National Flood Policy—ASFPM 2015 Recommendations N. Special (or Unique) Flood-related Hazards N.1. Require inclusion of unique hazards (erosion, subsidence, closed lake basins, frazil ice, ice jams, tsunamis, debris flow and mud slides) in state/local hazard mitigation plans, where applicable. Allow NFIP communities to identify, map, and communicate erosion hazard zones and risks by federal, state, or local Zone E on FIRMs or separate GIS layers (may be used for CRS credit) per 44 CFR Parts 59.1, 60.5, and 60.24. Also see F.18, G.20, G.22, and K16 (erosive areas). I DISAGREE. WHEN DONE PROPERLY, MHMPs ARE TAILORED TO LOCAL CONDITIONS, INCLUDING RIGOROUS RISK ANALYSIS TO DISTINGUISH HIGHER RISKS FROM N.A. FOR THAT LOCATION N.2. Develop techniques for mapping, mitigation and management of special hazards Also see A.2, A.3, A.4, M3 and M.4. This may include mapping and regulation done at the local or State level which may be accepted by FEMA, rather than relying on FEMA to begin and develop these processes. NFPPR Combined comm rec and comments Encourage or require? Page 1 of 1 draft 10 9-14