Review Principle of separation Present discounted value the real investment. (equivalence). Decide whether to undertake it (optimization). Select the appropriate financial investment or disinvestment (optimization). Representation switch and win or stay and lose Nature’s move, plus the contestant’s guess. switch and lose or stay and win No arbitrage condition: Price of bond = price of zero-coupon bond + price of stripped coupon. Otherwise, a money machine, one way or the other. Riskless increase in wealth Pie theory The bond is the whole pie. The strip is one piece, the zero is the other. Together, you get the whole pie. No arbitrage pricing requires that the values of the pieces add up to the value of the whole pie. No arbitrage principle Market prices must admit no profitable, risk-free arbitrage. No money pumps. Otherwise, acquisitive investors would exploit the arbitrage indefinitely. Definition of a call option A call option is the right but not the obligation to buy 100 shares of the stock at a stated exercise price on or before a stated expiration date. The price of the option is not the exercise price. Example A share of IBM sells for 74. The call has an exercise price of 76. The value of the call seems to be zero. In fact, it is positive and in one example equal to 2. t=0 t=1 S = 80, call = 4 S = 74 S = 70, call = 0 Value of call = .5 x 4 = 2 Definition of a put option A call option is the right but not the obligation to sell 100 shares of the stock at a stated exercise price on or before a stated expiration date. The price of the option is not the exercise price. Put call parity at expiration Equivalence at expiration s + p = X + c Values at time t in caps: S + P = Xe-r(T-t) + C Write S - Xe-r(T-t) = C - P Puts and calls before expiration S, P, and C are the market values at time t before expiration T. Xe-r(T-t) is the market value at time t of the exercise money to be paid at T Traders tend to ignore r(T-t) because it is small relative to the bid-ask spreads. No arbitrage pricing implies put call parity If the relation does not hold, a risk-free arbitrage is available. If S - Xe-r(T-t) > C – P, then Sell the stock short, and also sell the put. Use the proceeds to buy the call and a bond paying X at expiration. The position is riskless. It nets the arbitrageur a positive sum. That violates no arbitrage pricing. Similarly if inequality is in the other direction. “Real” options The option to abandon is a put option. Deciding to delay or not, the firm exercises or not its call on the project. Review item What is the interest rate? Do write: The interest rate is the premium for current delivery of money. P0 is the price of current money in current money, namely 1. P1 is the price of time-one money in terms of current money, something <1. P P0 r P1 1 Review item When a firm creates value through a financial transaction, who gets the increase? Answer Old equity means the shareholders at the time the decision is made. Old equity gets the gains. Why? Old equity has no competitors. Everyone else is competitive and must accept a market return. Example Coupons sell for 450 Principal sells for 500 The bond MUST sell for 950. Otherwise, an arbitrage opportunity exists. For instance, if the bond sells for 920… Buy the bond, sell the stripped components. Profit 30 per bond, indefinitely. Similarly, if the bond sells for 980 … Confirmation in an excel spread sheet. Time 0 1 2 … 15 16 contribution 3.25473 3.25473 3.25473 … 3.25473 3.25473 balance 3.25473 6.704744 10.36176 83.5571 91.8253 Incremental cash flows Cash flows that occur because of undertaking the project Not sunk barges … oops, I mean costs. Opportunity cost Side effects Working capital Net working capital = cash + inventories + receivables - payables a cost at the start of the project (in dollars of time 0,1,2 …) a revenue at the end in dollars of time T-2, T-1, T. Internal rate of return Definition: IRR is the discount rate that makes NPV = 0 That is, IRR is the r such that CF1 CF2 CFT CF0 . . . 0 2 T 1 r (1 r ) (1 r ) IRR’s at r=1 and r=2. NPV 100% 200% r Scale problems in IRR Time 0 1 IRR Little -100 200 1 dam Big -1000 1500 .5 dam NPV (r=.1) 81.8181. .. 363.63... Decision Tree for Stewart Pharmaceutical The firm has two decisions to make: To test or not to test. To invest or not to invest. Success Test Invest NPV = $3.4 B Do not invest NPV = $0 Failure Do not test NPV $0 Invest NPV = –$91.46 m The Option to Abandon: Example Traditional NPV analysis overlooks the option to abandon. Success: PV = $575 Sit on rig; stare at empty hole: PV = $0. Drill - $300 Failure Do not drill NPV $0 Sell the rig; salvage value = $250 The firm has two decisions to make: drill or not, abandon or stay. Beta measures risk How much risk is added depends on the relation of sAM and s2M Define beta s AM A 2 sM Covariance It measures the tendency of two assets to move together. Variance is a special case -- the two assets are the same. Variance = expectation of the square of the deviation of one asset. Covariance = expectation of the product of the deviations of two assets. Rate of return expected by the market E[Rj] E[RM] Rf 1 Example of beta and NPV Wingmar Inc. has a beta of 2. The Market risk premium is 8.5% The risk-free rate is 4%. Wingmar has a project with cash flows 100, 60, 80. The project is typical of Wingmar’s core business. Should the project be undertaken? The Long-Term Financial Deficit (2002) Uses of Cash Flow (100%) Sources of Cash Flow (100%) Capital spending 98% Internal cash flow (retained earnings plus depreciation) 97% Financial deficit Net working capital plus other uses 2% Long-term debt and equity 3% Internal cash flow External cash flow Cumulative abnormal returns (%) Event Studies: Dividend Omissions Cumulative Abnormal Returns for Companies Announcing Dividend Omissions 1 0.146 0.108 -8 -6 0.032 -4 -0.72 0 -0.244 -2 -0.483 0 -1 2 4 6 8 Efficient market response to “bad news” -2 -3 -3.619 -4 -5 -4.563-4.747-4.685-4.49 -4.898 -5.015 -5.183 -5.411 -6 Days relative to announcement of dividend omission S.H. Szewczyk, G.P. Tsetsekos, and Z. Santout “Do Dividend Omissions Signal Future Earnings or Past Earnings?” Journal of Investing (Spring 1997) Relationship among Three Different Information Sets All information relevant to a stock publicly available information past prices EPS and ROE under Proposed Capital Structure Shares Outstanding = 240 Bust Normal EBIT $1,000 $2,000 Interest 640 640 Net income $360 $1,360 EPS $1.50 $5.67 ROA 5% 10% ROE 3% 11% Boom $3,000 640 $2,360 $9.83 15% 20% MM Proposition II no tax Cost of capital: r (%) r0 . B rS r0 (r0 rB ) SL rS rWACC rB Debt-toequity ratio (B/S) MM II and WACC Cost of capital: r (%) r0 . . .. rS rWACC rB Debt-toequity ratio (B/S) Channels Debt channel $ of operating cash flows Equity channel Corporate taxes TC Personal taxes TB 1-TB TS (1-TC)(1-TS) Value as debt Value as equity tax cut increased equity Operating C.F.’s of the whole economy ... Summary: APV, FTE, and WACC Initial Investment Cash Flows Discount Rates PV of financing APV WACC FTE All UCF r0 Yes All UCF rWACC No Equity Portion LCF rS No Which is best? Use WACC and FTE when the debt ratio is constant Use APV when the level of debt is known. Review item Two assets have the same expected return. Each has a standard deviation of 2%. The correlation coefficient is .5. What is the standard deviation of an equally weighted portfolio? Review item A firm has a project with positive NPV. The project costs 100M to start. The firm has only 50M. What should it do? Answer Raise the money in the capital market. It can because NPV is market valuation. Capital asset pricing model E ( R j ) R f E[ RM R f ] j T-bill rate is known. Market premium is known, approximately 8.5%. Estimate beta as in the project Security Market Line Expected return on security (%) Rm Rf T is undervalued. Its price rises . . . . . . T Security market line (SML) M S S is overvalued. Its price falls 0.8 1 Beta of security EPS and ROE under Proposed Capital Structure Shares Outstanding = 240 Recession Expected Expansion EBIT $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 Interest 640 640 640 Net income $360 $1,360 $2,360 EPS $1.50 $5.67 $9.83 ROA 5% 10% 15% ROE 3% 11% 20% Proposition II of M-M rB is the interest rate rs is the return on (levered) equity r0 is the return on unlevered equity B is value of debt SL is value of levered equity rs = r0 + (B / SL) (r0 - rB) MM Proposition II no tax Cost of capital: r (%) r0 . B rS r0 (r0 rB ) SL rS rWACC rB Debt-to-equity ratio (B/S) MM II (with taxes) Corporate taxes, not personal rB = interest rate rS = return on equity r0 = return on unlevered equity B = value of debt SL = value of levered equity Previously, without taxes rS = r0 + (B/SL)(r0 - rB) Effect of tax shield Increase of equity risk is partly offset by the tax shield rS = r0 + (1-TC)(r0 - rB)(B/SL) Leverage raises the required return less because of the tax shield. MM II and WACC Cost of capital: r (%) 0.2351 . 0.200= r0 0.100 . .. 200 370 rS rWACC rB Debt-to-equity ratio (B/S) Optimal Debt and Value Present value of financial distress costs Value of firm (V) Present value of tax shield on debt VL=VU+TCB= Value of firm under MM with corporate taxes and debt Maximum firm value V=Actual value of firm VU=Value of firm with no debt Debt (B) 0 B* Optimal amount of debt Channels Operating Cash Flows = $1 Debt channel Equity channel TC TB TS 1 - TB (1-TC)(1-TS) Miller: Tax-class clienteles Value as debt Value as equity V* = 1/RS V* = 1/RB as debt as equity Operating C.F.’s of the whole economy Value as debt Value as equity tax reform increased debt Operating C.F.’s of the whole economy ... interpreted for dividends (Figure 18.4) C1 L o w -d iv id e n d firm F u tu re r e tu rn or s lo p e = - ( 1 + r ) H ig h - d iv id e n d firm d iv id e n d n o w C0 Dividend equilibrium H iD iv value per $1 LoD iv value per $1 V *=1/Rh V *=1/RL E quilibriu m H iD iv E q u ili b riu m L o D iv $ of operating cash flow s ... Review item What is the weighted average cost of capital? Answer Give the definitions and the formula. rB = bond rate rS = expected return on shares B = market value of bonds S = market value of shares TC = corporate tax rate Pay-off pitch rWACC = (S/(S+B))rS + (B/(S+B))(1-TC)rB Now say that it applies when (1) the physical project has the same risk as the firm (2) it is financed like the firm. Review item Does a good project have IRR greater than the hurdle rate, or less? Answer IRR is the discount rate that makes NPV(IRR) = 0. The hurdle rate is the market rate for the risk-class. Investing means cash flows are first negative, then positive. Financing (in this context) means cash flows are first positive, then negative. More answer Other sign patterns, IRR is not useful. Investing, a good project has IRR > hurdle rate. Financing, a good project has hurdle rate > IRR.