Pre-AP Chemistry Summer Assignment

Pre-AP Chemistry Summer Assignment
Thank You for making the decision to take Pre-AP Chemistry for the upcoming school year. It is our
intent to best prepare you for the upcoming year by providing you a summer assignment which highlights
some of the expectations for an advanced chemistry course.
Below you will find two assignments, which although are not required to be done over the summer,
you would find it beneficial to complete ahead of time as they will be due September 8 or 9 (depending on the
period you have class). Due to the volume of material and pace of the course, any work you can finish ahead
of schedule would benefit you greatly. If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of the chemistry
teachers if you have questions:
Mrs. Souders –
Miss Utter –
Mrs. Baumgartner –
Mrs. Renberg –
Ms. McLeod –
Assignment 1:
As part of Pre-AP Chemistry, you will be required to complete scientific research project. This
requirement may be met through the science fair or by research and a presentation to be given in class.
During the first week of school you will be required to turn in three topic proposal ideas which must have a
concentration in chemistry and current technology in the chemistry field. Topics to stay away from include
genetics, certain types of gene therapy, computer engineering, and physics related topics. For each topic, you
will type a short paragraph description of these topics and describe how chemistry relates to the technology.
Each topic needs to be cited using MLA formatting. When choosing topics also be sure that you will be able to
have a minimum of five resources for your research. (Wikipedia is not a source)
Assignment #2:
Provided to you is a worksheet of concepts we feel you should have a grasp of before starting this
course. These concepts were either taught in your Biology class, Algebra 1, or in middle school science.
Please complete this worksheet to the best of your ability. This will be collected during the first week of
school. Again, this information that you provided us will assist us in teaching you during the upcoming school
year. It is our intention to make you as successful as possible.
If you decide this is not something you wish to commit to, please contact your guidance counselor as
soon as possible. If you do wish to pursue this course, we welcome you and will do our best to prepare you
for the upcoming year and to pursue higher level sciences classes such as AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP
Physics, and AP Environmental Science.