A Critical Thinking Approach Cartoon: Discuss reason for cartoon and three points cartoonist is making. Facing the Taxpayer Problems American Problems Facing the American Taxpayer Problems Problems Problems Problems Facing Facing Facing Facing the the the the American American American American Taxpayer Taxpayer Taxpayer Taxpayer Problems Facing the American Taxpayer The The Theworld world worldisisisaaadifferent different differentplace place placethan than thanitititwas was wasin ininthe the theearly early early1900s. 1900s. 1900s.Numerous Numerous Numerouschallenges challenges challenges The The The world world world is is a is a different a different different place place place than than than it it was it was was in in the in the the early early early 1900s. 1900s. 1900s. Numerous Numerous Numerous Numerous challenges challenges challenges challenges MAIN IDEA both taxpayer--problems both bothglobally globally globallyand and andnationally nationally nationallycreate create createworries worries worriesfor for forthe the theAmerican American American taxpayer--problems taxpayer--problems both both both both globally globally globally globally and and and and nationally nationally nationally nationally create create create create worries worries worries worries for for for for the the the the American American American American taxpayer--problems taxpayer—problems taxpayer--problems taxpayer--problems that that that that were aaafew years back. of most challenges that that were werenonexistent nonexistent nonexistent few few years years back. back.One One One of ofthe the the most mostlooming looming looming challenges challengesfacing facing facing were were were that nonexistent nonexistent were nonexistent nonexistent a a few a few few years a years years few back. back. years back. One back. One One of of of One the the the most of most most the looming looming most looming looming challenges challenges challenges challenges facing facing facing the facing the MAJOR POINT that were nonexistent a few years back the isisisthe national debt. the national debt on an the facing taxpayer the taxpayer the country’s is the country’s national national debt. With debt. the With national the national debt rising debt on rising an thetaxpayer taxpayer thecountry’s country’s national debt.With With the national debtrising rising on an taxpayer taxpayer taxpayer the taxpayer is is is the the the country’s is country’s country’s the country’s national national national national debt. debt. debt. With debt. With the the With national national the national debt debt rising rising debt on rising an average on an average of the American taxpayer can likewise average on an average ofof$3.8 $3.8 of billion $3.8per per billion day, per the day, American the American taxpayer taxpayer can expect canhis his expect taxes his likewise taxesof average $3.8billion billion perday, day, the American taxpayer canexpect expect histaxes taxes likewise $3.8 $3.8 average billion billion ofper per $3.8 day, day, billion the the American per American day, the taxpayer taxpayer American can canprograms—not expect taxpayer expecthis his can taxes taxes expect likewise likewise his taxes tothe increase likewise to MINOR DETAIL to to current governmental to mention tolikewise increase to toincrease pay for to current pay for governmental current governmental programs—not programs—not toto mention to the mention addition toincrease increase topay payfor for current governmental programs—not mention theaddition topay to pay increase for for current current to pay governmental for current programs—not governmental programs—not to programs—not to mention mention the the addition toaddition mention ofproblem of more the more of more programs in the future. Not only isisNot the national aanational major ofthe more addition programs ofgovernmental more in the programs future. Not in future. the only future. the Not national only isdebt debt the major problem debt a for for addition of more programs in the only is the national debt a major MAJOR POINT programs programs addition in of in the the more future. future. programs Not Not only only in the is is the future. the national national debt debt a a major major problem problem for for the the the taxpayer, the every increasing rise in health also the major taxpayer, problem but thethe every taxpayer, increasing the riseincreasing every in major major increasing health issues rise inisis major also tapping tapping health into problem for but thefor taxpayer, but thebut every rise inissues major health issues isinto also taxpayer, taxpayer, but but the the every ever-increasing increasing rise in major major health health issues issues is is also also tapping tapping into into the the the taxpayer’s pocketbook. the issues taxpayer’s is into alsothe tapping pocketbook. into the Obesity taxpayer’s rates pocketbook. in the USrates are Obesity among the rates highest in theinUS the are tapping taxpayer’s pocketbook. Obesity in the US are among the taxpayer’s taxpayer’s pocketbook. pocketbook. Obesity Obesity rates rates in in the the US United are among States are the among highest the in the highest world. in world. among the highest to in thethe National world. to Obesity According Foundation’s to the National 2011 Obesity report, one Foundation’s in three highestAccording in the world. According the National Obesity Foundation’s 2011 report, According the world. to According the National to the Obesity National Foundation’s Obesity Foundation’s 2011 report, 2011 one in report, three one adults in three is adults 2011 isthree considered one inobese, three adults which iscontributes considered to obese, increased which deaths contributes and healthcare to one inreport, adults is considered obese, which contributes to increased deaths and MINOR DETAIL considered adults is considered obese, which obese, contributes which contributes to increased to increase deaths and healthcare healthcare costs. costs. Along Along costs. increased Alongdeaths with obesity and healthcare is theobesity rise costs. in is diabetes. Along Diabetes obesity brings isDiabetes the with riseitbrings inserious diabetes. healthcare costs. Along with the risewith in diabetes. with it with with obesity obesity is is the the rise rise in in diabetes. diabetes. Diabetes Diabetes brings brings with with it it serious serious complications—all complications—all complications—all Diabetes brings with of which it serious canwhich complications—all be terminal. Heart of disease which canstroke, be terminal. blood Heart serious complications—all of can be terminal. Heartand disease andhigh stroke, high ofofwhich which can can be be terminal. terminal. Heart Heart disease disease and and stroke, stroke, high high blood blood pressure, pressure, blindness, blindness, pressure, disease and blindness, stroke, kidney high blood disease, pressure, even amputation blindness, kidney are a few disease, even complications blood pressure, blindness, kidney disease, even amputation areofathe few of the kidney kidney disease, disease, even even amputation amputation are are a a few few of of the the complications complications associates associated with with associates amputation with areassociates diabetes. a few of Finally, the U.S.-IraqFinally, relations associates have with created diabetes. strains on the complications withcomplications diabetes. U.S.-Iraq relations have created MAJOR POINT diabetes. diabetes. Finally, FinallyU.S.-Iraq U.S.-Iraq relations have created strains the American American$800 taxpayer. taxpayer. American The relations war itselfhave carried a price tag ofonapproximately billion, strains ontaxpayer. the American taxpayer. The The war war itself itself carried carried a a price price tag tag of of approximately approximately $800 $800 billion, billion, not not to to mention mention the not to mention the thousands of lives lost during those nine grueling years of war. DETAIL thousands thousandsofMINOR oflives liveslost lostduring duringthose thosenine ninegrueling gruelingyears yearsof ofwar. war. While Of course, the problems the of the American United States taxpayer seem is once overwhelming, again expected the American to bear thetaxpayer’s cost as theobligation U.S. polices to support the his world. country While can the alsoproblems be overwhelming. of the United States seem overwhelming, the American taxpayer’s obligation to support his country can also be overwhelming. Neuroscience and Behavior MAIN IDEA Neurons • Structure of Major Neuron -XXXX Minor -XYXY •How Neurons Fire -XZXZ Minor -YZYZ Major MAIN NervousIDEA System •Central and Peripheral •Behavioral Genetics -Behav. Genetics Minor -Gene Therapy -Counseling •Connecting Neurons Major •Neurotransmitters Minor XTXT YTYT Major MAIN IDEA Endocrine MAIN IDEA The System Brain Major Major Major •Central Core •Hormones Minor -XOXO •Glands -YOYO Minor -SSSS Minor Major •Limbic System •Cerebral Cortex -Motor Minor area -Sensory Minor area Minor -Ass’n area Major Major •Brain Adaptability •Exploring Hemispheres SHOPPING MALLS Shopping malls are becoming popular gathering places for many 1 people. Just the convenience of finding numerous shops under one roof is in itself enough to draw a crowd. Department stores, drug stores, boutiques, book shops, tobacco shops, bakeries, and many others entice shoppers to come to the mall. Shops that provide services such as pet grooming, hair styling, and optical services add to the convenience. 2Entertainment including eating is also a reason why people gather in malls. Activities such as movie theater and amusement arcades are found in almost any mall worthy of its name. For hungry shoppers, there are restaurants and ice cream parlors, fast food booths, and candy counters. Last, but certainly not least, shopping malls provide a place for people of all ages to relax. Even if individuals are not shopping, they 3 enjoy strolling in the mall, looking at window displays, or just sitting on the benches that are conveniently placed throughout the area. People can relax and feel that they are part of a busy world. When considering all of these advantages, it is easy to understand why people gather at the mall. Advantages ReasonsofMalls MallsAre as Convenience Numerous Shops Department stores Drug stores Boutiques Book shops Tobacco shops Bakeries Numerous Services Pet grooming Hair styling Optical services Entertainment Activities Movie theaters Amusement arcades Restaurants Ice cream parlors Fast food booths Candy counters Eating Areas Restaurants Ice cream parlors Fast food booths Candy counters Relaxation How to Relax Strolling Looking at window displays Sitting on the benches Introduction: • • • • Provides background Info Tells a story Gives facts/terms Shows a contrast Overall Main Idea • Stated or Implied Major Ideas: • • Major Point • Minor Explanation Major Point • Minor Explanation Summary/Conclusion: • Restates Overall Main Idea using Different Words Reasons Immigrants Should Speak English Increases Opportunities Reduces Second-Class • Employment Status Filling out • Decreases Poverty applications Interviewing Working with English speakers Increases earnings • Educational Offers additional studies in ESL Prevents discrimination Earns more, Works better jobs More easily hired. Half living in poverty Increases social problems • Decreases Welfare Rolls Increases tax burden Creates resentment Unifies the Nation Promotes participation Evidenced through history Evidenced by National Motto • Share in Benefits Bonds citizens economically Bonds citizens socially Bonds citizens politically Cartoon Paragraph Texts Organization Transitions Essay Passage: Snoring: The Enemy Within CREATE MAP TEMPLATE: USE LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION HEADINGS BULLETS FONT SIZES CREATE MAP CONTENT: TRANSITIONS SPECIAL PRINT SNORING Causes of Snoring • • Define Stertor- Snoring FOUR Causes: Anatomy (Structure) of Mouth enlarged tonsils or tissues obstructive uvula narrowed airway Alcohol relaxing muscles sag into throat Obesity bulkiness blocks airway Sleeping Position Sleep on side with elevated head Impacts of Snoring • • Define Sleep Apnea-sleep disorder where ind’l stops breathing FOUR Impacts: Strain in Relationships Marital Workplace Risk of Accidents Occupational Motor Physical Health Risks High Blood Pressure Cardiac Problems Mental Health Risks Depression Social Problems Test over Snoring: The Enemy Within Using the concept map you, answer the following questions using complete sentences. 1. Identify the four main causes of snoring. 2. Snoring has major impacts on the snorer. What are four ways snoring impacts a snorer’s life? 3. What is the medical term for snoring? 4. Explain how obesity relates to snoring. 5. Identify structural abnormalities that contribute to one snoring. 6. What measures do businesses and corporations take to address the problem of snoring in the workplace? Give two examples. 7. What sleeping position would best minimize snoring? Explain why. 8. How does alcohol before bedtime lead to snoring? 9. Snoring may create marital problems for couples. How does snoring negatively impact the marriage relationship? Analyzing Text to Create Map (how information relates to each other) Critical Thinking Recognizing Potential Test Questions from Map Inferring Thesis Statement and Main Ideas. Paraphrasing the “Story” from the Map. Organizing Information by Ideas. Differentiating Levels of Organization