Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review

Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
History of Law Enforcement
______ 1. Where was the first recorded police organization established?
a. London
b. Greece
c. Egypt
d. Rome
______ 2. The concept of enforcement districts or precincts was contributed by whom?
a. Egyptians
b. Greeks
c. English
d. Romans
______ 3. The was instituted by King William in 1066.
a. Frankpledge System
b. Justice of the Peace
c. London Metropolitan Police Act
d. Night Watch System
______ 4. Police are entrusted to serve and protect the public.
a. True
b. False
______ 5. In ________ B.C. the first recorded police organization occurred.
a. 900
b. 1285
c. 1340
d. 1748
______ 6. The word police is derived from the Greek word___________.
a. Politicos
b. Policia
c. Politeria
d. Politics
______ 7. Every male over twelve years of age was required to form a group of ten families
called ____________.
a. Shire reeve
b. Bobbies
c. Shires
d. Tithings
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
______ 8. In 1326, the shire reeve was replaced with the_____________________.
a. Constable
b. Justice of the peace
c. Shire
d. Peel’s
______ 9. Henry Fielding formed “The Bow Street Runners” in 1748.
a. True
b. False
______ 10. Sir Robert Conan Doyle advocated the 12 principles of policing.
a. True
b. False
______ 11. What era of law enforcement emphasizes the need for police officers to be in
close contact with the public?
a. Political Era
b. Reform Era
c. Professional Era
d. Community Model Era
______ 12. What is a system called where an elected official fired those government
employees not loyal to him, and appointed political supporters to those jobs?
a. Home Rule
b. Spoils
c. Reforms
d. Political favor
______ 13. The era concerned with stamping out corruption and improving law enforcement
a. Reform Era
b. Professional Era
c. Community Model Era
d. Political Era
______ 14. The most famous police reformer in the early part of the 20 century was who?
a. Stephen Girard
b. J. Edgar Hoover
c. August Vollmer
d. O.W. Wilson
______ 15. The era that called for the establishment of measures to assist law enforcement
agencies to improve their effectiveness and to become more professional.
a. Professional Era
b. Community Model Era
c. Reform era
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
d. Political Era
______16. The Political Era was when the need for law enforcement to be in close contact
with the public was advocated.
a. True
b. False
______17. O.W. Wilson helped develop the School of Criminology at the University of
California at Berkley.
a. True
b. False
______18. Who proposed the ideal of motorized patrols?
a. O. W. Wilson
b. August Vollmer
c. Stephen Girard
d. Marshall Tate
______19. During which era was a unified law enforcement force established?
a. Community Model Era
b. Reform Era
c. Political Era
d. Professional Era
______20. O.W. Wilson introduced the importance of rotating beat assignments in order to
fight police corruption.
a. True
b. False
II. Code of Ethics
Matching # 1-13:
a) Discretion
b) Duty
c) Police Subculture
d) Racial Profiling
e) Gratuities
f) Internal Affairs
g) Noble Cause Corruption
h) Excessive Force
i) Discrimination
j) Ethics
k) Graft
l) Corruption
m) Civilian Review/Complaint Model
Discipline Approach
1. _____Items of value given because of role or position, rather than a personal relationship
2. _____Stopping an individual based solely on racial characteristics
3. _____An internal discipline system where police investigate themselves
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
4. _____The responsibilities attached to a specific role.
5. _____The option to choose between two or more courses of behavior
6. _____An unofficial fraternity of police officers that promotes an “us versus them”
7. _____Exploitation of one’s role by accepting bribes or protection money
8. _____Exploiting one’s position for personal gain at the expense of those one is
authorized to serve
9. _____Occurs when a discretionary decision-maker treats a group or individual differently
from others for no justifiable reason
10._____Occurs when an officer goes beyond what is necessary for arrest or has no lawful
reason to use force but uses it anyway
11._____A code of values which guide our choices and determines the purpose and course
of our lives
12._____Involves officers employing unethical means to catch criminals because “it’s the
right thing to do”
13._____An independent civilian agency that audits complaints and investigations against
Multiple Choice # 14 - 20:
14._____What is not the mission of law enforcement in protecting a democratic society? a)
To fight crime
b) To serve and protect
c) To protect the vested interests of the police department
d) To provide “due process” and “equal protection” for all
e) To promote public safety
15._____Whom specifically do the police serve?
a) The chief
b) The city council
c) The citizens
d) The courts
16._____To what point does the police officer have the duty to protect the community?
a) To the point of physical exhaustion
b) To the point of mental exhaustion
c) To the point of psychological exhaustion
d) To the point of death
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
17._____What do police not have power to do in our society?
a) The power to arrest
b) The power to mediate or to charge
c) The power to use force
d) The power of life and death
e) All of the above
18._____This is the means to dominate others. It implies that there might be resistance to
overcome. If there is resistance, it will be crushed.
a) Police Authority
b) Police Power
19._____This is the entitlement to unquestioned obedience that derives from fulfilling a
specific role. The officer has power simply because he or she is a police officer.
a) Police Authority
b) Police Power
20._____According to the Social Contract Theory, in Quid Pro Quo, what does each person
give up in exchange for the guaranteed protection of the society against others?
a) Complete freedom
b) Democracy
c) The right not to pay taxes
d) All of the above
III. History, Structure and Function of the American Legal System
_____1. What article of the U.S. Constitution established a federal court system?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
_____2. What did Congress pass that established 13 courts for the original 13 states?
a) Judiciary Act of 1787
b) Judiciary Act of 1788
c) Judiciary Act of 1789
d) Judiciary Act of 1790
_____3. How many justices did the U.S. Supreme Court originally have?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
_____4. List the order of the federal court system from the lowest to the highest.
a) Trial Courts, Magistrate Courts, Appellate Courts, Supreme Court
b) Magistrate Courts, Trial Courts, Appellate Courts, Supreme Court
c) Supreme Court, Trial Courts, Appellate Courts, Magistrate Courts
d) Appellate Courts, Trial Courts, Magistrate Courts, Supreme Court
_____5. What are also known as Circuit Courts?
a) Appellate Courts
b) Supreme Court
c) Trial Courts
d) Magistrate Courts
_____6. What are also known as U.S. District Courts?
a) Appellate Courts
b) Supreme Court
c) Trial Courts
d) Magistrate Courts
_____7. How many U.S. District Courts are there?
a) 65
b) 75
c) 85
d) 95
_____8. Which federal court’s decisions cannot be overruled?
a) Appellate Court
b) Supreme Court
c) Trial Court
d) Magistrate Court
_____9. How many federal Circuit Courts are there?
a) 10
b) 11
c) 12
d) 13
_____10. What is the highest court in the United States?
a) Supreme Court
b) Trial Court
c) Magistrate Court
d) Appellate Court
_____11. How many justices make up this court?
a) 6
b) 7
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c) 8
d) 9
_____12. What federal court is usually made up of a panel of three judges?
a) Magistrate Court
b) Trial Court
c) Appellate Court
d) Supreme Court
_____13. What federal court decides which cases it will hear?
a) Magistrate Court
b) Trial Court
c) Appellate Court
d) Supreme Court
_____14. Which federal court hears both criminal and civil cases but the majority of the
cases are civil?
a) Appellate Court
b) Trial Court
c) Magistrate Court
d) Supreme Court
_____15. Which federal court determines if the district judge made a judicial error that could
have substantially affected the court’s decision?
a) Trial Court
b) Magistrate Court
c) Appellate Court
d) Supreme Court
_____16. Which federal court is the legal mediator for lawsuits between states, and
between the United States and foreign countries; is the final authority for legal
opinions binding on the federal government; and is the court that other courts have
to fall in line with when it makes a ruling?
a) Trial Court
b) Magistrate Court
c) Appellate Court
d) Supreme Court
_____17. Which federal court generally only agrees to decide cases where there is a split of
opinion among the courts of appeals or where there is an important constitutional
question or issue of federal law that needs to be clarified?
a) Magistrate Court
b) Trial Court
c) Appellate Court
d) Supreme Court
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
_____18. Which federal court tries Class A misdemeanors and petty offenses along with
performing duties such as issuing warrants and arraignments?
a) Magistrate Court
b) Appellate Court
c) Supreme Court
d) Trial Court
_____19. Which federal court hears appeals from defendants whose cases are based on a
claim that they were denied a fair trial or the law they were convicted under was
a) Appellate Court
b) Trial Court
c) Magistrate Court
d) Supreme Court
_____20. When does the Supreme Court have to review a case?
a) When a federal court has held an act of Congress to be constitutional
b) When a U.S. Court of Appeals has found a state statute to be constitutional
c) When a state’s highest court of appeals has ruled a federal law to be
d) When an individual’s challenge to a state statute on federal constitutional
grounds is upheld by a state’s highest court of appeals
IV. The Bill of Rights and the Trial Process
1. _____The Bill of Rights is made up of which amendments?
a. 11-27
b. 1-27
c. 1-10
d. 5-10
2. _____Which of these best describes the First Amendment?
a. The rights given to those accused of a crime
b. The right to bear arms
c. The no quartering of rights
d. The rights essential to free people
3. _____Which of these is not protected by the First Amendment?
a. Freedom of speech
b. Freedom of press
c. Freedom of travel
d. Freedom of religion
4. _____The Fourth Amendment protects us from what?
a. Testifying against ourselves
b. Getting caught committing a crime
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
c. Unreasonable searches and seizures
d. Seizing our private property
5. _____Which of the following is not one of the rights of the accused protected by the Fifth
a. Protection against self-incrimination
b. Protection against double jeopardy
c. You cannot have life, liberty, or property taken away without due process of law
d. Right to a lawyer
6. _____The Eighth Amendment is focused on what?
a. Getting caught committing a crime
b. Excessive bail
c. Religion
d. Speedy trial
7. _____The Sixth Amendment protects us from what?
a. Getting caught committing a crime
b. Excessive bail
c. Religion
d. Speedy trial
8. _____Trial by jury in a civil case applies to which amendment?
a. 2nd
b. 3rd
c. 5th
d. 7th
V. Community-Oriented Policing Exam
_____1. Which of the following involves decentralized policing programs that focus on crime
prevention, quality of life in the community, public order, and alternatives to
a) Community-Oriented Policing
b) Problem-Oriented Policing
_____2. Which of the following focuses on solving the underlying problems of delinquency
and crime?
a) Community-Oriented Policing
b) Problem-Oriented Policing
_____3. What is not a characteristic of Community-Oriented Policing?
a) Focus is on proactive crime prevention rather than emergency response
b) Encourages officers to see citizens as partners
c) Shifts decision-making and discretion downward to patrol officers
d) Less visible operations
_____4. Rapid response is a characteristic of which of the following?
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
a) Traditional law enforcement
b) Community-Oriented Policing
_____5. Crime investigation is a characteristic of which of the following?
a) Traditional law enforcement
b) Community-Oriented Policing
_____6. Strategies that promote crime prevention are a characteristic of which of the
a) Traditional law enforcement
b) Community-Oriented Policing
_____7. Apprehension of the criminal is a characteristic of which of the following?
a) Traditional law enforcement
b) Community-Oriented Policing
_____8. Law enforcement is a characteristic of which of the following?
a) Traditional law enforcement
b) Community-Oriented Policing
_____9. Promoting the community quality of life and public order is a characteristic of which
of the following?
a) Traditional law enforcement
b) Community-Oriented Policing
_____10. Using alternatives to arrest and force to solve the problem is a characteristic of
which of the following?
a) Traditional law enforcement
b) Community-Oriented Policing
_____11. Responding to the symptoms is a characteristic of which of the following?
a) Traditional law enforcement
b) Community-Oriented Policing
_____12. According to findings done by police research, what kind of effect does the
current emphasis on crime fighting and randomized patrolling have on reducing
a) Powerful effect
b) No effect
c) Limited effect
d) Research is inconclusive
_____13. According to findings done by police research, what has prevented strong police
ties to the community, hampered crime fighting efforts, and resulted in police
ignorance of unreported crimes?
a) 911 calls
b) Foot patrol
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
c) Rapid response
d) Police isolation
_____14. According to the results of police research, a large portion of serious crimes are
not deterred by which of the following?
a) Police isolation
b) Rapid response
c) Foot patrol
d) 911 calls
_____15. According to the results of police research, what was reduced due to
a) Rapid response
b) Foot patrol
c) 911 calls
d) Police isolation
_____16. According to the results of police research, which of the following overwhelmed
the police and left them little time for crime prevention?
a) Rapid response
b) Foot patrol
c) 911 calls
d) Police isolation
_____17. According to findings done by police research, who solved only a small
percentage of the crimes analyzed?
a) Patrol Officers
b) Detectives
_____18. According to recommendations from the police research, what is needed to
differentiate between emergency and non-emergency calls?
a) Formal call-screening procedures
b) Hot spots
c) Beat profiling
d) Specific criminal activities
_____19. According to recommendations from the police research, rather than performing
randomized patrols when not handling calls, the officers’ time is more profitably
spent addressing what?
a) Tailored patrol strategies
b) Hot spots
c) Beat profiling
d) Specific criminal activities
_____20. According to recommendations from the police research, what can police identify
to reduce the number of repeated calls to specific locations in a community?
a) Tailored patrol strategies
b) Beat profiling
c) Hot spots
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
d) Specific criminal activities
VI. Drug Dangers
Match the following drug with the correct street name # 1 – 9
1. _____ Hydrocodone
a) Special K, Cat Valium
2. _____ Marijuana
b) Glass
3. _____Crack Cocaine
c) Hug Drug
4. _____Ecstasy
d) Triple C
5. _____Rohypnol
e) Hydro
6. _____Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
f) Reefer
7. _____Ketamine
g) Tornado
8. _____Methamphetamine
h) R-2
9. _____DXM
i) Georgia Home Boy
Multiple Choice: 10 - 20
10._____Which drug is not one of the most common drugs in today’s society? a) Marijuana
b) Heroin
c) Methamphetamine
d) DXM
11._____Hydrocodone is a substitute for which drug? a) Heroin
b) Oxycontin
c) Morphine
d) Rohypnol
12._____Side effects of Hydrocodone include all but which of the following? a) Nausea
b) Confusion
c) Constricted pupils
d) High blood pressure
13._____Which drug may produce the effects of alcohol intoxication? a) Oxycontin
b) GHB
c) Rohypnol
d) Marijuana
14._____The active ingredient in Marijuana is ___________? a) ABC
b) THC
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
c) DXM
d) GHB
15._____Which of the four is not a criterion for alcoholism?
a) Tolerance
b) Physical dependence
c) Cravings
d) Absolute control
16._____Which diagnosis is Ritalin/Focalin/Concerta/Adderall most often prescribed to
a) Depression
b) Anxiety
d) Alcoholism
17._____Long-term use of crack cocaine reveals all of the following behaviors except
a) Honesty
b) Cheating
c) Alienating friends and family
d) Commiting violent crimes
18._____Which medication is available over-the-counter?
a) GHB
b) THC
c) Hydrocodone
d) DXM
19._____Inhalant abuse is extremely deadly.
a) True
b) False
20._____Which of the following methods is not a method used for ingesting
a) Shooting
b) Touching
c) Smoking
d) Snorting
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
21._____Which drug can commonly be found in a crystal form? a) Methamphetamine
b) DXM
c) Heroin
d) Ritalin
22._____Which drug turns blue when dissolved in liquid?
a) GHB
b) Crack cocaine
c) Ketamine
d) Rohypnol
23._____Which of the following is not a side effect of Rohypnol? a) Confusion
b) Decreased heart beat
c) Extreme energy
d) Amnesia
24._____Which drug is not considered a “rave drug”? a) Marijuana
b) Rohypnol
c) Ecstasy
d) Ketamine
25._____Which of the “rave drugs” is officially known as MDMA? a) Rohypnol
b) GHB
c) Ketamine
d) Ecstasy
26._____Which drug is most often mixed with alcohol and is colorless? a) Ecstasy
b) GHB
c) Ketamine
d) Rohypnol
27._____High doses of GHB can cause all except which one of the following? a) Coma
b) Overdose
c) Seizures
d) Extreme exhilaration
28._____Which drug was originally created for anesthesia on small animals? a) Ketamine
b) GHB
c) Rohyonol
d) Ecstasy
29._____Which drug is lethal when mixed with other drugs? a) GHB
b) Crack cocaine
c) Ketamine
d) Methamphetamine
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
30._____Physiological effects of downers include all except which of the following?
a) Slurred speech
b) Death
c) Extended attention span
d) Lowered inhibitions
31._____Physical symptoms of downer use include increased heart rate and enlarged
a) True
b) False
32._____People may be prescribed downers for all except which of the following reasons?
a) Anxiety
b) Pain
c) Stressful times
d) Depression
33._____A person who continues to use a drug after it is needed or even though it is not
needed is a/an ___________.
a) Overdose
b) Abuser
c) Dependent
d) Addict
34._____An overdose is when a person experiences withdrawal symptoms from lessening
or stopping the use of the drug.
a) True
b) False
35._____Behavior of a user may include all except which of the following behaviors?
a) Suicidal
b) Mellow mood
c) Alienated from friends/family
d) Prostitution
36._____Sleeping too much or too little is which type of symptom of drug use?
a) Physical
b) School/Social
c) Personality
d) Behavioral
37._____If a user exhibits signs of aggression and depression he is exhibiting social
symptoms of drug use.
a) True
b) False
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
38._____Sleeping in class, skipping school, and lack of concentration are all symptoms
related to school.
a) True
b) False
39._____When handling dangerous drugs, you should always wear protective equipment.
a) True
b) False
40._____It is a good idea to taste the substance in order to identify it.
a) True
b) False
41._____It is important to package drugs separately.
a) True
b) False
42._____When collecting substances, it is a good practice to hand them to someone else to
a) True
b) False
43._____Syringes and needles should be packaged in paper bags.
a) True
b) False
44._____Which of the following is not a step in packaging drugs?
a) Weigh drugs in the container it is held in
b) Weigh entire package after sealing it then record the gross weight
c) Test all quantities of drugs found
d) Write your initials and the date on the outside of the evidence tape
45._____Which characteristic of the drugs should not be recorded?
a) Color
b) Odor
c) Texture
d) Taste
Report Writing
______1. What is a skill in law enforcement that helps an officer describe things?
a) Observation
b) Memory
c) Picture taking skills
d) Binoculars
______2. What is a use of a police report?
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
a) Allows passing of the case from one officer to another
b) Helps a department stay organized
c) Provides a factual record of work done on a case
d) All of the above
______3. What kind of report will an investigator do when he does something on a case he
received from a beat officer's report?
a) Initial report
b) Supplemental report
c) Attachment of report
d) Incident report
e) Offense report
______4. What kind of report will begin the investigation of criminal matters?
a) Supplemental report
b) Attachment of report
c) Arrest report
d) Incident report
e) Offense report
a) Supplemental report
b) Attachment of report
c) Arrest report
d) Incident report
e) Both c and d
______6. What kind of report is an incident report?
a) Initial report
b) Supplement report
c) Attachment of report
d) Arrest report
e) Offense report
______7. Which of the following would be considered an attachment to a report?
a) Supplemental report
b) Photos
c) Arrest report
d) Incident report
e) Offense report
______8. What style of report is the most widely used and sets forth information in a logical
manner or sequence?
a) Narrative
b) Chronological
c) Specialized
d) None of the above
______9. What is needed in a report?
a) Clear and complete sentences
Law Enforcement - Final Exam Review
b) Proper grammar
c) Good descriptions
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
______10. What rule says that if it is not written in the paper, it did not happen?
a) Four corners rule
b) Four sides rule
c) Four papers rule
d) Four reports rule