AP BIO Unit 3: Cells


AP BIO Unit 3: Cells

This unit should largely be a review of material covered in your regular biology course. Regarding the AP Biology “Big Ideas” this unit will focus on the big idea that living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes.

Chapter 4 - Cell Structure

 Read to review (sections 4.1 through 4.7) Know structure and function of all organelles. Create an organelle “structure & function” table. Consult tables 4.2

& 4.3 for assistance. Use the following headings:

Organelle Structure Function Where Found Drawing

 Structure & Function Quiz ____

 Cell Lab

Chapter 5 - Membranes

Read the Chapter Quiz on _____________

Read the remaining sections of chapter Quiz on ______

AP Lab #1 Diffusion and Osmosis

Chapter 9 - Cell-Cell Interactions

Read pages 82-85 and Chapter 9.1 through 9.3

Chapter 10- How Cells Divide

 Homework-

Given a eukaryotic cell with 6 chromosomes (use 6 different colors for the chromosomes), draw and briefly describe what happens during each part of the cell cycle (G1, S, G2, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis). (1 page- divide it into 9 boxes by folding and use upper right box for title, your name, and period.

 Homework due- ______________

 Quiz on _____________________

Chapter 11- Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis

 Read/Skim as needed.

Homework- Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis-make a table. What is the advantage of sexual reproduction? (no more than one typed page)

Quiz on ______________

TEST ON______________________________

For this first unit, as a review you will create a crossword puzzles.

Chapter 4

Importance of surface area to volume ratio (Why is it beneficial for cells to be smaller)

Cell theory

Parts of a prokaryote (bacterium)

Difference between flagella and cilia


(The structure and function of all cell parts)

Chapter 5

Fluid mosaic model

Kinds of Membrane Proteins

Simple diffusion

Facilitated diffusion (3 characteristics)


Osmotic pressure / Turgor pressure

Water potential

Bulk Transport (several types)

Active Transport: Sodium-Potassium Pump

Coupled Transport : know the basic gist

Make sure that you understand the concepts covered in the formal lab on diffusion/osmosis

Chapter 9

Direct, Paracrine, Endocrine, and Synaptic Signaling

Signal Transduction Pathway

Protein Kinase

MHC proteins

Types of receptors

Chapter 10

Prokaryotic cell division

Chromosome structure


Cell cycle

Differences in plant cell and animal cell mitosis

The organelles involved in mitosis

Cell cycle regulation: Cdks, Growth factors, p53, Tumor-suppression

(mitosis phases)

Chapter 11


Crossing over


(meiosis phases)

The advantages of sexual reproduction
