2015 Supplementary handout materials BUILD - pita


Handout Index – Building Math Confidence to Foster Success

1) Guidelines for using Mastery of the Basics Program materials available online at www.poweroften.ca

2) Report on Basic Skills – template used for recording progress of Mastery of the Basics tests

3) Helping Students with Timestables Knowledge – a list of ideas

4) Number Literacy Practice sheets


5) Number Theory explanation

6) Divisibility Rules - for finding factors of numbers

7) Explanation of how to use Multiples and Factors for Fraction understanding/computations

8) Fantastic Factors pages – to help students examine the make-up of numbers by finding all factor pairs


10) Math Game - Rock, Paper, Number

11) Math Game – Salute

12) I HAVE, WHO HAS? - Whole class game cards and template for making your own!

Guidelines for using the Trevor Calkins’ Mastering the Basics Program

(Basic Skills Tests - BSTs, in my classroom)

a) My BST record book contains a score-recording page for each student and all answer keys, divided into forms B, C, D and E. (see example on following page) b) Every student has a take-home booklet with a copy of Form A tests and answer sheets – never used for testing. Students use these for study at home or in class. All forms look EXACTLY the same, just different numbers. c) Each student chooses the topic they wish to challenge THE WEEK AHEAD – to allow students/parents to prepare well for testing. Writing their topic choice in their agendas represents their ownership of the process.

d) For testing, students line up in alphabetical order. Alternate the order (i.e. from last to first, from middle to first and then middle to last) to give different students the opportunity to be completed first and have more ‘independent math game’ time after finishing their tests. e) When they arrive at my desk, students identify which test they wish to write. I choose and record the form of the test I’ve given them beside the topic name on their individual sheet. I use red ink to indicate tests written in each term. f) Other students hand out loose-leaf pages, other needed supplies (i.e. protractors for measurement tests, graph paper for data analysis). Involving the students in the testing process makes it more of a student-sponsored activity, rather than a ‘teacher test’! It works into the culture of the classroom very well. g) Students don’t write on the test page. They use loose-leaf to show all their work; they must include specific information on their sheets - name, date, test number, test name and form number. h) Students hand in test sheets and put question sheets in a separate pile. I allow students to do extra tests, if there’s time. Often, I can mark tests with students right after they’re handed in – very helpful. i) I mark the tests and record scores and dates on a class list at the back of the answer key booklet.

Recording topic number and %. Errors on tests are celebrated as a way of learning. Students know that they can re-write. j) Then I transfer the % information to the individual student’s sheet. That way, I have the information about which test they wrote each week as well as an overview of how well they are doing with each topic. It is a bit time consuming, but well worth the effort! k) After we’ve been writing BSTs for a couple of months, we hold tutoring sessions before BST day.

Students who have mastered a topic offer their help to other students who are planning to challenge that specific topic. I have the opportunity to work with individual students as well.

This is highly successful. l) I often use the Form A sheets for discussion of skills in whole group teaching sessions of topics I am teaching in the regular math curriculum. It is helpful to use as an example, because many students will have had the experience of studying or writing them. They benefit from having already seen the tests – building confidence! m) Each reporting period, I send home the BST record. I photocopy each child’s form for use in the next term, and then send home the copy with red inked scores, to show which tests have been written in that term. I use the photocopied sheet for the next term. n) I make a comment on the report card that refers to how the BST attached form shows the child’s progress. If I feel that a student has not made sufficient progress, an additional comment is made; otherwise, the BST sheet shows clearly shows parents how their children have done and how much effort they’ve made with their basic skill development. o) Lastly, I recommend that you carefully check your materials before copying them because there are some errors on tests and in answer keys. Be aware! I also made some changes on tests to make them fit a little better with how I teach specific concepts.

*Sample record sheet for Grade 6 – Adjust this page to suit your particular grade level.

REPORT ON BASIC SKILLS Grade 6 Name:_____________________________

This is a record of the student’s results on Basic Skills Tests during the year. The teacher has a copy and the student is encouraged to keep this copy up to date , to inform their parents of their progress. If a topic has no percentage next to it, the student has not yet written a test on that topic. It is expected that students will have achieved a mastery level of

80% in all areas by the end of the year.

Basic Facts Test Results: The scores are listed as # of errors. The goal is to obtain zeros (no errors) in all four areas.

Addition: _________________________________ Subtraction: _______________________________________

Multiplication: ________________________________ Division: _______________________________________

Basic Skills Topics


Mastered Percentage Scores

________ 1. Addition: _____________________________________________________________________

_________ 2. Subtraction:__________________________________________________________________

_________ 3. Multiplication: _______________________________________________________________

_________ 4. Division: ______________________________________________________________________

_________ 5. Numeration: __________________________________________________________________

_________ 6. Fractions: _____________________________________________________________________

_________ 7. Number Concepts: ___________________________________________________________

_________ 8. Fractions & Decimals: _______________________________________________________

_________ 9. Measurement: ________________________________________________________________

_________ 10. Data Analysis: ________________________________________________________________

_________ 11. Geometry: ____________________________________________________________________

_________ 12. Patterns & Relations: ________________________________________________________

Number of Topics mastered by the end of Term #1: __________ Term Average _____%

Number of Topics mastered by the end of Term #2: __________ Term Average _____%

Number of Topics mastered by the end of Term #3: __________ Term Average _____%


 Help him/her to identify which ones he/she doesn't know, independent of each other (not by reciting them in order). The Power of Ten “All the Facts” sheets give a comprehensive list of all the multiplication questions, with no repeats.

 Have students study with the multiplication table, with answers on the other page. I like to copy them back-to-back and give students time to test themselves and enjoy making pictures of the few they decide to work on each week.

 The Power of Ten also has a great timestables sheet that shows the Power of Ten cards for an individual number, like 6, all lined up together and students are then encouraged to find the answer to a certain number times 6 by adding up the 5s to get 10s and add on the extra parts.

 I always encouraged my students to be aware of all that they needed to know (my multiplication table has no repeats, so it looks way easier) and work with them to produce pictures of each of the ones they plan to work on each week. Ex. making a drawing on large paper of 6 X 6, showing 6 groups of 6 and how many that is. I encourage the students to get help from home on the ones that they decide to work on. Ex. "Could you please pass the salt?" Mom or dad: "Maybe, if you can tell me what 6 X 6 is!"

The key to this activity is that the students are involved in planning which questions they will master, in an organized way, with the goal to learn them all.

 Highlight all the perfect squares (the questions along the top of my multiplication table) and help your students to make pictures (or better yet, manipulatives) of squares, showing the side lengths and then the area, which is the answer to the timestables question. On the timestables sheet I am sending you, the 12 times table is only one question!

 I hope that helps. Trevor Calkins says that starting with 5s, then 2s and 10s is a good way to develop some sense of progress at the start. Once those ones are known and students know the perfect squares, other questions can be answered from their knowledge of those - and encourage them to do that! Don't focus on memorization.

 Timestables the Fun Way is also a good resource, with stories to go with the timestables. I encourage my students to make up their own stories to go with the questions and answers. So much fun!

 You could also invite parents to enroll him/her in Mathletics and he/she might be motivated to do the

MATHLETICS LIVE activity where kids play off with kids from other places in the world. My students were enthralled with it! (Whole class, or whole school registration is much cheaper!)

 Use the terms ‘factor’ and ‘multiple’ to build Math vocabulary knowledge. Encourage students to use these terms when talking about the relationships between numbers.

 Use the Fantastic Factors sheets with a whole class to cooperatively use tiles (or graph paper) to physically make (or cut out) rectangles for each number between 1 and 100, identifying each number’s factor pairs. Play the game Factor Frenzy to build recognition of factors, thereby building

knowledge of timestables.

Name ______________ Date _________

Number Literacy Practice

Read each number aloud, using the SPACE NAME clues, then write down what you’ve said

M Th

in words:

Example: 728 322 914: seven hundred twenty-eight MILLION, three hundred twenty-two THOUSAND, nine hundred fourteen

1) 382 _________________________________________________________________


2) 6 431 _______________________________________________________________

M Th

3) 25 956 000 __________________________________________________________

M Th

4) 80 000 002 __________________________________________________________

M Th

5) 326 080 300 __________________________________________________________


6) 56 . 2 ________________________________________________________________


Th and

7) 205 035 . 07 __________________________________________________________


M Th and

8) 2 000 103 . 009 ________________________________________________________


Th and

9) 514 312 . 23 __________________________________________________________


M Th and

10) 9 010 000 . 764 ________________________________________________________


Write Your Own:

* ___________________ _____________________________________________________

Page 2 …

Number Literacy Practice

– Page 2

Read each number description aloud. Then, using the CAPITALIZED words to indicate the spaces, write down what you said:

Example: three hundred fifty-two MILLION two hundred five THOUSAND forty-seven 352 205 047

1) five hundred sixty-four _______________________________________________________

2) forty-five THOUSAND two hundred three ________________________________________

3) nine MILLION eight hundred twenty-two THOUSAND one hundred sixty-five _____________

4) two hundred MILLION three THOUSAND _________________________________________

5) three hundred fourteen MILLION nine hundred fifty-three ___________________________

6) nineteen THOUSAND one hundred thirty-one AND seven



7) forty-four MILLION five hundred seven AND two



8) ninety-six THOUSAND three hundred forty-one AND nine

THOUSANDTHS _________________________

9) four hundred MILLION AND forty-two

HUNDREDTHS ________________________________________________

10) eighty MILLION two AND three hundred seventy-five

THOUSANDTHS _____________________________

Write your own:

* ________________________________________________________ ___________________

* ________________________________________________________ ___________________

* ________________________________________________________ ___________________

* ________________________________________________________ ___________________

Rosemary’s Math lesson: This is a copy of an explanation I gave to a student teacher of mine. It can give you a refresher on

Number Theory


1) The reason that "1" is not considered a prime number is that it does not have two distinct

( different ) roots ( divisors ) The definition of a prime number is a number that has only two distinct roots. There is only one number that divides evenly into "1" - that is "1".

Also, the reason for identifying prime numbers as factors ( numbers that divide evenly into a number ) is so that you can "break down" a number into its prime factors and use that information to better understand what makes up a number.

When we write the prime factorization of a number, we list only the prime numbers that multiply together to give the original number. All numbers have "1" as a divisor, but it doesn’t qualify as a prime factor, so it is not listed in the prime factorization . For example: 24 = 2 X 2 X

2 X 3.

2) That leads to your second question, which is about listing all the factors of a number.

We can use the "rainbow" technique:

1) checking each number from 1 up, to find divisors of the number,

and … 2) listing each of those divisors on the left with its corresponding factor on the right.

until … 3) eventually we reach the halfway mark of the number and know that we have

found all the factors.

We are finding a quick, orderly method of listing all the factors . When the number is a perfect square and has a factor that multiplies times itself to give the number, it is not listed more than once because we are making a list of factors (numbers that divide into the number evenly). It is listed as a factor; we don't need to write it down more than once!

Ex: all the factors of 36 are: 1,2,3,4,6,9,18,36. (6 X 6 = 36, but 6 is listed only once.)

The concept of using the "rainbow" technique is merely a method for coming up with this list by looking at all possible divisors sequentially. After the students have done this for a while, it is fun to introduce the " Divisibility Rules " to aid them in finding factors for larger numbers.

Having a list of all factors of a number (good use of Fantastic Factors pages) is helpful when looking for common divisors as when we are reducing fractions to lowest terms, for example. 12/18 can be reduced to 2/3 because we know that 12 and 18 both have 6 as a divisor. (We use the Greatest Common Factor - GCF) and we divide both 12 and 18 by the

GCF, 6, to reduce the fraction to 2/3.

The rainbow listing of divisors for each of them looks like this:

18 12

1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18 1,2, 3, 4, 6, 12

You can easily see that the Greatest Common Divisor (GCF) of 12 and 18 is 6. It is the largest divisor that they both have.

Generating the list of MULTIPLES of a number is really fun for kids and I do it in a similar, sequential way. They are taught to develop the list of multiples of a number by multiplying that number by each number from 1 up. I ask them to list their work this way too, so that they benefit from the repetition of writing down what they are doing in their heads.

The multiples of 9 are:

1X9, 2X9, 3X9, 4X9, 5X9, 6X9

, ...

9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, ...

(point out that the list is endless!)

{Students sometimes get confused when stating a multiple and will state that, for example,

"6 X 9" is the multiple of 6, rather than "54" as the multiple. This is easily rectified. We talk about

"6 X 9" as a description of "the WAY TO FIND the multiple" and the "54" as "the ACTUAL multiple". Practice with the above method of generating the multiples helps with this difficulty, too.}

I also work into this the oral practise of saying "18 is a multiple of 9 because 2 times 9 is 18" and "2 and 9 are both factors of 18 because 2 times 9 is 18". They are then able to say, for example, "45 is the 5th multiple of 9, because 5 times 9 equals 45". Also, it's important to include 9 (1 X 9) as one of the multiples because the definition of a multiple is as follows:

M is a multiple of F if M is divisible by F.

By "divisible" we mean evenly divisible - with no remainder. It is important to tell the students that all this talk about multiples and factors only relates to whole numbers. It is not appropriate to say, for example, that 5 is divisible by 2 because 5 divided by 2 is 2 ½. Only whole number divisors are considered factors.

Working with students to differentiate between multiples and factors is often helped by using the phrase: “ Multiples are many. Factors are f ew.”

Divisibility Rules

A number is evenly divisible by (has that number as a factor):

1: all numbers have ‘1’ and themselves as factors

2: if the number ends in a 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 (That makes it an even number)

3: if the digital sum is a 3, 6 or 9

(Add together all the digits of the number to get the digital sum) e.g. 351 is divisible by 3 because 3 + 5 + 1 = 9

4: if, when you divide the number by 2, the answer is an even number


if the last digit of the number is a 5 or a 0


if the number is divisible by both 2 and 3 (They are factors of the number)


if the number ends in a zero

Example: Searching for all the factors of 36 (all the numbers that divide evenly into 36) Systematically check out these numbers to find those that divide evenly into 36. Then use the ‘partner factor’ (the answer when you divide) to find all the factors:

1? - all numbers have ‘1’ and themselves as factors! *36 divided by 1 = 36.

2? – YES, because 36 ends in ‘6’ – it’s an even number . *36 divided by 2 = 18.

3? – YES, because the digital sum of 36, 3 + 6, is 9. *36 divided by 3 = 12.

4? – YES, because after you divide 36 by 2, you get 18, and 18 is an even number; it ends in ‘8’

5? – NO, 36 doesn’t end in a zero or ‘5’

*36 divided by 4 = 9.

6? – YES, because both 2 and 3 are factors. 36 divided by 6 = 6.

10? – NO, 36 doesn’t end in a zero

The factor pairs are: 1 X 36, 2 X 18, 3 X 12, 4 X 9, 6 X 6.

So … all the factors of 36 (in order) are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36


One use of Multiples is when you want to identify common denominators in the process of adding fractions, you need to know the common multiples of the two numbers: Adding

3/4 and 4/5 is facilitated by noting 20 is a multiple of both 4 and 5 - so you know that they will both divide into 20 evenly, allowing you to rewrite each of those fractions with 20 as denominators (making equivalent fractions), like so:

3 X 5 = 15 and 4 X 4 = 16

4 X 5 = 20 5 X 4 = 20

20 is the Lowest Common Multiple of 4 and 5 (LCM = the smallest number they each share as a multiple).

Now, you can add the two fractions, 15 + 16 (adding the numerators)

20 20 to get 31 = 20 + 11, which leads to 1 11

20 20 20 20

Multiplying by a certain number over the same number ( 5 , for example) to make an equivalent fraction as above, or pulling common factors out of numbers to simplify fractions, is another useful tool of multiples and factors:

24 = 4 X

30 = 5 X



= 4 X




= 4 X 1 = 4

5 5

(Because 6/6 is equal to 1, it is called using the Power of One, because you are referring to the fact that any number multiplied or divided by itself is equal to one.) It does not change the value of a number to multiply or divide it by 1, but when fractions that are equivalent to one are used to change fractions, the form of the fraction changes; the value remains the same.

In the example above, 24 and 4

30 5

are equivalent (represent the same part of a

whole), but their form is different.

8 = _______

1 = _______

2 = _______

3 = _______

4 = _______

= _______

5 = _______

6 = _______

= _______

7 = _______

8 = _______

= _______

9 = _______

= _______

10 = _______

= _______

11 = _______

12 = _______

= _______

= _______

13 = _______

14 = _______

= _______

15 = _______

= _______

16 = _______

= _______

= _______

17 = _______

18 = _______

= _______

= _______

19 = _______

20 = _______

= _______

= _______

21 = _______

= _______

22 = _______

31 = _______

32 = _______

= _______

= _______

33 = _______

= _______

34 = _______

= _______

35 = _______

= _______

36 = _______

23 = _______

24 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

25 = _______

= _______

26 = _______

= _______

27 = _______

= _______

28 = _______

= _______

= _______

29 = _______

30 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

37 = _______

38 = _______

= _______

39 = _______

= _______

40 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

41 = _______

42 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

43 = _______

= _______

51 = _______

= _______

52 = _______

= _______

= _______

53 = _______

54 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

55 = _______

= _______

44 = _______

= _______

= _______

45 = _______

= _______

= _______

46 = _______

= _______

47 = _______

48 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

49 = _______

= _______

50 = _______

= _______

Fantastic Factors – find the factor pairs!

Fantastic Factors – find the factor pairs!

Page 1

Page 2

Fantastic Factors – find the factor pairs!

56 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

57 = _______

= _______

58 = _______

= _______

59 = _______

60 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

61 = _______

62 = _______

= _______

63 = _______

= _______

= _______

64 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

65 = _______

= _______

66 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

67 = _______

68 = _______

= _______

= _______

69 = _______

= _______

70 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

71 = _______

72 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

73 = _______

74 = _______

= _______

75 = _______

= _______

= _______

76 = _______

= _______

= _______

77 = _______

= _______

78 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

79 = _______

80 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

81 = _______

= _______

= _______

82 = _______

= _______

83 = _______

84 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

85 = _______

= _______

86 = _______

= _______

87 = _______

= _______

88 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

89 = _______

Page 1 KEY

90 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

91 = _______

= _______

92 = _______

= _______

= _______

93 = _______

= _______

94 = _______

= _______

95 = _______

= _______

96 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

97 = _______

98 = _______

= _______

= _______

99 = _______

= _______

= _______

100 = _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

= _______

12 = 1X12

= 2X6

= 3X4

13 = 1X13

14 = 1x14

= 2X7

15 = 1x15

= 3x5

16 = 1 X 16

= 2X8

= 4X4

1 = 1X1

2 = 1X2

3 = 1X3

4 = 1X4

= 2X2

5 = 1X5

6 = 1X6

= 2X3

7 = 1x7

8 = 1X8

= 2X4

9 = 1X9

= 3X3

10 = 1x10

= 2X5

11 = 1X11

17 = 1X17

18 = 1X18

= 2X9

= 3X6

19 = 1x19

20 = 1X20

= 2X10

= 4X5

21 = 1X21

= 3X7

22 = 1X22

= 2X11

23 = 1X23

24 = 1X24

= 2X12

= 3X8

= 4X6

25 = 1X25

= 5X5

26 = 1X26

= 2X13

27 = 1X27

= 3x9

28 = 1 X 28

= 2X14

= 4X7

29 = 1X29

30 = 1X30

= 2X15

= 3X10

= 5X6

Fantastic Factors – find the factor pairs!

39 = 1X39

= 3X13

40 = 1X40

= 2X20

= 4X10

= 5X8

41 = 1X41

42 = 1X42

= 2X21

= 3X14

= 6X7

43 = 1X43

31 = 1X31

32 = 1X32

= 2X16

= 4X8

33 = 1X33

= 3X11

34 = 1X34

= 2X17

35 = 1X35

= 5X7

36 = 1X36

= 2X18

= 3X12

= 4X9

= 6X6

37 = 1X37

38 = 1X38

= 2X19

44 = 1X44

= 2X22

= 4X11

45 = 1X45

= 3X15

= 5X9

46 = 1X46

= 2X23

47 = 1X47

48 = 1X48

= 2X24

= 3X16

= 4X12

= 6X8

49 = 1X49

= 7X7

50 = 1X50

= 2X25

= 5X10

51 = 1X51

= 3X17

52 = 1X52

= 2X26

= 4X13

53 = 1X53

54 = 1X54

= 2X27

= 3X18

= 6X9

55 = 1X55

= 5X11

Page 2 KEY

60 = 1X60

= 2X30

= 3X20

= 4X15

= 5X12

= 6X10

61 = 1X61

62 = 1X62

= 2X31

63 = 1x63

= 3X21

= 7X9

64 = 1X64

= 2X32

= 4X16

= 8X8

56 = 1X56

= 2X28

= 4X14

= 7X8

57 = 1X57

= 3X19

58 = 1X58

= 2X29

59 = 1X59

65 = 1X65

= 5X13

66 = 1X66

= 2X33

= 3X22

= 6X11

67 = 1X67

= 3X24

= 4X18

= 6X12

= 8X9

73 = 1X73

74 = 1X74

= 2X37

75 = 1X75

= 3X25

= 5X15

76 = 1X76

= 2X38

= 4X19

77 = 1X77

= 7X11

78 = 1X78

= 2X39

= 3X26

= 6X13

79 = 1X79

68 = 1X68

= 2X34

= 4X17

69 = 1X69

= 3X23

70 = 1X70

= 2X35

= 5X14

= 7X10

71 = 1X71

72 = 1X72

= 2X36

80 = 1X80

= 2X40

= 4X20

= 5X16

= 8X10

81 = 1X81

= 3X27

= 9X9

82 = 1X82

= 2X41

83 = 1X83

84 = 1X84

= 2X42

= 3X28

= 4X21

= 6X14

= 7X12

85 = 1X85

= 5X17

86 = 1X86

= 2X43

87 = 1X87

= 3X29

88 = 1X88

= 2X44

= 4X22

= 8X11

89 = 1X89

90 = 1X90

= 2X45

= 3X30

= 5X18

= 6X15

= 9X10

91 = 1X91

= 7X13

92 = 1X92

= 2X46

= 4X23

93 = 1X93

= 3X31

94 = 1X94

95 = 1X95

= 5X19

= 2X47

95 = 1X95

= 5X19

96 = 1X96

= 2X48

= 3X32

= 4X24

= 6X16

= 8X12

97 = 1X97

98 = 1X98

= 2X49

= 7X14

99 = 1X99

= 3X33

= 9X11

100 = 1X100

= 2X50

= 4X25

= 5X20

= 10X10


91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

FACTOR FRENZY – GAME #1 - a game for 4 players - 2 players on each team.


 Markers or tiles.

 Reference sheets of factor pairs of numbers between 1 and 100 - used to check for correct factors.

(Introduce the game using only part of the numbers: i.e. # 1 – 30, # 1 – 50, etc.)

Game Directions:

 Team 1 chooses a number and marks it. Team 2 attempts to name all the factor pairs of that number.

(A time limit for answering may become necessary.)

 Team 1 checks Team 2’s answers on the Fantastic Factors Reference sheets.

 Team 2’s score is the number of factor pairs they name correctly. Team 2 then chooses a new unused number, and marks it so that the next team can attempt to name all the factor pairs.

 Play continues in this way, alternating turns.

 The game continues until all numbers have been marked or time runs out.

 The team with the highest score wins.


Award 2 bonus points for a team correctly naming all factor pairs of a number in their turn.

Award points using the value of the factors.


91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


 2 or 3 players. (Each player must use different coloured tiles or markers.)

 Equipment: different coloured, transparent chips or coloured markers/crayons, Factor Frenzy sheet.

 Reference sheets of Fantastic Factors used at introductory level and expert level (for verification).

Introductory Level of Play ~ Fantastic Factors sheet is available for use at all times without penalty.

– Player 1 chooses a number (‘1’ or ‘2’ cannot be chosen at any time throughout the game) and circles it (or covers it with a chip), earning a point for his/her choice. That player then owns that number and earns a point each time a number chosen by any player has the owned number as a factor.

Example: Player A chooses ‘5’ and gains one point. In a subsequent turn, Player A chooses ‘45’ and receives 1 point for choosing a number (45), as well as 1 point for the ‘5’ which he/she ‘owns’. Whichever player ‘owns’ ‘3’, ‘9’, or ‘15’, (the other factors of ‘45’), earns 1 point for each of those factors as well.

– Player 2 circles or places a chip (with their own colour) on a number that has not already been chosen.

– Each turn, players mark a new number and all players earn 1 point for each of their owned numbers that are factors of the played number.

– The game continues until all numbers have been circled. Highest score wins.

Expert Level of Play ~ Fantastic Factors sheet is available only for verifying factors. A player can refer to the factor sheet to challenge an opponent’s claim to factors. If a challenger or player is proven wrong, 2 points are deducted from his/her score.

Game Variations: Use only numbers from 1 to 50 at first, to build factor knowledge gradually.

Rock, Paper, Number

– a game to practise basic Math facts

Pairs face each other. For game #1 - with hands in front, for game #2 - with hands behind backs.

Each student decides on how many fingers he/she wants to hold up (0 to 5 – game #1, 0 to 10, game #2).

Together before each match, students decide which operation they want to practise: Addition,

Subtraction or Multiplication.

 Players say, “Rock, Paper, Number”. (Game #1 – pounding fist into other hand on “Rock, Paper”, Game

#2 - players just say the words, while holding hands behind backs)

 On ‘Number’, for Game #1, players show 0 to 5 fingers on the palm of the upturned hand. In Game #2,

both players bring hands around to their front, with their chosen number of fingers held up.

The first one to correctly say the answer using the two numbers shown, wins that round.

 An addition/subtraction or timestable sheet may be used to check answers, if needed.

*I like to have students play this game with a set of counters on a table/desk beside the players. When a player wins a round, he/she just picks up a counter and places it on his/her own space – no need to stop and write down a score!

*The reason for allowing students to have their hands behind backs for Game #2, is that it is more difficult to quickly arrange ten fingers to show each player’s desired number, so it is helpful to do the arranging behind their backs before ‘number’ is called.



(from www.poweroften.ca)

Equipment: one deck of cards (or one set of Power of Ten cards) for every three students. (Remove the

Kings and Jokers).

- Aces are used as 1, Jacks as 11, and Queens as 12.

Game for 3 players.

One of the students is the ‘operations’ manager. Throughout the game session, all players alternate into this position.

The other two pick up a card from the shuffled deck without looking at it and place it on their foreheads, so that the other two players can see it.

The operations manager states the product of the two cards (multiply) and each of the forehead players attempt to be the first one to identify the value of their own card - once they've heard the product. Whoever identifies his/her own card first, gets a point. Continue playing for a specific number of turns.

Kids love this game! They have great fun playing it while collaborating to review and develop the timestables knowledge.

Here are some variations of this game:

 Play the game with Power of Ten cards - supporting a visual memory for the value of numbers

 Use addition or subtraction (challenging) instead of multiplication - have students make up a card set of larger numbers for the addition game

 Use Power of Ten cards as fractions (1/10, 2/10, 3/10 … ) and play Addition Salute

 have students make up decimal sets of cards for addition.





I have 45

Who has that

I have 105

Who has that

I have 21

Who has that

I have 63

Who has that

I have 65

Who has that

I have 5

Who has that

I have 0

Who has that

I have - 10

Who has that

times 4 ?

I have - 40

Who has that

I have 10

Who has that

I have 330

Who has that

I have 30

Who has that

I have 6

Who has that

I have 36

Who has that

I have 14

Who has that

times 2 ?

I have 2

I have 28

Who has that

I have 34

I have - 4

Who has that

I have 7

Who has that

I have 9

I have - 2

Who has that

times 7 ?

I have 1/2

Who has that

I have 20

Who has that

plus 5 ?

I have 40

Who has that

times 2 ?

I have 1

Who has that

plus 44 ?

I have

I have

I have

I have

Who has that Who has that Who has that Who has that

I have

Who has that

I have

Who has that

I have

Who has that

I have

Who has that

I have

Who has that

I have

Who has that

I have

Who has that

I have

Who has that

I have

Who has that

I have

Who has that

I have

Who has that

I have

Who has that
