School Facilities - Victoria University of Wellington

Helpful Resources and Facilities in the School
The following is intended to assist you through your postgraduate enrolment and to orientate you to
facilities within the School. Your supervisor will be able to assist you with specific information relating to
your thesis.
Helpful Resources and Facilities in the School
School of Psychology - Te Kura Maatai Hinengaro
Home Faculties – Faculty of Science and Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
Faculty of Graduate Research
Faculty of Science - Te Wahanga Putaiao
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Te Wahanga Aronui
Masters Reporting Process
PhD Reporting Process
Communal Computing Facilities and Staff Accounts
Staff Accounts
After Hours Access
Photocopying and Printing
Using the Photocopier
Mail and Courier Items
Postgraduate Study Space
Booking Rooms
Kitchen Facilities
Helpful Links & Info
School of Psychology - Te Kura Maatai Hinengaro
Victoria University of Wellington
Easterfield Building, Kelburn Parade
PO Box 600, Wellington
04 463 5373
The School office hours are from 8.30 to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
If you wish to contact staff within the School please contact the School Office or you can email them using
the following formula:
Home Faculties – Faculty of Science and Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
The Faculty can assist you with:
 completing your enrolment, re-enrolment
 suspensions & extensions
 graduation
 academic transcripts
Forms are available from the Faculty websites:
Faculty of Graduate Research
The Faculty of Graduate Research role is to provide administration for all PhD students throughout the
university. However, in saying that FGR has available resources for Masters by thesis students to make
use of, guidelines for thesis, supervision information and it also houses the Masters Thesis Reports.
As Masters students, your main communication will be between the School and the ‘home faculty’.
Faculty of Science - Te Wahanga Putaiao
04 463 5101
04 463 5122
Postgraduate Administrator
Phone: 04 463 5783
EA: 630
Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences - Te Wahanga Aronui
04 463 5208
04 463 5209
Postgraduate Coordinator
Phone: 04 463 5768
EA 618
School of Psychology Postgraduate Committee (PGC)
 Jason Low (PGC Chair)
 John McDowall
 Matt Crawford
 Bart Ellenbroek
 Karen Salmon
 Ronald Fischer
 Nicola Panapa (Postgraduate Administrator)
Masters Milestones
Date of Enrolment
Masters Reporting
Proposal & form
3 month
8 month
IAMS access expiry date (Staff account):
(bond refunded on receipt of key)
Masters Reporting Process
Under the regulations of the Masters you are required, in conjunction with your supervisor to complete
reports throughout the time of your enrolment. The reports are simply to follow your progress through the
thesis and to document any issues that might have occurred in your life, with data collection, with your
supervisor etc that could impact upon the completion of a thesis within the required time frame.
The reports can be used as a source particularly if you need to request an extension.
After you complete your enrolment you will need to:
- Submit a proposal within one month of your enrolment with the ‘Confirmation of Masters Thesis
Research Proposal’ Form
- Submit a progress report ‘Three Month (or interim) Progress Report’
- Submit a progress report ‘Eight Month (or final) Progress Report’
Submit a signed hard copy to the Postgraduate Administrator and also email a scanned signed copy. All
reports will go to the PGC to be reviewed, you and your supervisor will received an electronic copy with the
original forwarded to the Faculty of Science.
Forms can be found at:
PhD Milestones
Enrolment Date
Efts Split:
PhD 150hr Scholarship Applicant?
- Contract with scholarship office?
- Letter confirming allocation
- 150hr Scholarship Info log
7 – 9 Months of Enrolment
- Proposal drafted
- Confirmation of PAM
- Panel date
Six Monthly Reports
2014 May
2015 May
2016 May
2017 May
PhD Reporting Process
Under the regulations of the PhD you are required, in conjunction with your supervisor to complete reports
throughout the time of your enrolment. The reports are simply to follow your progress through the thesis
and to document any issues that might have occurred in your life, with data collection, with your supervisor
etc that could impact upon the completion of a thesis within the required time frame. The reports can be
used as a source particularly if you need to request an extension.
Reports are administered by the Faculty of Graduate Research. Every year six month reports are due in
May and November for all students enrolled in a PhD. The only students not expected to complete a report
are those students enrolled less than 30 days from the 1 November. This year the Faculty of Graduate
Research have moved to an online reporting process. The expectation is that student and supervisor will
still meet to discuss any issues but that the report will be online and accessible from anywhere in the world.
Please note that students and staff will be required to register. At each step, there are clear instructions to
follow and an automated email will prompt when it is your turn to complete a section.
The Faculty of Graduate Research (FGR) has general responsibility for and oversight of the University's
postgraduate research degree programmes. If at any point you have a question regarding the system
contact FGR or refer to the following link:
Communal Computing Facilities and Staff Accounts
Postgraduate students will typically have access to computers via supervisor’s lab or shared office space
within the School.
Any faults with computers should be logged on the school tech support portal at http://mozart/portal which
will go to our in house IT support team.
The communal facilities all run Windows7.
Some of the machines have installs of software for which we have limited licenses, specifically, Sigmaplot,
Lisrel and HLM. Please be willing to vacate your use of these machines if someone wants to use those
First Logon
When you first log on using your staff account, your initial password will be Vuw followed by your employee
number (capital ‘V’, small ‘uw’). When you first log on you will be asked to change your initial password.
Outlook is installed on all the university computers for email. Your account should be already configured so
that outlook connects to your mailbox.
Your mailbox is also accessible via a web page which you can log on to at
You have a 1GB quota on your mailbox space. This includes ALL mailboxes (in, out, drafts AND deleted
until you empty the deleted items folder). You will receive an automated email when you start getting close
to exceeding your limit.
The one thing you will need to set up is a printer connection. Click the start button and select ‘run’.
In the ‘run’ dialog box, type ‘\\stawincoprn0001’ (without the speech marks), and press enter.
This will bring up a list of all the printers available on the university network. Just double click with the left
mouse button on the printer you want and it will be added to your printer list. The printers you will want
depend on what floor you are printing from. The relevant ones are;
3rd Floor EA-356-01-MFD (at the southern end of the floor)
EA-357-01-MFD (at northern end of the floor.)
4th floor EA- 415-01-MFD (located in EA415)
5th floor EA-503B-01-MFD (located outside EA501B)
6th floor EA-600-01-MFD (located in the hallway outside room EA603)
Now choose a default printer. Click on start and select ‘printers and faxes’. Right click on the printer you
want and then left click on ‘Set as default printer’ in the contextual menu that pops up.
You can also select ‘Follow me’ as a printer. Printing sent to this printer will sit in the print queue until you
swipe your card at one of the MFD printers, at which point it will print at that MFD. The first time you use the
‘Follow me’ system you need to add your account to the system. Instructions for this are on the walls
beside each MFD.
With your staff account you will have access to an H drive which is located on ITS servers. This is the
space for storing your documents to ensure they are backed up and archived on the ITS systems. Should
you accidentally delete files from your H drive, phone ITS on 5050 to arrange for files to be restored from
backup. The contents of this drive are also accessible to you through the MyVictoria portal (log in and
select ‘MyWorkspace’ or just go to
Most of the computers have a D drive that you can use for working on files locally (rather than on a network
drive like the H drive) but should you choose to do this you should always ensure files are backed up,
preferably to the H drive.
If your work generates large amounts of data (in excess of a few GB) space can be arranged on an
alternative server. Please log a call on the tech support portal http://mozart/portal stating who your
supervisor is and this can be set up for you. Please also log a call if you are part of a research group
wishing to have a common space for sharing data.
If you require computing facilities (software, hardware, or research group storage space) which are not
currently provided, speak to your supervisor who will contact our in house IT team to make any appropriate
Staff Accounts
Every graduate and postgraduate student in the School is provided with a staff account, this is in addition to
the student account each student receives on enrolment into the university. A staff account provides
students with additional services that other students do not have access to such as free internet, staff email
accounts, after hours access etc.
However, before accessing staff accounts there are standard rules students must be aware of and abide by
in order to use the facilities offered by a staff account. These rules are available from entitled ‘Communication Systems Policy’ and will be
placed on blackboard.
In essence staff accounts must not be used inappropriately to access, store, view, publish or distribute
pornographic material or any material that is defamatory, offensive, fraudulent or harassing. Copying,
loading or downloading any materials that may breach copyright such as games, music, movies etc is not
To access the staff account you will be asked to sign a ‘User Access Form’ acknowledging that you agree
to abide by the VUW statutes. Once you have signed the form you will be able to access the following
facilities from the School:
Internet access
Staff email account
Computer access
After hours access to Easterfield
Printing facilities
Note: Staff account access will last for only one year. Before the staff account is due to expire, you
should receive an email from ITS advising you of the impending expiry date, if you are continuing
your enrolment or are in the final stages of your thesis please forward the email onto the
postgraduate administrator to extend.
After Hours Access
As a postgraduate student you have after hours access to the School. You will need to swipe into the
building using your student id card. Campus Care located in the Cotton Building are able to let you into the
building should you forget your swipe card. Swipe access into the building and the elevator will be required
after 7pm and before 7am. Campus Care will check and lock the building each night.
If for any reason you cannot get access into the building you will need to contact Campus Care located in
the Cotton building.
Photocopying and Printing
The photocopier is used to photocopy documents and to print. The photocopier can be found on the third
floor towards the northern end of the building. Paper for the photocopier can be picked up from the 6th floor.
The School meets the cost of printing and supplying paper however please use responsibly. Please note
that photocopying costs are monitored by the School and should be used within reason. If photocopying
costs are excessive, you will be contacted by the School office with further repercussions to follow should
use continue to be excessive.
‘Excessive use’ is defined as exceeding for Printing/Photocopying $200 per year. If you anticipate
exceeding these limits, you will need to gain access to research funds from outside the school to support
your use. Where people need to do a lot of research-related photocopying it must be discussed and
approved by supervisors.
To reduce wastage please double side photocopying and printing as appropriate.
Using the Photocopier
To use the photocopier you must first set up your security card in this case your student ID card, to activate
the photocopier. You will need your student card at all times.
The first, and only the first time you log on, you will need to run through the following process to set up a
PIN. Note: That you will only need to do this on the Fuji Machine in EA 415.
Pass your card close to the card reader .
The machine will come up with an error code which basically says your PIN does not exist.
Press close
Press the login/logout button which is located to the right of the keypad
You will be asked for a network login, this will be the staff account login that you use to log into the
Press next
Enter the password that you use for the staff account
Press enter
Press the login/logout button
You have now successfully logged into and logged out of the photocopier. Your pin will be assigned to your
Mail and Courier Items
Mail is picked up once a day in the morning. If you have outgoing mail place it in the wooden shelf, just
inside the door of the main reception (EA 630). All mail should have ‘PSYC/Surname’ on the front of the
envelope, so that it can be tracked should it go astray. The Mailroom cannot process personal outgoing
mail, however pre-paid items will be accepted so you will need to apply postage and place mail in the
wooden shelf.
Any inward mail you do receive will be placed in a blue tray in the main reception (EA 630) just by the HoS
office for you to collect. You will be notified when mail is ready for pick up. Using the mailroom to receive
personal items is prohibited.
If you have courier items delivered to the School, it would be ideal if you arranged to have it delivered when
you know you will be in the School, alternatively let the main reception know. Courier items will be
temporarily stored in blue mail tray or the grey cabinet opposite the HoS office.
Staff Mailboxes
Every staff member has a mailbox. If you are asked to drop off a book or documents to a lecturer’s mailbox
please clarify with the lecturer where it is located. In most instances staff will have a mailbox on the same
floor as their office.
The 6th floor staff mailboxes are located in the reception area, walk through the green door turn left and left
The 5th floor staff mailboxes are located in the corridor near EA 527, opposite the Victoria Clinic.
Keys and Bond
If you have an office or access to a lab room you are required to pay a bond for the key. The bond will be
returned when the key is returned. If you require access to a Supervisor’s lab, the supervisor will need to
organise with Wendy Ward to give you access.
Wendy’s office hours are from 8.30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Please make sure you arrange
with Wendy a suitable time to pick up or drop off keys.
TA/RA Office Hours
If you have office hours for undergraduate students please arrange with Wendy Ward to use the TA office
on the 4th floor (EA 417 or 419). These rooms have been made available specifically for students ant TAs to
use. Allowing students to pick up assignments etc from your office encourages students to contact you
outside of the set office hours and may intrude upon others you may be sharing the office with.
Note: assignment drop boxes are located on the 4th floor and should not be dropped off at
Postgraduate Study Space
Postgraduate students are given shared office space or may work within their supervisor’s lab may prefer to
have students working in their lab. Please note that the School does have issues with space and are
looking into providing alternatives for students.
Booking Rooms
All rooms in the School operate on a booking system so when not in use as a teaching space rooms can be
booked for meetings, study sessions or to practise presentations etc. All you need to do is check availability
with Wendy Ward, email or go to EA 630.
Rooms available are:
 EA 527, Level 5 Staffroom
 EA 407 and 411, Level 4, 400 level courses teaching rooms
 EA 419 and 417, Level 4, small rooms used for tutor office hours
 EA 301, Level 3 – Frank Walkey room
 4th floor lab rooms
Kitchen Facilities
On level 3 there are two kitchenettes available for you to use. This comes with a fridge, jug, dishwasher,
toaster, toasted sandwich maker. The facilities are available for all postgraduate students so please be
considerate and make sure the kitchen is kept as tidy as possible.
Cleaning the kitchen and the fridge is your responsibility.
All timetable information can be found on the School website this includes:
 undergraduate lecture times
 lab tutorials
 400 level lectures
Email Lists
Periodically information is sent to postgraduates via the PSYC postgrad email list . Your staff account email will be added automatically however if you would like
to be removed or have information sent to an alternate email please contact Michael France on 463 5771
or email
If you do not use your staff email address please make sure to redirect any mail to go to an account you do
use. The postgrad email list typically has useful information or reminders that you probably don’t want to
miss out on.
Helpful Links & Info
The School
Physical Address
Level 6, Easterfield Building, Kelburn Parade, Kelburn Wellington
Postal Address
Victoria University, PO Box 600, Kelburn, Wellington
Main Reception
04 463 5783
School Email
School website
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday, 8am to 4.30pm
School Contacts
Finance – all accounts – stationary – tutor/RA contracts – Pcard – AMS access for
Staff/tutors/RA – research grant – website
463 6695 Hours: 8.30 – 4.30pm
All Undergraduate and Honours & PART 1 MSC administration - Ethics
administrator - Room bookings (exception of the IPRP rooms) - Keys - Colloquium –
staff accounts for Hons students
463 5373 Hours: 8.00 – 4pm
Postgraduate administration - Thesis - Marketing initiatives - psycobabble – AMS
access for students enrolled in thesis
463 5783 Hours: 9 – 5pm
Clinical Programme
School Administration Manager (oversees all functions of the admin team)
463 5280 Hours: 9 – 5pm
Tech Support: or
400 Level Course Coordinator (Honours)
Postgraduate – Masters and PhD
MSc Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience Coordinator
MSc Cross Cultural Psychology Coordinator
MSc Forensic Psychology Coordinator
Other Information
Kitchen Facilities
Mini kitchenettes with water, sinks are available for your use on the 3 rd Floor at both
ends of the floor. The 5th floor kitchenette may also be used.
There is also a kitchenette on the 6th floor. Please keep all areas clean and tidy.
Contact Details
Contact details can be found on the School website for each staff member. On each
floor there is a photo board which also lists staff offices.
Room Bookings
EA 407, 411, 527, 301
Do not use rooms without first checking with staff
that the room has not been booked already.
Security Access
Security is located in the Cotton Building
Elevators are locked from 7am – 7pm Mon – Friday.
Acccess during the weekend is with swipe card –
your student id card
463 5398
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Helpful Links
School of Psychology
Forms (prog./prizes)
Staff Profiles
Faculty of Science
reenrolment etc
Faculty of Graduate Research
SoP Tech Support
My Victoria/Staff Portal
Check with the School IT before contacting the university ITS:
email: or phone: 463 5050
School Tech Support: or
VUW Calendar & Dates
Thesis Extension/Suspension
PhD Provisional
Thesis Re-enrolment
Thesis Declaration
Advanced Grdauation
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