Practical Nursing I –Grade 12 (Course at a Glance) There are seven critical units in Practical Nursing I: (1) workplace readiness skills; (2) applying fundamental concepts of nursing: (3) communicating effectively; (4) applying legal, ethical, and professional responsibilities to clinical practice; (5) applying principles of anatomy and physiology; (6) applying concepts of nutrition; and (7) applying concepts related to the process of wellness and illness. Quarter One Quarter Two Quarter Three Quarter Four Unit One: Ch. 1: Learning the Language Ch. 2: Human Body- Reading the Map Unit Four: Ch. 7& 8: Skeletal & Muscles System Unit Seven: Ch. 13, 14 & 15: Cardiovascular System Unit Ten: Ch. 18: Respiratory System In this unit students will describe functions of the skeletal & muscular systems, describe A&P of bone, locate & describe various bones within the body, differentiate between bone, cartilage, ligaments & joints, locate & describe joints and types of movement of the body, differentiate three major muscle types, explain the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles,, describe components of a muscle cell, describe chemical activities required for muscle movement, and locate and identify major muscles. In this unit students will explain structure & function of the cardiovascular system, trace the flow of blood through the vessels and chambers of the heart, explain the coronary circulation of the heart, describe the contraction of the heart and the conduction system, differentiate between arteries, veins & capillaries, identify major components of blood and their functions, explain the steps in blood clotting, and demonstrate by diagram a closed system and one-way flow of blood. Unit Five: Unit Eight: Ch. 16 & 17: Lymphatic System & Immunity In this unit students will relate the importance and purposes of medical terminology to A&P, list & describe body positions, define body planes, directional terms, and locate & describe body cavities and their respective organs. . Unit Two: Ch. 3& 4: Cells, Tissues, & Systems Ch. 9, 10 & 11: Nervous & Sensory Systems In this unit student will define respiration and describe the three phases of respiration, name and describe structures of the respiratory system, explain the physiological process of respiration, explain how CO2 and O2 are transported in blood, describe nervous and chemical controls of respiration, describe pathophysiology of major respiratory diseases, and explain how CO2 is the major regulator of respiration at the cell level. Unit Eleven: Ch. 19: Digestive System In this unit students will locate and describe major functions of the main organs of the digestive system, locate and describe function of the accessory organs of digestion, differentiate between ingestion and digestion, and between chemical and mechanical processing of food, and describe enzymes and chemicals needed for digestion and absorption. In this unit students will explain the relationship between cells, tissues, organs & systems, describe four classifications of tissues, list and define key body membranes, list and describe main functions of body systems, list & describe parts of a cell, explain the function of major organelles found within a cell, explain mitosis and meiosis and describe the types of active and passive transport within the cells. In this unit students will describe organization of nervous system according to structure & function, describe structure of neuron, describe transmission of a nerve impulse, list components of a reflex arc compare the location & functions of the parasympathetic & sympathetic nervous systems, identify location and function of the four main divisions of the brain, name & locate the lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, brain stem and Diencephalons, identify the names & functions of the 12 cranial nerves, describe the structure & function of the eye and ear, and describe receptors for vision and hearing. In this unit students will list & describe major components of the immune system and their functions, explain antigen-antibody relationship, explain how the inflammatory process and fever relate to infection, compare innate immunity to adaptive immunity, explain the function of lymphocytes and helper cells in the immune response, differentiate between nonspecific and specific body defenses, differentiate between natural and artificial immunity, and differentiate between active and passive immunity. Unit Three: Ch. 5& 6: Disease & Disease Producing Microorganisms; Skin Unit Six: Ch. 12- Endocrine System: Glands and Hormones Unit Nine: Ch. 23: Male & Female Reproductive Systems Unit Twelve: Ch. 21& 22: Urinary System &Body Fluids In this unit students will define disease and explain seven categories of disease, describe four types of disease producing pathogens, describe terminology used in describing and treating disease, name and describe the layers of the skin, describe accessory structures of the skin, describe main functions of the skin, and explain main disorders of the skin. In this unit students will discuss structure& function of the endocrine glands, explain chemical composition and regulation of hormones, explain the process of homeostasis, identify hormones produced by each of the endocrine glands and describe the effects of each on the body tissue cells, and describe the effects of hyposecretion and hypersecretion of major hormones. In this unit students will differentiate mitosis from meiosis, locate and describe male and female reproductive organs, describe function of the male and female reproductive organs, explain the menstrual cycle phases, discuss the effects of hormonal control on the male and female reproductive systems, and compare and contrast similarities and differences between the male and female reproductive systems. In this unit students will describe structure and function of the organs of the urinary system, discuss the importance of renal blood flow, explain the process of urine formation, trace the pathway of reabsorption and secretion of vital substances, explain the importance of hormones for proper kidney function, and describe the A&P of the urinary bladder and the process of urine removal from the body.