The components of my event

Spring Into Action
With American
Modern Insurance
Let us help you GROW your business
The components of my event:
• Event: My event will be a “Roundtable” event. A Roundtable event is a way to
pull my accounts agents together and provide them detailed information on
my company’s products. In addition, its purpose is to present this material in a
fun and interactive way.
• Purpose/Goal: Is to increase production of the agents located in Virginia and
increase American Modern’s market share in the state with a particular
• Theme: Will be the season of Spring
• Slogan: Spring into action with American Modern – Let us help you GROW
your business.
April 26, 2015
Footer text here
The Checklist:
Organize a team - Team is Jayme & Dawn along with five associates (picked by Jayme)
Jayme will get the volunteers to use for the table captains and ensure all volunteers
are trained on appropriate topics for the discussions
Develop the theme – Spring
Develop a slogan - Spring Into Action with AMIG… Let us help you GROW
Pick the date – May 6, 2015
Decide on number of participants – Invite 75 plan on 40
Pick the venue/location – The Hilton Garden Inn in Lynchburg, VA
Get estimated cost for venue and food
Determine the menu – Buffett lunch
Determine what is included with the meeting room – projector, tables, chairs, audio
equipment, lights, pens and paper, bottled water (as described in contract)
Determine a reasonable budget - $3,000 excluding travel for Jayme and her team
April 26, 2015
Footer text here
The Checklist:
Will there be an admission? No, but Dawn will hand pick the agents that will
be invited
Invitations? A save the date email will go out March 25th; a formal invite will be
mailed April 6th; RSVP is requested by April 22, 2015
RSVP is going to Dawn per instruction on the formal invite
Dawn is in charge of securing the meeting room at the hotel
Determine fee for the meeting room
Dawn and Jayme arrive the day before the event to purchase decorations
Décor will include potted tulips from Lowe’s, we need 40 ($127 w/ tax), 40
seed packets ($42 w/tax) and 40 sets of gardening gloves ($127 w/ tax
Dress code is business casual and that is shared in the formal invite
April 26, 2015
Footer text here
The Checklist:
We will have five table center pieces from Edible Arrangements
Along with the place settings we will have American Modern folders with
product information flyers within the pocketed folders
Once all participants have RSVP’d we will create name tags
Transportation: attendees will drive themselves to the event. Agents that
were picked to attend are located within a one hour radius
Clean up is included in the rental room fee
Contingency Plan – If the event does not happen for reasons beyond our
control we will send the participants the goodies we have prepared along with
a thumb drive with a back up presentation for them. Another event will be
planned for later in the year, the theme will be changed to Fall with a slogan of
“Fall into action with American Modern” all spring things will go to fall items
April 26, 2015
Footer text here
The Checklist:
Give-a-ways gift cards to Lowes for end of meeting raffle
Parking is free and included in the hotel rental fees – Handicap parking is up-front and
marked by signs
Signs guiding the guests from the hotel parking lot to the meeting room – Printed by
Jayme at her office cost is free. We need three of them to guide them to the location
Once inside the hotel the marquees will direct the guests to the appropriate room
A first aid kit is kept in the trade show box that we will bring with us. If a larger
medical emergency happens staff will be notified to call the ambulance
Lodging for Dawn and Jayme’s team will be at the meeting hotel. A discount rate of
$109 per night was achieved (participants will not need to stay overnight)
The hotel lobby has a lost and found behind the front desk
Jayme will create a survey for participants to take at the end of the meeting
April 26, 2015
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The Checklist:
This is not a public event. The only publicity needed is the invitations and having the
General Agency communicate the importance of attending this event. This is handled
during company meetings
No permits or sponsors are needed at this event
Trash receptacles and recycling bins are provided by the catering service within the
We requested the meeting room closest to the restrooms in the lobby of the hotel
Security is not needed for this event
Insurance is provided by my company. We are self-insured and an insurance form can
be produced if needed but it’s not required by the hotel
The hotel will allow us to provide feedback for the venue when our event is finished. I
believe the hotel is a great place to hold the event. It’s modern, it has all the audio
equipment we need included so we do not have to go with a separate vendor. The
location is central and easily found. It was almost a one stop shop because we were
able to get our catering, room, audio, and staff in one stop
April 26, 2015
Footer text here
This is a snapshot of the service document and
room rental agreement:
**Room Rental includes use of LCD Projector, screen and speakers
HGI Pens & Notepads and Water Stations
* [SUBJECT TO CHANGE] – Specific meeting rooms cannot be guaranteed and are subject to change
GRATUITY: 20% (or the current gratuity percentage in effect on the day of the event pursuant to the applicable collective
bargaining agreement) of the food and beverage.
RESERVATIONS: Reservations will be made by: Event Only
Group ID: SRP
Reservations can be made directly by calling 434.239.3006. Please identify the group by group code ID provided. Guests
may also logon the URL address for online booking To be considered a part of the group block,
guests must book reservations under the Group ID provided above. If the individual books under any other rate code other
than the one provided above, the guest forfeits the privileges and benefits negotiated under this contract.
FINAL HEAD COUNT and BANQUET SERVICES: You will be asked to sign an Event Order confirming the details
of your events, including the final/guaranteed headcount, associated costs, set up details and payment instructions. Faxed
signatures will be accepted. The final headcount must be given and the event order must be signed and finalized 7
business days prior to the event. Final Food & Beverage Charges will be determined by this headcount and event order
assuming they are given and finalized by the deadline. If this deadline is not met, you will be responsible for the headcount
and guaranteed revenues listed in this contract. In the event that the final headcount increases between the time the Event
Order has been signed and the event date, because we order based on your final headcount, there is no guarantee that we
will be able to accommodate this increase.
We do not automatically add an overage % to your guest count for final
production, so with any last minute increase, we may have to substitute menu items for the increased number - you will be
billed for the total number of guests served. In the event that the headcount decreases between the deadline for submission
and the event date, final charges will be based on the originally submitted final headcount and the signed event order.
MENU/PRICE GUIDE: Pricing is subject to change due to market conditions. The prices listed are guaranteed for
90 days from the signing of the contract. In the event that pricing does change, we are happy to make modifications to the
original menu in order to keep the pricing as close as possible to prices listed in this contract.
COMMISSION / THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS: Group rate are net rate and non-commission.
Not applicable
CANCELLATION AND PERFORMANCE: The rates offered by us are based in part upon the total gross revenue
anticipated by us from your agreement to use and pay for the rooms and events set forth in this Agreement. You guarantee
that your event will provide the following minimum revenues (exclusive of tax and gratuity):
You agree and understand that in the event of a cancellation or lack of full performance by you, our actual damages would
be difficult to determine. Therefore, you have agreed to pay reasonable liquidated damages to the Hotel for cancellation or
lack of performance as described in this paragraph. Cancellation damages will be calculated as a percentage, based on the
date of cancellation listed below, of the minimum revenue guarantees listed in this paragraph.
Date of Cancellation
Date of signing to 90 days in advance
April 26, 2015
Percentage owed
25% = $145.00
Jayme has the original service document, but for the purpose of this presentation a snap shot is all that is needed.
The Venue – Hilton Garden Inn, Lynchburg, VA
April 26, 2015
Save the Date Email: Sent on 3/25
Subject Line: Save the date for a special event!
What: A product expo in a unique setting
By: American Modern and The Insurance House
Date: May 6th, 2015
Place: Lynchburg, VA @ The Hilton Garden Inn
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Lunch will be provided
Keep an eye out for a mailed formal invite with more details in the coming weeks.
Thank you,
Dawn Washington (IH) and Jayme Lawrence (AMIG)
April 26, 2015
Footer text here: Email was sent by Dawn – Open rate for emails by sub-producers is higher when message is from the General Agency.
The Formal Invite: Mailed 4/6/15
Let us help you GROW your
The Insurance House and American
Modern cordially invite you to join us for
our first Roundtable Event.
You will enjoy a buffet lunch, meet folks
from American Modern Insurance Group,
and learn about the products they have to
offer in an interactive setting like you’ve
never experienced before.
Registration is from 11:00 – 11:15
Welcome and announce lunch 11:15-11:20
Instruction how the event works at Noon
Roundtable Event from 12:00 – 12:45
Spring into action with American
Modern! Dress is business casual!
Prize Drawing and Dismissal at 12:45-1:00
May 6, 2015 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Hilton Garden Inn 4025 Wards Rd
Lynchburg, VA 24502
1904 Leland Dr. SE
Marietta, GA 30067
770-644-0615 |
April 26, 2015
Footer text here: Designed and created by Jayme
This was a flyer
sized invite that
was mailed to all
of our guests
For décor we will include the seed packet and gloves at each place
setting. The potted tulips will be at the exit table for each person to take
one home with them.
April 26, 2015
Footer text here: Source was google pics and
For additional décor, we will include table centerpieces
made of edible arrangements in a spring theme. We will
have five of them.
April 26, 2015
Footer text here: Source was google pictures
Welcome and registration table:
• We will use magnetic name tags so
not to mess up anyone’s outfit
• Name tags will be pre-made by
using the registration list (a few
blank ones will be on hand if
• We will have the name tags at the
welcome table that will sit right
outside of the meeting room
• Dawn will welcome guests and give
them their name tag when they
April 26, 2015
Footer text here: Source was Google pictures
The Menu - It’s a buffet:
• Soup: Tomato Bisque (vegetarian)
• Salad: Tossed Garden Salad (vegetarian)
• Starch: Homemade Macaroni and Cheese
• Vegetable: Green Beans
• Entrée: Roast Beef
• Dessert: Chef’s choice is included
• Beverages: Sweet and Unsweet Iced Tea, Regular and decaf coffee, and water
April 26, 2015
Footer text here: Source was Google pictures. Actual menu selections from the hotel service
Room Set Up:
• Buffet set up along the side out of the way, and a beverage table set up along
the back wall
• Five large round tables will sit in clockwise fashion, allowing for plenty of room
to move about. Each will have a white tablecloth under a royal blue table
cloth. The blue represents AMIG’s color, and seating for 8
• A podium sitting in front of the round tables
April 26, 2015
Footer text here: Source was Google pictures
Budget - $3,000
Meeting room
Invitations (postage)
Food and Beverage
Table linen rentals
Marketing Material
Edible arrangement
Give-a-ways (gloves, potted plant,
seed packet)
Branded gift bags to hold the givea-ways
Survey expense
Raffle Prizes
April 26, 2015
Footer text here
Meeting Agenda – Flow of the Event
• 11:00-11:15 Check-In/Name Tags
• 11:15-11:20 Welcome and
announcement lunch
• 11:20-Noon eat lunch and Jayme will
explain how the roundtables work
Check In
Collect Survey,
Door prize,
closing remarks,
Welcome and
Pass out Surveys
• Noon- 12:45 Roundtable event takes
• 12:45-12:50 Pass out survey
• 12:50-1:00 Collect survey’s, draw for
raffle prizes, closing remarks and
April 26, 2015
Footer text here
How Do Roundtable Events Work?
• Each table will hold up to eight people
• Your first table will be the table where you ate
• Each table will be “captained” by a company
• Each table will be an individual topic in which the
table captain will speak to
• A bell will ring when the “roundtables” start
• Each round goes for 8.5 minutes. The table captain
will speak about the table topic
Home and Site
• The participants at the table may ask questions
about the table topic
• The bell will ring when there is 60 seconds left in
the round, and again when the round is up
• Everyone (except the table captain) will shift
clockwise to the next table
• The process will start again with the new group of
people to discuss the next topic
April 26, 2015
Handouts with key information for the table topics will be provided for the participants.
After the roundtables:
• Jayme will pass out a survey to the
participants and ask them to be
completed now
• Jayme will collect the surveys
• As surveys are collected name tags
will be collected as well
• Once all surveys are collected Dawn
will draw five names, one at a time,
they will be the winners of a $100
Lowe’s gift card
April 26, 2015
Footer text here: Source was Google pictures
Survey Questions
• How familiar were you with American
Modern before this meeting? VF,SWF,
• Did you learn something new about the
products American Modern offers that
you will use in the future?
• How likely are you to write new business
with American Modern since attending
this event? VL, SWL, NL
• Did you find this event format
worthwhile? V,SW,NAA
• Would you participate in this type of
event again? VL, SWL, NL
• Additional comments:
April 26, 2015
Footer text here: VF=Very Familiar, SWF=Somewhat Familiar, NAAF=Not at all familiar. VL=Very Likely, SWL=Somewhat Likely, NL=Not Likely. V=Very, SW=Somewhat, NAA=Not at all. These will be spelled out on
the survey.
• Once the event is over Jayme will track the participants
production by using their assigned agent code
• We will run a report for the year before the events
production as well as run the report monthly for one year
after the event
April 26, 2015
• We will track the growth of the agent but also if the
production falls off after a few months or if it continues at
the same pace
• This evaluation will tell us if events like this work
temporarily or for the long term
• The survey’s given at the end of the event will also help
us improve the event for the next time or determine if
they are worth the expense
Footer text here
Agent Agent Agent Agent
Spring Into Action with
American Modern
Insurance Group
Let us help you GROW your business