Quiz 2 - Leleua Loupe

Fall 2014 170B
[QUIZ 2]
1. True(a) or False (b) the 1850 Act for the Protection and Government of Indians protected aboriginal
peoples of California from Labor exploitation and genocide during the Gold Rush and American
settlement of Indian Country.
2. True (a) or False (b) in 1882 the Chinese would be the first and only ethnic group to be formally
excluded from immigrating into the United States.
3. The legislation that discriminated against “Mexicans” in 1850 and then the Chinese in 1852
attempted to drive them out of the gold fields so European Americans could monopolize those
a. The Miner’s Tax of 1850
b. The Miner’s Tax of 1852
c. People v. Hall, 1854
d. Chinese Exclusion Act
4. Assumptions of the “Force Policy” against Plains Nations during the 19th C include all of the
following except:
a. Anglo and Christian Superiority
b. Manifest Destiny
c. Puritan Covenant Theology
d. preservation of Indian communities
5. It was General William Tecumseh Sherman around 1866 that exclaimed the following about the
Lakota people.
a. The only good indian, is a dead indian
b. Nits Breed Lice
c. Remove them to reservations
d. Assimilate the Lakota, every man, woman and child
6. The civil leader of the Southern Cheyenne that advocated peace and accommodation with
Europeans in 1864 was:
a. Chief Joseph
b. Black Kettle
c. Sitting Bull
Fall 2014 170B
[QUIZ 2]
d. Crazy Horse
7. True (a) or False (b) While Black Kettle and his wife survived the Sand Creek Massacre in 1864, they
were murdered on the Washita by Custer and his men in 1868.
8. True (a) or False (b) Cl. John Chivington, a Methodist Minister, led infantry to perpetrate the Sand
Creek Massacre in Colorado in 1864.
9. True (a) or False (b) The Doolittle Report (1867) encouraged some move to reform Indian policy
10. The components of the American policy of Containment of Plains Nations include all of the
following, except
a. Forced military removal and relocation
b. concentration onto reservations
c. freedom of religion
d. cultural genocide
11. True (a) or False (b) The slaughter of 9 million buffalo between 1872 and 1875 was advocated by
the government and military as part of the strategy to contain Plains Nations people.
12. True (a) or False (b) The Ghost Dance conducted by the Lakota in 1890 was initially introduced to
the people by a Paiute holy man in Nevada named Wovoka.
13. The Dawes Act of 1887 dispossessed aboriginal peoples of _________________acres of land in the
47 years it was invoked.
a. 90 million
b. 900, 000
c. 90, 000
d. none
14. True (a) or False (b) The Wounded Knee massacre in part was revenge by the surviving infantry of
Custer’s army.
15. True (a) or False (b) Atrocities such as those at Sand Creek, the Washita and Wounded knee are
necessary and acceptable to progress as humans, fortunately they no longer take place.
16. The _________________________ Strike of 1877 was waged by workers in response to wages
being cut repeatedly, Fireman & Brakemen complained they would not be able to sustain life on those
wages & began walking off, not allowing the trains to run. Government and business colluded in the
interest of business and used force to stop the strikes.
Fall 2014 170B
[QUIZ 2]
Pullman Strike
b. Anthracite Strike
c. Homestead Strike
d. Railroad Strike
17. The ____________________________strike was organized in response to Henry Clay Frick's
desire to destroy the union of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers. He locked
workers out with intention to replace them with non-union workers, Worker’s refused to leave
instead conducting a sit down strike leading to business and government instigated violence.
Anthracite Strike
b. Homestead Strike
c. Pullman Strike
d. Lowell Strike
18. IN 1867 the ____________________________ touched of a national debate about American Indian
policies. It found that the army was at fault for creating the conditions that indigenous peoples
experienced and considered a different course of action or Indian policy.
The Doolittle Report
b. The Meriam Report
b. Fort Laramie Report
c. Force policy report
19. Factions of the Arapaho and Lakota nations signed _______________________ in 1868 agreeing to
move to reservations in what is now South Dakota in exchange for provisions & money, Sacred Black
Hills and Powder River Country closed to white expansion, Included “civilizing” articles to force
agricultural lifestyle, mission-izing and English education
a. Treaty of Fort Laramie b. Treaty of Sand Creek
c. Treaty of Fort Erwin d. Treaty of ten
20. Mark Twain’s ________________________ satirizes the materialistic excesses of the day,
characterizing society’s shallow worship of wealth under a thin Veneer of respectability and
prosperity of which actually covered deep economic and social divisions.
a. Yellow River
b. Gilded Age
c. Gospel of Wealth
d. Social Gospel