Chapter Menu Section 9.1 Bonding of Atoms Section 9.2 Molecular Shape and Parity Click a hyperlink to view the corresponding slides. Bonding of Atoms • Predict the type of bond that forms between atoms by calculating electronegativity differences. • Compare and contrast characteristics of ionic, covalent, and polar covalent bonds. • Interpret the electron sea model of metallic bonding. Bonding of Atoms alkali metal: any element from Group 1: lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, or francium Bonding of Atoms electronegativity ductile shielding effect conductivity polar covalent bond metallic bond malleable The difference between the electronegativities of two atoms determines the type of bond that forms. A Model of Bonding • Atoms form two different types of bonds— ionic and covalent. A Model of Bonding (cont.) • The properties of any compound, particularly its physical properties, are related to how equally the electrons are shared. Electronegativity—An Attraction for Electrons • Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom in a bond to attract electrons. Electronegativity—An Attraction for Electrons (cont.) • Electronegativity is a periodic property—it varies in a predictable pattern across a period and down a group on the periodic table. • Electronegativity tends to increase from left to right across a period. • Electronegativity tends to decrease from top to bottom down a group. Electronegativity—An Attraction for Electrons (cont.) Electronegativity—An Attraction for Electrons (cont.) • Noble gases are considered to have electronegativity values of zero and do not follow periodic trends. • Fluorine is the most electronegative element on the periodic table, meaning it has the greatest attraction for electrons of any element. Shielding Effect • Shielding effect is the tendency for the electrons in the inner energy levels to block the attraction of the nucleus for the valence electrons. • Tends to increase top to bottom down a group as more energy levels are added to separate the valence electrons from the nucleus • Does not change across a period from left to right since no new energy levels are added within a period. Shielding Effect • Notice that calcium has more distance between its nucleus and its valence electrons than magnesium does. • Therefore, the shielding effect is greater in calcium than in magnesium. Electronegativity—An Attraction for Electrons • The farther the bonding atoms are from each other on the periodic table, the greater their electronegativity difference. Ionic Character • Electronegativity difference (∆EN) is a measure of the degree of difference of ionic character in a bond. • ∆EN is calculated by subtracting the smaller electronegativity from the larger, so the ∆EN is always positive. • ∆ (delta) means difference. Ionic Character (cont.) • When the electronegativity difference in a bond is 2.0 or greater, the sharing of electrons is so unequal that you can assume that the electron on the less electronegative atom is transferred. Ionic Character (cont.) Ionic Character (cont.) • The greater the difference in the electronegatives of two atoms, the more ionic the bond between the atoms. • The greater ionic bond between two atoms, the higher the melting and boiling points for the substance formed by the bond. • The greater the distance between the bonding atoms on the periodic table, the more ionic the bond between the atoms. Covalent Character • Two atoms of the same element form pure covalent bonds because the difference in electronegativity is zero and the valence electrons are shared equally. • All diatomic elements have pure covalent bonds. Covalent Character (cont.) • A bond in which the electronegativity is less than or equal to 0.5 is considered to be a covalent bond with electrons that are shared almost equally. Covalent Character (cont.) Polar Covalent Bonds • Bonds in which the pair of electrons is shared unequally have electronegativity differences between 0.5 and 2.0. • A bond that forms when electrons are shared unequally is called a polar covalent bond. Polar Covalent Bonds (cont.) • Polar covalent bonds have a significant degree of ionic character. – Represented by delta plus (+) and delta minus (–) to indicate a partial positive charge and partial negative charge. – means “partial charge” Polar Covalent Bonds (cont.) • Compounds with pure covalent bonds have different properties from compounds with polar covalent bonds, such as lower melting and boiling points. Polar Covalent Bonds (cont.) • Unequal sharing causes an imbalance in the distribution of charge about the two bonding atoms. Polar Covalent Bonds (cont.) • Water has polar bonds. • A hydride is a compound formed between any element and hydrogen. Ionic, Nonpolar Covalent, & Covalent Bonds Ionic bonds • have a difference in electronegativity (∆EN) of 2.0 and greater. Nonpolar covalent bonds • have a difference in electronegativity (∆EN) of 0.0 to 0.5 (including 0.5) Polar covalent bonds • have a difference in electronegativity (∆EN) between 0.5 and 2.0. Bonding in Metals • When a metal can be pounded or rolled into thin sheets, it is malleable. • Ductile metals can be drawn into wires. Bonding in Metals (cont.) • Electrical conductivity is a measure of how easily electrons can flow through a material to produce an electric current. • These properties—malleability, ductility, and electrical conductivity—are the result of the way that metal atoms bond with each other. Bonding in Metals (cont.) Bonding in Metals (cont.) • A metallic bond is the bond that results when metal atoms release their valence electrons to a pool of electrons shared by all the metal atoms. • Electrons flow freely around all metal atoms, which allows the atoms to: •Conduct electricity •Deform without breaking • This is referred to as the electron sea model. Section Assessment With few exceptions, electronegativity values ___ as you move from left to right in any period of the periodic table. A. increase B. decrease C. stay the same Section Assessment Which element has the highest value of electronegativity? A. carbon B. oxygen C. fluorine D. iron Molecular Shape and Polarity • Diagram Lewis dot diagrams for molecules. • Formulate three-dimensional geometry of molecules from Lewis dot diagrams. • Predict molecular polarity from three-dimensional geometry and bond polarity. Molecular Shape and Polarity electronegativity: a measure of the ability of an atom in a bond to attract electrons Molecular Shape and Polarity double bond triple bond polar molecule The shape of a molecule and the polarity of its bonds determine whether the molecule as a whole is polar. The Shapes of Molecules • Molecular shape and polarity are related to each atom’s attraction for the electrons in a bond. • Any two atom compound will always be linear. • Hydrogen gas is composed of 2 hydrogen atoms bonded together in a linear fashion • In NaCl, the sodium and chloride ions are arranged in a linear fashion • The shortest distance between 2 points is a line. The Shapes of Molecules (cont.) • Electron pairs repel each other and cause molecules to be in fixed positions relative to each other. • Unshared electron pairs also determine the shape of a molecule. • Unshared electrons pairs are also called nonbonding pairs or lone pairs. • Electron pairs are located in a molecule as far apart as they can be (like charges repel). The Shapes of Molecules (cont.) • In a tetrahedral arrangement, such as water, the repulsions between the electron pairs are minimized. • The nonbonding electrons require more room so they distort the tetrahedral arrangement by squeezing the bonding pairs closer together and decreasing the bond angle. • The shape of a water molecule is referred to as “bent” and is a modified tetrahedron. • The hydrogen bond angles are 105° instead of 109.5°. The Shapes of Molecules (cont.) • A bond formed by sharing two pairs of electrons between two atoms is called a double bond. • Carbon dioxide—the oxygen atom shares two pairs of electrons with the carbon atom. • Its geometry is linear. The Shapes of Molecules (cont.) • Ammonia—the arrangement is tetrahedral but the geometry of its four atoms is a triangular pyramid. The Shapes of Molecules (cont.) • Methane is the simplest hydrocarbon and forms a perfect tetrahedron with bond angles of 109.5°. •Methane’s geometry is tetrahedral. The Shapes of Molecules (cont.) • Hydrocarbons are organic compounds composed only of carbon and hydrogen. • Ethane is second member of hydrocarbon series known as the alkanes. • Its geometry is double tetrahedral. The Shapes of Molecules (cont.) • Alkanes are hydrocarbons that contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms with single bonds between all the atoms. – A tetrahedral arrangement of bonding electron pairs around each carbon atom provides the most space for the electrons. The Shapes of Molecules (cont.) • Ethene, also known as ethylene, is the simplest of the alkenes, or hydrocarbons in which one or more double bonds link carbon atoms. – In order for the carbon atoms to acquire an octet of electrons, a double bond must exist between the carbons. – Ethene’s geometry is a flat, triangular arrangement of atoms. – Trigonal planar. The Shapes of Molecules (cont.) • Ethene gas helps fruits to ripen more quickly • Ethyne, more commonly known as acetylene, is the first member of a hydrocarbon series called the alkynes, which are unsaturated hydrocarbons that contain a triple bond between two carbon atoms. • Ethyne is very unstable due to the triple bond between carbon atoms. • Ethyne is used as fuel for welding torches. The Shapes of Molecules (cont.) • A bond formed by sharing three pairs of electrons between two atoms is called a triple bond. • A triple bond makes the linear molecule rigid. Molecular Substitutions • Different elements can be substituted into any of the compounds discussed previously in the following way: • Hydrogen and halogens can be substituted for each other due to the fact that halogens and hydrogen need only one additional electron to give them a noble gas configuration. • Elements in the same group can be substituted for other elements due to their similar number of valence electrons. Molecular Substitutions • Examples: • In water, any halogen can be substituted for hydrogen atoms. • Any group 16 element can be substituted for oxygen atoms in water or other compounds. • Any group 14 element can be substituted for carbon atoms in methane or other compounds. • Any group 15 element can be substituted for nitrogen atoms in ammonia or other compounds. Polar and Nonpolar Molecules • A polar molecule, or dipole, is a molecule that has a positive and a negative pole. • Water molecules attract one another because they have positive and negative ends. • Ammonia is another molecule with polar bonds. Polar and Nonpolar Molecules • How do you decide if a molecule is polar or nonpolar? • If a molecule is very symmetrical, it is unlikely to be polar, for example methane. • If a molecule is asymmetrical, it is more likely to be polar, like water. • To determine if polar or nonpolar, find the ∆EN for each side of the molecule. • If the ∆EN is greater than 0.5 between one side of the molecule and the other, it is considered to be polar. Polar and Nonpolar Molecules (cont.) Polar and Nonpolar Molecules (cont.) • Carbon dioxide is a nonpolar molecule since the linear arrangement of the molecules results in no separation of the positive and negative charge. Polar and Nonpolar Molecules (cont.) • The force between dipole molecules is an attraction of the positive end of one dipole for the negative end of another dipole. Polar and Nonpolar Molecules (cont.) • Properties of polar molecules differ from nonpolar molecules. • Melting point and boiling points of polar substances tend to be higher than those of nonpolar molecules of the same size. Polar and Nonpolar Molecules (cont.) Ions, Polar Molecules, and Physical Properties • Ionic compounds exhibit a narrower range of physical properties than covalent compounds. Ions, Polar Molecules, and Physical Properties (cont.) • Ionic compounds tend to be brittle, solid substances with high melting points. • Covalent substances may be solids, liquids, or gases at room temperature. Section Assessment Which exhibit a narrower range of physical properties? A. ionic B. covalent Section Assessment Carbon dioxide is a ___ molecule. A. polar B. nonpolar C. dipole D. triple bond Key Concepts • Bond character varies from ionic to covalent. There is no clear-cut division between the types of bonds. • Electronegativity — a measure of the attraction that an atom has for shared electrons— can be estimated from the periodic table. • Electronegativity difference, ΔEN, is a measure of the degree of ionic character in a bond. • A ΔEN = 2.0 or greater occurs when elements form ionic bonds; ΔEN = 0.5 – 2.0 reflects polar covalent bonds; and ΔEN < 0.5 reflects covalent bonds. • Metal atoms bond by sharing in a sea of valence electrons. Key Concepts • Electron pairs about the central atom are either lone (nonbonding) pairs or bonding pairs. • The polarity of the bonds and the shape of the molecule determine whether a molecule is polar or nonpolar. • Interparticle forces determine many of the physical properties of substances. The noble gases are considered to have electronegativity values of zero. A. true B. false ___ is the tendency for the electrons in the inner energy levels to block the attraction of the nucleus for the valence electrons. A. Conductivity B. Electronegativity C. Shielding effect D. Periodic property When can you assume that the electron on a less electronegative atom is transferred to a more electronegative atom? A. when the element is a noble gas B. when the electronegativity difference in a bond is 2.0 or greater C. when the ∆EN is negative D. when the electronegativity difference in a bond is less then 2.0 Which of the following elements do not form pure covalent bonds? A. Br2 B. I2 C. NaCl D. N2 A hydride is a compound formed between any element and ___. A. hydrogen B. helium C. oxygen D. a noble gas Which property is not the result of the way that metal atoms bond with each other? A. malleability B. ductility C. electrical conductivity D. solubility What kind of bond occurs within a molecule with unequal sharing of electron pairs? A. ionic bond B. polar covalent bond C. non-polar covalent bond D. hydride bond The two lone pairs of electrons of a water molecule do what to the bond angle between the hydrogen atoms and the oxygen atoms? A. They attract the hydrogen atoms and increase the angle greater than 109.5°. B. They occupy more space and squeeze the hydrogen atoms closer together. C. They do no affect the bond angle. D. They create structures with more than one correct angle. Which compound forms a perfect tetrahedron? A. water B. ammonia C. methane D. carbon dioxide ___ are hydrocarbons that contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms with single bonds between all the atoms. A. Alkanes B. Alkenes C. Tetrahedrals D. Alkynes Click on an image to enlarge. Click on an image to enlarge. Table 9.1 Physical Properties of Ionic and Covalent Compounds Figure 9.2 Electronegativity Figure 9.8 Bond types Figure 9.18 Molecular shape To use this Interactive Chalkboard product: Click the Forward button to go to the next slide. 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