Steps of the Scientific Method

Scientific Method Notes
Science is best learned through ___inquiry_____.
The ___scientific ___ ______method____ is a series of steps that is
used to answer a question or solve a problem. It is a problem solving
Steps of the Scientific Method
1) _____Ask a Question_______: scientists observe a phenomena or something you would
like to learn more about.
2) ____Form a Hypothesis__________: which is a possible explanation for what you have
- written in a “If ______________then ______________” statement.
3) ____Test a Hypothesis____________: Design a controlled experiment. A good
experiment tests only _one variable at a time. The rest need to be _constant_.
4) ____Analyze the Data______: collected from the experiment.
5) ____Draw Conclusion____: step where you __accept__ or ____reject____ your
hypothesis based on the data collected.
6) ____Communicate Results_________: share your findings with the science community.
Control Group vs. Experimental Group
Control Group- Group used to _compare_ to the experimental group. Group that is set
under __”normal” conditions___.
Experimental Group- Group that is going to be __tested__. This is the group that has the
different “treatment”
What is the difference between the Independent and Dependent Variable?
Independent Variable- Variable that is changed by the __scientist_ (the “I” change)
Dependent Variable- Variable that is __measured_ or being recorded (_the data_)
Scientific Theory
A unified explanation for a broad range of hypothesis and observations that have been
supported by testing a __theory_. As a ___theory__ continues to be proven true or an
absolute it then can be referred to as a ___Scientific Law______.
Scientific Method Examples
An experiment was set up to test effect of light on
plant growth. Two seeds were planted in two
different pots. Both plants were given the
same amount of soil and water. One plant was
placed on a window to receive sunlight and
the other was placed in a closet to receive no light.
Plant heights were measured for 3 weeks time each day
1) Identify a possible hypothesis
2) What was kept constant?
3) Identify the independent variable
4) Identify the dependent variable
5) Identify the control
2) John's parents would not let him study while listening to CD's
in his room. They told him that he could not concentrate with
the background noise. He decided to test this idea with an
experiment on his class. Each Friday his English class took
a vocabulary quiz on 25 new words learned that week. John
got his teacher's permission to try his experiment. On the
first Friday there was a test, he played a rock song in the
classroom while the class took the test. The following
Friday the class took the test with the normal quiet
atmosphere of a classroom. John calculated the average
score on the two vocabulary tests.
1. Independent variable ____________________________
2. Dependent variable _____________________________
3. Experimental Group _____________________________
4. Control Group __________________________________
5. Constants _____________________________________