motivation, Isolation, Relationships with Parents and Colleagues [Resource 2B] c) Use the New Teacher Needs Assessment Questionnaire to discuss specific areas [Resource 2C] d) Discuss Common Issues your New Teacher will face: Classroom Management Time Management Motivating Students Differentiating Instruction and Support for individual students Assessing Students’ work Relations with Parents Organization of Class Work and Classroom e) Talk about ways of addressing the issues identified after completing the checklists and questionnaire For example: Mentor: “In my experience, I have found….” “I hear you saying that you would like info about…” New Teacher: “In my college training I learned…” “I have a question about…” There are multiple ways to interact with your New Teacher Grade or subject standards and expectations Discussing Curriculum Planning Lesson Creating Classroom Culture Providing Resources Using Technology Modeling a Lesson Observing a Veteran Teacher Together First Year Teacher Observing Mentor Problem Solving Discussing Individual Student Needs Mentor Observing First Year Teacher Pre-Observation Conference Post-Observation Conference Discussing Student Assessment Analyzing Student Work Analyzing Data Reflecting IEP Development Communicating with Parents STEP 2: Examine Phases of New Teaching [Print out 2D-Phases of First Year Teaching and 2E-Phases explained for Resources on Step 2] a) Look at the next 7 frames to learn about the Phases of New Teaching in order to better understand what often occurs during the first year b) Discuss the characteristics of each phase: Describe each phase Consider what the New Teacher might be thinking and saying in each phase Consider how the Mentor can give support in both words and actions for each phase Phases of First Year Teachers Attitudes Toward Teaching Anticipation Anticipation Reflection Survival Rejuvenation Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Disillusionment Anticipation Phase New Teacher may: Feel excited, but anxious Be ready to conquer the world Mentor Support: Encourage Build confidence by noticing specifics Offer help and positive advice Survival Phase New Teacher may: Question—Can I really do this? Operate one day or one activity to the next Feel frustration Feel like giving up Mentor Support: Address specific questions/needs Work on one thing at a time Offer any assistance needed Surprise with encouraging notes or care packages (Chocolate always helps!) Disillusionment Phase New Teacher may: Question decision to invest in becoming a teacher Doubt ability to do things right Struggle with classroom management Feel overwhelmed with work and papers Mentor Support: Build time for discussion into your meetings Focus on reflection, successes, achievements Offer to assist in specific areas Offer to take class during your planning period to give new teacher time to work on a task or observe another teacher Rejuvenation Phase New Teacher may: Begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel Express that self-confidence is rising Feel a sense of relief at being half way through the year Mentor Support: Focus on programs and teaching strategies Introduce/try something new together Reflect on teaching practices to begin to sort those that work and those that need adjustment Reflection Phase New Teacher may: Express relief and a sense of satisfaction Look back on the year Plan ahead for next year Feel a sense of pride and accomplishment Mentor Support: Give specific assistance when requested Notice accomplishments Talk about plans for next year Reflect upon what worked and what could be changed New Anticipation Phase New Teacher may: Articulate a vision of what the next year will look like Express feelings of excitement Offer ideas for new year Mentor Support: Collaborate on plans for new year Co-plan Celebrate! Reflection time [Can be repeated periodically during the year] As New Teacher, what are you feeling (which phase?) and in what areas do you feel you need support? As Mentor, how can you best support your New Teacher after discussing the areas of need and the phases? STEP 3: Examine the MS Teaching Standards [Print out 2F and 2G for resources on Step 3] a) Look at the MS Teaching Standards (10 Principles) on the next frame. b) Talk with your New Teacher about these Standards. c) Discuss what these Standards look like, feel like and sound like. d) Emphasize that the Standards provide a guide for best practices for all teachers in Mississippi and help prepare teachers for the M-STAR. Makes subject matter meaningful Understands development Understands diversity Communicates effectively Plans effective instruction Assesses continuously Reflects continuously Understands teaching strategies Creates effective LEARNING ENVIRONMENT MS TEACHING STANDARDS Relates to home, school, community STEP 4: Review the M-STAR a) Share a copy of the M-STAR Brochure to discuss the 5 Domain areas, the 20 Standards and the Evaluation Methods [Print out 2H as a Resource for Step 4] b) View MDE Introduction to Domains c) Working with your New Teacher, dissect each Domain. What are the essential components under each? What Standards are covered under each Domain? Determine a focus area to scaffold and support. From your experiences, share what helped you to succeed with specific aspects of the M-STAR. M-Star: Mississippi Statewide Teacher Appraisal Rubric Domain I: Planning Content Knowledge, Pedagogy, Diversity, CCSS Domain II: Assessment Data Collection, Data-informed Instruction, Student Feedback Domain III: Instruction Content Knowledge, Student Engagement, Multiple Delivery Strategies, Communication Domain IV: Learning Environment Manages Space and Resources, Positive Climate, Culture of High Expectations, Culture of Productive Learning for All Domain V: Professional Responsibilities Continuous Professional Development, MS Code of Ethics, Communication, Part of Professional Learning Community d) Point out that it is helpful to begin gathering artifacts for Domains I, II and V Helpful Hints: + Talk over keeping a record of all professional development experiences and PLC meetings + Review the MS Code of Ethics under Domain V e) Share strategies and ideas for Domains III and IV, which are assessed through observation and conferences with the administrator Helpful Hints: + Set up time to reciprocate with visits to your new teacher’s classroom and times for your new teacher to see you in action for best practices in content, teaching strategies and learning environment + This is an opportunity to script what you hear and see in non-judgmental visits to enrich what happens, what works, and what can be improved f) Suggest the new teacher take the M-STAR Teacher Self-Assessment to get familiar with what is expected and being assessed by administrators [Resource 2i] Helpful Hint: This instrument provides a structure for meaningful discussion and guidance. STEP 5: Explore the Continuum of New Teacher Development a) As the New Teacher develops from a Beginning Teacher (requiring ongoing assistance), to an Emerging one (more self-directed with some support), to Applying (teaching independently), Integrating (moving beyond the classroom and into leadership) and, finally, Innovating Educator (contributing to the broader education community, staff development, classroom-based research), use the Continuum periodically to discuss areas of professional strengths and challenges on the journey to autonomy and accountability Continuum of Teacher Development: Beginning Emerging Applying Integrating Innovating A level of professional development in which the teacher relies on ongoing assistance from more experienced colleagues for support, guidance, and survival, and is trying to internalize and apply what she or he has learned about teaching A level of development in which the teacher still relies on more experienced colleagues for support but is moving toward becoming more self-directed and independent in her or his practice A level of development in which the teacher is able to teach independently, internalizes and easily applies what she or he has learned about teaching. A level of development in which the teacher is fully skilled, confident, and able to integrate complex elements of instruction, curriculum, and professional development into that practice. The integrating teacher moves beyond the classroom in her or his teaching, collegial relationships, and professional growth activities and is often a leader among peers A level of development in which the teacher is consistently innovating and creating in all areas of teaching and professional development. A leader in school, district, and local community, the innovating teacher contributes to the broader education community through staff development, classroom-based research, and articles in professional journals Discuss where your new teacher is in specific components of the journey. For example, where in technology use? subject content? time management? b) The Continuum for New Teacher Development provides a structure when measuring growth with the MS Teaching Standards [Print out 2J—Continuum of Teacher Development and 2K—Continuum and MS Teaching Standards Matrix] + Using 2J, discuss how you and your New Teacher are on a professional journey and may be at different places on the Continuum with various skills and areas of expertise + Using 2K, look at the MS Teaching Standards and where your New Teacher is on the Continuum to help establish a focus for growth STEP 6: Regularly Interact to Scaffold, Support, Brainstorm, Co-plan, and Celebrate a) Review the kinds of interactions between New Teacher and Mentor to determine collaboratively –and record on a weekly basis—how you and your new teacher engage in the various types of interaction [Print 2L for a sample Collaboration Log] b) Communicate and brainstorm your best and most positive strategies and problem-solving skills, and listen to and learn from ideas your New Teacher is using c) Share the ABC’s for First Year Teachers [Print out 2M for the ABC’s] An Opportunity to Interact and Collaborate with your New Teacher View together with a purpose: What practices do students discuss? What practices do the teachers explain help students learn? What do you notice about the learning environments? What practices do you currently use or would consider using in the future? Best Practice: What Students and Teachers Think Congratulations! You have completed Module 2 that has provided the following guidelines: Steps for working with your New Teacher Checklists to identify areas your New Teacher may find challenging What New Teachers say about Mentoring The Phases of First Year Teaching and ways the Mentor can support New Teachers The MS Teaching Standards M-STAR as a Guide The Continuum of New Teacher Development Types of Interaction with your New Teacher Module 3 offers additional resources to expand and enhance your experience with New Teachers as colleagues. RESOURCES/TOOLS FOR MODULE 2 For Step 1 2A-Decision Points Checklist 2B- Focal Points Checklist 2C-New Teacher Needs Assessment Questionnaire For Step 2 2D- Phases of First Year Teaching 2E- Phases Explained For Step 3 2F-Mississippi Teaching Standards 2G-Standards Explained For Step 4 2H-MSTAR Brochure 2i-Teacher Self Assessment for MSTAR For Step 5 2J-Continuum of Teacher Development 2K-Continuum and MS Teaching Standards Matrix For Step 6 2L- Sample Collaboration Log 2M- ABCs for New Teachers