CONCEPTUAL PHYSICS FALL 2015 COACH LEEZER COURSE DESCRIPTION: Conceptual Physics is designed to explore how the rules of physics govern the physical world and form the foundation for the other sciences. Topics will be explored through inquiry, discussion, mathematical problem-solving, laboratory activities, and research into real-world applications. GRADING POLICY: Tests and Projects Labs Daily Work 40% 25% 20% Homework Quizzes Journals Final Exam 15% **There is no EOCT in this course. TESTS AND PROJECTS: Major tests will be given every 2-4 weeks. 20-40 multiple choice questions on each test. Special projects will be assigned during the semester. Some projects will be individual assignments and some will be group work. Point values and due dates will be discussed at the time of the assignment. LABS: Labs will be done in class and all safety rules must be followed. Failure to do so will result in lack of participation for the lab and a grade of zero will be assigned. All labs are graded as a group assignment. You must learn to share the workload and pull your own weight to be successful as a lab team. DAILY WORK: This will incorporate homework, quizzes (announced or unannounced), and study sheets. Due dates for these assignments will be discussed at the time of the assignment. Homework must be handed in at the beginning of class on days when it is graded in order to receive credit. Homework will either be graded for completion or checked for correctness. If checked for correctness, it will be in the form of a 10-question open-notebook quiz. Journals will be checked without prior notice approximately every 6 weeks and each group of 10 journals will count as a quiz grade (approximately 5 times during the semester). Journals must be numbered and dated according to teacher preference. FINAL EXAM: This will be given at the end of the semester and will be comprehensive per semester. The final exam is 100 multiple choice questions. (although the # of questions may change) Many/most of the questions on your final will have come from the tests you have taken throughout the semester There are no bonus questions and there will be no curve. Your test average throughout the semester is a good indicator of how you will perform on the final exam. TEXT: The textbook that will be used is Physics: Principles and Problems (Glencoe 2009). If lost, the cost of the textbook is $70.50. If checked out, the supplementary CD will cost $88.50 to replace if lost or damaged. There is an online version of the text book that can be accessed from the blog. Please copy down the access code to the online text onto your copy of the syllabus now: EBA0CD14D2 (The 0 is a zero) Demo of how to access the online book TOPICS OF STUDY: The following topics (as per Cobb County’s science curriculum) will be covered during fall semester. (The listed time periods are approximate and may vary as needed.) Intro to Physics/Mathematics (Ch. 1)……………………………………1 week Motion/Frame of Reference/Vectors (Ch. 2)......……………………….2 weeks Accelerated Motion (Ch. 3) ………………………………………………2 weeks Forces in One and Two Dimensions (Ch. 4 & 5)...………………….…2 weeks Projectile Motion (Ch. 6)…………………………….…………………….2 weeks Gravitational Forces and Rotational Motion (Ch. 7 &8)..…………...2 weeks Momentum/Collisions (Ch. 9)……………………………….…………....2 weeks Work, Energy, Power, and Conservation (Ch. 10 & 11)....……………3 weeks Science Inquiry…………………………………………………………Continuous MATERIALS NEEDED BY MONDAY: Scientific Calculator ($10-$15 at most stores NOT a graphing calculator.) Preferred Model: TI-30XIIS Priced at Target for $9.99 in blue, green, and pink Composition Notebook (100 pages) to be used as a Scientific Journal, unique design okay 3-ring Binder with loose-leaf paper and pockets All assignments returned to you will have holes punched so that you can add them to your binder. Pencils with erasers (tests are done on scantron) Black or blue-black ink pen Multi-colored highlighters ATTENDANCE AND MAKE-UP POLICY: A student who is present and actively participates is more likely to be successful; however, if a student is absent, he/she has one day for each day of excused absence to make up the work. (For example, a student absent 2 days would have 2 days to make-up the work.) Students are responsible for asking their teachers for the make-up work. A student with an unexcused absence may ask for assignments and may choose to complete them in order to keep up with the class; however, the teacher is under no obligation to grade the work. LATE WORK POLICY: NO late work will be accepted. All homework will be due at the beginning of the period. TARDY POLICY: To avoid being counted tardy, students must be seated and ready for class when the bell rings. You will be required to obtain a tardy pass through the late arrival system (LAS) to enter the room if you arrive after the bell. School policy states that 3 or more tardies will result in an administrative referral and appropriate consequences which may include 2 hours of after school administrative detention and Saturday school. Further tardies will result in further administrative referrals and actions, including ISS and loss of parking when appropriate. Realize that every class you take is just as important as this one. Therefore, I do not write late passes to other teachers’ classes. EXTRA HELP: Anyone needing extra help is encouraged to visit me BEFORE school on Tuesday from 7:40 to 8:10 AM. Please make an appointment with me prior to coming as my schedule constantly changes! If you are confused/worried, do not wait until the morning of the test to get help! Parents/guardians that have any questions about classroom performance, please contact me. You are also free to seek help from other conceptual physics teachers whose help times will be posted in the classroom. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Cheating is considered a serious matter. The parents of a student who has been involved in cheating will be notified and the student will receive a grade of zero for the test or evaluation period, and a grade of U in conduct. For this course, cheating is defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts: Copying anyone’s answers to questions, lab activities, study guides, classwork or homework assignments Taking any information verbatim from any source, including the Internet, without giving proper credit to the author, or rearranging the order of words and/or changing some words as written by the author and claiming the work as his or her own, i.e., plagiarism. Looking onto another student’s paper during a test or quiz. Having available any study notes or other test aids during a test or quiz without the teacher's permission. Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected. Be certain that individual lab reports, even when performed as a group, are written in your own words. Students displaying or using cell phones, palm pilots, PDA’s, or other digital communication devices during tests and/or quizzes will be referred to administration, and will be given a zero for that test or quiz. PARENTAL HOMEWORK! Your first assignment in is actually for your parents! This will be a 10-point daily assignment for you. Parents should email Coach Leezer that they have read and understand the syllabus by August 14, 2015. By emailing Coach Leezer, a record of a functional email address will be maintained to be used as a communication tool for updates, reminders, and other uses pertaining to your child (NOT SPAM). Please email Coach Leezer at the following email address: Be sure to subject the email with “Parental Homework – Student’s Name & Class Period”. In the email, please include your name (parent/guardian).