Medical Terminology 2015-2016 Montgomery High School Welcome to Medical Terminology! I am so excited to have you in my class and look forward to a great year! Teacher: Suzanne Lindsey Email: School Telephone: (936) 597-6401 ext. 1774 Conference: 5th period 10:40 am-12:03 pm Course Description: This course allows students to understand vocabulary related to procedures, the body systems and human physiology. Course Content: Word parts, roots, prefixes, suffixes, medical abbreviations, medical terms related to: the human body in health and disease, the systems of the body, the special senses of the body, and diagnostic procedures and pharmacology. Student Evaluation: Major Grades 70% Quizzes 20% Daily Grades 10% Major grades will be comprised of tests and projects. Tests: Tests will consist of multiple choice, matching and short answer questions over until material. Students will be expected to define terms according to the meanings of the word parts learned. Quizzes: Students will have quizzes weekly (most weeks) over root words, prefixes and suffixes. Daily Work: Daily work will consist of worksheets, homework and class participation. usually, students will be given time to complete assignments during class and will be due at the end of the period. Supplies: Students should have a pen or pencil and notebook paper each day. May want 3x5 notecards to make flash cards. Parent Communication: Parents may view grades at any time using the online TxEIS program. Please contact me by email or telephone with any comments or concerns. Retesting: If a student fails a test with a grade below a 60 they are eligible to retest for a maximum of a 75. Students may retest after the original test is returned before the next test is given. No retest will be available for a test given during the last week of the 6 weeks. To be eligible to retest a student must have completed the test review. *Remember retesting is a PRIVILEGE!* Test Corrections: If a student fails a test with a 60-69 they can complete test corrections for a maximum grade of 75. Students must complete their test corrections after the test returned but before the next test is given. Students must complete the original test review to be eligible to do test corrections. Make-up Work: It is the student’s responsibility to obtain work missed. Tests and quizzes that have been announced/scheduled must be made up on the day the student returns. Assignments and projects assigned prior to the absence will be due the first day back at the beginning of the class period. Daily work and quizzes assigned during a student’s absence will be made up according to the school make-up policy. Projects are due on the due date if the student is present for any part of the school day. Cheating: See Cheating Policy for Montgomery High School.