Electronic Packaging Master of Science in Electronic Packaging An Industry Perspective For more information contact: Donald C. Price, Ph.D., P.E. Industry Professor of Mechanical Engineering Director of Special Programs Department of Mechanical Engineering Southern Methodist University 214-768-xxxx (office) dprice@smu.edu Front page Purpose of Electronic Packaging Program SMU has revised the previous MS degree program in Electronic Packaging in order to provide complete instruction in the design, development, and manufacture of electronic components and systems. SMU believes that the electronics industry requires engineers with multidisciplinary skills in the fields of electronic materials science, mechanical design, and thermal management. SMU seeks to develop students uniquely able to contribute to the growth of the electronics industry in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area and around the world. We believe that the electronics industry seeks to hire engineers with a cross-disciplinary educational background, possessing skills and capabilities in mechanical modeling, mechanical design, and thermal design, as well as an understanding of electronic materials and material properties. To this end, we believe that the program described in this brochure meets that need. Master of Science in Electronic Packaging Distance Learning All courses being taught in the Electronic Packaging Program are being taught on-campus and across the nation in the format of Distance Learning. Local students may attend classes on campus or elect to receive DVDs by mail and study the class material at any time that fits within their busy schedules. Busy working professionals can take advantage of this flexibility and convenience to achieve an advanced education. Degree studies may now be balanced against work priorities. It is easy to communicate with professors via telephone, fax, and email. The courses are offered via DVDs mailed to the students following the classroom instruction. Lecture notes are provided to the student via email attachment, so that the notes are available when the student views the DVD. The degree program totals 30 semester credit hours (ten 3-hour courses) with no on-campus or thesis requirement. The program is designed to further your career goals and is ideally suited for military personnel, whether stationed in the US or abroad. Additional information may be found in the DANTES catalog or online. Admission Requirements Bachelor of Science in one of the engineering disciplines, or in a closely related scientific field with a GPA of at least 3.00 on a 4.00 scale Degree Requirements Thirty (30) term-credit hours (TCH) with a minimum GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale Completion of the required electronic packaging core curriculum consisting of twelve (12) semester hours in four 3-hour courses Completion of electronic packaging electives consisting of fifteen (15) semester hours in five (5) 3-hour courses from a selection of eight (8) courses Completion of one 3-hour manufacturing elective chosen from an approved list of three (3) manufacturing courses Suitable for Undergraduate Electives Electronic Packaging Courses listed in this program are suitable for undergraduate senior electives and undergraduates are encouraged to enroll. Classes are purposely scheduled so that they do not interfere with other senior classes Page 2 Core Courses ME 5334-7334 - Fundamentals of Electronic Packaging Introduction to microsystems packaging, electronic package design, electronics reliability, thermal management, single- and multi-chip modules, integrated circuit assembly, optoelectronics, RF packaging, MEMs, and system-level PWB technologies. ME 5342-7242 – Mechanical Engineering Aspects of Electronic Packaging Basics of heat transfer and fluid mechanics as applied to the thermal design of electronic components and systems. ME 5343-7343 – Electronic Packaging Materials Overview of materials used in electronic packaging, solderability, alloy selection, conducting polymer-matrix composites, metal films, component encapsulation, measurement of electronic material thermal properties, physical properties, manufacturing properties. ME 5358-7358 – Design of Electronic Packaging Basics of mechanical design and fundamentals of vibrations as applied to the mechanical design of electronic components and systems ME 5190-7190 – Ethics in Engineering and Technology This is a one-hour per week, non-credit, voluntary, seminar series on ethical situations in engineering, science, technology, and everyday life as an engineer in today’s society. A must for every engineer or engineer-to-be in the Engineering School at SMU Electronic Packaging Electives (Select five of seven) ME 5314/7314 – Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems and Devices Fundamentals of MEMS components, devices, and systems will be covered ME 5360/7360 – Electronic Product Design and Reliability Sources of failure in electronic systems and failure modes and mechanisms,. ME 5359/7359 – Analysis and Design of Optoelectronic Packages Optical fiber interconnections, packaging for high-density optical back planes, selection of fiber technologies, semi-conductor laser and optical amplifier packaging, optical characteristics, wave-guide technologies, and optical alignment ME 5335/7335 – Convective Cooling of Electronics Application of convective principals to the cooling of natural- and forced- convection heat sinks, fan and pump selection, piezoelectric fans and micropumps, acoustic fan noise, augmentation of convection heat transfer, including the establishment of Fanning ffactor and Colburn j-factor correlations for a variety of surfaces, special convective techniques as spray cooling, jet-impingement cooling, microchannel cooling, heat pipes, and capillary pumped loops, pool- and flow-boiling, and electronic chassis with flow through coldwalls and edge-cooled PWBs. ME 5344/7344 – Conductive Cooling of Electronics Application of conductive principals to the cooling of electronic components and systems, covering such special topics as: contact conductance, interface resistance, heat spreaders, thermal interface materials, phase change materials (PCMs), and thermoelectric devices. Applications of conduction to the cooling of special electronic components, such as multi-chip modules, power modules, high density power supplies, and printed wiring boards, will be covered. ME 5346/7346 – Application of Computational Techniques to the Mechanical and Thermal Design of Electronic Systems Mechanical and thermal performance of electronic devices and systems evaluated through the use on computational techniques, using commercial codes such as Icepak, TAS (Harvard Thermal), MacroFlow, CLDPLT, HTEX, EVAPFIN, CONDFIN, and ANSYS. Concepts of structural modeling of components mounted on printed wiring boards in a vibrational environment will be featured. ME 5384/7348 – Thermal, Fluid, and Mechanical Measurements in Electronic Systems Velocity, temperature, and pressure measurements, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity measurements, heat flux measurements, flow visualization techniques, characterization of electronic components, experimental procedures used for vibration and shock testing of electronic equipment. Page 3 Manufacturing Elective (Select one of three) ME 5-7354 – Total Quality Management in Manufacturing Overall total quality management perspective for the design of quality management systems. Managing product quality from inception to deployment. Topics include acquiring and stabilizing new production processes, data collection and analysis for improvement and decision making. Purchasing, process control, reliability are covered Taguchi and other methods are examined as tools for implementing TQM. ME 5-7367 – Electronic Manufacturing Technology Topics include an introduction to the electronics industry, electronic components, the theory and methods of manufacture of solid state devices, packaging techniques such as wire bonding flip chip and TAB, printed wiring board, soldering and solderability, leaded and surface mounted components, electro-magnetic interference, electrostatic discharge prevention, testability and electronic stress screening. ME 5-7368 – Project and Risk Management Specific concepts, techniques and tools for managing projects successfully. Network planning techniques, resource allocation, models for multi-project scheduling, methods of controlling costs, determining schedules and performance parameters. The basics of risk management including hard analysis, risk analysis, risk control, and risk financing are covered. The focus of the course is to integrate risk assessment with managerial decision making. Examples and case studies are emphasized. Additional Feature ME 5150/7150 – Ethics in Engineering and Technology (One-hour, non-credit, seminar series – voluntary, but highly recommended) Ethical issues, hard choices, and human failures will be the focus of this class. Practical, ethical issues will be described with examples from everyday life. Ethics in technology issues, such as those encountered in the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster will be featured. Ethical issues encountered in copyrights and intellectual property issues will be discussed. The ethical issues of telephone communications and email will be presented. Principles, methods, and bases for ethical decision-making and action will be discussed. Page 4 Electronic Packaging Instructors Kevin Cluff, Ph.D. University of Maryland Abbott Laboratories Dallas, TX Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Department Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX Rod Pipinich, Dr. Engr., P.E. Southern Methodist University Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Ft. Worth, TX Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX Gemunu Happawana, Ph. D. Purdue University Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Department Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX Donald C. Price, Ph.D., P.E. Oklahoma State University Industry Professor of Mechanical Engineering Director of Electronic Packaging Program Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX David Nowacki, MBA and M.S. in Finance Louisiana State University DJN Investments Dallas, TX Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX Nuraj I. Rajapakse, Ph.D. Southern Methodist University Lennox Industries, Inc. Carrolton, TX Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX Electronic Packaging Curriculum Calendar of Offerings Year 07 08 09 10 Semester Sp Su Fall Sp Su Fall Sp Su Fall Sp Su Fall Core Courses (four credit courses required / one non-credit seminar recommended) Course Title Instructor ME 5358/7358 Vib of Elec Sys Nuraj Rajapakse X X X X ME 5343/7343 Elec Materials Donald Price X X X X ME 5342/7342 Th Design of Elec Sys Donald Price X X X X ME 5392/7392 Fund of Elec Pkg Donald Price X X X X ME 5150/7150 Ethics Seminar Donald Price X X X X Packaging Electives (select 5 of 7) Course Title Instructor ME 5314/7314 MEMS Kevin Cluff X X ME 5359/7359 Optoelectronics Pkg Gemunu Happawana X X ME 5384/7384 Convective Cooling Donald Price X X X X ME 5385/7385 Conductive Cooling Donald Price X X X X ME 5394/7394 Computational Methods Donald Price X X X X ME 5395/7395 Exp Measurements Donald Price X X X X ME 5360/7360 Mechanical Reliability Donald Price X X X X Manufacturing Elective (select 1 of 3) Course Title Instructor ME 5363/7363 Elec Mfg Technology Gemunu Happawana X X X ME 5354/7354 Total Quality Mgt in Mfg Kevin Cluff X X ME 5368/7368 Proj and Risk Mgt Rod Pipinich / David Nowacki X X Page 5 Donald C. Price, Ph.D., P.E. Director - Electronic Packaging Program Donald C. Price, Ph.D., P.E. is Industry Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Electronic Packaging Program and the Manufacturing Systems Management Program within the Mechanical Engineering Department. Dr. Price was formerly a Principal Engineering Fellow at Raytheon Electronic Systems, a military electronics contractor. Dr. Price has more than 32 years experience in the electronic packaging industry. Dr. Price received the BSME and MSME degrees from Southern Methodist University and the PhD degree from Oklahoma State University. Dr. Price served as a member of the faculty of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Southern Methodist University from 1965 to 1970 and left, as an Associate professor, for a position in industry. While employed at Texas Instruments and Raytheon, Dr. price served as an Adjunct Professor from 1985 until 2006. In December of 2006, Dr. Price retired from Raytheon and joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at SMU on a full-time basis. While employed at Texas Instruments and Raytheon, Dr. Price was responsible for the thermal management of a wide range of Raytheon products, including airborne missile systems, airborne- and ground-based electro-optics systems, and phasedarray radar systems. This activity involved thermal model simulations of military systems and the computer-aided design of coldplates and heat exchangers. The work also includes the thermal design of airborne electronic pods cooled by vaporcycle or air-cycle refrigeration systems. Dr. Price has been a member of a number of University Industry Advisory Boards, including the SMU Mechanical Engineering Department Board for Knowledge, where he served as chair of the curriculum committee. Dr. Price is a member of several technical and professional societies: ASME, IEEE, AIAA, IMAPS, TSPE, NSPE, and ASEE. The ASME North Texas Section (NTS) Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division (EPPD) selected Dr. Price as Engineer-of-the-Year for 1997, and the ASME NTS selected him as the Engineer-of-the-Year for 1998. The Dallas Chapter of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers honored Dr. Price as Engineer-of-the-Year for 2001-02. Dr. Price was further honored as an ASME Fellow in 2002 and was designated as an ASME Life Fellow in 2004. Dr. Price served as Chairman of the ASME North Texas Section Industry Advisory Board from to 2006. Donald C. Price, Ph.D., P.E. Director – Electronic Packaging At the national level of ASME, he has been a member of the K-16 Committee on Heat Transfer in Electronic Systems since 1996. He served as ViceChair of this committee from 2000 to 2003 and as Chair from 2003-05. Dr. Price has been a member of the ASME Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division (EPPD) since 1996. He became a member of the EPPD Executive Committee in 2001 and served the executive committee as Secretary from 2002-03, Treasurer from 2003-04, ViceChairman from 2004-05, and Chairman for 200506. Dr. Price served the ASME InterPack Conference as a Session Chair in 1997, Thermal Management Track Chair in 1999, Conference Program Chair in 2001, and General Chair of the conference in 2003. Dr. Price currently serves as a technical reviewer for the ASME J. of Heat Transfer and the ASME J. of Electronic Packaging. As an employee of Raytheon, Dr. Price has been issued five US patents and three foreign patents. In addition, he is co-inventor of two US Patent applications, which are currently pending. He has published numerous technical papers in referred journals and conference proceedings, and he has made technical presentations at society conferences. Dr. Price has made numerous presentations on professionalism (Ten Keys to a Successful Engineering Career) to a wide variety of engineering and student groups. Dr. Price has been married to his wife, Barbara, for almost 49 years, and they consider themselves fortunate to have been parents to four children and are most proud of their seven grandchildren. Back page