RACE IN SPORT Social Stacking TheoryCentrality in Sport Who is the better athlete? • White • Black Hmmmmm?! • Top geneticist Steve Jones blurs the issue by saying that the idea that black people are good at sport is meaningless - "I've never seen a pygmy win anything and they're black, too..." - in an effort to dismiss the concept of racial purity. • Meanwhile, "race scientist" Jean-Phillipe Rushton posits a view which caused riots on his Canadian campus. He says that black people have a narrow pelvis which helps them run fast but that the downside means they are born with smaller heads and, therefore, smaller brains. Sport Centrality • The closer you get to the central/thinking/leading positions in sport, the whiter the athletes get. Stacking Theory • Certain positions in sport, and sports themselves, are dominated by athletes of a particular race. Definitions • Race: Categories of people (genetically transmitted traits) ... concept of mutual exclusivity (you're either one or the other - can't be both). • Ethnicity: Cultural heritage, not based on genetics. • Ethnic group: Group of people who share a common cultural background and are therefore socially distinct. • Bigotry: A set of attitudes and beliefs which defines a group of people as being different, and inferior to oneself. Implications of the Concept of Race Contrasting explanations of success: – White success - character, dedication, work ethic, intelligence, etc. – Black success - natural physical ability Traditional cultural definitions: • All-white = white • "not" all-white = black • Rule of "hypo-descent" – If someone had even "one drop of black blood" they were considered black Con’td • Legacy of this rule carries over to today: – e.g. Tiger Woods: Thai, Chinese, African American, Native American, white European – Yet he is classified as black Race Logic in EuroAmerican History • Social Darwinism belief that white people are favored by evolution, and deserved to be in power (race logic) • Eventually led to institutionalized set of beliefs about relationship between skin color and IQ, character and physical characteristics • Underlying belief did not change • Joe Louis example (depiction as an animal in published news stories) Racial Stacking in Sport • “Players from a certain racial or ethnic group being either over- or underrepresented at certain positions in team sports” Stacking Patterns in Sports • Can you think of any examples? Stacking Patterns in Team Sports • Allocation to playing position is strongly related to the perception of the abilities of the athlete: • “thinking positions" have gone to white players • MLB: black players concentrated in outfield positions, white players on all infield positions except first base • Football: black players: safety, cornerback, end; white players: quarterback, guard, middle linebacker • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5lIDq6MwQQ&feature=related • BB: black players - forward; white players - guard and center • Women's VB: black players - spiker; white players - setter and bumber • Hockey: French Canadians - goalie, English Canadians - defense • British Soccer: black West Indians/Africans - forward positions; withes - goalie and midfielder • Swiss skiers are very successful, but are not successful because of biology – Skiing learned early – Skiing valued in Swiss culture • Other examples: – Weight-lifting success of Bulgarian men – Cross-country skiing success of Skandanavians – Hockey success of Canadians • Western racial ideology: explanation of nonwhite sport success in terms of racial differences Why does racial stacking exist? • Intelligence, leadership and decision-making white strengths • Running and jumping - black strengths Self-stacking: belief that opportunities exist only in certain positions - self-fulfilling prophecy Riders: • Sports change, and so does stacking • Complex causal chains: history, ethnic backgrounds of coaches, change in positional responsibilities, etc. But… • Why is NBA and NFL predominently dominated by ‘blacks’ • Why is NHL and skiing dominated by ‘whites’ • Genetics or Environment? • Is racism blatantly evident in North American sports? Ex? Racism in Sport • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5lID q6MwQQ&feature=related • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiRLmaZf4A&feature=related • http://youtu.be/dM5oXtWogyI Have you ever witnessed racism in sport?