COH DATE - Houston Storm Water Management Program

TFMA Workshop
Permitting Development in
Special Flood Hazard Areas
in the City of Houston
October 2, 2007
Development Permit Process
Basic Permit Requirements
Floodplain Fill Mitigation Plans
Conveyance Zone Requirements
Floodway Requirements
Letters of Map Change (LOMCs)
Additional Resources
Project Location and the SFHA
• Tools for determining location in the SFHA zone:
– Call the Floodplain Management Office at 713-535-7666
• Projects involving critical facilities (defined in Sec.
19-2) are regulated within the 0.2% recurrence
probability (500-year) floodplain (shaded Zone X)
• If a project is in the SFHA or is a critical facility in
shaded Zone X, contact the FMO to discuss
requirements and potential impacts
Development Permit Process
• Commercial plans must be
routed and are left with the
cashiers at 3300 Main.
Applicant completes
Building Permit Application,
receives project number at
cashier’s area (3300 Main).
Residential plans routed
thru One Stop for floodplain
determination screening.
Applicant walks own plans
thru One Stop for floodplain
determination screening.
Plan Review
Is project a
REMODEL with no
Is project
in the floodplain?
• Applicants wishing to route their
residential plans must leave them
at One Stop.
Floodplain Management Office reviews plans
per Ch. 19 Ordinance and Guidelines.
Is the estimated cost
GREATER than $10k
for residential /$15k for
Are project plans
Applicant revises
per rejection
Plans are routed/walked
thru other City depts.
Floodplain Management Office issues a
Development Permit.
Rejection comments
entered into ILMS,
attached to routed
Building Permits
• What constitutes a “building”?
– A structure that is walled and roofed – meaning two or more rigid exterior
walls in place, and is adequately anchored to resist flotation, collapse, and
lateral movement
– Principally above ground and permanently affixed to a site
– A lot with a house, garage, and shed is counted as one building
• What type of work requires a City of Houston building permit?
New construction of buildings/structures
Alterations, repairs or additions to existing buildings/structures
Changes in the use or occupancy of an existing building/ structure
Interior tenant lease build-outs, remodeling and repairs
Exterior remodels, alterations or repairs
Moving/relocating existing buildings
Demolition (interior and complete buildings)
Fences over 8' high or fences constructed of concrete or masonry
Driveways and sidewalks (in city right-of-way)
Parking lot paving and repairs
Building Permit Applications
Must have assigned project number
on application (cashier)
One Stop Plan Review or Commercial
Plan Review for floodplain screening
Both residential and commercial
building permit applications require a
notarized signature – cashiers at 3300
Main are notaries
If project is a remodel in the floodplain
that does not include an addition, and
the cost of construction is not MORE
than $10k residential/$15k
commercial, then an FMO review and
development permit are not required
For any questions regarding building
permits, call 713-535-7500 to speak to
someone in Code Enforcement
Basic Development Permit Application
• For new construction, additions to existing buildings, and
substantial improvements to existing buildings, the lowest
floor and all utilities must be elevated or floodproofed (nonresidential only) to at least 12 inches above the base flood
elevation (BFE)
• Loss of floodplain storage volume must be mitigated
• Special requirements for projects located in the floodway and
conveyance zone
• A development permit will expire if development has not
commenced within 18 months of issuance, and upon
completion of the project for which it is granted, or after five
years has elapsed from the date of permit issuance,
whichever occurs first. (Ch. 19, Sec. 19-16 (b))
Basic Development Permit Application
Two sets of all plans, drawn to scale, must be
signed and sealed by a professional engineer
and/or architect, licensed to practice in the
state of Texas
Vicinity map showing the site of the proposed
Existing topography and the location,
dimensions, and elevation of existing and
proposed development
Elevations tied to a monument as identified
on the Effective FIRM
Location of the property in relation to the
SFHA; reference the FIRM panel by number
Elevation in relation to mean sea level for any
proposed structures that are to be
Planned elevation of the lowest floor in
relation to mean sea level of all proposed
Development sites greater than 15,000 sq.ft.
must include elevation contours set to a
maximum increment of 1.0 foot
Chapter 19, Sec. 19-17 (a)
Improvements to Existing Structures
• Requirements for improvements to existing structures:
– Establishment of market value of the structure
• Appraisal from the Harris County Appraisal District (
• Other appraisal performed by a Texas certified real estate appraiser, engineer, or
• NFIP Final Proof of Loss statement for repair of flood damage
• Computed actual cash value calculated by RSDE
– Establishment of cost of construction for project
• Cost estimate signed, sealed, and dated by a licensed engineer, architect or
insurance adjuster
• Owner-notarized cost estimate (when owner is performing the repairs)
• Notarized contract agreement between the property owner and contractor
– Cost estimate must include detailed line items establishing the nature of the
proposed work
• Relationship of market value to cost of construction:
– In general, if the cost of improvement is LESS than 50% of the market value
of the structure, it is considered a non-substantial improvement; otherwise,
– If the cost of improvements is EQUAL to or GREATER than 50% of the market
value, the structure must become compliant in order for a development permit
to be issued
Improvements to Existing Structures
• Effective 10/1/06, any combination of repairs for
flood damage or additions to existing structures,
occurring during any period of ten years for which
the cumulative percentage of the cost of each
addition or repair divided by the market value of the
structure before the start of construction of each
addition or repair equals or exceeds 50%
• The City does not include water damage from nonstorm related events (broken water main, etc.) in the
cumulative cost of repairs
New Construction Requirements
Elevations of the following noted on plan and elevation view sheets (all required
elevations must tie to a monument as identified on the Effective FIRM):
– Existing ground elevation
– Base flood elevation (BFE) from Effective FIRM data (except in Zone A)
– Finished floor elevation (BFE plus 12 inches)
Elevation Certificate(s) (and plan sheets with elevations) must show Effective
FIRM data and elevations, vertical datum and adjustment, and site benchmark
used for vertical control
A floodproofing certificate (non-residential) if applicable, showing elevation in
relation to mean sea level
An explanation of the potential impacts of the proposed development if adjacent to
a watercourse or channel
All structures shall be designed with adequate drainage paths around structures
on slopes to guide floodwaters around and away from those structures
Demonstration that development will not, at any time, diminish the storage volume
of the SFHA; a mitigation plan will be required for any fill (e.g., fill dirt, concrete,
etc.) that is brought into the SFHA
For Zone AO requirements, reference Ch. 19, Sec. 19-33 (b)
Floodproofing Certificate
Construction below BFE
• Enclosed areas below the lowest floor of a building must be
designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on
exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters
• This may be accomplished by:
– A minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less than
one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to
flooding, with the bottom of all such openings no higher than one foot
above grade; openings may be equipped with screens, louvers,
valves, or other coverings or devices provided that they permit the
automatic entry and exit of floodwaters, OR
– A design certified by a registered architect or professional engineer
licensed in the state of Texas
Chapter 19 Guidelines, Sec. 19-32
Construction below BFE
Construction below BFE
Project Name
do hereby certify that the opening(s) designed for installation
in the aforementioned building will allow for the automatic equalizing of hydrostatic flood forces on
exterior walls by allowing for the automatic entry and exit of floodwater during floods up to and including
the base (100-year) flood.
Type of License
License Number
• If a drainage system is not certified, it must meet the following
– Allow floodwaters to enter and exit the enclosed area by gravity flow;
– Have a number and size of openings sufficient to provide not greater
than 0.1 foot of head loss
• Calculations must be provided with the plan set demonstrating that
the proposed drainage system will meet these requirements
Elevation Certificates
• OMB No. 1660-0008 is the
current version of the EC
acceptable by the FMO as of
January 1, 2007
• ECs are required for all three
stages of a project:
– Construction Drawings
(when plans are submitted),
– Building Under Construction
(finished foundation),
– Finished Construction
(prior to occupancy)
• All required information on a
final EC must be filled out
correctly – including
photographs – or the FMO will
not accept it
Latitude and Longitude
• Provide latitude and longitude coordinates for the
center of the front of the building; coordinates are
mandatory on the third elevation certificate
• Use decimal degrees (e.g., 39.5043º, -110.7585º) or
degrees, minutes, seconds (e.g., 39º 30’ 15.5”, -110º
45’ 30.7”)
• Latitude and longitude coordinates must be accurate
within 66 feet
• Provide the type of datum used to obtain the latitude
and longitude (FEMA prefers the use of NAD 1983)
Photographs of Building
• Photographs are
required by the FMO on
the final EC regardless of
whether or not the EC is
being used to obtain
flood insurance
“………………….. affix at least two building photographs below according to the
instructions for Item A6. Identify all photographs with: date taken; “Front View” and
“Rear View”; and, if required, “Right Side View” and “Left Side View.” If submitting
more photographs than will fit on this page, use the Continuation Page….”
Basic Mitigation Rules
• No fill may be placed until excavated material has been removed from the
• Excavated volume that will be below the water surface of a permanent
body of water is not mitigation
• Excavation within the SFHA and below the BFE is the only acceptable
method of mitigation of fill placed below the BFE in the SFHA, unless
approved by the city engineer
• Property owners cannot rely on the excavation from channel improvement
projects as mitigation and cannot have the fill from a channel
improvement project placed on their property unless they provide
mitigation that is independent of the channel improvement project, except
in the following cases:
– FEMA has issued a CLOMR finding that the area of the SFHA to be filled will
be removed from the SFHA by excavation related to the channel improvement
project; and
– The applicant has provided satisfactory documentation to the city engineer
that work on the channel improvement project has progressed to a point
where the proposed area of fill would not be inundated by the waters of the
base flood
Chapter 19, Sec. 19-17 (c)
Basic Mitigation Rules
• The mitigation facility must be able to fill with water as the water surface
in the SFHA rises and drain freely as the water in the SFHA subsides,
unless the city engineer approves mechanical methods (e.g., pumps) to
discharge water from the mitigation facility
• The mitigation facility site must be located within 1/4 mile of the area
where the applicant proposes to place fill and within the same watershed;
the city engineer may consider exceptions to this policy on a case-bycase basis
• The city engineer may approve subsurface mitigation facilities in
situations where surface mitigation is not feasible; in such cases, the
mitigation facility must be easily accessible for visual inspection
• Prior to completion of the project, and/or occupancy of a structure, the
applicant must provide as-built surveys and engineering calculations that
demonstrate that there has been no net addition of fill in the SFHA
Chapter 19, Sec. 19-17 (c)
Basic Mitigation Rules
A mitigation plan may create a surplus of volume which may be reserved and
utilized for mitigating future on-site development that would result in fill being
introduced below the BFE
– When future development plans are submitted for permitting, the plan set must include
the original mitigation plan drawings to substantiate that excess volume was created by
that development
– The “future” mitigation plan may utilize this excess volume according to the regulations
in force at the time of application for the “future” permit
– The use of surplus mitigation volume to compensate for the loss of floodplain storage
volume due to future development at a separate site (off-site) is termed “mitigation
banking”; a request for mitigation banking should be submitted to the FMO to be
evaluated independently based on the merits of the proposal and the potential benefits
for the floodplain
Mitigation credit may be created when an existing structure is demolished and fill
materials are removed from the SFHA; credit is only granted for materials located
between natural ground and the BFE
A location within the floodway may be used for mitigation of fill in the SFHA
provided that the mitigation design meets all the requirements of Ch. 19, Secs.
19-17 and 19-43
Chapter 19, Sec. 19-17 (c)
Mitigation Plan Submittal
• All mitigation plan drawings must be clearly identified as such and be
separate from other site drawings
• Drawings must be presented in plan and cross-section views to indicate
existing conditions and proposed development
• Include relevant bench marks and Effective FIRM elevation reference
marks; datum conversion calculations must be presented
• Tabulated, engineering calculations of cut and fill volumes (below BFE)
associated with the cross-sections – may be developed using programs
such as AutoCAD or Mircrostation (a contact phone number must be
included and a CD containing the relevant software files must be
submitted with the mitigation plan)
• Plans for a mitigation facility must include a management plan consistent
with the requirements of the Storm Water Quality Guidance Manual and
the Select Minimum Design Criteria for Implementation of Best
Management Practices for Storm Water Runoff Treatment, both 2001
editions, City of Houston
• Any other pertinent information requested by the city engineer
Chapter 19, Sec. 19-17 (c)
Mitigation Plan View Drawings
Plan View Drawings must indicate:
– Pre-development ground and structure elevations
– Proposed ground and structure elevations
– FIRM SFHA/floodway boundaries
– FIRM cross-section location(s) and BFEs at the location of all proposed structures
– Shaded, cross-hatched, etc., to differentiate between areas proposed to be cut and
those proposed to be filled
– Hydraulic connection between floodplain and the mitigation area(s), including the
flowline elevations of all hydraulic connections
(50 ’ – Top)
(40 ’ – Top)
(46 ’ – Base)
(56 ’ – Base)
Volume of Fill = (Base Area + Top Area + Square Root (Base Area x Top Area)) x Height / 3
Volume of Fill = (2,576 + 2,000 + 2,269.80) x 1 / 3
Chapter 19, Sec. 19-17 (c)
Volume of Fill = 2,282 cubic feet, or / 27 = 84.5 cubic yards
Mitigation Profile View Drawings
• Profile drawings must indicate:
– Representative cross-sections to define volumes of cut and fill
– Existing and proposed ground and structure elevations
– BFEs at each cross-section
• Tabulated engineering calculations of cut and fill volumes
(below BFE) associated with the cross-section profiles
• A maintenance schedule for the mitigation facility
• Other information requested by the city engineer
Finished Floor Elevation
(BFE + 12” minimum) ≥ 52.0’
Natural Ground = 50.0’
Fill (1’)
Base = 56.0’
Chapter 19, Sec. 19-17 (c)
BFE = 51.0’
Off-Site Mitigation Requirements
• Plan must satisfy all of the requirements for on-site
mitigation, in addition to the following:
– City engineer must review and approve each
application for an off-site mitigation facility
– Certification from the mitigation site owner that
states that the required mitigation volume will be
available for this project and must indicate
specific allowable volumes
– Prior to introducing fill to the site, applicant must
provide an engineering certification that
demonstrates that all excavation for off-site
mitigation has been completed
Off-Site Mitigation Requirements
– The owner of the off-site
mitigation facility shall
execute a legal covenant
restricting the use of the
land occupied by the
Chapter 19 Guidelines, Exhibit B
Post-Development Mitigation Plan
Submittal Requirements
• Prior to completion of the project and/or occupancy of a structure, the
holder of the development permit must provide as-built surveys and
engineering calculations to demonstrate that there has been no net
addition of fill in the SFHA
• The owner of the mitigation facility must provide an annual certification of
inspection signed by a registered professional engineer to confirm that the
facility is functioning as approved in the development permit; for the
purpose of this requirement, a mitigation facility is defined as a depressed
area including an outfall drainage structure, similar in nature to a storm
water detention facility
• Where mitigation has been accomplished by site grading, and where no
mitigation facility as defined above is present, the owner of the property
will be required to certify annually on a city-provided form that the
mitigation site is functioning properly, i.e., that no fill for landscaping or
other purposes has been added to the mitigation area
Chapter 19, Sec. 19-17 (c)
Preferred Design – New Development
without Mitigation
The open area from ground level to the BFE shall be 30% or greater of the total area defined
by the perimeter of the supported structure from ground level to the BFE
Requirement may be satisfied by latticework, or similar material, surrounding the perimeter of
the supported structure from ground level to the BFE or higher
There must be no restriction to the flow of floodwaters beneath the supported structure
If the foundation of a new structure or addition to an existing structure is composed of pier and
beam construction, and the cross-sectional area of the piers does not exceed 5% of the area
of the footprint of the supported structure, then mitigation is not required for the volume of the
To the extent that cross-sectional area exceeds this 5% allowance, mitigation will be required
for the volume calculated by the additional area multiplied by the height of the BFE above the
average natural ground elevation beneath the supported structure
Conveyance Zones
• The conveyance capacity of a site is the ability of the site to convey water
during the occurrence of the base flood
• The city engineer has defined areas that have conveyance capacity to
include areas inside the SFHA which also meet one or more of the
following conditions:
– The area is inside the regulatory floodway;
– The area is within a 100-foot buffer zone around the regulatory floodway;
– The area is between channel centerlines in or near areas designated as AO zones
on the FIRM (overflow areas between two channels); or
– Depths (defined as BFE minus natural ground elevation) in the area are greater
than 18 inches and the area is hydraulically connected to the floodway by areas that
also have depths greater than 18 inches
• Conveyance zone maps can be accessed at the following links:
• Improvements must meet floodplain requirements plus demonstrate that
existing conveyance capacity will not be impacted
Conveyance Zones
• The city engineer is currently considering revisions
to the conveyance zone policy; however, until such
revisions are approved by the director of Public
Works & Engineering, development permit
applicants for projects located in the conveyance
zone should contact FMO staff to discuss the nature
and degree of analysis that may be required for a
specific site
Conveyance Zones
The level of analysis and documentation that must be provided to
obtain a development permit will vary with the size and
complexity of the proposed development. The analysis may
include some or all of the following components:
Develop a site plan that includes existing topography and structures with
conveyance flow paths and directions indicated across the site; conveyance
flow paths may not necessarily align with the centerline of the modeled
stream – show areas of ineffective flow on the site plan, extending off-site
as necessary
On the existing conditions site plans, identify points of flow constriction for each
flow path
Establish cross-sections at constriction points
For each cross-section, determine appropriate roughness (“n”) values, based on
site-specific conditions; choose the appropriate “n” value (see Ch. 19 Guidelines,
Sec. 19 – 17 (d)) and document roughness selection with aerial and/or site
For each cross-section, calculate the conveyance (K) for existing conditions;
where K = 1.49AR2/3/n, and the depth of the cross-section is established from the
Conveyance Zones
Develop a site plan that includes proposed topography, structures,
conveyance flow paths and directions in a manner similar to that employed
for existing conditions; show areas of ineffective flow on the proposed site
plan, extending off-site as necessary
Identify proposed points of flow constriction and construct cross-sections for the
proposed conditions; identify site-specific proposed roughness values along the
proposed cross-sections and document how these roughness values were
determined; calculate the conveyance for the proposed conditions
Cross-sections should be limited to the site boundaries so that the calculations
compare existing and proposed conveyance across the site (representative of the
flow in that portion of the site)
Compare the proposed conveyance capacity with the existing conveyance
Include conveyance calculations in the documentation
Based on the results of the conveyance analysis and the location of the site, a NoAdverse Impact Analysis may also be required
Chapter 19, Sec. 19-17 (d)
Development Permit Fees
• Fees for development permits to cover costs of reviews
Single-Family Residential
Non-Substantial/No Addition
Substantial Improvement/Addition
Residential Re-plat
Floodway - Section 19-43(b) and (c)
Commercial / Multi-Family Residential
Non-Substantial/No Addition
Grading and Fill Sitework < 1 acre
Grading and Fill Sitework ≥ 1 acre
Substantial Improvement/Addition < 1 acre
Substantial Improvement/Addition ≥ 1 acre
Redevelopment < 1 acre
Redevelopment ≥ 1 acre
New < 1 acre
New ≥ 1 acre
w/ Mitigation* w/o Mitigation
$1,225; $1,635
$1,635; $2,045
$1,225; $2,045
$1,635; $2,450
$1,635; $2,045
$2,045; $2,450
$1,635; $2,045
$2,045; $2,450
* Mitigation refers to the compensation of the loss of floodplain storage volume (requires cut and fill calculations)
Chapter 19 Guidelines, Sec. 19-17 (e)
Projects Located in the Floodway
• No permit will be issued for development in the
floodway if:
– The project involves an encroachment due to fill
– The project involves new construction, additions to existing
structures, or substantial improvements to any structures
– No floodway has been designated (Zone A)
• Issuance of a development permit requires floodway to be
delineated unless project is a single-family residence to be
constructed on a tract not to exceed 15,000 square feet in area
Chapter 19 Guidelines, Sec. 19-43
Projects Located in the Floodway
• A permit may be issued for projects for facilities necessary to
protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public or
construction of a new bridge or the repair or replacement of
an existing bridge if:
– The cumulative effect of the proposed development when combined
with the existing development will not have an adverse effect on flood
levels at any point within the city during occurrence of the base flood
– The construction will not impede the flow of floodwaters
– The construction will not result in an adverse effect on the conveyance
capacity during the occurrence of the base flood
– The lowest horizontal structural member, including bridges, must be
18 inches above the BFE; the city engineer may grant a deviation from
this standard if the city engineer determines that construction is not
practical based upon sound engineering principles
Chapter 19 Guidelines, Sec. 19-43
Variance Procedures
• A variance may be sought only on the basis that the imposition of the
Chapter 19 requirements for the issuance of a permit to the applicant
constitutes an exceptional hardship
• A variance can only be filed after a development permit application has
been rejected and before a development permit has been issued
• Applicant must be the property owner or the attorney-in-fact for the owner
• Applicant fills out an “Application for Variance” form (available at the FMO)
• Application for Variance is submitted to the FMO, along with application fee
of $200 by certified check made out to the City of Houston
• City engineer will review the Variance Request and will transmit the request
(and fee), along with recommendations to the General Appeals Board
• General Appeals Board usually meets on the 4th Thursday of every month
and the Board must receive the Variance Request from the city engineer a
minimum of ten (10) business days prior to a scheduled meeting
Chapter 19, Sec. 19-20 through Sec. 19-22
Letters of Map Change (LOMCs)
• Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA)
– When issued by FEMA, removes a structure or lot from the SFHA
• Letter of Map Revision (LOMR)
– FEMA’s modification to an Effective FIRM based on physical changes
to a channel, development of flood control structures, improved
methodology and/or data, or a revision of floodway boundaries
• Letter of Map Revision – Based on Fill (LOMR-F)
– FEMA’s modification of the SFHA shown on the FIRM based on the
placement of fill outside of the existing regulatory floodway
Letters of Map Change (LOMCs)
– Used to request that FEMA remove a single structure or parcel of land from
the SFHA; FEMA approval of the application results in a LOMA
– Does not require approval of the city engineer
– Application form can be accessed at
• MT-1
– Conditional and Final Letters of Map Amendment and Conditional and Final
Letters of Map Revision based on Fill
– Used for multiple structures or parcels of land
– Requires approval of city engineer
– Application form can be accessed at
• MT-2
Conditional and Final Letters of Map Revision
Used for multiple structures or parcels of land
Requires approval of city engineer
Application form can be accessed at
Letters of Map Change (LOMCs)
• Applicant completes MT-EZ,
MT-1, or MT-2 form
• Applicant sends three (3)
completed forms, processing
fee, report, correspondence,
and all supporting
documentation to the FMO
• FMO staff reviews submittal
and forwards it to city engineer
for signature (except for MTEZ)
• FMO forwards package to
FEMA, retains one copy for
FMO files, and returns one file
to Applicant
Coordination with HCFCD
• MT-2 applications require coordination and signature
approval from HCFCD prior to submittal of the
application to the FMO
• Projects that may impact a watercourse or drainage
channel, particularly those within HCFCD right-ofway, must be coordinated and approved by HCFCD
prior to being approved for a development permit
• No-Adverse Impact studies must include a letter of
concurrence from HCFCD
Final Considerations
• The work priorities of FMO staff are the following,
in order:
Anything the city engineer wants done
Scheduled appointments
Plans on route for review
Walk-in customers
• Potential development permit applicants are
ENCOURAGED to contact the FMO to schedule an
appointment prior to initiating project design in order
to discuss the requirements of Chapter 19
Additional Resources
• City of Houston Floodplain Management Office
• Chapter 19 Ordinance
• Chapter 19 Guidelines
• Historical FIRM Panels
• Storm Water Management Program
• FEMA Elevation Certificate
• Online Building Permits
Contact Information
City of Houston Floodplain Management Office
3300 Main
Houston, TX 77002
John J. Sakolosky, PE
Mark L. Loethen, PE
City Engineer/Floodplain Administrator
City of Houston
611 Walker, 19th Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Assistant Director, Office of the City Engineer
City of Houston
611 Walker, 19th Floor
Houston, TX 77002
John A. Laser, PE, CFM
Senior Project Manager
5757 Woodway, Suite 101W
Houston, TX 77057