Wal-Mart Rolls Back For Christmas BSAD: 432 B. Morrison PhilJohnVictoriaEricAlex Agenda Article Overview SWOT Analysis Retail Strategy Positioning Maps Target Market/Value Proposition Implementation Analysis/Conclusion Overview of Article Wal-Mart Expected to Increase Discounted Products to Match Online Retailers Profits Expected to Drop 20000 Rollbacks for 90 Days Price Matching with Bricks and Mortar Hiring an Additional 60,000 Seasonal Employees S O Strengths W Weaknesses •Incredible supply chain •Customer Service •Buyer power •Bad PR Campaigns •Low Prices & Price Match Guarantee • Staff Availability Opportunities T Threats •Takeover of Target Canada? • Other large Corporations expanding •Opportunity to improve image and Public perception • Being largest corporation means target for competition • Possible change of labour laws •Demand supplier’s to improve workplace practices for employees and other stakeholders Overview of Strategy Retail Strategy Mix: Low Price Discount High Product Categories: Toys, Electronics, Fashion etc. Mid-Shallow Product Depth Merchandise Scrambled Positioning and Competition Primary Competition: Target Costco Giant Tiger Amazon Canadian Tire Positioning Map (Cost vs. Quality) Positioning Map (Depth vs. Width) Target Market Families and Individuals with Lower End to Moderate Levels of Income. Cost Conscious Parents with Young Children Value Proposition Value Proposition “Everyday Low Prices” “Save money. Live Better” Customer Satisfaction through Efficient Supply Chain Management Importance of Initiative They want to Mitigate Losses this Quarter which Enforces the Value Proposition Important that it is Implemented with Haste Stay Competitive During the Holiday Season Target Market Fit Considering Mass Rollbacks, the Target Market of Low Income Families will be more Attracted to Shop at WalMart. There is Potential for Medium Income Markets to be Attracted to Wal-Mart due to High Quality Products (TVs, game consoles etc.) being Offered at Discounts. Initiative Cons Decrease Total Net Income Could Hurt Public Image with Targeting Competition with Local Business Increasing Competition Targeting to Match Sales Training Costs Increase Difficulty Exiting a Price War Once Initiated. Initiative Pros Increase Customer Traffic Increase Sales Could Potentially Increase Net Profits Could Increase Market Share Decreased Waiting Times Implications of Implementation Aligns with retail strategy Will attract more Customers Profitability Depends on Whether or not Wal-Mart Draws in Enough new Customers to Make up for the Losses they Experience on their Discounts. Conclusion Smart Move for Wal-Mart. Allows them to Remain Competitive in an Ever Increasing Competitive Market Appropriate Response to Online Price War Works Cited Wal-Mart's Annual Report http://cdn.corporate.walmart.com/66/e5/9ff9a874459 49173fde56316ac5f/2014-annual-report.pdf Walmart To Expand Discounts As Retail Price War Heats Up- http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/31/uswalmart-discounting-idUSKBN0IK09K20141031 Works Cited Images http://images.fastcompany.com/upload/faceoff-walmarttarget.jpg http://utahsweetsavings.com/wpcontent/uploads/2011/11/walmart-christmas-price-guarentee.png http://observer.com/2013/02/babys-got-rollback-walmart-is-themost-romantic-grocery-store-in-the-country/ http://www.itaremarket.com/wpcontent/uploads/2014/07/downgraph.jpg http://www.lippincott.com/cache/made/cc190b03fd288467/wal mart_casestudy_design_logo-1_959_487_90_c1.jpg http://i2.cdn.turner.com/money/2011/08/16/news/companies/w almart/walmart-shoppers-2.top.jpg