ATTENDANCE SYSTEM ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES ________________________ ISD 2013-2014 Attendance System Procedures Manual PURPOSE The purpose of this policies and procedures manual is to provide guidance and direction to District personnel charged with the maintenance and accuracy of student records for the purposes of attendance accounting according to the Texas state law (Texas Education Code (TEC), §42.006(b)) which states that every Texas school district is required to adopt an attendance accounting system, whether manual or automated, that includes procedures that ensure the accurate taking, recording, and reporting of attendance accounting data. District staff must report attendance information through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) to the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The TEA then uses this attendance data to determine the allocation of Foundation School Program (FSP) funds to the district. The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook provides districts and charter schools with the Foundation School Program (FSP) eligibility requirements of all students and the minimum requirements of all student attendance accounting systems. 1 First Day Procedures Attendance Clerk 1) Print Attendance Proof List (Attendance Report SAT0300) to verify students. Verify students with any letter(s) under the flag column. The flags indicate questionable entries. For example: a) Date of Birth b) Grade Level (age over or under the normal range for a particular grade level) c) Eligibility Code and Entry Code (code 1 = full day student; code 2 = half-day) d) Special Program Codes e) Sex 2) Print the Class Rolls (SGR0900) for each period of the day and distribute to each teacher. Also provide the teachers with their instructions included at the end of this document. 3) As soon as possible after 2nd period attendance is submitted by every teacher, the clerk shall withdraw all students as “no shows” who were marked absent by the teacher. a) Withdrawal date must be the same day as the first day of school. b) Withdrawal reason will be a code of 44 which means “no show”. c) When prompted to withdraw student from special programs, click “yes”. NOTE: The 44 codes can be changed later to the appropriate code, but the student will still be a No Show. 4) Print reports for verification: a) Registration Report SRG2200 Student No Show Report b) Attendance Report SAT1000 Campus Recap Report c) Attendance Report SAT1400 Schedule of Age/Grade Distribution. (Select option to print the First Day Principal’s Report) d) Daily Attendance Summary SAT0400. (Select to print the from and to dates for the first day of school) e) Membership Summary SAT2200. 5) Make necessary corrections to student demographic information and/or withdrawal records to reconcile membership totals. Reprint reports as necessary. 6) Call Administration Office with a total student count. 7) File first day reports for auditors. 2 Daily Attendance Procedures Teachers _______ a.m. is the official “Attendance” time for _______ISD for ____________ Elementary School Campus _______ a.m. is the official “Attendance” time for _______ISD for ____________ Middle School Campus _______ a.m. is the official “Attendance” time for _______ISD for ____________ High School Campus All teachers will submit attendance promptly on txGradebook for the ADA period and for all other class periods during the day (usually secondary campuses). Substitute teachers will be provided class rosters and they shall mark absent students at the appointed time and sign/date the form. The roster will be retrieved by the attendance office and posted for the teacher by the attendance clerk. This document will be filed for audit purposes. Daily Attendance Procedures Attendance Clerk Pre-Post attendance (ISS, DAEP, a parent called in, UIL absences, Field trip absences (non-UIL), etc…) Withdraw and Enroll students as necessary in Registration module (withdraw student on next school day if he/she was in attendance at official attendance time) Monitor attendance submitted by all teachers; input attendance for substitutes Elementary o When attendance is complete in txGradebook, print SAT0500 Attendance Summary, make corrections in TXEIS (it may take a few days to get the proper documentation-reprint and replace the SAT0500) o Print & verify SAT0400 Daily Attendance Summary o Print & verify SAT2200 Membership Summary Secondary o Monitor student attendance throughout the day o Verify questionable absences submitted by teachers o Make necessary corrections o Change Unexcused absences to Excused as phone calls/notes from parents are received o Print SAT0500 Attendance Summary make corrections in TXEIS (it may take a few days to get the proper documentation-reprint and replace the SAT0500) Print & verify SAT0400 Daily Attendance Summary Print & verify SAT2200 Membership Summary Correct errors in TXEIS and re-print reports as necessary File all reports and absence notes and documentation in an orderly manner and in a secure location. Other reports may be run according to your needs. Examples include: Print & verify SAT1000 Campus Recap Print & verify SAT0700 Student Attendance Summary Print & verify SAT1500 Daily Attendance Report Print & verify SAT1600 Daily Attendance Report II Print & verify SAT0300 Attendance File Proof List 3 Daily Backups PEIMS Coordinator or Tech person Nightly backups are performed by Region 14 Education Service Center and uploaded to FileBanc (a data backup company). These backups are available for 7 days and are stored on multiple servers around the country. In the case of an emergency, databases can be downloaded from anywhere with an Internet connection and loaded on a Sybase SQL server. End-of-Cycle Procedures Attendance Clerk, Teachers, Counselors, Principals, Special Program Directors Special Program Verification: o For Bil/ESL, GT, and PRS print the SRG1200 Student Status Changes by Program. o Make an At-Risk list using the Create Demo Report, and filter the list to include only at-risk students. o Career & Technology should also be reviewed using the SGR1650 Vocational Audit Report from Grade Reporting. o Special Ed lists will be generated and distributed to diagnosticians and speech therapists. o The responsible person needs to sign and verify the report. o Update TXEIS data as necessary prior to the last day of the cycle. Enrollment Verification: o Follow the Attendance Reconciliation Balancing Instructions provided by Region 14 each year. o During the last week of the 1st grading cycle and 4th grading cycle, High School and Middle School campuses, print SAT0671 – Teacher Membership Roster By Period. Elementary campuses print SAT0670 – Teacher Membership Roster by Control Number. Distribute to teachers with instructions for them to verify enrollment of students in their 2nd period or homeroom class. (note: AEP/ISS students may still be enrolled in their classes; absent students are still enrolled) o The teachers must sign and date the class list and return to the attendance clerk. o Attendance Clerk will verify that all class lists have been returned and verified (signed) by the teacher. o Reconcile the numbers per grade level with the SAT1000 Campus Recap Report for the As of Date that you will run for SAT0671 report. Use the Attendance total (for Record Status 1, 2 ,3) for Active Code 1 for the total of students that you will use to balance. o Adjust your total on this page to the total you received after processing your errors and have the appropriate staff sign. o File Membership Summary with end-of-cycle reports End-of-Cycle Reports o Student Attendance Summary (SAT0700 Cumulative Attendance Info by student with some Sp. Pop. Info) (Specify semester/cycle, sort alpha) o Student Detail Report (SAT0600 by student, report documents status changes and list absences) (Specify date range by 6 weeks or cumulative for the year, sort alpha) Correct any errors generated by this report immediately and reprint the report. Clerk & Principal must sign report. o Camus/District Summary Report (SAT0900 by cycle – Write in clerk’s name as contact person and obtain principal’s signature). o Entry/Withdrawal Summary (SAT1700 – by cycle or date range) o Attendance Proof List (SAT0300) 4 o o o o Excessive Absence Letters (SAT1200) Perfect Attendance Report (SAT1900) Six Weeks FTE Report (SAT2100) All reports should be filed together (make additional copies as needed). End-of-Year Procedures Attendance Clerk, Principal Sp Ed must have all changes, etc. keyed in before you run attendance reports Print the following reports for the entire year (in addition to the cycle reports you’ve previously printed) o SAT0600 Student Detail Report o SAT0900 Campus/District Summary Report ran by semester for each campus (fill in contact information and obtain principal’s signature) o SAT0900 Campus/District Summary Report processed by district for each semester (fill in contact information and obtain superintendent’s signature.) o SAT1700 Entry/Withdrawal Summary All reports for the entire year should be filed together with an official calendar and a signed grade sheet for each class by all teachers. All forms and reports will be verified by each campus principal and stored in the records room. All boxes will be labeled with person responsible and number of boxes for each campus A document will be files in the Business Office or with the PEIMS coordinator stating where the attendance reports are located for each campus and campus secretary and principle responsible for the year. 5 __________________ ISD PEIMS Coding Responsibilities Program Reference Position(s) Responsible Person Responsible General Attendance Maintenance and Security SAAH Section III Campus Principals HS – John Doe JH – John Doe EL – Mary New TYC – John Doe Special Education SAAH Section IV _____________ Coop John Doe Career and Technology Ed SAAH Section V CATE Coordinator John Doe Bilingual/ESL SAAH Section VI Bilingual/ESL Coordinator Tammi Tuna Prekindergarten SAAH Section VII Elementary Principal Blake Smith Gifted and Talented SAAH Section VIII G/T Coordinator Blake Smith Candy Cane Pregnancy Related Services SAAH Section IX Counselor Jane Doe Non-Traditional Schools SAAH Section X Campus Principals HS – Benny Horace JH – Robby Mace EL – Blake Smith TYC – Candy Cane At-Risk DS E0919 At-Risk Coordinator Secondary – John Doe Elementary – Mary New 6 First Day Procedures using TxEIS Applications Attendance Clerk (Mary Beth Bestest) 1. Print Attendance Proof List (Attendance Report SAT0300) to verify students. Verify students with any letter(s) under the flag column. The flags indicate questionable entries. For example: a) Date of Birth b) Grade Level (age over or under the normal range for a particular grade level) c) Eligibility Code and Entry Code (code 1 = full day student; code 2 = half-day) d) Special Program Codes e) Sex 2. Print the Class Rolls (SGR0900) for each period of the day and distribute to each teacher. Also provide the teachers with their instructions included at the end of this document. 3. Secondary Campuses: As soon as possible after 2nd period attendance is submitted by every teacher, the clerk shall withdraw all students as “no shows”. These are the students that the teachers marked as not here and also have been verified that they were for sure not anywhere else on campus. For elementary campuses, as soon as possible after their Official ADA Attendance is submitted by every teacher, then the clerk shall withdraw all students as “no shows”. These are the students that the teachers marked as not here and also have been verified that they were for sure not anywhere else on campus. a) Withdrawal date must be the same day as the first day of school. b) Withdrawal reason will be a code of 44 which means “no show”. c) When prompted to withdraw student from special programs, click “yes”. 4. NOTE: The 44 codes can be changed later to the appropriate code, but the student will still be a No Show. 5. Print reports for verification: a) Registration Report SRG1950 Student No Show Report b) Attendance Report SAT1000 Campus Recap Report c) Attendance Report SAT1400 Schedule of Age/Grade Distribution. (Select option to print the First Day Principal’s Report) d) Daily Attendance Summary SAT0400. (Select to print the from and to dates for the first day of school) 6. e) Membership Summary SAT2200. 7. Make necessary corrections to student demographic information and/or withdrawal records to reconcile membership totals. Reprint reports as necessary. 8. EMAIL Administration Office with a total student count. 9. File first day reports for auditors. 7 Somewhere Junior High 2013-2014 st 1 Day, period Procedure DO NOT TAKE ATTENDANCE IN GRADEBOOK ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. USE THE ATTACHED CLASS ROLLS 1st period teachers: FIRST PERIOD 7:50AM-8:35AM On the first day of school, August 27, 2012, ALL SOMEWHEREJH students will report to their 1st period class. The bell will ring at 7:45am and then hopefully by the time the tardy bell rings at 7:50am the students will have found where they are supposed to be. Once the bell rings, DO NOT LET ANY STUDENT LEAVE YOUR CLASS FOR ANY REASON. Give the students UNTIL 8AM to get where they are supposed to be. Using the attached 1st period class roll mark a single line through the student’s name if a student is on the attendance roster but not in class. Add the student’s name at the bottom of the class roll if a student is in class, but not on the class roll. Sign and date the roster in ink, and then tape that roster to the outside of your classroom door. While you have your students 1st period, please make sure they all have a schedule and that they all know where their 2nd period class is located. Also during this time, please take up any forms that the students might have to turn in. Remind them that all the forms that were in their enrollment folders need to be signed and turned in by the end of the week. A bell will ring at 8:35am to release the students to go to their 2nd period class. Subsequent days attendance posting procedures! (2nd day of school thru the end of the year) Attendance will be taken each period using the txGradebook program. I will need 100% of staff to do attendance EACH AND EVERY PERIOD, EACH AND EVERY DAY. This is very important! 8 Somewhere Junior High 2013-2014 OFFICIAL 1 Day (ADA) Attendance Procedure st DO NOT TAKE ATTENDANCE IN GRADEBOOK ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. USE THE ATTACHED CLASS ROLLS 2nd period teachers: Official Attendance time is 08:50AM SECOND PERIOD 8:40AM-9:25AM DO NOT LET ANY STUDENT LEAVE YOUR CLASS FOR ANY REASON. Using the attached 2nd period CLASS ROLL, each teacher should: o Mark a single line through the student’s name (The name must remain legible) if a student is on the attendance roster, but not in class. o Add the student’s name at the bottom of the attendance roster if a student is in class, but not on the attendance roster. o Count the number of students in your class. o Verify that the number shown on the attendance roster matches your head count (after taking into consideration new students and no-shows). o Write the total number of students in the classroom in the bottom left corner of the attendance roster. o Sign the roster in ink. o Tape your class roll to the outside of the door of your classroom (or somewhere close to that) o At 8:50am, office staff will come by each classroom to collect the class roll. o DO NOT LET ANY STUDENT LEAVE YOUR CLASS FOR ANY REASON. This is an auditable document…and must be correct for all teachers! Subsequent days attendance posting procedures! (2nd day of school thru the end of the year) Attendance will be taken each period using the txGradebook program. I will need 100% of staff to do attendance EACH AND EVERY PERIOD, EACH AND EVERY DAY. This is very important! 9 Somewhere Junior High 2013-2014 st rd 1 Day, 3 - 8th periods Procedure DO NOT TAKE ATTENDANCE IN GRADEBOOK ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. USE THE ATTACHED CLASS ROLLS Using the attached period class roll, mark a single line through the student’s name if a student is on the attendance roster but not in class. Add the student’s name at the bottom of the class roll if a student is in class, but not on the class roll. Sign the roster in ink. Remind students that all the forms that were in their enrollment folders need to be signed and turned in by the end of the week. Subsequent days attendance posting procedures! (2nd day of school thru the end of the year) Attendance will be taken each period using the txGradebook program. I will need 100% of staff to do attendance EACH AND EVERY PERIOD, EACH AND EVERY DAY. Throughout the school year! If a student is incorrectly showing up on your class roll anytime during the year, please make sure it is corrected in the front office. Your class roll should reflect the change by the next school day!! Students should not remain on your roll sheet if they have changed classes or withdrawn from school! This is very important! 10