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Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Associação Brasileira de Estudos Irlandeses (ABEI)
Book of Abstracts
"Transnational Irelands: A Network of Narratives"
19, 20 and 21 August, 2015
VENUE: Facultad de Lenguas
Avda. Vélez Sarsfield 187
Academic Committee:
Dra. Munira H. Mutran
Dr. Miguel Montezanti
Dr. Rolando Costa Picazo
Organising Committee:
Cristina Elgue Martini, Ph.D. - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Laura Izarra, Ph. D. - Universidad de São Paulo, Brasil
María Graciela Eliggi, M.A. - Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
María Cris na Dalmagro, Ph. D. - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Nadia Der-Ohannesian, Ph.D. - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Mirian Carballo, Ph.D. - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
María Elena Aguirre, M.A - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Sandra Fadda, M.A - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Graciela Rezzónico, Prof. - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Alejandra Portela, M.A - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Academic Peer-Review Committee:
Cristina Elgue-Martini, Ph.D. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Rosalie R. Haddad, Ph.D. & ABEI Vice-Chair
Laura P.Z. Izarra , Ph.D. - Universidade de São Paulo & ABEI Chair
Nadia Der-Ohannesian, Ph.D. - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Local Collaborators:
Diana González del Pino, Prof.
Ma. Eugenia Saldubehere, Lic.
Sponsored by:
CIFAL- Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Lenguas
Transnational Irelands: a network of narratives
Defined broadly by Steven Vertovec as "multiple ties and interactions linking
people or institutions across the borders of nation-states" when "certain
kinds of relationships have been globally intensified and now take place
paradoxically in a planet-spanning arena of activity" ("Conceiving and
Researching Transnationalism", 1999), transnationalism is part of the
process of globalization.
The general theme of the symposium, "Narratives in Transnational Irelands"
focuses in the interactions and transformations caused not only by geographical
border crossings inside and outside Ireland, but also by "boundary crossings
into different disciplines, cultures and ways of knowing" (Bohm, On Creativity,
The X Symposium on Irish Studies in South America aims at promoting
transnational studies to reflect upon asymmetric networks that transmit social,
economic and cultural capital, and at developing transcultural revisions of
postcolonial models and position identities in the relations between Ireland and
other countries.
Literature from various fields of knowledge questions the experiences of
crossings or transgressing borders (real or imagined) and investigates the
complexity of psychological landscapes of belonging, and of cultural and
political allegiances. In this context, translation and cultural reproductions
become part of a new global media map.
Proposals for participation in specific panels or for individual papers and
posters could involve multi-faceted influences that comprise contemporary
transnational experiences and studies, such as cultural translation; literary
encounters; interaction of communities; capital flows and trade; citizenship;
social movements and networks; migration and family histories; identities;
cultural diasporas
Paz ou Guerra: Como os jornais brasileiros veem o processo
de Paz na Irlanda do Norte
Maria Clara de Lima Mendes
O presente artigo apresenta uma análise de enquadramento jornalístico sobre os
15 anos do Acordo de Belfast. A data emblemática, celebrada em abril de 2013,
chamou a atenção da mídia brasileira sobre o processo de Paz na Irlanda do
Norte, sendo o tema usado como material para artigos na versão online do jornal O
Globo e no site Opera Mundi. As duas publicações, porém, deram uma versão
antagónica para o que seria uma resposta a questão central do Tratado de Paz na
Irlanda do Norte: O processo de paz está sendo contemplado? Usando a Teoria de
Enquadramento do sociólogo Erving Goffman, este trabalho tem como objetivo
construir uma reflexão sobre como a mídia brasileira, representada por esses dois
canais de informação online, se posicionou em relação aos resultados do processo
de paz norteirlandês. Nesta análise de enquadramento, foram considerados
elementos textuais, imagens e fontes jornalísticas, optando-se pelo método de
Análise de Conteúdo. Desse modo, foram identificados os critérios de informação
para a cobertura jornalística do fato, assim como as escolhas da linguagem textual
e visual, sob a perspectiva das teorias da comunicação e do enquadramento.
Fragmentación y producción simbólica del espacio urbano: los
muros de Belfast1
María Cristina Nin
Stella Maris Shmite
Instituto de Geografía
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, UNLPam
Los muros de Belfast constituyen una manifestación del conflicto aún presente en
Irlanda. La fragmentación de la ciudad expresa la larga historia de tensiones y sus
marcas están en el paisaje urbano. Al mismo tiempo que estos muros se
convierten en atractivo turístico para los visitantes extranjeros, algunos habitantes
locales los consideran necesarios para sostener la seguridad, y por su parte, las
generaciones más jóvenes, que han crecido con ellos, los consideran algo natural
en su vida cotidiana. La enseñanza de problemas sociales relevantes se constituye
en uno de los desafíos educativos del presente siglo. Con la intención de estimular
el desarrollo de valores tales como la participación, el respeto, la comprensión y
práctica de la pluralidad, la geografía como ciencia social, tiene la responsabilidad
Esta ponencia es un avance del Proyecto de Investigación “La enseñanza de la Geografía: aportes
teóricos, currículum, prácticas, sujetos”. Se desarrolla en el marco del Programa de Investigación
“Contextos territoriales contemporáneos: abordajes desde la Geografía” Aprobado por Resolución N°
093-14 - CD - FCH – UNLPam.
de contribuir a través de su enseñanza a ayudar a pensar la realidad, comprender
e interpretar la complejidad de diferentes problemáticas socio- territoriales. Resulta
de interés estimular la mirada desde la perspectiva geográfica, valorando los
contextos con el propósito de dar cuenta de las subjetividades individuales y
colectivas que se manifiestan en ellos. Las imágenes de los muros de Belfast son
recursos didácticos que permiten enseñar a través de una mirada crítica, con el
propósito de alcanzar un conocimiento geográfico relevante. Es la geografía
cultural la que nos brinda la oportunidad para pensar y comprender (nos) como
sociedades complejas y multidimensionales. En esta ponencia se realizará un
abordaje teórico desde la geografía cultural con el propósito de interpretar, a partir
de imágenes, la fragmentación urbana de la ciudad de Belfast.
Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann: A healed trauma?
Maria do Rosário Casas Coelho
The present dissertation is concerned with the representations of trauma in
LTGWS. As someone who lives in New York and was there on 9/11, McCann was
deeply touched by the solidarity and love demonstrations, given by anonymous
people, in the aftermath of the attacks. He declared that it is not possible to say that
9/11 had more influence in the arts than the “Troubles' in Northern Ireland1, and no
matter what he writes about, he is talking about Ireland. The question posed by this
work is: does Colum McCann manage to find healing for the cultural trauma of 9/11
through the representation of different kinds of humanity's traumas? McCann
proposes empathy and solidarity as solutions for humanity's traumas such as: war,
migration, the loss of a close family member, prostitution, poverty, racism, and
religious differences. Are they enough? The author portrays these social dramas
drawing a parallel between Irish and American societies. I investigate the Irish
trauma of migration and its consequences for the families who had their children
gone and for women who during long periods in Irish history emigrated in higher
number than men to find a job and help their families. It interests me to know how
the author connects Ireland to the United States in the context of trauma. The
concepts of trauma, collective and cultural used in this work are of Piotr Sztompka;
traumatic memory of Dominick LaCapra; and the relevance of context in trauma
analyses of Alan Gibbs.
Claire Keegan’s “The Parting Gift” and the Irish Illusion of Exile
Eugenia Flores de Molinillo
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNT
In her short story “The Parting Gift” the Irish writer Claire Keegan characterizes her
protagonist as a victim of the ignorance and squalor of her parents’ home and
makes her want to leave all that behind by migrating to the U.S. This breaking away
with her Irish roots brings to mind the image of James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist
as a Young Man, even though this young woman does not verbalize nor does she
intellectualize her decision. Another unmentioned great Irish writer is alluded to
through the brief mention of an idea which appears in William Butler Yeats’ “Among
Schoolchildren”: the relationship tween the dancer and the dance, an image that
had been unable to explain successfully in a test, thus failing the exam and her
chance to graduate. Somehow, the subtle allusions to those two great writers
inform the conflict that the protagonist of “The Parting Gift” is going through,
emphasizing the idea of “exile” as a recurrent motif in Irish literature.
La naturaleza en los cuentos cortos de Claire Keegan
Renata A. I. Yanzon Sarry
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
Este trabajo se propone realizar una lectura eco-critica de algunos de los cuentos
cortos de la autora irlandesa Claire Keegan. Dichos relatos serán tomados
fundamentalmente de la colección Walk the Blue Fields (2007): The Parting Gift;
Walk the Blue Fields; Dark Horses; The Forester's Daughter; Close to the Water's
Edge; Surrender; Night of the Quicken Trees y también se incluirá el relato breve
publicado en forma independiente Foster (2010). En el mismo se analizara la
relación de los personajes principales con la naturaleza considerándolos a ambos
como partes de lo que el nuevo materialismo considera “sistemas físicos
dinámicos”. Partiendo de una conceptualización de los fenómenos materiales
como sistemas abiertos con límites porosos se explorará la interacción de los
personajes con lo natural, entre sí y consigo mismos.
Hemingway’s theory of omission in Foster by Claire Keegan
Alejandra Portela
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
In 1932, in Death in the afternoon, the American writer Ernest Hemingway stated
that “The dignity of an ice-berg is due to only one-eigth of it being above water”,
when referring to his well-known theory of omission.This implies knowing how to
get the most from the least, how to prune language and avoid waste motion, how to
multiply intensities, and how to tell nothing but the truth in a way that allowed for
telling more than the truth. What Hemingway meant is, thus, that in fiction, the
omitted part should strengthen the story. In 2010, the Irish writer claire Keegan
publishes her “long short story”, Foster, in which he shows her mastery of
Hemingway’s theory of the iceberg. The aim of this paper is, then to show how
Keegan, following Hemingway, allows her readers to explore the mystery of what is
not said in the text.
Irlanda en Borges
María Elena Aguirre
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
En su ensayo “El escritor argentino y la tradición” Jorge Luis Borges afirma “creo
que nuestra tradición es toda la cultura occidental, y creo también que tenemos
derecho a esta tradición...Creo que los argentinos, los sudamericanos en general,
podemos manejar todos los temas europeos.” Borges fue un escritor
profundamente argentino, y profundamente universal. Su obra es un río caudaloso
donde confluyen muchas vertientes generosas. Irlanda y los irlandeses no están
ausentes en ella. Puntualmente, en este trabajo analizo tres cuentos borgeanos
relacionados a Irlanda, en los cuales se da lo local unido a las verdades
universales, a lo humano en general. En “La forma de la espada” Borges nos
sumerge en una de las ciudades de Connaught en el año 1922, en la época de la
conspiración por la independencia de Irlanda; el cuento alude a la historia local,
pero también a la traición, ese negro comportamiento humano. En el cuento
“Tema del traidor y del héroe” nos habla de un conspirador irlandés del siglo
diecinueve (personaje ficticio) Fergus Kilpatrick, quien siendo un héroe también fue
un traidor. Pero su bisnieto, al escribir su biografía, resuelve presentarlo solo como
un héroe, para no perjudicar a la patria. Vemos nuevamente como Borges se
concentra en un asunto irlandés, pero también está presentando en el cuento la
falacia de los mitos, las fallas voluntarias en la narración de los acontecimientos
pasados. En “El espejo y la máscara” Borges nos habla del “Alto Rey” de Irlanda y
de cuando el soberano le solicitó al poeta de la Corte que escribiera una oda
inmortalizando la victoria que habían obtenido sobre los noruegos en la batalla de
Clontarf; a la vez, en el mismo cuento, Borges nos hace reflexionar sobre el
problema de los límites del lenguaje.
Puentes entre naciones: La narrativa transnacional en Brooklyn
(2009) de Colm Tólbín
Renata A. I. Yanzon Sarry
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
En el marco de las narrativas en las Irlandas transnacionales este trabajo se
propone explorar la construcción de la identidad del personaje principal de la
novela Brooklyn (2009) del autor Colm Toibin. Si bien el aspecto fundamental de
dicha construcción se realizará en base a las interacciones y transformaciones
originadas por el cruce geográfico de fronteras, ya que la protagonista emigra de
Irlanda hacia Estados Unidos ante una oferta laboral, también se analizará cómo
tanto el traspaso de los límites entre culturas y el traspaso de los límites sociales
dentro de la comunidad de origen contribuyen significativamente en este proceso.
Revisiting the Past: The portrayal of the historical figure Eliza
Lynch in The Pleasure of Eliza Lynch by Anne Enright
Caroline Moreira Eufrausino
In the mid-nineteenth century, Ireland was dramatically affected by the so-called
Great Famine which killed about a million people and forced more than a million to
emigrate from the island. This migration is known as the Irish diaspora and
numerous literary narratives were produced as a way to witness the historic
moment. It is relevant to highlight that Irish women emigrated in equal number as
men, however, only in the mid-twentieth century diasporic narratives the
perspective of women began to be published and, even then, they never produced
the same impact since women are usually relegated to the role of co-star of the
Irish diaspora (Izarra 2010). The novel reviewed here, The Pleasure of Eliza Lynch,
was written by the contemporary Irish writer, Anne Enright and published in 2002.
The novel is set during the Great Famine and tells the story of Eliza Lynch, the Irish
woman who married the Paraguayan dictator Solano Lopez during the Paraguayan
War. Understanding the complexity of the historical character, this paper aims to
analyze the use of different literary elements and discursive strategies as a form of
representation of this woman during the Irish diaspora in South America.
Irlandas: historias transnacionales; problemas interculturales
Dirección del panel
Sandra Fadda
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
Malena Dragotto
Macarena Pierrot
Claudio Perrotti
Consuelo Jofré
Susana Cervi
Victoria Barrera
Antuel D'Adam
Luisina Fenoglio
Leonardo Ebel
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
Este panel propone un recorrido histórico por las Irlandas –Irlanda del Norte y
la República de Irlanda- y su relación con Gran Bretaña. Según Debraggio
(2010), es imposible comprender los desarrollos actuales de las Irlandas si no
se explora el contexto y los antecedentes de los numerosos conflictos que
enfrentaron a Irlanda y Gran Bretaña primero; y a Irlanda del Norte, la
República de Irlanda y Gran Bretaña con posterioridad. Se explorará, por lo
tanto, la historia de dichos conflictos desde los aspectos transnacionales más
importantes que han conformado la(s) cultura(s) de la isla: político, económico,
religioso y artístico. Se tratará de explicar las características principales de los
conflictos en las áreas mencionadas, las razones que dieron origen a los
mismos y los diversos intentos de solucionarlos por parte de los actores
involucrados. El período estudiado comprende entre la llegada de los Celtas
(entre los siglos 7 y 3 AC) y la década de 1960 (TheTroubles) ya que, como
afirma Debraggio (2010), si bien las divisiones se manifestaron hace siglos, se
han mantenido arraigadas en la sociedad (nor)irlandesa durante gran parte de
su historia. Sin embargo, esa misma historia nos muestra que los irlandeses
han podido reconocer la diversidad en el sentido que la conceptualizan Nash
(2001) y Aguado Odina (2009): no como el enfrentamiento con la diferencia
sino como la percepción de la complejidad, aceptándola como un desafío para
el desarrollo tanto individual como conjunto, y una oportunidad en el camino
hacia el logro de acuerdos interculturales.
Irish English: A Legacy of English Colonization
Mgtr. M. Dolores Trebucq
Prof. Emilse García Ferreyra
Prof. Silvina Strieder
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
One of the most striking results of the English colonization was the emergence of
varieties of English that are widely spoken today in countries where English was
not the native tongue. This work focuses on Irish English as the main language
spoken in Ireland even though Gaelic, and not English, is the native tongue of the
Irish people. The aim of this study is to focus on the main features of Irish English
and to establish relationships between such linguistic characteristics and the sociocultural, historical, and religious context of Ireland. Following the tenets of historical
linguistics, we identify the most representative lexical, grammatical and
phonological features of Irish English and analyse the historical circumstances in
which they entered the English language. Our findings seem to indicate that the
linguistic features studied reveal a long-lasting complex language-contact situation
experienced by the English and the Gaelic people in Ireland. As members of the
History of the English Language chair in the School of Languages of the National
University of Cordoba, we hope our results could increase our students’ awareness
of the importance of the particular features of each variety of English as tokens of
the history and development of the life of its speakers.
Irish immigrants to Argentina: a critical linguistics analysis of
diasporic identities in Tréboles del Sur by J.J. Delaney
Graciela Obert
Miriam Patricia Germani
Argentina is home to South America’s largest Irish community. The Irish
immigrants, who have retained a strong cultural identity, eventually integrated with
Argentines. Experienced in agriculture and farming, they came in search of better
living conditions and lured by the dream of becoming landowners. Tréboles del Sur,
a collection of short stories by Irish-Argentinean writer Juan José Delaney, narrates
the life of Irish immigrants and their descendants, covering a period that extends
from the 1870’s for more than a hundred years. These narratives portray characters
whose identities are marked by the interaction between their Irish roots and the
Argentinean context they are immersed in. In this paper we analyze a selection of
these stories following Labov’s narrative schema, in which both a structural and a
functional dimension can be identified. The structural dimension meets the demand
of a sequence of events that build up the narrative, while the functional dimension
is realized by the evaluative material, which makes the story worth reading. We
intend to unveil the linguistic tools used by the author to construct narratives which
show the life experiences emerged at the crossing of geographical and cultural
Translating life in the Pampas
Mariano Galazzi
Universidad Austral
The Irish Diaspora of the 19th century headed mainly towards English-speaking
lands: Britain, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. Those who came to
Argentina represent the largest group that moved to a country with a different
language. In the Rio de la Plata, many Irish immigrants were engaged in
agricultural tasks that were similar to those performed in their land of origin, but
they had to face a different geography, and new systems of labour relations and
access to land ownership. Also, most of them shared the religion with the
inhabitants, but they had little else in common with the natives: their customs and
attitudes towards life were very different. Language was another difference, and it
became an important barrier in their relationship with the local population. On the
one hand, it was a defensive barrier: the use of English was in some way a part of
their identity and, consequently, marked their belonging to the Irish community. But
language also meant an additional difficulty in the process of integration into their
new country. In this context, we will present some linguistic bridges that the Irish
built in their relationship with the local society and its language. Although they were
reflected in authors like William Bulfin or Kathleen Nevin, we will discuss examples
of non-literary texts of the 19th century that show translation and other related
language strategies.
Deconstruyendo la horda vikinga
Hacia una desmitificación de complejos culturales en Vikings
(History Channel, 2013- )
Ariel Gómez Ponce
CONICET, Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
Nos cuenta la historia que la antigua Irlanda, aún conformada por clanes, sufrió
progresivos saqueos de los vikingos que, asentándose asiduamente durante los
periodos invernales, terminaron por influenciar su cultura. Relatos como aquellos
registrados en el texto medieval Gogad Gáedel re Gallaib (La guerra de los
irlandeses contra los extranjeros) nos refractan ataques de un pueblo nómade que,
en palabras de Borges, carecía de una “conciencia de raza”. A través de esta
construcción mítica, la “horda pagana” vikinga se ha representado como un
devenir-manada que, configurando estereotipos, fundamenta aquello que la
semiótica ha llamado “complejos culturales”: una operación que solapa
mecanismos de lectura del Otro. Sin embargo, en este trabajo, creemos que, en la
actualidad, los vikingos se ubican en un plano de desmitificación que deconstruye
este “entendimiento animal” diacrónicamente determinado. A partir de una labor
exploratoria por la historia irlandesa y en su transposición a textualidades
contemporáneas, la semiótica-cultural nos ofrece un método que revela la
invariante normal de la estructura cultural que se configura a través de un efecto
retórico discutido por nuevas coordenadas sociohistóricas. Al ubicar nuestra
atención en textualidades actuales como la serie Vikings (2013- ) y en su relectura
del mítico Ragnarr Loðbrók e Ivar el Deshuesado (conquistadores vikingos de las
tierras irlandesas), podemos observar cómo la cultura con el objeto de ofrecer otra
variante de lectura en la memoria cultural viene a cuestionar, en términos de Iuri
Lotman, aquellas “leyendas creadas por el hombre” circunscriptas a una presunta
naturaleza animal.
El Acuerdo de Belfast y los poderes compartidos: Irlandas hoy
Dirección del panel
Sandra Fadda
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
María Fernanda Gutiérrez
Gabriela López
Diana González del Pino
Sandra Fadda
Graciela Rezzónico
Ma. Eugenia Saldubehere
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
Este panel propone una mirada crítica a la situación actual de las Irlandas a
partir de la firma del Acuerdo de Belfast (1998). Para Debraggio (2010) este
tratado fue la culminación de décadas de negociaciones frustradas. El panel
explorará el contexto inmediato que posibilitó la firma del acuerdo y su enfoque
tripartito. Fue dicho enfoque el que dio lugar a una solución al conflicto basada
en la cooperación intercultural en el poder, ahora compartido en la Asamblea
de Irlanda del Norte; y la cooperación transnacional entre Irlanda del Norte y la
República de Irlanda, y entre las Irlandas y Gran Bretaña. Si bien el respaldo de
la comunidad internacional al proceso de pacificación fue fundamental,
Galvache (2007) y Cruset (2011) destacan el papel de la Administración Clinton
como clave para la rúbrica del acuerdo. Además, como puntualizan Imbornoni
(2007) y Smyth (2005), Patrick Ahern –Primer Ministro de la República de
Irlanda-tuvo un rol decisivo, ya que patrocinó activamente el fin de la violencia
por parte los grupos paramilitares y respaldó la concesión de la República de
enmendar su constitución, reconsiderando así su histórico reclamo sobre
Irlanda del Norte. El período estudiado comprende entre The Troubles y las
últimas elecciones a la Asamblea norirlandesa (2011). El análisis se centrará
en el impacto que el Acuerdo y sus circunstancias tuvieron al brindar una
solución transnacional e intercultural al conflicto. Compartimos con Jackson
(2010) que la tolerancia mutua y la equidad, otrora sólo parte del discurso,
parece, a partir de estos acontecimientos, tornarse realidad.
Strindberg goes Irish: Conor McPherson’s version of The
Dance of Death
Roberto Ferreira da Rocha
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
English-speaking playwrights of different nationalities have been rewriting the
works of the three pillars of modern drama: Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), August
Strindberg (1849-1912) and Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) throughout the twentieth
and twenty-first centuries. Brian Friel (1929- ) has adapted Chekhov’s The Three
Sisters (1981) and Uncle Vanya (1998) as well as Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler (2008).
David Mamet (1947- ) has also rewritten Uncle Vanya (1988) and The Three
Sisters (1990). In 1951, Arthur Miller (1915-2005) published his adaptation of
Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People. And among the many unpublished texts
Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) left after his death, one has called the attention of
critics, scholars, and directors, Trigorin’s Notebook, his own very personal view of
Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull. Strindberg is surely the most controversial of the
three. His best-known plays – The Father, Miss Julie and The Dance of Death – not
only shocked their original audiences, but also still baffle contemporary
theatregoers. In 2012, Conor McPherson, one of the most successful Irish
playwrights of today, launched his version of The Dance of Death. The aim of this
paper is to figure out McPherson’s personal interpretation of this seminal work of
modern drama, as well as trying to understand why he calls his text a “version” and
not a “translation” of Strindberg’s play.
Joyce, the (un)sophisticated writer: translating patterns of
repetition in Dubliners
Vitor Alevato do Amaral
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
William Butler Yeats Chair of Irish Studies - USP
The aim of this paper is to comment on different translations of James Joyce’s
Dubliners into Portuguese by focusing on a particularly important figure of speech
used by Joyce in his narratives: repetition. Extensively applied by Joyce,
sometimes repetition is used in an apparently unsophisticated – or unliterary –
fashion. Other times, it creates exquisite lyrical moments, as when it gains the form
of epanodos. The fact is that Joyce’s patterns of repetition in Dubliners, as a
powerful rhetorical device, produce different stylistic effects, such as building
specific atmospheres or investing characters with peculiar characteristics. But how
have these instances of repetition been translated into different languages? How
much attention have translators drawn to this aspect of Joycean writing? These are
some of the questions the present study intends to address through the accurate
analysis of examples from the translations performed by José Roberto O’Shea
(Portuguese), Jacques Aubert and Benoît Tadié (French), vis à vis some new
possibilities of rendering Joyce’s text supplied by the Author of this paper. The
scope of the analysis embraces the following stories: “Eveline”, “Two Gallants”, and
“The Dead”. In respect to theory, this study is especially indebted to The Language
of James Joyce (1992), by Katie Wales.
No Escape/ Sem Saída:
The translation of documentary drama and translation ethics
Alinne Fernandes
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
In this paper, I will discuss the ethical issues involved in both translating and
producing No Escape in Brazil, titled Sem Saída in my translation into Brazilian
Portuguese. No Escape is a documentary play that premiered at the Abbey Theatre
as part of the series “The Darkest Corner” in 2010. The series, commissioned for
the 2010 Dublin Theatre Festival, included performances of three plays about
institutionalized violence against children at industrial schools and reformatories in
Ireland. These institutions had been under the responsibility of the Catholic Church
for over one hundred years, from the second half of the 19th century until the end
of the 20th century. No Escape is a six-act play that provides accounts of both men
and women who have suffered and witnessed psychological, physical, and sexual
abuse perpetrated by priests, nuns, and other employees linked to the institutions
where the victims lived as children. In this paper, I wish to compare the ethics
involved in the translation of docu-drama, more specifically its tribunal subgenre, to
the work of court interpreters. Hand in hand with the ethics involved in this type of
translation, one should take into account the materiality of performance (Knowles,
2004), which directly affects the translation vis-à-vis the historical-cultural
specificities of the play. In the specific case of Sem Saída, the translation will be
performed as part of the Brazilian theatre company Cia Ludens’ 4th Ciclo de
Leituras, which will take place in São Paulo from October to November 2015.
Bernard Shaw in translation: the journey of his work as critic
seen from a multi-dimensional perspective
María Graciela Eliggi
María Elena Pérez Bustillo
Bernard Shaw’s figure, together with those of W. B. Yeats, O. Wilde and G. Moore,
is a typical example of what is known as the Irish Renaissance of the turn of the
XIX century. Shaw was not only a well-known playwright and essayist but also a
controversial literary critic who wrote for the Saturday Review, trying to raise
awareness of the weaknesses of the Victorian theatre of his time, calling it
melodramatic, prejudiced and full of hypocritical ideas proper of the English
bourgeois mentality.This paper, however, does not focus on Shaw’s style and work
as playwright but addresses the transnational process or ‘journey’ of his work as
theatre critic in its translation to Spanish, mediated by the comments of Rosalie
Rahal Hadad, author of the book Shaw O Crítico (2009), written in Portuguese. The
presenters, belonging to two different times and traditions in what refers to
translation studies and practices, attempt to describe the complexities of revising
the translated text and negotiating meanings.
Shaping Memory in Reading in the Dark and The Book Thief
Griselda Gugliara
While social and economic modernization disrupted traditional forms of community
and lent a new urgency to the transmission of memories, the birth of the cinema
and other mass cultural technologies produced an unprecedented circulation of
images and narratives about the past, making possible a portable and nonessentialist form of memory. In this context, it became increasingly possible to take
on memories of events through which one did not live, memories that, despite their
mediated quality, had the capacity to transform one’s subjectivity, politics, and
ethical engagements. With the massive dissemination of the film industry, the
circulation of past narratives increased enormously enabling viewers create the
formation of a memory of an event that was not lived in the traditional sense, and
might not be acquired in any natural hereditary or voluntary way. Avishai Margalit
(2002) speaks about an ethics of memory in “thin interpersonal relations,” backed
by the attribute of being humans and regulated by morality. Alison Landsberg
(2004) refers to “prosthetic memories” derived from engagement with a mediated
representation that makes them widely available to people from diverse
backgrounds, and precludes them from being the private property of a particular
group. Not only Margalit´s but also Landsberg´s perspective postulate memories
that might help to condition how a person thinks about the world and might be
instrumental in articulating an ethical relation to the other, or in advancing
egalitarian social values. This paper intends to explore and explain how those
theoretical views function in Seamus Deane´s Reading in the Dark (1996), and the
2013-filming version of Markus Zusak ´s The Book Thief (2005) to shape a
particular, more critical vision of the world.
Roger Casement, memory and trauma in The Fox’s Walk, by
Annabel Davis-Goff
Mariana Bolfarine
The Fox’s Walk (2004), by the Irish born writer Annabel Davis-Goff, is a novel
narrated in the first person by Alice Moore, who at the age of 59 recalls the events
leading up to the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland. Alice’s childhood memories are
triggered by the reburial of the Irish revolutionary Roger Casement in Glasnevin
Cemetery in Dublin, 50 years after his death for high treason in London. Based on
Pierre Nora’s theory of memory and in Liam Harte’s writings on the contemporary
Irish novel, the aim of this paper is to discuss the way in which, after the execution
of Roger Casement, Alice Moore, as a member of the Anglo-Irish landowning class,
came to occupy an “in-between” space: neither alongside British forces nor
alongside the Irish nationalists; both are seen as a threat, not only to their lives with
the burning of the Big Houses, but also to the dominance of the Anglo-Irish that had
lasted 300 years.
Representaciones de la ciudad y relatos “dublineses”...
¿Vehículos narrativos de un intercambio desigual?
Susana Peñalva
Que la ciudad pueda ser interpretada como objeto significante, recurriendo a los
conceptos e instrumentos de la semiología y las ciencias del lenguaje, no resuelve
la dificultad de caracterizarla en su dinámica social y lingüística circunscribiéndola
y asimilándola –por analogía– a la materialidad legible de un texto2. Si en diversas
épocas y lugares la ciudad ha representado para muchos un “sueño despierto”, es
tal vez que la misma ha sido siempre objeto de discurso y materia de relato, a
menudo reificado en el espacio urbano. Lo urbano es una historia reificada, pero
también una historia incorporada, ya que los habitantes urbanos son el producto de
la interiorización de experiencias sociales generadoras de sentido y de
disposiciones duraderas. Respondiendo a la convocatoria del Simposio que busca
promover una reflexión sobre las redes asimétricas mediante las cuales se efectúa
la transmisión del capital social, económico y cultural en clave transnacional, esta
ponencia propone revisitar e ilustrar parte de las premisas del programa “Las
Que lo urbano pueda ser considerado desde un punto de vista semiológico como “lo que emana de esa ‘sustancia’ física y humana
estructurada ‘como’ un lenguaje (...) no quiere decir que lo sea exactamente”. S. Ostrowetsky, « L’urbain comme acte de langage »,
Parcours et positions, Les Annales de la recherche urbaine, N° 64, París, Plan Urbain/METT, septiembre de 1994, pp. 40-45 (p. 45;
traducción propia).
palabras de la ciudad”3. Una iniciativa que apuntaba a aprehender en su
especificidad social las correspondencias, interferencias y divergencias entre los
“relatos urbanos” producidos por los actores que con diversas intenciones y
“estilos” construyen y enuncian esos relatos (o parte de sus fragmentos), a través
de sus “prácticas lingüísticas”, desde distintas posiciones y “registros de lengua”.
Por la multiplicidad de personajes urbanos que dejan oír, los relatos de Dubliners,
de James Joyce (escritos antes de 1904 y publicados en 1914) ejemplifican cierta
profusión lingüística de enfoques sobre la ciudad. Esas situaciones discursivas
encarnan los diferentes registros en los que “las palabras de la ciudad” portan el
signo de su origen social. Una marca que, contra toda ilusión de transparencia e
inteligibilidad inmediata, se despliega y se oculta a través del tiempo, en una suerte
de representación de la ciudad-palimpsesto que –como procuraremos demostrar–
se actualiza en la trama narrativa de las formas de sociabilidad.
Irlanda: el “Tigre Celta” y su evolución en el contexto de la
Unión Europea4
Stella Maris Shmite
María Cristina Nin
Instituto de Geografía
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, UNLPam
En las últimas décadas del siglo XX Irlanda experimentó un crecimiento económico
que le permitió superar indicadores socioeconómicos negativos. En los inicios del
siglo XXI logró situarse como país próspero en el contexto de la Unión Europea y
se destacó a escala global, situación que derivó en la denominación de “Tigre
Celta”. Entre las variables que permitieron dicho desarrollo se pueden mencionar la
inversión en educación, la inversión extranjera directa y las ventajas que le otorga
ser país miembro de la Unión Europea. Estas características facilitaron la
incorporación de Irlanda al proceso de globalización y la apertura de sus
mercados, consolidando un modelo basado en la exportación de alto valor
agregado. En 2008 Irlanda se convirtió en el primer país de Europa occidental en
entrar en recesión. A pesar del progreso alcanzado en las décadas anteriores, se
presentaron desequilibrios económicos y sociales que condujeron a la crisis. El
acelerado crecimiento estuvo respaldado por una fuerte demanda interna y por el
auge de la construcción, donde los bancos locales tuvieron una responsabilidad
fundamental en la conformación de la burbuja inmobiliaria. Esta situación
desembocó en la crisis económica que se manifiesta con el cierre de empresas,
Programme Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur les Villes (PIR-Villes)/CNRS - Management of Social Transformations
(MOST)/UNESCO (1995).
Esta ponencia es un avance del Proyecto de Investigación “Territorios dinámicos, tramas complejas. Deconstruyendo las relaciones
de poder, los actores y las tensiones en diferentes escalas”. Se desarrolla en el marco del Programa de Investigación “Contextos
territoriales contemporáneos: abordajes desde la Geografía” Aprobado por Resolución N° 093-14 - CD - FCH – UNLPam.
aumento del desempleo, incapacidad de pago de los créditos inmobiliarios,
disminución de las exportaciones y nacionalización de las deudas bancarias por
parte del Estado, y la puesta en práctica de importantes medidas de austeridad,
entre otros aspectos. El propósito es analizar la situación de Irlanda en el contexto
de la Unión Europea desde una perspectiva geográfica.
Re-Visions of Europes’s transnationalism: Invisible State by
Aisling Walsh
Mirian A. Carballo
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
The European Union which was born to consolidate the unity of Europe on account
of economic and political bonds has accentuated different policies and objectives
along the different decades of its existence and, in that process, it has gradually
strengthened the ties among the European nations that constitute it. All the same,
particularly, it is in the nineties and onwards when the union becomes stronger as a
result of some specific Treaties that allow the free circulation of capital, goods,
services and people and, consequently, transnationalism gathers momentum and a
greater force with the expansion and erasure of national frontiers. In 2004, on the
occasion of new incorporations into the EU, the multinational collective film Visions
of Europe was released with the contribution of directors from the different
European Union members. Irish film director, Aisling Walsh, took part with her short
called Invisible State. In line with other non-celebratory short films from Visions of
Europe, such as Peter Greenaway’s European Showerbath and Teresa Villaverde’s
The Cold Wa(te)r, Invisible State points out the deficiencies of the European
transnational project that has shown internal contradictions and has failed, in some
respects, to deliver the promises of a broadening of personal and collective
horizons. In this work I propose to analyze the construction of transnational
subjectivity as it is constructed in Walsh’s short film and will single out its
particularities by establishing a dialogue with the other shorts from Visions of
Europe already mentioned.
Inward battle and identity crisis: a systemic functional
Norma Liliana Alfonso
Depto. de Lenguas Extranjeras, UNLPam
The systemic functional approach to language (Michael Halliday, 1985) provides a
descriptive basis that considers language as a meaning-making resource. Choices
that are made available to users of a language are assumed to be meaningful and
relate the speakers’/writers’ intentions to the concrete forms of language. In order
to understand how language is used in everyday interaction, it is of great
importance to consider the context in which such interactions are negotiated, the
text being made coherent by three aspects: field, tenor and mode. Following the
framework of systemic functional linguistics, this paper aims at analyzing a
selection of passages from Colm Tóibín’s novel Brooklyn (2009) taking into
consideration the ideational metafunction -that is, the organization of the clause to
realize experiential meaning- with one of its major grammatical systems that is
transitivity or process type. According to Halliday, the type of processes used in a
text specifies the action or events between the participants and the circumstances
realized in any clause. An exhaustive analysis of the excerpts will show how the
selection of diverse linguistic resources allows the author to create a social reality
through language. Besides, the study of how processes are brought into play in
discourses can be really revealing as regards the author’s purpose in producing the
Who speaks for the Irish past? - Notes on Irish cultural memory
and social representations
Erick Carvalho de Mello
Membro da ABEI
This paper aims to discuss some aspects of post-colonial and subaltern theory
within the construction of a contemporary Irish representation. Our proposal follows
the idea of a balance between certain concepts explored by authors as Edward
Said, Gayatri Spivak and Dippesh Chakrabarty within the existing debates on Irish
studies and social representations of a Celtic / Gaelic cultural memory. Our interest
lies inside the analysis of the social conflicts and different views of an Irish
collective memory, with their voices and silences, as well as the difficulty of thinking
about some kind of politics of Irish memory in these conditions. We discuss the
notions and links between Celticism and representativeness, cultural memory and
subalternity from a critical perspective on historical and social construction of a
national Irish past and its consequences nowadays.
Are the old ways gone?
Echoes, discontinuities and problematic aspects of Irish
national identity at its origins
Patricia de Aquino
USP National identity becomes an issue in Europe after the French Revolution. In
the Irish context, there has been since then, and especially throughout the 19 th and
the beginning of the 20th century, a great investment by writers and literary
movements to contribute to the creation of an Irish national identity. W.B. Yeats,
altogether with other important artists from his time, is one of the major figures in
this process. In his essay The Literary Movement in Ireland, he states that artists
should evoke the spirit of the nation from tales, gods, heroes and saints from
Ireland’s past. These are part of the characteristics that composed the imaginary
from where Irish national identity was formed at its early stage. Therefore, this
paper aims to discuss very briefly, in the year that commemorates 150th years of
Yeats’s birth, the echoes, discontinuities and problematic aspects of the
characteristics that defined Irish national identity at its origins, from the
perspectives presented by W.B.Yeats and other important artists from his time.
Irish Literature in Our ResearchProjects
Dirección del panel
Portela, Alejandra
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
This presentation aims at making the audience aware of the importance of Irish
writers in the development of our research. Specifically, we will devote our analysis
to review some of the works of one major Irish writer, Jonathan Swift, and the
contributions of his ideas to the texts under investigation. The classical distinction
between Horatian and Juvenalian satire will be our primary theoretical framework in
order to show Swift’s use of ironic strategies and their projection unto other writers’
Yeats revisited by Kathleen Raine
Miguel Ángel Montezanti
It is frequently stated that Yeats is a great poet despite the fact that his mind, tastes
and inclinations were dangerously or eccentrically turned to mysterious or mystified
matters. It is Kathleen Raine’s contention that, far from being too credulous, Yeats
was extremely conscious of his advances in this type of knowledge; and that words
such as esoteric, occultism, hermetic lore and some others are modernly more
often than not misunderstood. The Academy misreads Yeats in the same way that
it has misread Blake or Shelley. That traditional background is not the one which
the Academy usually deals with. Yeats did not write his poems to provide material
for doctoral theses but to heal and sustain our human condition. Yeats’s poems
related to the Irish Renaissance are concerned with an Ireland of the Imagination.
In Kathleen’s opinion, Yeats remains a poet in the traditional sense of the word, not
in the modern one. The traditional meaning would account for a speaker of wisdom,
truth and the tradition of the Imagination.
El libro de las pruebas de J. Banville: Transgrediendo límites,
cruzando fronteras
Nadia Der-Ohannesian
El libro de las pruebas (1989) de John Banville es la narración en primera persona,
o mejor dicho, la confesión, de todas las circunstancias que llevan a Frederick, el
narrador y protagonista, a cometer un homicidio. Si bien este crimen representa la
forma más extrema de la transgresión de los límites, a través de toda la novela se
observan otros movimientos tanto materiales como simbólicos a través de
fronteras, ya que el protagonista, por ejemplo, viaja por el mundo, muda sus
estados de ánimo, y transgrede normas sociales. Cabe destacar que estos
desplazamientos, a su vez, trazan nuevos espacios fronterizos. Haciendo uso de
los conceptos de transnacionalidad, frontera y movilidad según sus definiciones
para distintas disciplinas, me propongo analizar los desplazamientos que conllevan
el cruce de fronteras entre epistemologías, estados de ánimo, lugares y países, así
como también la construcción de las fronteras en la obra—el mar, un camino, la
moral o las convenciones sociales, por ejemplo—y la ambigüedad que
frecuentemente conlleva esta construcción.
Multiplicity of voices in two short stories by Nuala Ni Chonchuir
Natalia F. Muguiro
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, UNLPam
Literary texts can be described as suitable spaces for the encounter of multiple
voices, in terms of what Mihail Bakhtin calls heteroglossia or of what he and others
have referred to as polyphony. In addition to this, each voice is in fact made up of
multiple voices, thus giving place to polyphonic discourse. The purpose of this work
is to analyse how different voices interact and, at the same time, how multiple
voices within the same voice are made present in two short stories by Irish writer
Nuala Ni Chonchuir: ‘Scullion’ and ‘My name is William Clongallen’. Both stories
are thematically linked and involve the same characters in different times and
spaces. The characters’ journeys to and from Ireland and America depict two very
different scenarios, which serve to witness interactions and transformations caused
by boundary crossings as well as entangled narratives portrayed by the multiplicity
of distinctive voices. Voices that desperately plead for the recovery of stolen
identities and the discovery of lost roots.
Crossing the moving waters of the Atlantic: the poetry of Mary
Gisele Giandoni Wolkoff
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Marina Bertani Gazola
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Migration movements have for a long time been part of the dynamics amongst
countries, societies and cultures. They involve causes and consequences that
start in the Economy and reach Culture and Arts. In the case of contemporary
Irish women poets (who started writing within the last thirty years) the
implications of such movements go from literary representation to political and
identity belonging. Therefore, this paper aims at critically reading the poems
written by Mary O´Donnell that talk about North-America in comparison to other
contemporary women poets and poetics. How is utopia built?; how does
migration help create senses of belonging and reconstitute identities? – these
are some of the proposed questions for reflection having as a starting point the
poetic analysis of some of the poems that appear in the anthology American
Plural Voices, an outcome of the project Mapping Americas: contemporary
cultural productions in comparison.
The Place of Irish Literature in the Anglophone Literature
Courses at the School of Languages, National University of
Dirección del panel
Portela, Alejandra
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
This presentation aims at underlining the importance of Irish poets, playwights and
fiction writers in the development of Anglophone Literature as shown in the courses
we teach at the School of the Languages, UNC. We will focus on the twentieth and
twenty-first centuries, particularly on some of the works by William Butler Yeats,
James Joyce, Seamus Heaney, Samuel Beckett and Claire Keegan.
Diáspora y acción política transnacional: Santiago O´FARRELL
Dra. María Eugenia Cruset
A partir de la década de 1990 se ha introducido en el marco de los estudios
migratorios el concepto de transnacionalismo, como marco teórico, y el de
Diáspora como actor internacional. De este modo, se tiene una visión más
dinámica y totalizadora del fenómeno. No obstante, aunque ha sido utilizada por
antropólogos, sociólogos y politólogos, son pocos los trabajos históricos que
estudian la acción de los emigrantes, tanto en origen como en destino, de forma
simultánea. Nuestra meta en este trabajo es analizar la organización asociativa de
la Diáspora irlandesa en Argentina y su acción, principalmente política, a dos
bandas, es decir en la concreción de objetivos y formación de una agenda que
abarca tanto la sociedad de origen como la de recepción. Todo este análisis lo
haremos a partir del estudio de la figura de Santiago O´Farrell, quien ha sido
dirigente comunitario y político destacado durante una etapa particular del
desarrollo del país y de la lucha irlandesa por la construcción de un Estado-nación.
Francis Bacon: Transnational avant la lettre
Cristina Elgue-Martini
Facultad de Lenguas, UNC
Francis Bacon was born in Dublin in 1909, and though his ancestors were English
and his father settled in London at the outbreak of World War I, until 1925 the
family moved frequently between England and Ireland. In 1925, Bacon left his
family for London. Then, after a brief sejourn in Berlin, he spent two years in France
to definitely settle in London in 1928. When he died in 1992, he bequeathed his
studio and all its contents to The Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane, where the
studio was reconstructed in 2001. The aim of the presentation is to explore the
transnational nature of Bacon’s paintings, whose violence seems more connected
with the violence inherent in human nature and expressed in universal myths,
famous paintings and world history than with the history of Ireland itself. The
analysis of the paintings will be mainly intertextual, focusing on the photographs,
illustrations and printed materials from the most varied sources he appropriated
from the mass media and used in his studies, materials now displayed in his studio
in The Hugh Lane and published by Martin Harrison and Rebecca Daniels in
Francis Bacon Incunabula (2008).
“‘Monstrum Horrendum:’ Tracing Diasporic Dysfunctionality in
Exiled Irish Writers in America. The Case of Brian Moore”
Juan Ignacio Oliva
Universidad de la Laguna
James Joyce described most appropriately in his writings the way in which exiling
from the cultural centers of our identity can open the mind to new horizons in terms
of recognition of our moral virtues and flows. Through the metaphor of the moth
and the blinding light, the Irish writer traced a panorama of revelations about the
condition of Ireland as a country of dichotomies and contrasts: a natural Arcadia
and a deprived milieu, a green beauty and a toxic environment, a monolithic strong
society in terms of religion, class and race and an oppressive claustrophobic
nation-island, a caring mother country and a saturnine sow devouring her offspring.
The purpose of this lecture is therefore to explore all these elements in the works of
an Irish writer living in Canada and the US, such as Brian Moore, as an epitome of
the tormented relationship between displaced personalities and dysfunctional
educations and behaviors. The permanence of the Irish issue and the troubled
demeanors of the male protagonists in Moore’s novels (especially, The Feast of
Lupercal, Catholics, Black Robe, The Emperor of Ice-Cream and The Statement)
are argued to show how even in out-of-Ireland topics, traces of systemic
dysfunctionalities –regarding paternal relationships, social betrayals, hidden
societies, and so on— can be foreshadowed. The result of such innuendos
provokes an analysis of the condition of Ireland as a young would-be nation still in
the process of maturation that can be extrapolated to other authors, such as Patrick
McCabe (The Butcher Boy, Breakfast on Pluto), William Trevor (Felicia’s Journey),
or Darran McCann (After the Lockout).
Maria Clara de Lima Mendes is an independent researcher from Brazil. Fundação
Escola de Sociologia e Política.
María Cristina Nin es Profesora y Licenciada en Geografía, Especialista en
Evaluación y Magíster en Estudios Sociales y Culturales (UNLPam). Profesora
regular en el Departamento de Geografía e Investigadora en el Instituto de
Geografía de la FCH – UNLPam. Investigadora Categoría III. Actualmente dirige el
Proyecto de Investigación “La enseñanza de la Geografía: aportes teóricos,
currículum, prácticas, sujetos” y Co-dirige el Proyecto “Territorios dinámicos,
tramas complejas. Deconstruyendo las relaciones de poder, los actores y las
tensiones en diferentes escalas”.
Stella Maris Shmite es docente e investigadora de la Facultad de Ciencias
Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Categoría II de Investigación.
Profesora en Geografía y Especialista en Estudios Sociales y Culturales
(UNLPam). Doctoranda en Estudios Sociales Agrarios (UNC). Profesora titular
regular del Departamento de Geografía. Directora del Programa de Investigación
“Contextos territoriales contemporáneos: abordajes desde la Geografía” y del
Proyecto “Territorios dinámicos, tramas complejas. Deconstruyendo las relaciones
de poder, los actores y las tensiones en diferentes escalas”.
Maria do Rosário Casas Coelho is finishing her MA in English from University of
Sao Paulo, Brazil. Her research is in Colum McCann's Let the Great World Spin.
Eugenia Flores de Molinillo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad
Nacional de Tucumán.
Renata A. I. Yanzon Sarry es Profesora, Traductora y Licenciada en Lengua
Inglesa egresada de la Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Ha terminado el cursado de la Maestría Interinstitucional en Ingles Orientación en
Literatura Angloamericana de la Facultad de Lenguas. Es integrante del proyecto
avalado por Cecyt “El impacto del Neomaterialismo de los Estudios Ecocríticos”
dirigido por la Dra. Miriam Carballo.
Alejandra Portela is a Professor of English Language and Literature, National
University of Córdoba, and holds an MA in Applied Linguistics from University of
Leicester in England. She currently teaches Anglophone Literature at the School of
Languages, NUC, and is in charge of two graduate courses at the same university.
She conducts research in the field of Comparative Literature and has published
several articles in specialized journals.
María Elena Aguirre. Facultad de Lenguas - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Caroline Moreira Eufrausino has a bachelor degree of Arts from University of São
Paulo in Brazil. She holds an MA in Twentieth Century Irish Writing and Cultural
Theory from NUI Maynooth. Currently she is a Phd student in Irish Studies at
University of São Paulo. Her research circles around the works by Anne Enright
and she is interested in the portrayal of mothers in contemporary Irish writing.
Sandra Fadda es Magister en Inglés con Orientación en Lingüística Aplicada (FL UNC). Profesora Adjunta en la Cátedra Cultura de los Pueblos de Habla Inglesa II
(FL – UNC). Co-directora del proyecto “Globalización y contra-hegemonía. Estudio
de casos en textos historiográficos, jurídicos, literarios y plásticos de países de
habla inglesa y de la Argentina”, con aval de SeCyT. Investiga en Análisis (crítico)
del discurso histórico-político. Publicaciones y participaciones en congresos y
jornadas nacionales e internacionales sobre la temática de su especialidad.
María Dolores Trebucq es Magíster en Inglés con orientación en Lingüística
Aplicada. Se desempeña como Profesora Titular de la cátedra de Historia de la
Lengua Inglesa de la Facultad de Lenguas y dirige un equipo de investigación
abocado al estudio de la evolución de la lengua inglesa en diversos ámbitos. Es
Directora de la Especialización en Didáctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras de la
Facultad de Lenguas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Emilse García Ferreyra se desempeña como Profesora Adjunta de la cátedra
Historia de la Lengua Inglesa (Facultad de Lenguas, UNC); y como Profesora
Titular de las asignaturas Gramática I y Estudios Socioculturales y Literarios I del
Profesorado de Inglés “IES Nueva Formación”. Además, es alumna regular de la
Maestría en Lenguajes e Interculturalidad (UNC); y forma parte del equipo de
investigación "El enriquecimiento del léxico inglés en el ámbito de la ecología a
través de la derivación nominal”.
María Silvina Strieder se desempeña actualmente como Profesora Asistente de la
cátedra Historia de la Lengua Inglesa (Facultad de Lenguas, UNC); es alumna
regular de la Maestría en Inglés (Facultad de Lenguas, UNC); y forma parte del
equipo de investigación "El enriquecimiento del léxico inglés en el ámbito de la
ecología a través de la derivación nominal".
Miriam Patricia Germani. Profesora de Nivel Medio y Superior en Inglés,
UNLPam (1992). Magíster en Inglés, mención Literatura Angloamericana, UNRC,
Córdoba (2010). Prof. Adjunta Regular de Fonética y Fonología Inglesa IV del
Profesorado y Licenciatura en Inglés (UNLPam). Docente-investigadora Cat. IV en
las áreas de Literatura y Lingüística. Co-autora de libros y artículos relacionados
con la literatura poscolonial, irlandesa y con la fonología. Jurado de tesis de
maestría y de licenciatura.
Graciela Obert. Profesora de Nivel Medio y Superior en Inglés, UNLPam. (1986).
Magíster en Literatura Angloamericana, UNRC, Córdoba (2005). Prof. Asociada
Regular de II Nivel de Idioma (Inglés) y Ayte. Regular en Lengua Inglesa I, FCH,
UNLPam. Docente-investigadora Cat. IV en el área de literatura. Autora de libro
sobre ESP. Co-autora de libros y artículos relacionados con la literatura
postcolonial e irlandesa. Miembro del Servicio de Traducción de la FCH, UNLPam.
Jurado de tesis de maestría y licenciatura.
Mariano Galazzi. Universidad Austral (Buenos Aires). Bachelor of Arts in History.
Teacher of History. Literary and technical translator. Fields of interest: History of
English-speaking immigrants in Argentina, especially of Irish origin; and History of
translation. Several papers, articles and translations related to the history of the
Irish in Argentina.Symposium of Irish Studies in South America: 2007, 2009, 2013,
Ariel Gómez Ponce es Profesor en Español como Lengua Materna y Lengua
Extranjera por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Se encuentra desarrollando su
tesis de Doctorado en Semiótica en torno a la modelización de la tensión
hombre/animal, a partir de la categoría de depredación y su vinculación a
determinadas prácticas culturales y formas de comportamiento a la luz de la
Semiótica de la Cultura y del incipiente campo de la Ecosemiótica. Es Becario de
CONICET (2015-2017) y pertenece al Grupo de Estudios de Retórica dirigido por
la Dra. Silvia Barei desde 2009 hasta la actualidad (SeCyT-UNC). En reuniones y
jornadas científicas, da cuenta de sus primeros avances en la búsqueda teórica de
nuevos modos de conectar y traducir diferentes tipos de sistemas semióticos en la
relación mundo natural / mundo cultural.
Diana Gonzalez del Pino. Profesora de Lengua Inglesa por la Facultad de
Lenguas, UNC. Alumna regular de la Maestría en Filosofía, Religión y Cultura
Contemporáneas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, UCC. Profesora
asistente de la Cátedra de Cultura de los Pueblos de Habla Inglesa I y II, Facultad
de Lenguas, UNC.
María Graciela Rezzónico es docente en la Facultad de Lenguas (UNC), donde
se desempeña como Profesora Adjunta en la Cátedra de Cultura y Civilización de
los Pueblos de Habla Inglesa I y como Profesora Asistente en la Cátedra de
Cultura y Civilización de los Pueblos de Habla Inglesa II. Es investigadora del
programa de incentivos de la SeCyT de la UNC. Área de investigación en la que se
especializa: Estudios Culturales. Posee publicaciones en el área y ha participado
en congresos, coloquios y jornadas sobre temas afines a la temática de su
investigación y otros.
María Eugenia Saldubehere. Profesora, Traductora y Licenciada en Lengua
Inglesa (FL, UNC). Alumna regular de la Maestría en Filosofía, Religión y Cultura
Contemporáneas (FFyH, UCC). Profesora asistente de la Cátedra de Cultura de
los Pueblos de Habla Inglesa I (FL, UNC). Miembro del equipo de investigación
“Globalización y contra-hegemonía. Estudio de casos en textos historiográficos,
jurídicos, literarios y plásticos de países de habla inglesa y de la Argentina”, con
aval de SeCyT.
Roberto Ferreira da Rocha. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Vitor Alevato do Amaral has an undergraduate degree in Portuguese and English
Languages and Literatures from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ
and a PhD from the Interdisciplinary Program of Applied Linguistics from the same
university. His main area of research is literary translation, with focus on
retranslations of James Joyce’s works. He is a researcher of ESTTRADA
(Research Group on Translation and Adaptation Studies) and the William Butler
Yeats Chair of Irish Studies (USP).
Alinne Fernandes is a full-time lecturer at the Departamento de Língua e
Literatura Estrangeiras, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. She
completed her PhD in Translation and Dramaturgy at Queen’s University Belfast in
2012, during which she translated Marina Carr’s play By the Bog of Cats… (1998)
as a case study for developing a methodological framework for theatre translation.
She also holds a BA in English and Portuguese and an MA in Translation from
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. Fernandes has worked as a
professional translator for over eight years, and has published articles in
international journals, such as Journal of Romance Languages, Tradterm, Scientia
Traductionis, and Quaderns: Revista de Traducció.
María Graciela Eliggi, traductora y profesora de Lengua y Literatura Inglesas
(UNLP) y Magíster en Inglés (Literatura Angloamericana, UNRC). Profesora
regular de asignaturas de Lengua y Literatura, UNLPam. Dirige el Servicio de
Traducción de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, UNLPam. Es investigadora
(Categoría II, PNI), participó y dirigió distintos proyectos de investigación. En la
actualidad dirige el Programa de Investigación “Literaturas Contemporáneas en
Diálogo”. Ha presentado trabajos, publicado y editado a nivel nacional e
internacional. Sus intereses de investigación giran en torno a los estudios
culturales, literaturas de minorías y traducción.
Ma. Elena Pérez Bustillo es profesora ayudante de primera regular en la cátedra
Lengua Inglesa I, UNLPam. A su vez es Traductora Técnico – Científica
Especializada en Inglés Ejecutivo (Universidad CAECE). Es integrante del Servicio
de Traducción (SERTRA) de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, UNLPam e
investigadora en formación participante del Proyecto ‘Literatura irlandesa: estudios
socio-críticos y traducción como diálogo intercultural’ (2015-2018). Ha participado
en un proyecto anterior y presentado avances de investigación en jornadas y otros
eventos académicos.
Griselda Gugliara. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa.
Mariana Bolfarine is a member of ABEI (Brazilian Association of Irish Studies) and
holds an MA in English literatures from the University of São Paulo. She is a PhD
candidate at the same university and her thesis focuses on drama and fiction about
Roger Casement. She has translated the book Roger Casement in Brazil: Rubber,
the Amazon and the Atlantic World 1884-1916 (2010) into Portuguese and is
currently working on the translation of the Portuguese version of the Amazon
Journal of Roger Casement.
marianabolfarine@gmail.com - mariana.bolfarine@usp.br
Susana Peñalva, Doctora en Sociología (formación doctoral « Modes de vie et
Politiques sociales »), Université Paris VIII, 2004. Investigadora asociada del
centro Cultures et Sociétés Urbaines (CSU)/CNRS, París (1995-2010). Es
investigadora adjunta del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
(CONICET) – Centro de Estudios Desarrollo y Territorio (CEDeT)-Escuela de Política
y Gobierno (EPyG)/Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM), Buenos Aires.
Miembro de la International Sociological Association (ISA).
Mirian A. Carballo. MA. in English (Anglo-American literature) (Faculty of
Languages-UNC); PhD. (FFyH, UNC); Tenured Professor: Seminar of Post-war
English speaking literature and American Literature (FL, UNC). Director of the
Doctoral Programme of Study in Linguistic Sciences (FL, UNC). President of the
Argentinian Association of Comparative Literature. Publications: Ecocrítica, “Crítica
Verde”. La naturaleza y el medioambiente en el discurso cultural anglófono. Coeditor; Cba: FL; UNC.
Norma Liliana Alfonso trabaja en el Depto. de Lenguas Extranjeras, UNLPam,
Erick Carvalho de Mello. Aluno de doutorado do Programa de Pós-graduação em
Memória Social da UNIRIO (PPGMS/UNIRIO). Membro da ABEI.
Patricia de Aquino is a PhD student at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. She
has been interested in questions of Irish national identity in Irish literature and the
communities of the Diaspora. She is currently studying aspects of Irish national
identity in contemporary Irish literature.
Miguel Montezanti. Universidad Nacional de la Plata.
Nadia Der-Ohannesian es Doctora en Ciencias del Lenguaje con mención en
Literaturas y Culturas Comparadas por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
(Facultad de Lenguas). Es profesora adjunta en esta Institución en la cátedra de
Introducción a los a la Literatura de Habla Inglesa. Desde el año 2005 participa en
equipos de investigación. Actualmente es becaria posdoctoral de CONICET.
Natalia Muguiro is a current PhD English Language & Applied Linguistics
candidate at the University of Birmingham (UK) and she holds an MA Applied
Linguistics & TESOL from the University of Leicester (UK). She is an English
Language Teacher, English Language & Literature BA and Educational Sciences
BA. She is a Lecturer (English Language IV) and Assistant Teacher (Literary
Theory & Analysis) at the BA English Language & Literature programs (UNLPam).
Gisele Giandoni Wolkoff teaches Literatures of the English Language for the
Letters Course and the graduate program on Language and Literature at the
Federal University of Technology in Parana (UTFPR). She is in charge of the
research Mapping Americas: contemporary cultural productions in comparison,
funded by Araucaria Foundation. Wolkoff organized the volume Poem-ing Beyond
Borders: ten contemporary Irish and Portuguese women poets. Coimbra, Palimage,
Marina Bertani Gazzola is graduated in Letters and she is developing her thesis in
the Master Programme in Letters (Literary Studies and Translation) at the Federal
University of Parana (UFPR). She develops research on Gender studies and
Translation. She is an Elementary School teacher in the State of Parana, Brazil.
María Eugenia Cruset es Profesora en Historia y Magister en Relaciones
Internacionales por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y Doctora en Historia por
la Universidad del País Vasco. Es profesora de la Universidad Nacional de La
Plata y Católica de La Plata en Argentina y Universidad Vasco de Quiroga en
México. Es autora y editora de varios libros y artículos de la especialidad. Dirigió
el centro de Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales del Instituto de Relaciones
Internacionales (IRI) de la Universidad de La Plata y dirige la Cátedra Libre de
pensamiento y cultura irlandesa de la misma universidad; también coordina la Red
“Migración, Nacionalismo y Ciudadanía” de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Ha participado como coordinadora en numerosos congresos en Europa y América;
y ha dictado conferencias en Argentina, Alemania, Chile, Brasil, Estados Unidos,
Uruguay, México, Canadá, Irlanda, Eslovaquia y España. Ha recibido becas de la
Agencia Alemana de Cooperación y de la Universidad de Reno en Nevada,
Estados Unidos.
Cristina Elgue-Martini holds a Ph.D. degree from Laval University, Canada. Her
main areas of research are Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, Anglophone
and Latin American Contemporary Narrative and Women’s Studies. She was
president of the Argentinean Association of Comparative Literature between 2001
and 2003 and is the current vice-president of the Argentinean Association of
American Studies. She is also the current editor of the Journal of Comparative
Cultures and Literatures of the Faculty of Languages. She is author and editor of
numerous publications, and has been invited by Argentine, Latin American,
Canadian and European Universities to lecture in her fields of interests. She was
dean of her Faculty from 2000 to 2008. She is a member of the Pen Club, Buenos
Aires, and among other academic awards, she has been granted the Palmes
Académiques by the French Government.
Juan Ignacio Oliva. Universidad de la Laguna. Tenerife/AEDEI.