Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Power Point

Central Bucks High School-West
Timeline of events and focus for each grade level
Major changes to College Admission Testing (SAT)
Supports provided to CBW students
 Academic; College and Career; Mental Health; D & A
Resources provided for students and families
For Grades 10, 11, and 12
Transition to High School
PSAT’s in October
Getting Involved
Start something new – sports,
Advisory and Career Plan
clubs, volunteer, work, etc.
Begin resume of activities
Program Planning in Jan/Feb
Complete Career Plan in
PSAT (Nat’l Merit) in Oct.
Continued involvement in
College visits (at CBW) in Fall
activities; leadership
Program Planning for Senior
Post-secondary planning
College Admission Testing
SAT’s/ACT’s from March – June
AP’s in May
Junior Prom in Spring
Visit college campuses in Spring
 AP
year in Jan/Feb
Academics / Resume
College Applications
Finalize testing
Financial Aid
College applications due in Fall
(as early as mid-Oct.)
Re-test SAT/ACT’s in Oct.
Financial Aid Night – Nov.
FAFSA due to colleges Feb – Mar
Re-visit college campuses
Senior Prom in spring
Finalize decisions and financial
issues by May 1st
PSAT is in the “new” format.
Only offered on Wednesday,
October 14th, 2015 (per College
Board). Online registration.
Open to 10th and 11th grades
Only 11th graders may qualify for
National Merit recognition.
The “Old” SAT will be offered in
October, November, December,
and January of this year.
Scoring – back to 1600 Scale:
 800 (Math)
 800 (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing)
 Subscales within each component
No points off for wrong answer. (No penalty for
“SAT Vocabulary” words are gone.
 No more “prevaricator” or “sagacious.”
 Must distinguish various meanings of words in
context (like “synthesis”).
Focuses on “math that matters most” – more
Algebra-based, and every-day math
 One math section will not permit use of calculators.
Reading and Writing sections involve analyzing
passages from Literature, Science and Social
Essay is optional; given at the end of the SAT.
Time Allotted
Writing and Language
Essay (Optional)
65 Minutes
35 Minutes
80 Minutes
50 Minutes
3 hours
3 hours and 50 minutes with essay
Things to consider for “New” Test:
Taking “new” PSAT gives sneak peak to new SAT
Students received a detailed score report in December,
allowing about 2 ½ months to practice before the first new SAT
in March.
Many free, online practice opportunities available for new test.
Students will have 3 opportunities to take the new SAT this
Spring, as well as next fall.
The majority of the Class of 2017 will be taking the new test.
Things to consider if your student wants to take the “Old” Test:
How much SAT preparation have you done so far?
Have you had math through Algebra 2/Trig?
Do you feel comfortable and confident taking your SAT’s in
November, December, and/or January, or would you feel
If you want to take the old test twice, then you don’t have
much time between tests to remediate.
More considerations for students:
Do you want to prepare for TWO versions of the SAT, or just
Do you plan to ALSO take ACT’s? If so, then pick just one
version of SAT’s to prepare for.
Colleges will most likely “superscore” old test and new test
Look at YOUR OWN SCHEDULE and timeline, and decide what
works best for you!
ePrep: Free, online test prep for PSAT, SAT and ACT
 Student must see Mrs. Graney in Library to set up account.
 Partnered with College Board to provide individualized
and comprehensive PSAT and SAT review.
 Information and Sample tests, problems, and resources.
At CB West
House Team Structure
 Counselor/Admin meet weekly to
review academic progress of students
 Review attendance patterns
Connect students with personal
 Teachers; Private tutors; Peer Tutors
Connect students with online resources
Provide students with individualized
study skills and strategies
Peer tutoring provided through
National Honors Society students
 Students can contact their counselor
or Ms. Graney in the Library to
connect with a peer tutor
Teachers are available after school
for extra help (some teachers are also
available during lunch or before
 Encourage your child to connect with
his or her teacher
 Extra help may take the form of:
Clarifying misconceptions
Help with assignments / homework
Review of notes / re-teaching of content
Review of assessments
A major focus in advisory this year is
 10th Grade: Orienting to High School; Learning
the Basics
 11th: Refining Your Skills
 12th: Polishing Your Skills; Looking Ahead
Mrs. Kitty Semisch is available to work with
individual students on organizational skills
during advisory
Student Assemblies
Advisory Lessons
Parent/Student Info
Individual family college
planning sessions
Financial Aid Night
FAFSA Completion Night
Career Plan
Guidance Website
Powerful college and career search tool
Individualize searches, save favorites, make lists
Loaded with links, data, and resources
Individual counseling
Referrals to community counselors
Referrals to community programs
(Empower U; YMCA)
Crisis counseling
Groups (Bereavement; Stress
Management; Goal Setting)
Transition planning (when returning
from prolonged absence/illness)
Therapy Dog Pilot Program
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Group (referral only)
START Program
 Referrals accepted by anyone
 Typically for concerns about behavior, grades,
attendance, or mental health
 Team confidentially collects objective data from teachers,
nurse, counselors, administrators, and security office
 After collaboration with parents and student, team can
Free assessment through Bucks County Council
Academic or school-based interventions
Referrals for support with drug/alcohol/ mental health issues
Community support groups
 Process is completely voluntary and confidential
CBW Student Fund – managed by Nurse
 Assistance for food, clothing, and educational
 Assistance for school-related functions (testing,
proms, fieldtrips)
▪ Contact counselor or nurse
Snowman Station
Class Councils and SGO – funds for students
Info is just a Click Away!
Email blasts from counselors through
Email blasts from Administration through IC
West Times Online Newsletter
CB West Principals
 @CBWestHS
CBSD Twitter
 @CBSDInfo
CBSD Facebook
 Search Central Bucks School District
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