
Design ITWG Mtg.
Feb.4,2001 in San Francisco
~ Toward the ITRS 2001
Design Chapter and Systems
Drivers Chapter ~
Feb 2001
February 4,2001 - 1
Meeting agenda(proposal)
◆ Brief Summary of the last Design ITWG Mtg
◆ Initial Review on Design Roadmap draft
- An overall presentation from US DTWG
- Contents, Tables, and Descriptions for
* Design Process
* System Level Design
* Functional Verification
* Logical-Physical-Circuit
* Test
◆ Status Review on related matters
- Review status for Mixed-Signal Roadmap
- Update status for STRJ Design Report on
Low Power and DSM issues
February 4,2001 - 2
Meeting agenda(proposal)
◆ Review and Discussions for Systems Drivers
strawman draft
- An overall review
- Determine target System Drivers and share work
*High-Volume custom(uP,DSP,etc.) --- US
--- Europe
*SoC(low power, fast TTM, etc. --- Japan
◆ Action Plans toward Grenoble Mtg, and beyond
◆ Misc.
February 4,2001 - 3
◆ Brief Summary of the last Design ITWG Mtg
Dec.12, 2000 5:30pm--8:00pm at Union Square 21, San Francisco Hilton Hotel
William Joyner(SRC/US), Andrew Kahng(UCSD/US), Peter Zeitzoff(Sematech/US from PIDS)
Werner Weber(Infineon/Germany), Ralf Brederlow(Infineon/Germany),
Yoshiharu Furui(Sony/Japan), Tamotsu Hiwatashi(Toshiba/Japan)
# Design ITWG Meeting (Hiwatashi)
# 2001 ITRS Process and Schedule
# ITRS/ORTC Table, Taipe ITRS2001 Renewal Kickoff Proposal (Alan Allan)
# ITRS Roadmap Acceleration Continues …
# ITRS Design TWG, 2000 Update & Plans for 2001 ( William Joyner )
# Proposals for a ITRS Mixed-Signal Roadmap ( Ralf Brederlow )
Minutes in brief
%% Generic report from Taipei ITRS Meeting
-- “Design Productivity Table” appeared in 2000 update
-- 2001 Annual schedule fixed
-- Still, on going THE technology node discussions
%% Mixed-Signal Roadmap presentation
-- Define “FOM” for typical MS circuits, then propose roadmap
-- Agreed to make review toward a 2001 Design Roadmap section
February 4,2001 - 4
◆ Brief Summary of the last Design ITWG Mtg
Minutes in brief(cont.)
%% ITRS 2001 plan
# US DTWG already determined key contents and assigned leader person for each
(Initial draft will be available on Jan.31)
# Remaining STRJ1999 Design report needs to be updated for detail review
toward ITRS2001 at Grenoble Mtg
# Systems Drivers Chapter in replace of SoC Chapter was proposed and agreed upon
It will be crosscut activities with PIDS, Interconnect, Test, and Assembly&Packaging
# Target System Drivers will be
- Analog/RF (Europe in charge)
- High-Volume custom ( US in charge )
- SoC (Low Power, short TAT,etc.) ( Japan in charge )
# strawman proposal will be available Jan.15,2001
%% Schedule
2001 Feb
2001 April 25-28
2001 July 15-18
2001 Dec
February 4,2001 - 5
ITRS Design ITWG (San Francisco)
ITRS Meeting (Grenoble/France)
ITRS Meeting, workshop ( San Francisco )
ITRS Conference & Meeting (Seoul/Korea)
◆ Brief Summary of the last Design ITWG Mtg
Action Items
(1) US and Japan to review and make feedback comments for Europe proposed “Mixed-Signal Roadmap”
(by 2001/2/E)
(2) US to prepare strawman proposal for Systems Drivers Chapter
(by 2001/1/15)
(3) Japan to update STRJ 1999 Design report for detail review at Grenoble Meeting
(by 2001/3/30)
(4) Each region to complete Systems Drivers Chapter portion in charge
(by 2001/3/30)
February 4,2001 - 6