CIS 125 Advanced Micro Apps syllabus 2011-2012-1

CIS 125 Syllabus
Rev 8/4/2011
CIS 125
Advanced Microcomputer Applications for Business
Southeast Technical Institute
2320 Career Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Liz Bennett
MC 169B
“Microsoft Office 2010, Advanced Concepts and Techniques”, Shelly, Cashman, Vermaat,
2011, Course Technology, Cengage Learning.
The Advanced Microcomputer Applications for Business course expands upon the students’ business computer
skills through advanced learning in the Microsoft Office 2010 suite: Microsoft Word (word processing),
Microsoft Excel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Access (databases), Microsoft PowerPoint(presentation). The
students will learn by example, in teams and individually. Students will use problem-solving and technical skills
to complete projects, exercises and case studies that use software applications as a tool in business.
Prerequisite: CIS 105
Keyboarding skill is expected. Students with little skill in keyboarding should expect to put in additional lab
hours per week to complete assignments. One of two prerequisites must be met to be in CIS 125: 1)
successful completion of CIS 105 (transfer course or at STI), or 2) prior skill as demonstrated by testing out of
CIS 105. Basic computer skills in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Windows, E-mail and Internet Browsers
(Firefox or IE) will be expected and expounded upon.
STI purchased laptop is required, or a laptop which meets all specifications below. (If a returning student is
using a non-STI laptop, the STI network will not provide the capability to print or access other campus network
resources, so there will be a need to log on to STI campus PCs outside of class to print and access other
network resources, as required. Students will find a flash drive will be necessary at times.) Assessment of
laptop compatibility and hardware issues and questions are directed to the STI Helpdesk, 605-367-4461.
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STI Hardware Requirements
STI Software Requirements
 Laptop w/ Pentium 4
 Windows 7 or Mac OS X 10.5
processor or better
 Microsoft Office 2010 Ultimate Edition Suite
 1024x768 monitor resolution
o Outlook 2010 & School Mail Account
or higher
o Word 2010
 Ethernet (100mbps) or
o Excel 2010
Wireless (802.11 b/g) internet
o Access 2010
o PowerPoint 2010
 CD-R/W, DVD-R/W, or USB
 Latest version of IE or Firefox browser
mass storage device
 Up-to-date Anti-Virus Software
 1 GB RAM (memory) or more
 Java, Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash Player,
 80 GB or larger hard drive
Windows Media Player or Quicktime, (free
 Sound Card and Speakers
Internet Downloads)
 Jing. (loaded on STI laptops)
 STInet learning management systems (access
will be given to all course registrants as
indicated by your instructor)
 High-Speed Internet connectivity (dsl, cable) if
taking a “Hybrid”, “Online” or “Accelerated
Learning” version of CIS 125.
NON-TRADITIONAL COURSE DELIVERY EXPECTATIONS (“Hybrid”, “Online” or “Accelerated Learning”)
 Student must meet hardware and software technical specifications
 Students achieved at least a “B” in the CIS 105 pre-requisite course.
 Student must participate in outside interactions in STInet (discussions, chats, journals, e-mail)
 Complete 4-6 hours of “outside lab time” per week.
 Test taking, lectures, demonstrations and guided learning will happen during the hours spent with the
instructor and class for Hybrid classes.
 Test taking will be by proctor or as instructor determines in Online classes.
 Students must keep up with set deadlines and attend all face-to-face classes.
 Accelerated 8-week classes (Online and Hybrid) move at double-speed and are not designed for novice
computer users. Students will complete twice the amount of work each week as compared to a
traditional class.
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Exams and Projects
Weighted 60% of Total Grade
Exams will be given after each major section of material. A project or case study may be given that consists of
comprehensive group work and Exams will be production-based skills assessments.
Online students will have exams proctored. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange for and pay any
necessary fees to the proctor. Proctors must be approved by the instructor.
Makeup Tests
Students are expected to take tests during the time they are given in class. In the event that a student must
be absent on test day, one test makeup per semester is allowed.
It is the student’s responsibility to request a make-up test from the instructor when he/she is unable to take
the test on the day the test is scheduled. It is expected that make-up test requests will be received prior to
the scheduled test day. In the event that the student misses a test due to a reason that does not permit such
an arrangement, the student must complete the make-up test within 2 weeks of returning from the absence.
Makeup tests are given MOST Fridays from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. in MC 168. Please check the posted schedule.
Missing a scheduled make-up test will result in a zero score for that test.
The textbook cannot be used during any exams. However, for the Production Tests only, it is encouraged to
have page of notes to assist you in the exam. Caution: production tests are administered with a maximum
amount of time, so studying and taking notes to prepare for the test will help you finish the test within the
allowed time.
Assignments and Quizzes
Weighted 40% of Total Grade
Daily work will be given to help students learn basic applications and processes.
Quizzes may be announced or unannounced . . . quizzes may not be made up if missed. Quizzes may consist of
document production or objective questions (multiple choice, true-false).
The lowest single quiz or assignment will be thrown out, as determined by your instructor.
There will be no additional assignments available for bonus points or extra credit.
Anything required to be turned in must be turned in on time. NO LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED SO PLEASE PLAN
acceptable means of assignment delivery (eg: STInet, e-mail, hard copy, flash drive, dropbox). Student name,
and assignment number/identification must be included. When possible, include this in the header or footer.
Only a portion of the daily work will be assigned points (graded); however, all assignments and review
assignments must be completed to prepare yourself for testing. Expect frequent, brief quizzes to test your
knowledge as we progress. It is up to each instructor to provide (or not to provide) a means of “checking” your
products or assignments.
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A comprehensive final exam in an objective format may be given on the last day of the semester. Exemptions
will be given when a student meets all of the following conditions:
1. Student has at least a B (80%)
2. Student has taken all tests when scheduled.
Any student who is exempt from the final, but wishes to still take it in an attempt to improve his/her test
average, shall be given the opportunity to do so. However, the test will not be “thrown out” should it lower
the test average component of the final grade.
= A+
92-99% = A
90-91% = A-
= B+
= B-
78-79% = C+
72-77% = C
70-71% = C-
68-69% = D+
62-67% = D
60-61% = D-
0-59% = F
Your final grade will be weighted as follows:
The average of all exams and projects = 60% of the final grade
The average of all graded lab assignments and quizzes = 40% of the final grade
Professionalism and Attendance are critical job success skills and STI aims to create workforce excellence not
only by producing technically trained employees, but ones with professional skills as well. Regular attendance
is vital for student success in a class that uses guided learning.
Students shall demonstrate responsibility and commitment to learning by following the guidelines listed
 Become familiar with the computer policies listed in the Southeast Technical Institute student handbook.
Computer privileges may be modified or discontinued if they are abused. The handbook and syllabus are
the only “warnings” your instructor needs to give.
 Read the class syllabus and laptop contract. You will be responsible for the contents of each.
 Consult (daily) the STInet and STI e-mail for class and campus communications and events.
 Schedule three to four hours of out-of-class computer time per week for the completion of assignments
and assigned reading material. (Accelerated classes schedule 8-10 hours each week)
 Arrive for class on time. Be logged into the network and ready to start work when class begins. In a "handson" class such as this one where there is guided practice every day, you will find that consistent, punctual
attendance is a necessity. Classes will start on time, and presentations will not be delayed in order to
repeat instructions for students who habitually arrive late for class. Three instances of tardiness will count
as one absence.
 Bring your textbook, writing materials, and laptop to each class session.
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 If you must be absent, communicate with your instructor ahead of time if possible.
 Display professionalism by participating in all class activities. Students who wish to check Facebook, sleep,
play computer games, or work on personal projects must do so outside of the classroom.
 Do not use offensive language or openly display anger, frustration, or discontent. This type of behavior
disrupts the learning activities of other students and will not be tolerated in the classroom. Any student
displaying this type of behavior will be asked to leave the classroom.
 Do not wear clothing that may be offensive to anyone in the classroom.
 Consult your class calendar and read textbook materials before they are presented in class. It will be
especially important to be prepared for all scheduled activities if you were absent at the previous class
 Follow along with presentations and guided practices that are led by the instructor.
 Complete assignments prior to the scheduled due dates. Skills from each class session need to be
mastered before the next class session.
 Make adequate arrangements for childcare. Be sure to have alternative plans that can be used in the case
of illness or unavailability of normal childcare. Children excused from school due to holiday or illness
should not be brought to the classroom. School policy allows for primary and secondary students to visit
classes on an occasional basis with approval 24 hours in advance by each instructor to be visited.
 Do not participate in unethical behavior. Representing the work of others as your own and giving or using
unauthorized assistance on assignments, quizzes, or tests will result in a grade of zero. Each student is
expected to individually complete their own assignments, quizzes, and tests with the exception of the
team projects that will be assigned during the final weeks of class. Any incidences of duplicate files will
result in a grade of zero for all parties involved. Repeated incidences will be considered as grounds for
failure of the class.
 Do not bring food or beverages into the desktop computer lab areas. Covered/capped beverages can be
brought into a laptop classroom if care is used when placing beverages near laptops.
 Students who are subject to disciplinary action in the form of suspension will receive zeros for all work
assigned during their absence.
 Any talking during or immediately after an exam (while others are still testing) shall be grounds for
removal from class.
The instructors and the faculty members in this course will act with integrity and strive to engage in equitable verbal and
nonverbal behavior with respect to differences arising from age, gender, race, handicapping conditions and religion. If you have
special needs as addressed by the American with Disabilities Act and need course materials in alternative formats, notify your
instructor immediately. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your special needs.
Violations of safety to self and others and/or violation of safe operating practices of equipment may result in the reduction or
loss of your daily grade, removal from class, and/or other disciplinary action.
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Assessing Student Performance
Student success is important to our faculty, and all faculty are involved in assessing learning. Upon completion
of a degree, Southeast graduates will have demonstrated competence in the following areas:
Science and Technology: Technical competence, including knowledge of technology and/or scientific
principles as these apply to programs.
Problem Solving & Critical Thinking: The ability to select and use various approaches to solve a wide variety
of problems – scientific, mathematical, social and personal. Graduates will also be able to evaluate
information from a variety of perspectives, analyze data, and make appropriate judgments.
Communication: The ability to communicate effectively in several forms – oral, written, nonverbal and
interpersonal. Graduates will also demonstrate knowledge of how to manage and access information.
Professionalism: Strong work ethic, including responsible attendance; skill in teamwork and collaboration, as
well as an ability to work with others, respecting diversity; ability to adapt to change; commitment to lifelong
learning; adherence to professional standards; and positive self-esteem and integrity.
Application or Topic
Intro to Course
Overview of STI Technologies
Logons, Printers, Datacluster, Shortcuts, STInet, Setting Up Class Folders
General Time Frame
.5 Weeks
Word 2010 Review and Advanced Word – Tables, Styles, Mail Merge, Newsletters 4.5 Weeks
with Columns and Breaks, & Testing.
Excel 2010 Review and Advanced Excel – Multiple Sheet Workbooks, Excel Tables, 4 Weeks
Protection, Functions, Data Tables, & Testing.
Access 2010 Review and Advanced Access – Table Design, Macros, Switchboards,
Advanced Queries, Custom Forms and Reports, and Testing.
3.5 - 4 Weeks
PowerPoint 2010
1 – 1.5 weekWeeks
Comprehensive Project
1.5 Weeks
Final Exam
.5 Weeks
TOTAL (approximately)
16 Weeks
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CIS 125 Task List
Students will be engaged in project-based learning that strengthens their understandings and achievements, and
allows them to communicate more productively and make decisions on important information and its interpretation,
using the following tools:
Word Chapter 4 and Word Review Task List
 Custom Tab and Various Types of Indent
 Apply Borders of Various Colors,
Thicknesses and Styles
 Review Various Section and Page Breaks
 Review Table Creation, Formatting and
Word Chapter 6 - Generate Mail Merge Documents
 Review block format business letters
 Explain and perform the merge process
 Use the Mail Merge task pane and the
Mailing tab on the Ribbon
 Create, edit and sort a data source
 Insert merge fields into the main document
 Use current date fields in the main
Insert SmartArt and WordArt and Format
Insert Watermarks into a Word document
Insert a Section Break
Create a multi-level list
Change Theme Fonts
Insert Headers and Footers
Merge all or a selection of records and print
form letters
Generate and print mailing labels and
Generate mail merge documents
Utilize an IF statement in the main
Word Chapter 7 – Creating a Newsletter with a Pull-Quote and Graphics
 Add color, dropped caps, shading and
 Format a document into multiple columns
spacing to characters
and balance them
 Add an outside border with color to a
 Place a vertical rule between columns
paragraph, text or table
 Insert and Format a text box
 Insert and modify a graphic by cropping and
 Insert and format a SmartArt graphic
 Use and modify Word styles
 Create and format WordArt drawing objects
 Create a page border
 Insert section breaks and column breaks
 Insert drawing tool objects such as callouts
 Set custom tabs
and banners to a document
Excel Chapter 4 - Financial Functions, Data Tables and Amortization Schedules
 Control the color and thickness of outlines
 Determine the monthly payment of a loan
and borders
using the financial function PMT
 Assign a name to a cell and refer to the cell
 Use the financial functions PV (present
in a formula using the assigned name
value) and FV (future value)
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Create a data table to analyze data in a
Add a pointer to a data table
Create an amortization schedule
Analyze worksheet data by changing values
Use name and print sections of a worksheet
Excel Chapter 5 - Create, Sort and Querying a Table
 Create, manipulate and filter a Table
 Add Calculated columns to a table
 Use icon sets with conditional formatting
 Use VLOOKUP function to look up a value in
a table
Set print options
Protect and unprotect cells in a worksheet
Use the formula checking features of Excel
Hide and unhide cell gridlines, rows,
columns, sheets and workbooks
Sort a table on one field or multiple fields
Apply conditional formatting to a range
Use Autofilter to filter data
Excel Chapter 6 Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks
 Use the ROUND function
 Add, delete and rename worksheets in a
 Copy data between worksheets in a
 Create formulas that use 3-D references to
cells in different sheets in a workbook
 Create a worksheet group.
 Summarize data using consolidation
 Drill an entry through worksheets
 Add a header or footer to a workbook
 Utilize custom format codes
 Print with column and row markers,
 Edit multiple worksheets at the same time
gridlines and fit to one page features
 Format ranges across multiple worksheets
 Save workbooks as PDF or XPS files, and
in a workbook
various other file formats
 Create workspaces
Access Chapter 4 - Creating Custom Reports and Forms
 Create reports and forms using wizards
 Work in Report layout view
 Group and Sort a report
 Add totals and subtotals to a report
 Resize columns
 Conditionally format controls
 Filter records in a reports and forms
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Print reports and forms
Add a field to a report or form
Include gridlines
Add a date
Change the format of a control
Move controls
CIS 125 Syllabus
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Access Chapter 5 – Creating Multi-table Forms
 Use Yes/No, Date, memo, OLE Object,
Attachment and Hyperlink fields
 Use the Input mask Wizard
 Update fields and enter data
 Change row and column size
 Create a form with a subform in Design
 Modify a subform and form design
Access Chapter 6 – Advanced Report Techniques
 Create the structure of a table
 Import data into a table
Enhance the form title
Change tab stops and tab order
Use the form to view data and attachments
Use Date, Memo, and Yes/No fields in a
View object dependencies
Modify a report in design view
(Note: Instructors will incorporate some or all of these applications as time permits in the semester)
PowerPoint Chapters 6 & 7
 Create a Presentation from a Microsoft Word Outline
 Add Hyperlinks and action buttons to slides and objects
 Work with advanced custom animation techniques
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