Paquete de tarea - Wilson School District

Paquete de tarea
You are expected to complete one home assignment every other week through the
entire year. These assignments will add up to a major test score by the end of the
quarter. Please take the assignments seriously!
Choose one assignment per two weeks. Here are the due dates: 09-17-10,
10-01-10, 10-15-10, 10-29-10, 11-12-10, 12-03-10, 12-17-10, 01-07-11, 0121-11
You will turn one assignment at the beginning of the period on the dates
above. Please do not ask me to use my computer to print anything that day. I
will not do it! Each assignment is worth 20 points.
At the top of each assignment you should label which assignment number it
You may not do an assignment more than once per quarter.
Any writing should demonstrate your knowledge of vocabulary learned in this
class and should not involve the use of a dictionary or translator
(including those on-line) or any unknown vocabulary.
Please follow all directions carefully.
It is expected that you will use the correct spelling of all vocabulary words.
You have access to your vocabulary lists while completing these assignments
and I expect you to work carefully and use the resources available to you.
Significant deductions will be made to any assignment with more than 5
misspelled vocabulary words. Please double-check all work!
No late assignments will be accepted; it will be an automatic 0/20
To avoid cheating and re-use of assignments, assignments will not be
returned to students unless arrangements are made in advance with the
Read directions CAREFULLY!!!!!!
1. Using your vocabulary list, make up a crossword puzzle using at least 15
vocabulary words. Your clues should be written in Spanish or should be
pictures. You could use opposites, synonyms or pictures. NO ENGLISH
should be used. Include an answer key.
2. Using your current vocabulary list, make a set of attractive flashcards. You
should make flashcards for at least 20 of the vocabulary words, with the
Spanish word neatly written on one side and an attractive, colored
picture on the other side. There should be NO ENGLISH on the flashcards.
Place cards in plastic zip-lock bag. Make sure you have your name on a piece
of paper in the plastic bag.
3. Make up 12 sentences from the current vocabulary list that could be used as
Pictionary clues. Draw a simple illustration next to each sentence.
4. Using at least 10 words from your current vocabulary list, write an
interesting 75 word story in Spanish.
5. Using your current vocabulary list make a picture clue word search that
contains at least 20 vocabulary words. There should be no word clues on
your word search. The puzzle should be typed. Make sure to include and
answer key as well as the puzzle
6. Find two items around your house that you would be willing to donate to be
used as props for a story in Spanish class. Write a short 30-50 word story that
utilizes these props. Have your parent sign your story so that I know that it is
okay for me to keep the props. (Please clear your choice of items with a
parent/guardian and Sr. Márquez/Sra. Campbell before bringing them in.
7. Pretend that you are on a vacation in a Spanish-speaking country. You choose
the location. Make a postcard telling a friend about what you are seeing and
doing during your vacation. You should write at least 50 words in Spanish and
illustrate the postcard in a way that shows a positive aspect of the place you are
9. Make a travel brochure in English about a Spanish-speaking city, country or
region. It should be neatly illustrated, typed and should include pictures as well
as the following information: places to visit, things to do, climate, population and
typical foods of the area. You must do some research to find this information. It
should not be simply “invented.”
10. Write a 75 word description in Spanish of an American movie or TV
show that you have seen recently.
11. Draw 6 pictures in a short story format and under each picture write at
least 2 Spanish sentences that describe the picture. The pictures should be
colored and as attractive as possible.
12. Write 15 original sentences in Spanish using the current vocabulary list.
Each sentence must be at least five words long.
13. Draw an original comic strip (at least 4 boxes) and write the script for it in
Spanish (at least 50 words). It should be clever and amusing just like the Sunday
14. Find a real cartoon comic strip. White out the words, make a photocopy of
it, then write in a NEW script in Spanish. Do not just translate the English.
Make a new and original comic in Spanish. You may do more than one comic to
total 50 words. It’s okay if it isn’t as funny at the original.
15. If you are musical, write and sing a song in Spanish and record it on a CD.
It should be at least one minute long. Include written lyrics. Use vocabulary
already known.
16. Write a poem in Spanish. It should rhyme and be at least 40 words long!
17. Teach a family member (must be a family member that is older than you) 10
Spanish words, then make up a written vocabulary quiz and have them take it.
The quiz must be typed and should be in a format such as true or false, multiple
choice, fill in the blank, matching, etc. It should not simply be a list of words that
they write down as you say them. After they take the quiz, write a paragraph
telling what techniques you used to teach them, how long it took and how they
did on the quiz. To receive credit, your family member must sign his/her name,
write down his/her phone number as well as write me a short note telling me
what they think of your teaching style. (No credit without signature, note and a
phone number.
18. Research a cookbook or website to find recipes from a specific Spanishspeaking country. You must then cook or prepare items such as: appetizers,
main dishes, vegetables, salads, desserts, drinks, etc… for your family that is
typical of that Spanish-speaking country. Take a picture of everyone enjoying the
food and include a comment “sheet from the “taste testers” with their opinions of
the dishes. Also, include copies of your recipes. 2 people may work together on
this assignment but you must each turn in separate papers. Do not forget:
picture, comment sheet and copies of recipe.
19. Rent a travel video about a Spanish-speaking country. Type a threeparagraph report about what you have learned about the country. (In English)
20. If you have a Spanish-language channel on your cable or satellite, watch a
Spanish-speaking TV show or movie. Write a one page description of what
you saw and your opinion of it (In English). Please include the channel’s name.
21. Cut pictures out of magazines and glue them to an 8X10 sheet of
construction paper. Make a silly collage. Then write a story in Spanish about
your collage (50 words minimum).
22. Make up a story in Spanish of at least 50 words. Make an illustrated Power
Point presentation of the story. Turn in the presentation on a well-labeled CD
or e-mail it to (Sr. Márquez),
(Sra. Campbell), (Sra. Orchowski)
23. Make up a children’s story in Spanish. Use recent vocabulary. Your story
should be at least 50 words long and should contain 4 illustrated pages. Read it
to a parent or another family member, and get their signature on the back of the
book saying that you have read it.
24. Check out a children’s book from our in-class library (El salón del Sr.
Márquez). Spend at least 15 minutes at home reading the book. Have your
parent or guardian write me a note (in their own handwriting) telling me that you
read the book for 15 minutes. They should sign the note (Make sure to include
the book title in the note). Create a vocabulary list of 20 NEW words and write
the English translation and part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) next
to the word. (Assignments 24 & 25 must be done with different books).
25. Check out a children’s book from our in-class library (El salón del Sr.
Márquez y el salón de la Sra. Campbell). Read it at home and write a 25-50
word book report in Spanish. In your own words tell me what happened,
whether you like the book or not, if you understood the book well or not and
anything else that you feel like telling me about the book. (Assignments 24
& 25 must be done with different books).
26. In Spanish, describe one of your family vacations. It should be at least 75
words. Also, attach a photo, colored illustration or memento (like a map or
brochure) from the trip.
27. Rent a Spanish video from the video store or the library. Look in the foreign
films section. Create a typed report telling me what the film was about and your
reaction to the movie. Did you like it? Why or why not? Did you understand it?
Include any other opinions or comments you would like to tell me. Please include
the name of the film, the director and the year it was released. Please indicate
whether the film had subtitles for you to follow along. Please pick an
appropriate topic.
28. Go to the library or bookstore and choose a novel written by a Hispanic
author (the book itself may be in English). Read the novel and create some
kind of book report: poster, collage, etc. that explains what the book was about.
Include the title, author, year it was written and number of pages. See me for
more detailed ideas and/or suggestions of good books.
29. Write a script in Spanish for a commercial of a “new product” or a live action
story and star in it. Record it on a video or CD and include your written script.
The ad or story must be at least one minute in length. Two people may work
together on this assignment.
30. If you play a musical instrument, find some sheet music for a traditional
Spanish song. Record yourself playing the song (either on videotape or CD). It
should be at least one minute long. Include copy of sheet music and your
31. Write a letter in English to an embassy of a Spanish-speaking country.
On the internet, you must look up the address for the embassy you have chosen.
In the letter, politely state who you are and that you are a Spanish student at
Wilson High School. Politely request information from the embassy: DVD’S,
posters, maps, books, etc. Please use excellent business letter writing etiquette:
typed, proper addresses, greeting, body, margins, etc. I will mail out any good
letters that I receive.
32. Make arrangements to come to my room (afternoon 2:45 – 3:15) and play
Scrabble in Spanish for thirty minutes. Write down all of the words used in the
game and their translations. Please consult with the teacher first!
33. Research and write a biographical report in English about a Hispanic
author, artist, musician or athlete. Include all the typical biographical information
and famous works of art, writings or athletic accomplishments.
34. Find a simple Spanish poem. Find an English translation of this poem and
write a thoughtful paragraph describing what the author is trying to say through
the poem. (This isn’t easy to do!)
35. Videotape yourself speaking Spanish for one minute. Draw a series of six
pictures that tell that story to a video camera. Turn in the six picture story. Do not
write it out or memorize it! Try to speak spontaneously.
36. Tell a story in Spanish to a parent or guardian. Draw a six-picture
sequence and tell a story to a parent or guardian (someone older than you). Your
goal is to speak Spanish for at least one minute. Have your parent sign the sixpicture sequence to say that you spoke Spanish for one minute.
37. Find an article (at least one page in length) about a Spanish-speaking
country in a magazine and answer the following questions (in English): What
is the main idea of the article? What details in the article support the main idea?
After reading this article, how do you feel about the topic? Using correct
grammar, punctuation, and thoughtful content, summarize the article. Please list
the name and author of the article as well as the magazine name and issue
number. You can find magazines in the school library: Spain magazine and
National Geographic Traveler. I also have a few magazines with articles about
Spanish speaking countries. Please photocopy the article and attach it to
your question/summary.
38. If there’s a special event related to Hispanic culture in the area, then you may
attend it and write a summary of the event and what you saw. Please include
details of the speakers, program, topic and any other pertinent information.
Please type the summary.
39. ¡Lo que sea! Come up with your own idea and let me approve it ahead of
time. Get creative.