Africa/China Unit Test Name: ______ Class Period: ____ On your

Africa/China Unit Test
Name: _________
Class Period: ____
On your own paper chose the best answer, but remember what you enter in the CPS counts!
1. Which kingdom arose in the Sudan following the decline of Ghana in 1076?
(S.S. 7.13)
A. Axum
B. Mali
C. Ethiopia
D. Songhai
2. What three empires in western Africa flourished because of the trans-Saharan gold and salt trade?
A. Mali, Axum, Zimbabwe
B. Axum, Ethiopia, Ghana
(S.S. 7.13)
C. Timbuktu, Ethiopia, Mali
D. Ghana, Mali, Songhai
3. The Ghana Empire (800s-1000s CE) grew rich from trading gold and salt in which trading network? (S.S. 7.13)
A. Trans-Atlantic
B. Silk Road
C. Mediterranean Route
D. Trans-Saharan
Largest empire in west Africa
Lead by Sunni Ali
Timbuktu was its capital
Center of commerce and learning
These statements are describing what African Empire?
A. Songhai
B. Axum
C. Ghana
(S.S. 7.13)
D. Egypt
5. Which would be the best example of cultural diffusion resulting from Ghana's trade relationship with the Middle
East? (S.S. 7.13)
A. Gold and salt were traded for textiles and cloth.
B. Islam quickly became the dominant religion in the empire.
C. Warfare resulted between Ghana and the Muslim kingdoms.
D. Traders faced difficulties crossing the Sahara desert.
6. From the 500s to the 1500s, three African empires are primarily known for their trade across the Sahara Desert.
Which empire would LEAST LIKELY fit these parameters of a "Sudanic Kingdom"?
(S.S. 7.14)
A. Ghana
B. Mali
C. Songhai
D. Zimbabwe
7. Historically, kingdoms in northern Africa were able to attain great wealth by controlling the trans-Saharan trade
of what biologically important mineral?
(S.S. 7.14)
A. Cinnamon
B. Gold
C. Salt
D. Pepper
8. While many African women converted to Islam, which behavior, observed by 14th century Arab traveler Ibn
Battuta, went against North African and Middle Eastern Muslim tradition?
(S.S. 7.14)
A. Eating pork
B. Female Imams
C. Lack of veiling
D. Going barefoot
The king's residence comprises a palace and conical huts, the whole surrounded by a fence like a wall.
Around the royal town are huts and groves of thorn trees where live the magicians who control their
religious rites. These groves, where they keep their idols and bury their kings, are protected by guards
who permit no one to enter or find out what goes on in them.
- from Al-Bakri's "Description of Ghana," 11th Century
According the historian Al-Bakri, the town is surrounded by dwellings that are home to
A. Entertainers
B. Farmers
C. Kings
D. Priests
10. In African history, the main purpose of a "griot" was to
(S.S. 7.15)
A. Store grain or food.
B. Tell stories and keep alive the history of people.
C. Convert people to Christianity
C. Facilitate trade with other nations.
 Belief in a Supreme Being.
 Oral traditions rather than written scripture.
 Approximately 70 million followers today.
The information provided in the box relates to
(S.S. 7.15)
A. The Olmacs
B. Christianity
C. Islamic fundamentalism
D. Traditional African beliefs
12. Which of these statements is TRUE regarding the kingdoms in West Africa (such as the Mali Empire and
Songhai Empire)?
(S.S. 7.16)
A. They avoided the use of slaves in society.
B. Their society did not value family or heritage.
C. They used very specialized labor in their economies.
D. Their written histories tell of their conversion to Islam.
13. During the 1440s, the European slave trade was started in Africa by (S.S. 7.16)
A. Portugal
B. England
C. Spain
D. America
14. Although all of the choices are correct to some degree, Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca BEST illustrates his
(S.S. 7.17)
A. Establishment of universities in Mali.
B. Goal to coordinate the trans-Saharan gold trade.
C. Belief in the Islamic faith.
D. Position as king in the Mali Empire.
(S.S. 7.17)
Which of these shows the route taken by Mali emperor Mansa Musa on his famous hajj to Mecca in 1324?
16. Mansa Musa ruled over which African Empire?
A. Ghana
B. Mali
(S.S. 7.17)
C. Axum
D. Songhai
17. The majority of indigenous religious practices in Africa were (S.S. 7.18)
A. Monotheistic
B. Polytheistic
C. Muslim
D. Christian
18. The greatest geographic obstacle to the spread of Islam in the 7th Century was (7.18)
A. River Systems
B. Indian Ocean
C. Expansive desserts
D. Rain forests
19. A major benefit experienced by West African nations that converted to Islam in by the 1300s was (S.S. 7.18)
A. European slave traders would leave them alone.
B. Wars between different cultures came to an end.
C. The Bantu migrations southward finally came to an end.
D. Increased trade with merchants from Islamic areas.
20. African and Muslim cultures blended to form the _______ culture. (S.S. 7.18)
A. Moroccan
B. Bantu
C. Swahili
D. Mogadishu
21. How did the geography of ancient China impact it's culture?
(S.S. 7.19)
A. China was isolated from other civilizations and developed a unique culture.
B. China's culture became heavily influence by the closeness of Korea and Japan.
C. China's leaders attempted to learn from other, more advanced cultures in the region.
D. China fought repeated wars with India over who would control the border between the two countries.
22. Along with the Hindu Kush Mountains, what range helped to isolate India from Asia for much of its early
(S.S. 7.19)
A. Atlas
B. Alps
C. Ural
D. Himalayas
Which letter on this map represents the approximate location of the Gobi Desert?
(S.S. 7.19)
24. Which list shows the correct order of the spread of Buddhism in Asia? (S.S. 7.20)
A. China, Japan, Korea
B. Korea, Japan, China
C. China, Korea, Japan
D. Korea, China, Japan
25. Which of these played the largest role in Buddhism's spread in Asia from the 100s to the 700s CE? (S.S. 7.20)
A. Mongol invasions
B. The Silk Road
C. The Grand Canal
D. Persian missionaries
Most Buddhists are found CLOSEST to which letter on the map?
A. (A)
B. (B)
C. (D)
(S.S. 7.20)
D. (E)
27. The structure and functions of the Chinese Civil Service from the 5th Century BCE onwards was greatly
impacted by
(S.S. 7.21)
A. Confucianism
B. Buddhism
C. Hinduism
D. Daoism
“A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do we know that his future will not be equal to our
present? If he reach the age of forty or fifty, and has not made himself heard of, then indeed he will
not be worth being regarded with respect.”
- Confucius, The Analects
By reading this quote you can determine that Confucius believed
(S.S. 7.21)
A. Age does not matter. B. Age will determine respect. C. Youth should not be trusted. D. Youth has to be trusted
This map represents a network of roads that existed in whole or in part from the First Century BCE through the 14th
Century CE, what belief system would have been MOST likely to have traveled from the east to the west during this
A. Christianity
B. Buddhism
C. Confucianism
D. Hinduism
30. The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires are sometimes referred to as the "Gunpowder Empires" because of
their use of gunpowder when conquering. What exposed these empires to gunpowder? (S.S. 7.23)
A. Marco Polo
B. China’s Grand Canal
C. The Mongol Empire
D. The Silk Roads
31. How did the Mongols contribute to the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance in Western
Civilization? (S.S. 7.24)
A. They expanded African trade routes which supplied raw materials to southern Europe.
B. They reopened the Silk Road which contributed to economic growth in Southern Europe.
C. They established stable governments from Russia to southern Europe.
D. They forced Muslim armies to withdrawal from Southern Europe.
32. Who unified the Mongol clans, built a large army, and created a new legal code? (S.S. 7.24)
A. Empress Wu
B. Kublai Khan
C. Genghis Khan
D. Marco Polo
33. During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Confucianism saw a rebirth in China as "Neo-Confucianism." What was
one of the philosophies that was blended into Confucian teachings?
(S.S. 7.25)
A. Islam
B. Shintoism
C. Hinduism
D. Buddhism
34. How did the Chinese determine who would make a competent government leader? (S.S. 7.25)
A. It was based on local elections.
B. It was based on how a person did in battle.
C. It was based on if a person passed an exam.
D. It was based on a family’s wealth
35. The Forbidden City was the center of political rule and housed the royal palace starting with the Ming dynasty
and was located in what city?
(S.S. 7.26)
A. Hangzhou
B. Shanghai
C. Khanbaliq
D. Beijing
36. Under which dynasty was the capital moved to Hangzhou? (S.S. 7.22)
A. Yuan
B. Sui
C. Tang
D. Song
What would be the best title for this map?
A. Magellan Circumnavigates the Earth
C. The Silk Maritime trade Routes
(S.S. 7.26)
B. The Mongol Conquest
D. The Voyages of Zheng He
38. In the 15th century, China stopped trading with other areas of the world and became increasingly isolated.
Which of these demonstrates that this action was the result of China's fear of cultural change? (S.S. 7.26)
A. China took this action in order to control all trade along the Silk Road.
B. China took this action to encourage its citizens to fight again Mongol invaders.
C. China took this action at the demand of Confucian scholars who tired of barbarian contact.
D. China took this action to eliminate the migration of Chinese people to other parts of the world.
39. If you were writing an essay explaining how powerful Chinese emperors restricted European trade in China
during the 1500s, which of these would be EXCLUDED as a major point to be discussed? (S.S. 7.26)
A. Chinese merchants who conducted unauthorized trade with the Europeans were punished.
B. European ships could only unload their cargoes in two designated Chinese ports.
C. The Great Wall of China was built to block European entrance into China.
D. European traders could only sell their products to certain Chinese merchants.
40. Which of these describes the most significant impact of the Mongol Empire between 1100-1400? (S.S. 7.24)
A. Mongol religious beliefs became an integral part of South Asia as missionaries traveled across the Silk Roads
into India.
B. The Mongol unification of Asia reestablished trans-regional trade between Europe and Asia by making travel
safer and easier along the Silk Roads.
C. The Mongol government employed educated bureaucrats to manage government affairs, influencing the Chinese
to operate a similar political system.
D. Mongol political policy dictated that no non-Mongols were allowed to serve in any government positions,
eliminating ethnic interactions during their rule.
41. The information in the chart best describes?
A. Diocletian
B. Constantine
(S.S. 7.2)
C. Theodosius
D. Justinian
Ruled Byzantine at the height of its power.
Defeated rebels who tried to overthrow him.
Organized the legal code so business people and officials could understand .
42. What effect did the Bubonic Plague have on European life during the Middle Ages? (S.S. 7.40)
A. It encouraged people to move to colonies across the ocean.
B. It caused a peasant labor shortage that disrupted feudal society.
C. It prompted modern medical techniques that have cured diseases.
D. It changed the structure of medieval society because it targeted upper class.
Which number on the map is closest to the mountain range known as the Alps?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
(S.S. 7.32)
44. Which of the following was one effect of the Crusades on Western Europe? (S.S. 7.38)
A. Feudalism became a stronger institution.
B. Christians and Muslims became united.
C. Wealthy Europeans began to demand eastern goods.
D. The economy suffered because trade between western and eastern peoples was no longer possible.
45. Many historians trace the earliest beginning of the Renaissance to exchanges made (S.S. 7.43)
A. Along the Silk Road.
B. During the Crusades.
C. With Chinese traders.
D. With Mongol invaders.
46. The Sistine Chapel in Vatican City was painted in the early 1500s by
A. Michelangelo
B. Leonardo da Vinci
C. Johann Gutenberg
(S.S. 7.48)
D. William Shakespeare
47. The LEAST LIKELY impact of Gutenberg's adaptation of the printing press in 1439 was
A. The circulation of Martin Luther's ideas on Protestantism.
B. The spread of Renaissance ideas.
C. The stimulation of the Scientific Revolution.
D. The suppression of literacy in Europe.
(S.S. 7.47)
48. Which statement best describes the actions of the Catholic Church as new ideas and knowledge began to spread
after the Reformation?
(S.S. 7.53)
A. The Catholic Church encouraged new ideas and ways of thinking as a way of honoring God.
B. The Catholic Church tried to make peace with the Protestants so they could share new ideas.
C. The Catholic Church discouraged new ideas by forbidding certain books and starting the Inquisition.
D. The Catholic Church realized that better educated people could earn more money and encouraged it.
49. After the death of Mohammad, which of these events occurred?
A. The Muslim Empire began to shrink.
B. The Romans conquered Muslim lands.
C. Muslims were absorbed into Greek culture.
D. Muslims split into two groups, Sunni and Shia.
50. In 1453, the city of Constantinople was conquered by
A. The Mongols
B. The British
(S.S. 7.5)
(S.S. 7.11)
C. The Ottoman Turks
D. The Persians