Big Business, Immigrants, & Urbanization Study Guide See chapters

Big Business, Immigrants, & Urbanization Study Guide
See chapters 14 and 15 in the textbook; be sure to read/review all the information in these
chapters. See also all notes, handouts, and homework assignments. This test is worth 100
Be able to:
 Analyze/examine a chart about immigration & answer questions
Be able to identify each of the following people and their inventions, accomplishments
and/or contributions to the era:
Mary Harris Jones
Thomas Alva Edison
Henry Bessemer
Edwin L. Drake
Andrew Carnegie
James Garfield
Christopher Sholes
Alexander Graham Bell
Boss Tweed
Professor C.F. Dowd
Be able to define each of the following terms:
Social Darwinism
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Ellis Island
Melting Pot
Gentlemen’s Agreement
Political Machine
Angel Island
Be able to answer each of the following questions, statements and/or prompts:
 How many female workers died in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire?
 Railroad companies set very high rates and put________________into debt.
 John Rockefeller had total control of what industry?
 What is a strike? Why did workers strike?
 During the late 1800s, women were paid____________than men.
 During the late 1800s, people were either very __________or very ___________.
 The main interest of the Social Gospel Movement was…
 What is the main purpose of patronage?
 The Pendleton Civil Service Act required…
 Settlement houses were founded by…
 Which president used his power to clean up the New York Customs House?
 What is the main goal of the Chinese Exclusion Act?
 List the urban problems of the late 1800s and early 1900s that resulted from rapid
urbanization. What attempts were made to fix these problems?
 George_________________was a railroad-car mogul & built a town to house his employees.
 The main goal of the Americanization movement was to….
 Identify the major inventions of the late 19th/early 20th century and their effects.
 Identify the origins, purposes, and results of the early labor unions/movements.
 Who was Jane Addams? What did she contribute to society? What movement was she
involved in?
 What expectations did immigrants have about America? What did they actually
experience when they arrived in America?
 What is the Gentlemen’s Agreement & how did it affect immigration?