
Stage 1- (Desired Results)
Established Goal: Students will be able to compare and contrast Wilson’s Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles.
Standards: Colorado Social Studies 11th Grade Standards (DoK1-2)
H1-3: What if history was told from the losing side
H1-6: How might Historical inquiry be used to make decisions on contemporary issues?
Desired Results/Goals:
Students will understand the main factors of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points, the Treaty of Versailles, and the War Guilt
Students will know the key players in the League of Nations and the reasoning behind its creation.
Students will understand the importance of the similarities and differences in ideology between the Fourteen Points and the
Treaty of Versailles, and how does this comparison reflect the events of the time?
Essential Question(s):
The causes and effects of World War I
What are the causes and effects of World War I from both
global and American perspectives?
World History and how it applies to greater historic themes
The economic and psychological reasoning behind world
Students will know:
Students will be able to:
The specifics of Wilsons Fourteen Points
Understand the contrasting view between Wilson and the rest of
the “Big Four.”
The reasoning behind the League of Nations
Distinguish why the League was formed, but also why the United
States did not chose to join.
The specifics and objectives of the Treaty of Versailles
Identify the Big Four who created the Treaty, the main goals of
each nation involved, and the reasoning behind those goals.
The main importance of the War Guilt Clause
Argue if the War Guilt Clause was necessary, and how it could be a
possible contributor to the domino effect leading to WWII
Stage 2- (Desired Results- How do you know they know? Collecting Data)
-Through what
task(s) will students
demonstrate the
- By what criteria
will performances
of understanding
be judged?
Other Evidence
questions and
Do Now:
Students will be asked to comment on particular parts of the lesson.
Students will also be asked to identify links between the history, economics, and geography caused by WWI
Standards: Colorado Social Studies 10th Grade Standards 1, 2 and 3 (DoK1-2) Students will be able to meet
and exceed these standards
History H1-3
Participation in the presentation by way of group discussion and individual interpretation of provided political
propaganda pieces.
Desired Understandings: Concepts and Skills
Desire for students to interpret the ties between the ideology
of Wilsons Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles. While
also identify the main contributors of the Treaty and the
League of Nations.
Students applied prior knowledge from previous unit to
identify the before and after WWI map of Europe to
understand key term of “self-determination”
Data Collected
Students filled out compare and
contrast chart in the form of either a
Venn Diagram or just a three column
sheet in order to state the ideas and
differences, similarities between the
Treaty and the Fourteen Points.
Students correctly completed two parts
of a before and after WWI map locating
the neutral nations in one map and the
newly formed nations on the other.
Students are asked to analyze 2 different political cartoons
which represent the themes of Wilsons Fourteen Points and
the ideology of the Treaty of Versailles. Students will
Students looked two political cartoon
compare the two cartoons and contrast the meanings behind
reflecting the Treaty and the Fourteen
Points. Students completed a chart
comparing the two cartoons by
identifying the attitudes and meaning
behind each one.
OPTIC: Overview, Parts, Title,
Inference, Conclusion.
Stage 3- (Daily Instruction)
I am able to tell how much prior knowledge is needed for students to preform in discussion and individual task by comparing
different historical events with similar attributes under the same context. Students will relate events to social behaviors of cultures.
Students can observe similarities and differences between different locations and events under the same scope of reasoning and
W- where is
hypothesize why social behaviors are in action. Students will assess in behaviors of world leaders are valid based on the
lesson going
ideology and context of the time directly following WWI.
Colorado Social Studies Standard: H1-3, H1-6
Do Now
H- hook
Participate in interactive lecture beginning with the task of inferring about a political cartoon that foreshadows the
causes of WWII based on the effects of WWI.
What I am doing?
What the students are doing?
What data am I collecting?
Explaining the difference in ideology behind the
Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles
Considering why these differences are in play
based on prior knowledge of the unit.
How much Prior Knowledge this lesson is requiring
by knowing and understanding what needs to be
elaborated on.
Offering critical thinking questions to churn
discussion and readings to churn thinking and
further discussion.
Make meaning of attitudes of world leaders and
compare to the needs of global progress
Listening to discussion and assist in sustaining a
healthy dialogue while taking note of participation
and enthusiasm
Students are taking notes of content preparing for
Instructing students of content and circulating the an assessment activity involving a comparison
room while offering ideas and tailoring discussion. worksheet of two different political cartoons that
reflect the attitudes of the time.
By circulating the room I will witness effectiveness
of the the lecture through enthusiasm and rigor of
individual student work that they are completing
based on notes, prior knowledge, and in-depth
Circulating the room as students complete
assessment assignment of Political cartoon
I am collecting the completed OPTICs as the ticket
out the door so later I can evaluate the
understanding levels of the participating students.
Completing OPTIC worksheet for each political
cartoon that reflect the content of the lecture and
add meaning to
Big Four, Treaty of Versailles, Fourteen Points, War-guilt Clause, Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism,