Chapter 16 Causes of the War Many Mexicans unhappy about the U.S. annexation of Texas. Some Americans wanted to be paid for damages done to their businesses and _property_ in Mexico. Boundary Dispute*: Texas and U.S. claimed the _Rio Grande River as the boundary between Texas and Mexico. Mexico claimed the _Nueces River as the boundary. American settlers were moving into _California_, and Mexico ordered them to leave. Causes of the War November 1845, President Polk sent John Slidell to Mexico to settle the boundary dispute. Slidell was authorized to offer _$30_ million if: Mexico would accept the _Rio Grande River_ as the border and Mexico would sell _California_ and one-half of _New Mexico_ to the U.S. Mexican officials refused to meet with him. Fighting Breaks Out President Polk ordered _General Taylor and thousands of U.S. soldiers to TX. They built Fort Brown on the Rio Grande River in March 1846. Early April, Mexican General Arista ordered General Taylor and troops to move back to the east side of the Nueces River. General Taylor refused to leave. Mexican cavalry crossed Rio Grande and attacked U.S. soldiers. President Polk said, “American blood had been shed on American soil” and Congress declared war on Mexico on May 13, 1846. Major Battles Battle Date Palo Alto May 1846 Resaca de la Palma May 1846 Important Information First battle of the war Second battle between General Taylor and Mexican General Arista near the Rio Grande Who Won? U.S. U.S. Major Battles Battle Date Monterrey Sept. 1846 Important Information General Taylor and troops fight against Santa Anna; Texas Rangers also fought in this battle. Who Won? U.S. Major Battles Battle Date Important Information Who Won? Buena Vista Feb. 1847 General Taylor forced Santa Anna’s troops to retreat after 2 days of fighting U.S. Major Battles Battle Date Veracruz March 1847 Important Information General Scott takes control of city after a long artillery battle Who Won? U.S. Did you know Santa Anna had a wooden leg? http://www.roadside 8808 m/news/historylists/6-things-youmay-not-know-aboutsanta-anna Major Battles Battle Mexico City Date Important Information Who Won? Sept. 1847 Fighting takes place in streets and on rooftops. The city falls and U.S. troops raise flag over National Palace in victory. U.S. On September 14, 1847, Mexico City fell, and the U.S. wins the war. Battles Map Results of the War Out of 116,000 American soldiers, nearly 13,000 lost their lives. Most of these soldiers died not in battle but from disease. The war cost the U.S. $98 million In Mexico, countless lives were lost and much property was destroyed. Texans in the War Many Texans joined the army for a chance to fight against their old rival, Santa Anna. Some 6,000 Texans volunteered to fight in the Mexican-American War. Well-known Texans who fought in the war: Governor James Pinckney Henderson temporarily left office to serve Former Republic of Texas President Mirabeau B. Lamar Revolutionary Albert Sidney Johnston Juan Seguin fought for Mexico Texans in the War Several Texas Rangers joined the war: John S. “Rip” Ford Jack Coffee Hays Ben McCulloch The Mexicans feared the Texas Rangers and called them “the los diablos Tejanos”, the Texas devils. Mexican officials met with Nicholas Trist, an American diplomat, in Guadalupe Hidalgo on Feb. 2, 1848 to create a treaty to officially end the war. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Mexico agreed to: recognize Texas as part of the _United States__ give up all claims to the territory between the _Nueces River_ and the Rio Grande (accepted the Rio Grande River as the border) cede all territory between western Texas and the Pacific Ocean to the U.S. (known as the Mexican Cession) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo U.S. agreed to: pay Mexico $15 million for the land grant all the rights of U.S. citizenship to Mexicans living in the Mexican Cession region pay $3.25 million in _claims U.S. citizens had against Mexico Addition of new territory, reignited debates about slavery Pro-slavery states/legislators wanted to allow slavery in the new territories Anti-slavery wanted to end slavery Borders of Texas Texans claimed all land west_ of the Rio Grande including 1/2 of New Mexico (Santa Fe) People of Santa Fe rejected TX claim Most people in Santa Fe opposed slavery Issue had to be settled by U.S. and Congress was divided over the issue Compromise of 1850 Henry Clay led Congress to work out the border conflict and slavery issue U.S. paid Texas $_10_ million in exchange for giving up claims to New Mexico TX voters approved to pay off debts Compromise used Senator James Pearce's plan (Pearce Act) for the new western boundaries of TX California was admitted as a free state Rest of territories (Utah and New Mexico) gained from Mexico would make their own decision regarding _slavery__ The Five States of Texas Click to see "Breakup of Texas" Plans