The 4S Reactor Project 30 Years of Power 4S Reactor Project Toshiba and CRIEPI Project Super Safe, Small & Simple & Secure Sodium-cooled, metallic fueled, small reactor Key features • Fuel costs are set for 30 years • Operates without the need for grid or backup power • Higher temperature increases efficiency of hydrogen and oxygen production • Negative heat coefficient 2 4S Reactor Features 3 Hydrogen generation Transportable No refueling for 30 years Reasonable cost of power Cogeneration of H2 Passive safety Proliferation resistant District Heating Electricity Desalination 4S Cross Section Secondary cooling loop Steam generator Turbine Reactor top dome Shielding Plug Condenser Reactor Vessel & Guard Vessel Reactor Core Seismic isolators 4 Generator Transportation Designed for shop fabrication and mass production Steel beam and autoclaved lightweight concrete Steel plate reinforced concrete Barge Marine transport Approximate dimensions: 90’ x 68’ x 120’ Approximate shipping weight: 3000 tons 5 Electric Grid on the Yukon 6 In 2004 the Department of Energy paid for a Study of the Galena Electrical Alternatives. The Nuclear Power alternative was found to be most desirable both because of cost and because it causes less pollution. Galena Electric Power –a Situational Analysis Advisory Advisory Group Meeting July 21, 2004 Outline Purpose Approach System Options Summary Economic Analysis Environmental Issues Conclusions 7 Galena Electric Power –a Situational Analysis Nuclear: Possible Uses of Extra Power •Hydrogen Production •Greenhouses •Aquaculture •Galena as a test-bed •Transmission to Neighboring Villages Increased use by consumers 8 Mohamed ElBaradei One potential strategy is to construct hundreds of mini-nuclear power plants that would each serve a single village, said ElBaradei. These plants would be less expensive than their full-size counterparts and could be set up without a need for an extensive power grid. In addition, the smallscale plants could be made with sufficient safety features to prevent meltdown and theft. This includes a passive cooling system that works even if power is shut down, said researchers this summer at Argonne National Laboratory. The reactors could also run for 30 years without the need to refuel, and any theft would require the use of large and conspicuous gear that could be visible by satellite, according to Argonne's senor technical advisor David Wade. 9 Nobel laureate Mohamed ElBaradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, gave this year's David J. Rose Lecture on "Nuclear Technology in a Changing World: Have We Reached a Turning Point?" Photo / Donna Coveney GNEP 10 President George Bush GNEP Element Demonstrate SmaII Scale Reactors In order to expand the use of nuclear energy in these small electricity markets, a small reactor is preferred for small electricity grids. These reactors will be safe, simple to operate, more proliferation-resistant, and highly secure. How the reactors would work Small, more proliferation-resistant reactors could incorporate features that would … include fuel designs that offer very longlife fuel loads (that last the entire life of the reactor); effective… safeguards … to promote non-proliferation; potential for district heating and potable water production; fully passive safety systems; simple operation that requires minimal incountry nuclear infrastructure; use of as much existing licensed or certified technology as possible; and use of advanced manufacturing techniques. 11 Pre-Application Review NRC recommends a Pre-Application Review before the reactor manufacturer files the application for Design Certification Pre-Application Review identifies issues for: • Compliance with generic NRC policy guidance • Staff technical resolution before design certification gets underway • Applicant follow-up to develop necessary design changes 12 Pre-Application Review allows reactor manufacturer to make an early decision on whether to proceed with certification 4S Pre-Application 13 A Pre-Application Review for the 4S should take about one year Intend to take advantage of the work that the NRC has already done in reviewing similar designs: • Sodium Advanced Fast Reactor (SAFR) • Power Reactor Innovative Small Module (PRISM) liquid metal reactor • Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) • Argonne’s Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) and Experimental Breeder Reactor (EBR-II) • Fast Flux Test Reactor (FFTR) Address issues in the prior NRC design reviews Summary of Pre-Application Process NRC Referral to Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards/ ACRS letter Study and Document Preparation (TSB) Initial Meeting with NRC Staff (TSB, NRC) Submittal of Preliminary Safety Information Document (PSID) (TSB) Meetings with NRC and NRC technical reviews (TSB, NRC) Development and Submittal of New or Modified Documents (TSB) 14 NRC Questions to and Requests for Additional Information (NRC) Issuance of PSER (NRC) 4S Preliminary Cost Estimate 50MWe (135MWt) : Commercial plant (mass production phase) • Plant Construction: $ 2,500-$3,000/KWe • Busbar Cost: $.065 mills-$.070 /KW-hr* 70 Fuel backend 60 50 mills/KW-hr Fuel 40 O&M 30 20 Capital 10 *8% house load factor is assumed 15 0 Hydrogen Production 16 eO2 O2- Cathode • ~15,000 Nm3/h • ~10M gal/yr of diesel equivalent • ~10,000 people in rural areas • Production can be shared with district heating, desalination and electricity (Solid Oxide Electrolyte Cell) Electrolyte High temperature steam electrolyser Hydrogen production from the 50 MWe Anode H2O eH2 Sample Commodity Costs – 10 Megawatts of Electricity Equivalent Commodity Production Rate 10 MWe Yields: Comments Electricity 10 MW 240,000 KW/day Oxygen 567 scf/min 817,071 scf/day Assume electrolysis process using Teledyne Titan HP generator Hydrogen 1134 scf/min 1,634,143 scf/day Assumes electrolysis process using Teledyne Titan HP generator 9,188,522 gpd Assumes Salt Water Reverse Osmosis process with 35,000 ppm TDS input and producing 350 ppm TDS output Desalinated 6,381 gpm Water 17 Construction Period Month -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 rock inspection ▽ Excavation Waterproofing, lower mat, MMR (Man-Made Rock) Seismic isolator Transport rail for module Module setting ▽ Module transport, rail dismantlement Concrete curing of upper mat Reactor room RV insertion ▽Fuel load ▽ Reactor Start-up test 18 16 White Papers 19 The City obtained a legislative grant of $500,000 to get additional insight into the safety of the 4s reactor. This is being accomplished through a series of White papers. Each white paper is about 30 pages long and is available for review at Work on the papers is being done by Burns & Roe, a nuclear engineering firm in conjunction with PWSP, a large Washington DC law firm. There will a total of 7 White papers written. The topics are as follows: Overview White Paper 20 All of the Whitepapers include a narrative on the conditions that we deal with to produce power in rural Alaska. Also, they chronicle what steps the City council has taken on this project. The Overview White Paper explains the mechanics of the reactor and the process required to get a reactor licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Nuclear Liability 21 This white paper provides background on the regulations regarding liability insurance for Nuclear Power plants. It then compares the 4s at 10 MGW to traditional nuclear plants at 1000 MGW. Based on the smaller size and the passive safety features the paper requests that the NRC consider the lower range of the insurance requirements. Physical Security 22 This paper set forth the general physical security for nuclear power plants, such as how many guards and fencing etc. The paper explains the inherent safety features of the 4s design. Then provides a conceptual overview of the physical security requirements in Galena and identifies the staffing levels that would be needed. Emergency Planning 23 This paper addresses two components of emergency planning. First is the plan to deal with onsite radiological emergencies and the second is to prepare offsite plans to provide responses to an emergency in the area surrounding the plant. The paper recommends a clear zone of 800 meters or a half mile around the facility. This is the distance that would need to be evacuated in the case of an emergency at the plant. State regulations will deal with the risk associated with offsite plumes. Decommissioning This paper describes the planning for the 3 major areas of decommissioning. 1. selecting the appropriate disposal method at the end of the useful life; disposing of the spent fuel, the sodium and returning the site to it’s natural state, 2. estimating the cost of decommissioning and 3. establishing a mechanism for funding the decommissioning. Decommissioning includes disposal of the spent fuel, the primary sodium and the carrier vessel. 24 Seismic Considerations 25 The Seismic White Paper discusses the relevant siting issues including the historical characteristics of the region and the pertinent design features of the 4s reactor. Containment 26 The Containment white paper is a summary of the reactor vessel and other containment systems. The paper includes a general plant description, with extra attention to those systems responsible for containment of the core in the event of a severe accident. The system is designed so that a sodium leak will not leave the core uncovered. Next Steps: Ownership A small Municipality such as Galena will not be the owner of the 4s Nuclear Plant. Issues include: • Liability • Financing • Long term sustainability 27 Ownership Continued Ownership will most likely be an LLC. Potential scenarios with pro’s & con’s are: 1. State of Alaska – AIDEA Pro: Access to bond funds, loan guarantees, Control determination on siting & location could become owner/distributor/franchisee Increased credibility at Toshiba, NRC, DOE Con: AEA prohibited for nuclear projects Educating the politicians to understand the viability of the operations, no state commitment to become involved. 28 Ownership Continued 2. Private corporations. Pro: Access to capital Faster decision making Other energy facilities Con: most likely not Alaska specific Profitability primary decision making tool Cherry picking 29 Alaskan Demand 1. Communities Several communities have already expressed interest in this energy source Any community or group of communities with a combined load of 5 MGW or more would also benefit 2. Industry 30 Remote or off grid mining companies need an alternative to the high cost and transportation issues associated with diesel The size is also appropriate for some of the pipeline pump stations Prerequisites for Deployment 1. NRC approval of the 4s plant 2. Owner & Operations alternatives settled 3. Plant production schedules set 4. Predictable construction schedules 5. Funding for R & D 31