Early Years ITT Early Years Teacher Status Programme Handbook Assessment Only Route 2015-2016 Disability Support Services Statement SpLD (Specific Learning Difficulties) Support Team Inclusion Team (Physical and Mental Health) Our approach is friendly yet professional and you can discuss your individual learning requirements in complete confidence. It is important to contact us as early as possible. SpLD Support Team: Based in the University Library, 1st floor You can contact us in relation to: SpLD assessments (Dyslexia, Dyspraxia) Specialist SpLD support Using assistive technology Applying for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA) Visual stress / Meares-Irlen The Inclusion Team: Based in the Student Information Centre (SIC), ground floor If you have specific requirements due to a physical or sensory impairment, mental health/anxiety issues, health condition, an autistic spectrum condition, or needs emerge when you are studying here, we can advise you on: Applying for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA) Specialist and/or personal support ‘Reasonable adjustments’ to learning, teaching and assessment Accessible facilities and equipment SpLD Support Team In person: University Library, Ormskirk, 1st floor Tel: 01695 584372 E-mail: SpLD@edgehill.ac.uk The Inclusion Team In person: SIC, Ormskirk, ground floor Tel: 01695 584190 E-mail: InclusionTeam@edgehill.ac.uk 2 Equality and Diversity – Policy Summary Edge Hill University’s vision is to ‘provide an environment where everyone feels able to participate, contribute, enjoy and influence their experience; and where inclusive practices underpin everything we do. Respect for, and celebration of, individual diversity will shape institutional strategy, direction and behaviour.’ The University seeks to identify and eradicate any practice which discriminates on the basis of race, disability, sex, gender re-assignment, age , sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion, belief or none, or socio-economic background. The University recognises that equality and diversity embraces all aspects of employment and service delivery including curriculum; teaching; learning and assessment; research issues; and extra-curricular activities. The University makes it a condition of service and admission that staff and students adhere to the Equality and Diversity Policy. Any breaches of this are dealt with under the Staff or Student Disciplinary Procedures, as appropriate. The University makes every effort to ensure that traders, contractors, institutions, organisations or individuals who interact with Edge Hill University are aware of the policy. Discovery by the University of any inequitable policy or practice by them may result in Edge Hill University breaking links and ceasing to do business with them. Edge Hill University widely distributes this policy summary and accompanying Equality and Diversity Policy throughout the University. Making Contact Students are encouraged to make any concerns known. The first point of contact for this is the Student Services Information Desk in the Student Information Centre on the Ormskirk campus (01695 584554, or student services@edgehill.ac.uk). The Student Information Officer will refer you on to an individual member of staff as appropriate. A full copy of the Equality and Diversity Policy can be obtained from the Student Services Information Desk or from Edge Hill University’s web site www.edgehill.ac.uk. 3 Contents Page no. Disability Support Services Statement 2 Equality and Diversity 3 Welcome 5 Introduction 7 Trainee Identity 8 Roles and Responsibilities 10 Overview of Programme 11 Student Voice 13 Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement 16 Teaching, Learning and Assessment 17 Lines of Communication 18 Useful Contact Information for Trainees 19 The Role of the Personal Tutor 20 Employability, including References 22 Former Trainee Development and Enhancement Programme 23 Timetable 24 Assessment Information 25 Code of Conduct 27 Attendance Expectations 32 Academic and Professional Review Meetings (APRM) 34 Exceptional Mitigating Circumstances (EMC) 36 On Programme Self Declaration Procedure 36 Safeguarding – Management of a Cause for Concern 38 Teaching Standards 40 APPENDICES 42 4 Welcome Patricia Burgess EYTS Graduate Programme Leader Welcome to the Programme The Early Years Team welcomes you to the programme. The programme is designed to support you in the achievement of the Early Years Teacher Status, a status that will recognise your expertise as a practitioner and a professional leader. Edge Hill University is a provider of Early Years Initial Teacher Training leading to the award of Early Years Teacher Status in the UK and delivers training and assessment on behalf of The National College of Teaching and Leadership in the North West. We aim to ensure that you will find the programme challenging, innovative, and rigorous and, we hope, enjoyable, relevant and rewarding. The programme requires a great deal of commitment from you as trainees. It is designed to provide personal enrichment and assist your professional development. Enjoy your studies. Patricia Burgess EYTS Graduate Programme Leader 5 Welcome from one of our Early Years Partners I feel it is a privilege and an asset for all concerned, to be a partner setting with Edge Hill University. Over the past five years I have watched as students, trainees and colleagues, including myself, develop and move forward on our early year’s journey together. We all have strengths and skills to share and build upon and working closely with the university enables us to do this. The University prepare and encourage trainees to be confident to ask questions and contribute to discussions and debates around current issues. Offering guidance and support and acknowledging the student’s contributions is key to ensuring they feel valued. Celebrating achievements and setting clear targets is an essential part of our role in the setting. Working together to raise standards and improve outcomes for children is something we all want to achieve. Gaining a place on this course of study already shows your passion to be involved and if you show commitment and drive you will have the opportunity to make a difference. It is exciting to be a part of this programme and I look forward to travelling on this journey with you. Thank you Jan Davies Owner and Manager of Penguins Nurseries 6 Introduction to the Programme The Programme Handbook 2015/16 is designed to provide you with a range of information that will continue to guide your understanding of the Early Years Teacher Status programme. The Programme Handbook contains important information. Please ensure you spend some time reading it carefully and that you continue to refer to it during the year. You are now an Early Years Teacher Status trainee at Edge Hill University. The programme is challenging, innovative, rigorous and enjoyable! It requires a great deal of commitment from you and it is designed to develop a range of important professional and vocational knowledge, understanding and skills. It aims to train high quality Early Years Teachers who: Achieve the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) 2013: Meet the needs of schools and settings and children; Develop throughout their professional careers. Early Years Education at Edge Hill aims to develop high quality teachers and educators who have developed: commitment, creativity and energy within environments that encourage them to be reflective and analytical a range of academic, professional and vocational knowledge, understanding, skills and values intellectual skills and abilities within a high quality academic community an appropriate range of key transferable skills knowledge and skills across the Early Years Foundation Stage And who will: work within the profession with an informed, thoughtful and innovative attitude and approach to Early Years Education continue their professional development throughout their professional careers 7 The Edge Hill University Trainee Identity Early Years Teacher Status Outstanding Training for Outstanding and Inspirational Teaching… An Edge Hill University Early Years ITT Partnership programme supports each trainee in developing as a professional practitioner who displays resilience, honesty and integrity; is respectful of others; is adaptable and flexible; communicates effectively with a range of audiences; acts independently and demonstrates self-organisation. Each individual is trained by expert practitioners from across the EHU Partnership to enable them to become inspirational, reflective teachers who engage with babies and young children in innovative and creative ways. Their potential to become outstanding leaders will be clear, they will be a highly valued and effective team player who seeks opportunities to contribute to every aspect of a setting’s life with an enthusiastic ‘can do’ approach. They will be a significant asset to their setting as an Early Years Teacher. Each trainee will be enabled to develop their own individual teaching ‘personality’ and personal principles with the following elements as the essential building blocks for an outstanding practitioner: Good Behaviour - develop strategies to promote and manage good behaviour successfully and tackle bullying, including cyber and prejudice-based bullying within the setting. Challenge and Motivate - challenge and motivate all young children and in particular in settings and schools where attainment is low. Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) Standard 1 - Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge all children. Causes of Low Attainment - understand the causes of low attainment in some underperforming groups of children. Ensuring Progress o identify and build on young children’s prior knowledge to ensure their progress. o select and use teaching strategies that are effective in ensuring progress for all young children including those from underperforming groups; and those eligible for the pupil premium. Minority Ethnic Backgrounds - confidence and competence in preparing to teach young children from minority ethnic backgrounds. English as an Additional Language - confidence and competence in preparing to teach young children with English as an additional language. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities - confidence and competence in preparing to teach young children with special educational needs and disabilities with appropriate professional support. Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) Standard 2 – Promote good progress and outcomes by children. Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) Standard 5 – Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all children. 1 1 ‘competence’ refers here to the level appropriate to the stage of training reached 8 EYFS and the National Curriculum - understand the Early Years Foundation Stage and the continuum of the National Curriculum 2014, along with its associated examination and assessment arrangements (Progress Check at 2, EYFS Profile). Child Development - secure subject knowledge of child development across the curriculum to support teaching and learning with a specialism in early years education 0 – 5 years. Teaching Reading - confidence and competence in teaching early reading, including systematic synthetic phonics. Teaching Writing - confidence and competence in teaching writing. Teaching Mathematics - confidence and competence in teaching mathematics. Teaching Physical Education – confidence and competence in teaching PE, including for children with special educational needs. New Technologies - select and use new technology to effectively support learning. Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) Standard 3 – Demonstrate good knowledge of early learning and EYFS. Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) Standard 4 – Plan education and care to respond to the strengths and needs of all children. Assessment and Using Data o collect and record appropriate formative assessment data and summative data across the EYFS. o use assessment data to identify children’s progress and support their learning. o use assessment data to evaluate the quality of teaching. Reporting Progress - report children’s progress to different audiences and for different purposes. Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) Standard 6 – Make accurate and productive use of assessment. Professionalism – maintain professional behaviour at all times including an appropriately professional standard of dress. Working in a Team - work with early years colleagues as part of a team, seeking colleague’s views about the effectiveness of provision, involving them in the decision making process. Work in partnership with wider professionals to enhance children’s well-being, learning and development. Leading the Work of Other Adults - confidence and competence in leading the work of colleagues, trainees and other additional adults to achieve learning objectives. Reflect on their own and other’s practice in order to effect continuous improvement. Communication - confidence and competence in communicating effectively with parents or carers and other professionals. Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) Standard 8 – Fulfil wider professional responsibilities. Safeguarding - knowledge of an Early Years Teacher's statutory responsibilities for the welfare and safeguarding of pupils. E-safety - understand e-safety. Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) Standard 7– Safeguard and promote the welfare of children, and provide a safe learning environment. 9 Educational Research - access educational research; assess the robustness of that research and apply their findings to their own developing teaching practice. Applying Theory - integrate the theoretical elements of their ITT programme with the professional practice elements to support their own reflection and professional development. Professional Development - commitment to identifying and addressing on-going professional development needs. Gaining Employment - confidence and competence in applying for teaching posts. Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) Standard 8 – Fulfil wider professional responsibilities. Roles and Responsibilities Leadership of your Programme Patricia Burgess EYTS Graduate Programme Leader burgessp@edgehill.ac.uk 01257 517112 Lecturer in Early Years Masterla@edgehill.ac.uk Tutors Louise Masterson 01695 654317 Administrative Staff Professional Support Team eyts@edgehill.ac.uk 01695 584730 01695 584556 EYTS Group Tutor Your EYTS Group Tutor will lead your teaching sessions and support you through the programme. They will be your first point of contact for individual or small group pastoral and professional support. Setting Mentors All Early Years Teacher Status trainees will be asked to identify someone within their setting who will act as the mentor for the trainee. This could be a practitioner who has previously achieved the status of EYP/EYT and who has agreed to give support and advice to the trainee during their time on the programme. Assessors All Assessment Only trainees will have an assessor who will be responsible for the Final Assessment Visit. 10 Overview of the Programme Delivery of the Programme The standard delivery route will take the form of three face-to-face taught sessions; online learning and independent study. The course tutor will be available at prearranged times for trainees to e-mail or telephone. You will be introduced to the use of the Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment during your induction session. You will need access to the internet in order to fully undertake the programme. You are also expected to arrange visits to other early years settings that may be different to yours in some way or cater for a different age range in order to ensure that you meet all the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) 2013 to a good or outstanding level. Enhanced Age Related Experience All trainees are required to demonstrate personal practice and leadership across the birth to five age range, within specific age phases of birth-20 months, 16–36 months and 30-50 months. All trainees will be required to undertake a self-arranged age related experience in one or more of these specific age phases in a different setting than their own in order to effectively meet the NCTL requirements and also to be able to complete the assessment tasks in order to meet the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) 2013. Trainees who would benefit from undertaking age related experience may be aware of this as part of their own professional development, or it may have been indicated to them during the interview/offer process, or through discussion with the tutor. The experience must be as follows: 10 days in KS1 Any other training related experience Trainees are required to individually organise their own age related experience and should negotiate the arrangements themselves with their own and host setting, based on their training needs and in liaison with the course tutor. The age related experience may not take place within another area of their own setting and must be in another setting which has been graded as ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted. Trainees should inform the programme tutor of their arrangements for undertaking an age related experience by completing the Age Related Experience Document. 11 Programme Specific Information – Assessment Only Route Programme Calendar You will be provided with a timetable, which is an overview of proposed sessions for the programme. Sessions may be amended or offered as individual study sessions and will be advised by the tutor or announcement on Blackboard. Please note that the programme calendar/timetable includes the following: Induction day Face to Face Days x 2 Pre- arranged opportunities to contact the course tutor Online sessions Assessment period Trainees will be required to submit a piece of reflective writing which demonstrates how they meet each Standard. Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the programme, trainees will be able to demonstrate personal practice and/or leadership as required by the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) 2013. 12 Student Voice “All students should have the opportunity to be involved in quality enhancement and assurance processes…….. In considering approaches it is important that higher education providers create a culture and environment where students are encouraged to take up the opportunities on offer.” Chapter B5, QAA Quality Code Our aim within the Faculty of Education is to go beyond mere consultation, or representation of students in decision-making, and to try and create a genuine partnership with each and every student. We believe that where a genuine partnership exists, students not only identify enhancement opportunities but also offer ways to take forward those enhancements. Our principle means of developing this partnership is to create an environment in which all parties feel valued; and to create a wide range of opportunities for any student to engage in dialogue which leads to educational enhancement and assurance of quality. The following list sets out some of the main ways in which every student can have a voice within their programme: o o o o o o o Evaluation; including The National Student Survey and The NQT Survey Staff-Student Consultative Forums (SSCFs) Focus Groups Boards and Committees Course Representation Curriculum Development Personal Tutor discussions The purpose of gathering students’ feedback is twofold. Firstly, it allows best practice to be recognised, celebrated and built upon; and secondly, it allows areas for improvement to be identified and acted upon. In the past year students have fed back many positive things relating to the taught sessions and the support they received; and, in addition, have raised the following points that they would appreciate more phonics sessions. Based on all of the helpful feedback received the programme team has undertaken the following enhancements: Joint observations carried out with the setting mentors. In 2015-16 the following enhancements are also planned: o Enhanced support from Visiting Tutors o Further support from mentors within the settings An important point to note: You will be asked to complete a final Exit Survey or End of Year Evaluation in June/July, which is an essential element to your training. The table overleaf sets out the ways in which the student voice will be captured during the coming academic year. 13 Student Voice Overview September Potential Trainees October November December January February March April May June End of year ‘Big Evaluation’ Focus Group Partnership Programmes Board SERIM July Aug. Feedback questionnaire after each open event/recruitment event Feedback questionnaire after each interview, including questions about the rigour of the selection process Trainees First Week/ Induction Day Survey Partnership Programmes Board ITT Board SERIM Faculty Board Mid-year ‘Big Evaluation’ SSCF Student Consultative Meeting 1 NSS Survey SSCF Student Consultative Meeting 2 ISS Survey ITT Board Faculty Board Partnership Programmes Board ITT Board HoA Focus Group NQTs/ Former Trainees Partnership Programmes Board Faculty Board ITT Board NQT Survey Faculty Board Partnership Programmes Board NQT/CPD Conference Feedback Employability Survey Focus Group ITT Board ITT Board Faculty Board Faculty Board Feedback to Trainees after: SSCF Meetings, Focus Groups, Mid-year ‘Big Evaluation’ and End of year ‘Big Evaluation’ Information (meeting records and feedback) shared on the VLE, in module handbooks and in teaching sessions with all trainees. 14 Staff-Student Consultation The process of Staff-Student Consultation is set out below: Group Programme Area Aim – To gather feedback at individual course and/or year level within the programme in order to celebrate achievements and successes, and to identify any issues; and provide prompt, on-going feedback. Aim – To gather feedback on the programme as a whole in order to celebrate achievements and successes, and to identify any issues; and provide feedback via the production of the Staff-Student Consultative Forum (SSCF) Meeting Summary, within an agreed timescale. Aim – To gather feedback across the Area in order to celebrate achievements and successes, and to identify any issues; and provide prompt feedback to students via the production of the Staff-Student Consultative Forum Meeting Summary, within an agreed timescale. - 1 / 2 consultative representatives per group to be elected and trained in role - Programme Leader and SU to train all consultative representatives, and to confirm processes/expectations at the start of the year - - - On-going feedback mechanisms to be established via e-mail/Blackboard, as appropriate. Course Leader to produce an overview of actions on a termly basis for management team review Programme Leader to provide summary report to Programmes Partnership Board, within Programme Leader report - A minimum of two SSCFs per year to be planned - Number of focus groups per year to be planned by the Head of Area or Assistant Head of Area - Chaired by Programme Leader - Timing to be planned by the Head of Area or Assistant Head of Area - Year Leaders to attend and appropriate partners - Chaired by Head of Area or Assistant Head of Area - Minutes of meetings discussed, and actions confirmed, with Area Management Team - Focus to be confirmed but linked to Area priorities and issues raised at previous stages of the process across all programmes - Programme Leader to provide summary report to Programmes Partnership Board, within Programme Leader report 15 Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement External Examination Degree‐awarding bodies are responsible for the quality of their educational programmes and the standard of the awards to which they lead; and the external examination system within UK higher education is one of the principal means for assuring both. Within the Faculty of Education we work with External Examiners and External Consultants, according to the needs of the Area; and both of these roles are taken by experts in their subject, or field of work. The External Examiner is a colleague from another Higher Education Institution, and the External Consultant is a colleague from a setting, school or college. External colleagues are independent experts who has no significant prior association with the programme team. Our externals are valued partners at Edge Hill University and the work they undertake allows programme teams to be assured of the quality of the programmes delivered and, at the same time, supports programme teams in identifying enhancement opportunities in order to continue to improve programmes. All external colleagues will visit a sample of trainees on placement, will observe them teaching, and may look at trainees’ files. They will also talk with school colleagues. All of these activities allow externals to judge the quality of the programme being delivered. Externals also review samples of assessments in order to judge the accuracy and fairness of marking being undertaken; and, they will meet with a group of trainees at the university to discuss all aspects of their studies. At the end of the year externals attend the relevant assessment boards in order to confirm that the marks and awards being made are made fairly and rigorously. At the end of the examination process external colleagues write a report which outlines their findings, observations and judgements. This is a significant document which allows programme teams to celebrate strengths and identify areas to develop. The reports are located in the relevant area of the VLE for you to read; along with the programme team’s response to the report. The External Examiner for your programme is: Dr Pam Jarvis; Senior Lecturer; Leeds Trinity University It is not appropriate for trainees to contact externals individually, however, many of you will have chance to talk with them as outlined above. 16 Teaching, Learning and Assessment The Faculty of Education’s approach to teaching, learning and assessment is built around a concept of a learning entitlement for all students/trainees that includes: programmes that provide academic and professional challenge and which are underpinned and informed by practice based research explicit engagement that addresses learners’ academic and professional needs and develops their relevant skills and knowledge a focus on learner centred approaches to teaching, learning and assessment provision of a wide range of pedagogies designed to role model excellent practice and to promote effective learning opportunities the effective integration of new and emerging technologies designed to enhance the learning potential of sessions, modules and programmes assessment opportunities (formative and summative) that are equitable, consistent, transparent, time appropriate and closely aligned with aims and learning outcomes comprehensive and effective feedback procedures that clearly articulate targets for progression and improvement opportunities to develop teaching, learning and assessment techniques within a range of settings as appropriate to the programme 17 Lines of Communication: Who do I ask if I have a query or a concern? If you have a query relating to procedures, timetables or locations, have you first checked all the necessary documentation for your year group, including booklets and notices on Learning Edge? Have you checked with your members of your peer group? If you have a personal concern or an academic query (e.g in relation to your academic writing) If you have a concern or query in relation to your professional practice. If you have a query relating to a particular module (including the content, tasks or assignment) Please make contact with your Personal Tutor initially via email to arrange a time to meet. Your personal tutor will usually be able to resolve your issues or direct you to the most appropriate point of contact. If your professional practice has not yet started please contact your personal tutor If your professional practice has started then please contact your setting mentor or your Visiting Tutor. Please contact the individual module tutor who teaches you for that module in the first instance. Your module tutor will usually be able to resolve your issues, however, if necessary they may be referred to the Module Leader. If necessary your personal tutor, visiting tutor or module leader will refer your queries or concerns on to your Year Leader. NB: Due to data protection we cannot discuss your training with anyone other than you. Certain matters may be referred by the Year Leader, to the Programme Leader. NB: You should not make contact with the Dean of Education or the Head of Area. For wider support outside the faculty please access support from Student Services or Learning Services. Student Services for Accommodation/ Counselling/ Health/ Careers/ Finance /Inclusion/ Childcare/ Faith Support/ Social Support Open: 8:30am-7:30pm Monday to Thursday and 8:30am-5:00pm Friday Tel –- 01695 584554 Leaning Services for Library/ IT help / Media Facilities /SpLD support Tel – 01695 650800 https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/studentservices/student-information-desk/ Email, live chat or text message – ehu.ac.uk/askus https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/ls/about/ 18 Useful Contact Information for Trainees Careers Service Website: http://www.edgehill.ac.uk/careers/ Tel: 01695 584866 (out of hours answer machine available) Email General Enquiries: careers@edgehill.ac.uk Address: Careers Office - Student Information Centre (ground floor), Edge Hill University, St Helens Road, Ormskirk, L39 4QP. Learning Services (including support services) Website: http://www.edgehill.ac.uk/ls/ Tel: 01695 584286 Email: enquiries lsdesk@edgehill.ac.uk Email/Text/24/7 Live chat: Visit http://askus.edgehill.ac.uk/ Finance The Student Financial Support Team is based in the Student Information Centre at Edge Hill. Academic Registry Academic registry is based in Student Information Centre (SIC) Tel: 01695 584554 – Academic Registry Helpdesk Accommodation Email: www.edgehill.ac.uk/accommodation. Counselling Tel: 01695 650988 Email: counselling@edgehill.ac.uk 19 The Role of the Personal Tutor What is a Personal Tutor? The Personal Tutor sits at the centre of the student ‘goal setting process’, linking together all aspects of a programme to ensure that each trainee is supported and challenged rigorously throughout their training within the Edge Hill University Partnership, in order to achieve their full potential. The Personal Tutor, will ‘own’ the progress and training of each trainee they work with, and be responsive and accessible when issues arise. They will report on their work at regular intervals throughout the year, demonstrating how each of their trainees is developing into a highly reflective and critical practitioner who evaluates his or her own practice and the impact this has on pupil progress and achievement, thus ensuring that each trainee makes outstanding progress. This is a personalised role for each trainee dependent upon their prior experiences, achievement and individual training needs. What does a Personal Tutor do? The role of the Personal Tutor will vary depending upon the year of the programme a trainee is in. All Personal Tutors will receive training before they undertake the role and will receive staff development in this area as required. Their focus will include: Undertaking scheduled tutorial meetings with tutees (a minimum of 3 during the year) Tracking and monitoring of trainee progress and logging this centrally, and intervening when required Being available to offer advice and guidance during Professional Practices Offering support when required regarding training; and communicating with trainees regularly Guiding trainees in relation to personal employability 20 What should you as a trainee do? You should engage fully in all scheduled Personal Tutor meetings; and attend Personal Tutor meetings ready to engage in discussions about your progress and goals. This includes the completion of pre-meeting tasks as appropriate. You should ensure that copies of relevant information are made available for Personal Tutors at planned meetings, such as Professional Practice End of Placement Forms. You should ensure that your Personal Tutor has all your current contact information. You should ensure that all your relevant teaching files, subject knowledge folders and Standards portfolios are maintained and up to date, as a Personal Tutor may wish to see these at any point. It is to be emphasised that working with a Personal Tutor is a two way process and trainees are expected to prepare for Personal Tutor meetings in an appropriate way. Please also refer to the diagram in this booklet on page 19 which will guide you in understanding the most appropriate sources of support throughout your time on the programme if you have a query or a concern. 21 Employability Including References Employability/Applying for Jobs Support from Edge Hill University You will be given advice on job applications within your taught sessions. Further written advice is available from the Careers Centre, located on the ground floor of the Student Information Centre. To find out further information about the Careers Centre you can also visit: http://www.edgehill.ac.uk/careers/ References When applying for jobs, you should state your first referee as your current/most recent employer. Edge Hill University are only able to provide you with a trainee reference. These will be written by your Visiting Tutor who will base it on the information they collect during visits and will be based on the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) 2013. 22 Former Trainee Development and Enhancement Programme Edge Hill University are here to support you through your studies and throughout your teaching career. The Development and Enhancement programme supports graduates in their first year of teaching through the following: Workshops/Collaborate sessions Blackboard dedicated to NQT/Former Trainees and their professional development Access to the Public Lecture Series 3 NQT/Former Trainees Conferences Dedicated email address nqt@edgehill.ac.uk Support from Area Coordinators We also provide support throughout your teaching career including: Invitations to TeachMeets Support in planning your career Free Library and online journal package Help with further study We very much welcome you to be a part of the Edge Hill University alumni community once you graduate. 23 Timetable Assessment Only Route – September 2015 Week Commencing 30-Aug-15 07-Sep-15 14-Sep-15 Week No. 1 2 3 21-Sep-15 4 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Induction 9.30-3.30 28-Sep-15 Introduction to the Standards 5 9.30-3.30 05-Oct-15 12-Oct-15 19-Oct-15 26-Oct-15 02-Nov-15 6 7 8 9 10 Half Term Written Tasks & Assessment 9.30-3.30 09-Nov-15 16-Nov-15 23-Nov-15 30-Nov-15 07-Dec-15 11 12 13 14 15 14-Dec-15 16 21-Dec-15 28-Dec-15 04-Jan-16 17 18 19 Assessment Window Christmas Holidays 24 Assessment Information Teaching, Learning and Assessment Early Years Teacher Status assessment (irrespective of their route) will undertake exactly the same assessment activities. The summative assessment process can broadly be divided into 2 distinct sections; 1. The Development and Progress Review, is generally undertaken midway through the programme and is a practical, formative part of the assessment process. This will be carried out by Edge Hill University staff week commencing 11th April 2016. Trainees will have to make arrangements to attend Woodlands campus for a 40 minute interview. Two Interim Reports must have been received by the Programme Leader before the review can take place. 2. The Assessment visit, is undertaken at the end of the programme and is the summative part of the assessment process. This will involve a visit to your setting by the trainee’s visiting tutor from Edge Hill University Development and Progress Review Process It will: Determine your understanding of the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) Determine your progress in evidencing the standards Determine your ability to communicate clearly and confidently Provide you with interim feedback on your progress Review and support your progress towards your progress towards achieving a successful outcome Inform an action plan to support you towards successful completion of the programme. The Assessment Process – Written Tasks During the programme each trainee will undertake, complete and hand in eight written tasks. These written tasks are obligatory, if a trainee does not submit all of them, or combines two or more, you will not be able to proceed to the assessment stage. The Assessment Process – Assessment Visit The purpose of the assessment visit is two-fold: Firstly to provide each trainee with the opportunity to provide both oral and documentary evidence of your work in your setting Secondly to enable your assessor to complement the evidence of your written tasks through scrutiny of your documentation, a tour of your setting, an observation of practice, a witness interview and through talking to you. The visit comprises of: An interview with the trainee relating to the Standards. Scrutiny of documentary evidence relating to the Standards 25 A tour of your setting An observation of professional practice (this may be carried out prior to the final assessment visit) An interview with a witness nominated by the trainee (usually their line manager) You will use the prescribed documentation throughout the assessment visit which is as follows: Setting Details Tour Notes List of Documents Record of Observation Written Task pro formas These documents are available through Learning Edge VLE services. You will be notified of the ‘setting visit window’ and will be required to make a selection of preferred dates. Confirmation of the actual date will be agreed with your employer and the Edge Hill Visiting Tutor and added to the EYTS portal. The setting should be operating normally during the visit, and it is your responsibility to ensure that a private space is available for the assessor for the full duration of the assessment visit. Trainees should note that attendance at each of the taught sessions is important. Any trainee who does not attend a session may miss vital information about the assessment process. They may be required to attend another session on a different day. 26 Code of Conduct Faculty of Education Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Professional Code of Conduct Introduction All Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programmes leading to a recommendation for the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), or Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS), are programmes of professional training and education. As a trainee studying on an ITT programme you are expected to conduct yourself at all times in an appropriate professional manner. You are entitled to expect that your professional practice settings mirror the professional experience of a teacher, and settings are entitled to expect that you will present and conduct yourself in a way that is consistent with the professional expectations of a teacher. This could mean, for example, attendance at start of day staff meetings, or attendance at an after school club. The Professional Code of Conduct is additional and complementary to the Edge Hill University Student Regulations, which incorporate the Student Code of Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures for all students. Each trainee on an Edge Hill University ITT programme is a student of Edge Hill University and you are therefore both bound by, and protected by, the entitlements included in the Academic Student Regulations in force at the time of enrolment and study. These are issued to each student at the point of enrolment and subsequent updates are accessible via the web. The Professional Code of Conduct is additional and complementary to both the Edge Hill University Student Charter and a professional practice setting’s own policies and practices. This code has been drawn up in collaboration with the ITT partnership. The code takes into account the relevant and current policy and legislative frameworks including the Teachers’ Standards for Early Years, 2013, Teachers’ Standards in England, 2012, the current Professional Standards for the Further Education Sector managed by the Education and Training Foundation leading to Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS), the current Initial Teacher Training Criteria, the Disclosure and Barring Services legislation and Safeguarding legislation. This code sets out the Faculty’s expectations of you as you engage with a professional programme. You are signing the document in order to evidence and agree to abide by the behaviour, attitudes, responsibilities and agreements outlined to you both as a trainee and as a representative of the university, from the point of enrolment onwards. 27 Behaviour and attitude: As a trainee following an ITT programme at Edge Hill University, Faculty of Education, you are expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct. You will maintain and model the highest standards of ethics and behaviour. For all aspects of the programme you are following, you will: 1. Demonstrate high standards of honesty and integrity 2. Treat pupils/learners in all settings, and others, including fellow trainees and all staff in the Edge Hill University Partnership, with humility and dignity 3. Show respect for the rights of others including individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs 4. Show due regard for the ethos and values of the university and any other setting. You will follow the policies, procedures and codes of practice and conduct, including safeguarding pupils’ well-being, in accordance with statutory provision 5. Demonstrate professional behaviour and relationships towards all staff, pupils/learners and trainees in both formal and informal contexts, including via social media. You will observe boundaries in line with a teacher’s professional position and responsibilities 6. Take responsibility for your own learning and development, ensuring a professional and accountable approach to all aspects of the programme 7. Take responsibility for managing the demands of the profession by looking after your personal well-being and actively developing resilience strategies 8. Show an active willingness to engage with, listen to and act on feedback and advice from trainers across the Edge Hill University Partnership 9. Actively reflect on your learning and teaching experiences in order to target set, action plan, improve, achieve and attain highly 10. Participate and actively engage in all learning and teaching experiences, and activities; and engage with the full range of feedback mechanisms, such as trainee surveys, trainee consultation and focus groups 11. Ensure that the requirements of all elements of the programme are carried out in line with the guidance in module, course and programme documentation, and at briefings. This includes subject specific codes of practice 28 Professional responsibilities: In addition, this will mean that you are required to: 1. Commit to attend all training sessions. You will reflect an exemplary attendance record that can be reported within your completed reference from the Edge Hill University Partnership. You will follow the procedures for notifying absence which are clearly set out in the programme documentation and avoid last minute cancellations of meetings wherever possible 2. Complete, adhere to and retain all compliance-related documentation in an appropriate manner. This will include DBS Enhanced Disclosure and good health and good character declarations 3. Fully engage with the programme that you have enrolled upon, as required by the teaching and learning strategy for your programme; including attendance at all Personal Tutor meetings 4. Take responsibility to access, read, fully understand and engage with the policies, procedures and practices across your training programme; and ensure all safeguarding procedures are fully adhered to 5. Maintain a professional approach to all communications, including e communications and social networking, ensuring that comments made do not bring yourself, your family, your colleagues, or the Edge Hill University Partnership into disrepute 6. Use the Edge Hill University email system to communicate professionally with staff, to maintain an appropriate approach to e-safety and to comply with the university’s and setting’s policy2 7. Be punctual at all times 8. Use the relevant support networks to raise any issues/concerns you may have with your training 9. Maintain an appropriate standard of professional dress and appearance, particularly whilst on professional practice and in relation to special activities 10. Ensure that all assessed work relevant to your training programme is available if requested 11. Take full advantage of the range of professional development opportunities, including the NQT/Former Trainee programme, in order to support your ongoing training and development 2IT Acceptable Use Policy https://go.edgehill.ac.uk/wiki/display/itservices/IT+Acceptable+Use+Policy 29 Breaches of the Professional Code of Conduct When at Edge Hill University: 1. Code of Behaviour/Misconduct The Edge Hill University Student Code of Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures sets out the code of acceptable behaviour and disciplinary procedures to deal with misconduct. 3 You must comply with all rules and regulations of the university. The current versions of all university polices are housed on the Edge Hill University intranet and it is your responsibility to make yourself aware of these. Some rules and regulations may be supported by sanctions, including fines, or exclusion from facilities and services. 2. Academic and Professional Requirements The academic and professional requirements of each ITT programme are specified in The Edge Hill University Programme Handbook, produced on an annual basis. The handbook sets out what is expected and required of you in relation to academic performance and professionalism and specifies the procedures to be followed in the event of: Academic failure Malpractice Failure to meet the academic and professional requirements of the programme. Within the Edge Hill University Academic Regulations, please refer to Appendix 19: Academic and Professional Review procedures and the Fitness for Practice Regulations 3. Academic and Professional Review procedure The ITT Academic and Professional Review Procedure acts as a necessary first stage in the tracking and monitoring of trainees’ progress on their ITT programme. The process is designed to be supportive of you in outlining clear actions to support your success, progression and achievement. In addition, the procedure allows decisions to be made with regard to your suitability to teach and/or remain on the programme. The process involves four stages including a preliminary stage and is detailed in the appropriate Programme Handbook. 3Student Support & Regulations - http://www.edgehill.ac.uk/studenthandbook/handbook/student_regs_05.html 30 Whilst on professional practice: 1. Minor breaches of the Code of Conduct will be dealt with initially by discussion with the mentor and/or visiting tutor, an informal warning, and/or improvement targets set through the normal training process. Provided that you act on such warnings and/or targets, and comply with the Code of Conduct, there will be no further consequences. Failure to act on such warnings and/or targets is likely to constitute a serious breach of the Code of Conduct and the procedure outlined below will apply. 2. If you commit a serious breach of the Code of Conduct and your behaviour gives rise to concern about professional standards, the head, manager or principal of the setting will follow normal procedures in relation to staff discipline as appropriate. Relevant Edge Hill University tutors will also be notified and appropriate action will be taken. This may include the triggering of the Academic and Professional Review Meeting procedure (APRM) involving the Programme Leader and Assistant Head of Area at stage 2. 3. Behaviour that is regarded as a grave breach of the Code of Conduct will normally result in your immediate removal from the school/setting/college and serious disciplinary consequences. These consequences will usually include a Stage 3 Academic and Professional Review Meeting with the Assistant Head of Area/Head of Area. 31 Attendance Expectations Attendance at taught sessions and engagement in online sessions is compulsory and is necessary to meet National College for Teaching and Leadership requirements. You will have responsibilities to fellow trainees and will be expected to actively contribute to sessions. Occasional absence related to illness or personal difficulties will not be penalised. Trainees should explain absences to their tutor in advance where possible and demonstrate understanding of the session missed. On the first day of any absence, it is the trainee’s responsibility to notify the Early Years Administration Office and their Tutor before 9.30am on the first day of absence. The following information will be required: a) b) c) d) Name Programme Reason for absence Proposed return date to Edge Hill University. The Faculty of Education is required to record all absences. e) You must notify the Early Years Administration Office of your return date, if unknown at the time of notification or if different to the above. Trainee Tracking Explained absence Unexplained absence Consecutive unexplained absence Irregular attendance/missed more than 3 sessions. Trainee informs both the tutor and Early Years Administration Office of absence Tutor passes session register to the Early Years Teacher Status Administrator to ensure that the absence has been noted on the trainee’s record Tutor discusses absence with trainee Independent reading set as appropriate Tutor notifies Early Years Teacher Status Administrator of absence via the return of the register Tutor monitors the situation Tutor notifies the Programme Leader Tutor notifies Early Years Teacher Status Administrator of absence via the return of the register Programme Leader makes contact with the trainee to identify issues, agree and record action (retained on trainee file) Tutor notifies the Programme Leader Tutor notifies Early Years Teacher Status Administrator of absence via the return of the register Programme Leader meets with the trainee, identifies issues, agrees and records action (retained on trainee file). Programme Leader notifies Academic Registry to send first tracking letter. 32 Emerging pattern of missed attendance, explained or unexplained prolonged absence. Continuing missed attendance, explained or unexplained/ attitude concerns Programme Leader meets with the trainee, identifies issues, agrees and records action (retained on trainee file). Programme Leader notifies Academic Registry. Academic Registry sends second tracking letter. Early Years Head of Area/Assistant Head of Area and the Programme Leader meet with the trainee and initiate Stage One Academic and Professional Review Procedures (Appendix 3) Targets set – documents circulated to trainee Trainee placed on ‘Reserved Agenda’ Programme Leader monitors attendance and reports to the Early Years Management Board and ‘Reserved Agenda’. Early Years Head of Area/Assistant Head of Area and Programme Leader meet with the trainee to review failure to meet targets. Trainee fails to respond to the targets set at Stage One Academic and Professional Review Procedures. Where appropriate, Stage Two Academic and Professional Review Procedures initiated. Documents circulated to Academic Registry, trainee and Early Years Head of Area/Assistant Head of Area. OR Academic Registry withdraws the trainee from the programme in the event that first or second tracking letter is not responded to. 33 ITT Academic and Professional Review Procedures (APRM): 2015/16 Early Years Education Tracking and monitoring of trainees reveals a specific support need, or, infringement of Code of Conduct APRM Stage 1, including Initial Tutorial Meeting: Stage 1 APRM, including Initial Tutorial Meeting, initiated4 Trainer alerts trainee and Year Leader, and maintains a record of communication Trainer meets with trainee. Identification of issues and actions/targets agreed. APRM doc.tut completed Trainer monitors situation and maintains the overview Tracking and monitoring of trainees reveals ongoing/further specific support needed; reoccurrence of infringement of Code of Conduct; or targets not met Trainer notifies Year Leader Year Leader meets with trainee. Identification of issues and actions/targets agreed. APRM doc.1 completed Year Leader informs Programme Leader, monitors situation and maintains the overview Tracking and monitoring of trainees reveals ongoing/further specific support needed; reoccurrence of infringement of Code of Conduct; or targets not met Stage 2 APRM initiated 4 The APRM staged process will normally be followed as set out in the flow chart; however, certain circumstances may require the process to begin at a specific stage 34 APRM Stage 2 Tracking and monitoring of trainees reveals ongoing/further specific support needed; reoccurrence of infringement of Code of Conduct; or targets not met APRM Stage 3 Tracking and monitoring of trainees reveals ongoing/further specific support needed; reoccurrence of infringement of Code of Conduct; or targets not met APRM Stage 4 Assistant Head of Area and Programme Leader meet with trainee. Identification of issues and actions/targets agreed. APRM doc.2 completed Programme Leader monitors situation and maintains the overview Stage 3 APRM initiated Head of Area and Assistant Head of Area meet with trainee. Identification of issues and actions/targets agreed. APRM doc.3 completed Programme Leader monitors situation and maintains the overview Stage 4 APRM initiated Head of Area alerts Associate Dean (ITT and Quality). Head of Area reports to Academic Registrar and Director of Student Services with regard to institutional consideration within Fitness to Practise regulations. 35 Exceptional Mitigating Circumstances (EMC) The Faculty follows the University guideline on Exceptional Mitigating Circumstances. The guidelines can be found on the Academic Registry wiki https://go.edgehill.ac.uk/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=9339014 If you have questions about the content please discuss with the Programme Leader who will advise you on the best course of action. On Programme Self-Declaration All providers of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) have a responsibility to ensure that trainees have the health and physical capacity to teach and will not put children and young people at risk of harm. In addition, Statutory guidance, Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education, requires providers to ensure that entrants on all routes, including salaried schemes, have been subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) criminal records check, including a check of the children’s barred list, and they should keep records showing that trainees have obtained these. All trainees undertaking programmes leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) or Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) must therefore inform their Head of Area without delay of any issues relating to their health and physical capacity to teach; and any change relating to a criminal record, which arise after enrolment on a programme. In addition, the details of any criminal convictions must be detailed on the document overleaf and shared with the Head of Area. The flow chart overleaf sets out the detail of the relevant procedures. 36 Self-Declaration Procedure Health Issue disclosed - Faculty Assistant Registrar (FAR) requests further information and informs Head of Area (HoA) Character issue (i.e. a criminal offence) disclosed at enrolment Faculty Assistant Registrar (FAR) organises Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) panel and results to be passed to Academic Registry During programme trainee declares a character issue (following DBS clearance) OR the University are made aware of an offence HOA to make initial decision related to trainee's ability to undertake a Professional Practice HoA to report issue to ITT Leadership Team, maintaining anonymity, for decision to be confirmed - ILT to make decision as to next steps Trainee cleared and proceeds with programme HoA to report outcome to trainee Team Leader produces DBS letter and confirms with FAR that letter has been produced Trainee not cleared trainee is supported in leaving the programme Trainee completes Self-Declaration Form and submits form to Academic Registry DBS Panel arranged DBS letter produced and passed to CL/PL to distribute to trainee 37 Safeguarding – Management of a Cause for Concern MANAGEMENT OF A CAUSE FOR CONCERN ON PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE RELATED TO SAFEGUARDING OF A CHILD/VULNERABLE ADULT Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and there may be occasions where we need to act quickly to identify and minimise any risks to children/vulnerable adults. This policy sets out the actions that must occur if a student/trainee has a concern for the safeguarding and welfare of a child/vulnerable adult during the Professional Practice element of their programme. It also clarifies how a student/trainee will be supported throughout any process of enquiry. POLICY TITLE MANAGEMENT OF A CAUSE FOR CONCERN ON PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE RELATED TO SAFEGUARDING OF A CHILD/VULNERABLE ADULT NEXT REVIEW DATE June 2016 REVIEW RESPONSIBILITY N. Baker LAST REVISION MADE July 2015 38 MANAGEMENT OF A CAUSE FOR CONCERN ON PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE RELATED TO SAFEGUARDING OF A CHILD/VULNERABLE ADULT The following sets out the actions to be taken by a student/trainee and Faculty staff Student has concerns relating to safeguarding of a child/vulnerable adult Student/trainee must inform the Faculty of Education DSO immediately (within 24 hours) using the designated email safeguarding@edgehill.ac.uk and must be copied to the appropriate HoA. The HoA will ask the trainee to complete an incident reporting form and submit this to the Faculty DSO, who will refer to the appropriate body, as necessary (and concerns of a serious nature will be reported directly to the local authority’s Safeguarding Officer). Student/trainee must inform the school/college/setting’s DSO immediately (within 24 hours) using the details provided during the induction into the Professional Practice. The school/ college/setting’s DSO will guide and support the student/trainee in following the school/college/setting’s relevant procedure. The HoA will advise the student/trainee to seek support from their Personal Tutor. The FoE’s DSO will contact the *relevant school/college/setting’s DSO to ensure the appropriate procedures are in place. As appropriate, the HoA will work with the relevant Personal Tutor to ensure the student/trainee is supported in their Professional Practice. The FoE’s DSO will seek and record the outcome, and share with HoA and with other colleagues within the University, as necessary. The FoE’s DSO will ensure the partnership database details are amended, as necessary. Student/trainee to be informed of outcome by HoA. DSO – Designated Safeguarding Officer FoE – Faculty of Education HoA – Head of Area * The FoE (DSO) is Nadine Baker, Associate Dean (ITT & QME), email: bakern@edgehill.ac.uk, Tel: 01695 584336. Please note it is courteous for the trainee to also inform their Mentor of the fact that an issue has been reported (please note the specific details should not be shared). 39 Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) 2013 PART 1 - TEACHING S1. SET HIGH EXPECTATIONS WHICH INSPIRE, MOTIVATE AND CHALLENGE ALL CHILDREN 1.1 1.2 1.3 Establish and sustain a safe and stimulating environment where children feel confident and are able to learn and develop. Set goals that stretch and challenge children of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions. Demonstrate and model the positive values, attitudes and behaviours expected of children. S2. PROMOTE GOOD PROGRESS AND OUTCOMES BY CHILDREN 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Be accountable for children’s progress, attainment and outcomes. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how babies and children learn and develop. Know and understand attachment theories, their significance and how effectively to promote secure attachments. Lead and model effective strategies to develop and extend children’s learning and thinking, including sustained shared thinking. Communicate effectively with children from birth to age five, listening and responding sensitively. Develop children’s confidence, social and communication skills through group learning. Understand the important influence of parents and/or carers, working in partnership with them to support the child's wellbeing, learning and development. S3. DEMONSTRATE GOOD KNOWLEDGE OF EARLY LEARNING AND EYFS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Have a secure knowledge of early childhood development and how that leads to successful learning and development at school. Demonstrate a clear understanding of how to widen children’s experience and raise their expectations. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the EYFS areas of learning and development and engage with the educational continuum of expectations, curricula and teaching of Key Stage 1 and 2. Demonstrate a clear understanding of systematic synthetic phonics in the teaching of early reading. Demonstrate a clear understanding of appropriate strategies in the teaching of early mathematics. S4 PLAN EDUCATION AND CARE TAKING ACCOUNT OF THE NEEDS OF ALL CHILDREN. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Observe and assess children’s development and learning, using this to plan next steps. Plan balanced and flexible activities and educational programmes that take into account the stage of development, circumstances and interests of children. Promote a love of learning and stimulate children’s intellectual curiosity in partnership with parents and/or carers. Use a variety of teaching approaches to lead group activities appropriate to the age range and ability of children. Reflect on the effectiveness of teaching activities and educational programmes to support the continuous improvement of provision. 40 S5. ADAPT TEACHING TO RESPOND TO THE STRENGTHS AND NEEDS OF ALL CHILDREN 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Have a secure understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit children’s learning and development and how best to address these. Demonstrate an awareness of the physical, emotional, social, intellectual development and communication needs of babies and children, and know how to adapt education and care to support children at different stages of development. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, and be able to use and evaluate distinctive approaches to engage and support them. Support children through a range of transitions. Know when a child is in need of additional support and how this can be accessed, working in partnership with parents and/or carers and other professionals. S6. MAKE ACCURATE AND PRODUCTIVE USE OF ASSESSMENT 6.1 6.2 6.3 Understand and lead assessment within the framework of the EYFS framework, including statutory assessment requirements (see annex 1). Engage effectively with parents and/or carers and other professionals in the on-going assessment and provision for each child. Give regular feedback to children and parents and/or carers to help children progress towards their goals. S7. SAFEGUARD AND PROMOTE THE WELFARE OF CHILDREN AND PROVIDE A SAFE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 7.1 Know and act upon the legal requirements and guidance on health and safety, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child. 7.2 Establish and sustain a safe environment and employ practices that promote children’s health and safety. 7.3 Know and understand child protection policies and procedures, recognise when a child is in danger or at risk of abuse, and know how to act to protect them. S8. FULFIL WIDER PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Promote equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice. Make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the setting. Take a lead in establishing a culture of cooperative working between colleagues, parents and/or carers and other professionals. Model and implement effective education and care, and support and lead other practitioners including Early Years Educators. Take responsibility for leading practice through appropriate professional development for self and colleagues. Reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness of provision, and shape and support good practice. Understand the importance of and contribute to multi-agency team working. 41 APPENDICES 42 Appendix 1 Early Years Teacher Status Key Stage 1 Self-Arranged Placement Attendance Form Student ID: …………………………. Trainee Name: ……………………………………………………………. School Name: …………………………………………………………… School Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………… Postcode:………………….. You must complete the attendance record with all dates to show that you have completed 10 days in Key Stage 1. This attendance record must be signed by the school. Week Commencing Monday AM PM Tuesday AM PM Wednesday Thursday AM AM PM PM Friday AM PM I can confirm that the candidate named above has completed a placement for a minimum of 10 days within our school, as detailed above, and has completed the following activities: Observation of how English is taught in Year 1 and Year 2 Observation of how Mathematics is taught in Year 1 and Year 2 Observation of how the environment is set up and used by children in Year 1 and Year 2 Meeting with the SENCO to discuss their role The candidate should also have spent time considering: The roles of the staff in Year 1 and Year 2 The role of play within both Year 1 and Year 2 Signed: ……………………………………… Date: ………………………… Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Job Title: …………………………………………………………………………… Trainee Signature: …………………………………… Date: ……………………… The EYTS trainee is responsible for sending a copy of this form to: Early Years Professional Support Team, Faculty of Education, Edge Hill University, St Helens Road, Ormskirk, L39 4QP. Alternatively, it can be scanned and sent by email to eyts@edgehill.ac.uk 43 Appendix 2 I confirm that I have read and understand the Edge Hill University Partnership Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Professional Code of Conduct and agree to abide by its terms Signed (trainee): Print name: Date: Signed (tutor): Print name: Date: ITT programme: 44 Appendix 3 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL INCIDENT REPORTING FORM TO BE COMPLETED BY A STUDENT/TRAINEE WHO WISHES TO RAISE A CAUSE FOR CONCERN ON PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE (Please include the full names of all concerned) Name of reporting student/trainee: ...................................................................................... Student no.: ………………………………………………………………………………. Programme: ………………………………………………………………………………. Name of Personal Tutor: .......................................................................................... Professional Practice and name of school/college/setting: .................................................................................................................................. Date of alleged incident, or cause for concern: ........................................................ Time of alleged incident, or cause for concern: ……….………………………………. Reported to (please include name(s) and role(s)): ................................................... Nature of alleged incident, or cause for concern: .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 45 .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Name of Designated Safeguarding Officer in school/college/setting: ........................................................... Incident reported to Designated Safeguarding Officer in school/college/setting on: ......................................... Signed: Student/Trainee: ………………………………..................................... Date: …………… please also print name To be returned to the relevant Head of Area to forward to the Faculty Designated Safeguarding Officer. 46 Appendix 4 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTCOME TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DSO ONCE AN OUTCOME HAS BEEN REACHED, FOLLOWING THE INVESTIGATION INTO THE ALLEGED INCIDENT, OR CAUSE FOR CONCERN ....................................................................................................................………….. .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Signed: ……………………………………………………………… Faculty DSO: ……………………………….................................. Date: ……..…….. please also print name 47