Design A Survey Instrument To Test The Usefulness of BOPPPS

Design A Survey Instrument To
Test The Usefulness of BOPPPS
Li Jiang,
School of Computer Science
 Background and rationale
Project aims
Project evaluation
Conclusion and future work
Background and Rationale (1)
 Quotation
Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable
gift and not as a hard duty
--Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
 Problems in lesson planning and teaching practices
 The gap between the teaching research and application of the teaching
methods in practice are still big
 Students are not well informed before the lecture begin
 Aims and objectives are not clear
– Students do not know which parts is important
 Direct links between the objectives and assessment is not clear
 Students participation in the classroom are still very weak
Background and Rationale (2)
 BOPPPS Model
 A general lesson planning approach to aid the instruction in some Canadian
universities and colleges
 Including a set of elements and good practices:
 Bridge-in,
 Objective or outcome,
 Pre-assessment,
 Participatory learning,
 Post-assessment,
 Summary/Closure
BOPPPS – Bridge-in
 Why
 Gains learner’s attention to begin a
learning cycle
 Builds motivation
 Explains why the lesson is important
 Strategies
 Provide reasons for learning the
 Tell a story connected with the
 Refer to something in the learner’s
realm of experience
 Pose a provocative question linked
to the current topic
 As short as possible
BOPPPS – Objective
 Focus both the learner and the
instructor on the purpose of the
 Helps ensure that everybody
understands what is expected and
when the learning has been
 Establishes a foundation for the
evaluation of the learning
BOPPPS – Pre-Assessment
 Helps to determine what the
learners already know
 Allows learners to add their
experiences to the lesson and
improve participation and
 Pre-assessment strategies:
 Close and open questions
 Brainstorming
 A trial attempt without
BOPPPS- Participatory Learning
 In this section the material to
be learn is delivered
 Two types of participatory
 Interaction between the
instructor and the learners
 Interaction between the
learners themselves
 In order to maintain the
learners engaged let them
participate in the class
BOPPPS – Post-assessment
 Answers the questions:
 What did the learners
 Were the desired
objective accomplished?
 Strategies for postassessment:
 Short test – questions
 Short essay
 Analysis of a scenario
BOPPPS - Summary
 Finalizes the learning experience, creating a sense of
 Strategies:
 Content review
 Feedback of the lecture
 Acknowledgement of effort and achievement
 Application. What can they do with the obtained knowledge
Project Aim
 Overall aim of the research:
 To look for or develop a set of suitable teaching practices that are highly
applicable in software engineering courses and computer science courses
 For this project:
 Design a survey instrument to test the usefulness of BOPPPS approach
Research Methods
 Conducting a short literature review to provide necessary information and
evidences to justify the usefulness of the elements in BOPPPS.
 4 books, 5 papers or publications
 Design the BOPPPS survey instrument.
 Finished ( with 10 questions for staff members and 10 questions for students )
 Examine the designed survey instrument with regard to the usefulness, and
applicability of the survey instrument.
 Consult with lecturers, and students in Faculty of Engineering, Computer &
Mathematical Sciences at various levels
 Faculty members
 Students
 Modify the survey instrument based on the feedback
Results of the Project
 The survey instrument was done
 Introduction of the BOPPPS Model
 In a table format
 A questionnaire for faculty members and a questionnaire for
 10 questions in each questionnaire
– 8 of the 10 questions are in the format of the multiple choices
– 2 questions related to the explanations and elaborations
Project Evaluation
 Within the contents of this project, the project evaluation was done from the
following perspectives:
 The suitability of the survey instrument with regard to eliciting necessary
information about the knowledge and current practices of BOPPPS models
 The degree of the question coverage of the elements of BOPPPS model in the
survey instrument
 The applicability of the survey instrument within the time constraints for all the
staff and students,
 the survey instrument shall be designed in such a way that it can be finished within
maximum 12 minutes.
 Feedback from colleagues and students
 Current feedback is positive
Conclusion and Future Work
 Conclusion
 Using teaching methods and practices are critical to ensure good
quality in high education.
 Tailoring and applying effective teaching methods in each subject
area remains a challenging issues in university
 The survey instruments design is a first step towards elicitation of
the information regarding to the suitability of BOPPPS Model in
high education
 Future research
 Tailoring BOPPPS Model and apply it in teaching software
engineering and computer science courses
 Examine the applicability of the model within the entire faculty
Thank You!