Blueprint for Japan 2020 Joichi Ito (Neoteny) Oki Matsumoto (Monex) Blueprint for Japan 2020 100 Feb 1999 PERCENTAGE July 2000 • Entrepreneurship is not socially accepted 80 60 ※The graph on the left Percentage “yes” on item: People you know respect those starting a new business 40 ITALY 50 40 30 20 USA CANADA UK ITALY 0 FRANCE 10 ERMANY ※The graph on the right Percentage “yes” on item: Fear of failure would prevent you from starting business 60 JAPAN • Japanese Afraid to Start Companies 70 (%) CANADA GERMANY FRANCE USA 0 UK 20 JAPAN Blueprint For Japan 2020 Condition of Diversity (1) Blueprint For Japan 2020 Condition of Diversity (2) LDP related LDP unrelated Ruling Party 1955 2002 PNC (In U.S.) DNC ※ 4% •Japanese society have a bias for Academic Background. 32 % The name-brand university graduates that occupy 4% in all university graduates occupy 32% in all presidents of Japanese listed companies Name-brand University Graduates Others The circle inside is all University Graduates. The circle outside is all Presidents of Japanese listed Companies Bad Influence of Press Clubs Circulation of Newspapers “Me too” contents of Japanese newspapers Journalists are shut out by violation 70% of date source of Japanese major newspaper are from Press Clubs Abandonment of Agenda Setting Adhesion between government and journalists 1200 1000 (10 thouand) Blueprint For Japan 2020 Condition of Democracy (1) 800 600 400 200 0 U.S.A. today WSJ Nikkei Mainichi Yomiuri Rate to the smallest number 300% 250% • A vote in some districts have double value to one in other districts. 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% Kanagawa 14 Kanagawa 7 Tokyo 22 Shimane 2 Kochi 3 Shimane 3 Blueprint For Japan 2020 Condition of Democracy (2) Unsuccessful Successful 140000 120000 • Those who got less poll than the unsuccessfuls were elected. 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 The Japanese G overnm ent B alance S heet (Trillions of Yen) 41 Accounts payable 13 Short-term Government Securities 112 securities held by the public 39 Accounts receivable 22 Government bonds held by the public 230 Loans receivable 286 Postal savings 260 Money in trust 22 Public pension liabilities 797 Allowance for doubtful accounts -2 Advanced received 18 Tangible asset 176 Reserves 28 Intangible asset 0 Insurance reserves 107 Investment 42 Others 16 Others 2 Total Assets 701 Total liabilities 1508 • The difference between Assets and Liabilities is 806 Trillions of Yen <Insolvent!> 75 65 • The young generations that will pay 806 trillion yen do not vote very much in national elections. PERCENTAGE Blueprint For Japan 2020 Condition of Democracy (3) 55 45 35 25 20 ~ 24 25 ~ 29 30 ~ 34 35 ~ 39 40 ~ 44 45 ~ 49 50 ~ 54 55 ~ 59 60 ~ 64 65 ~ 69 Over 70 Rate of Market Capitalization to GDP PBR of TSE listed Companies 12000 (Billions of Dollar) Blueprint For Japan 2020 Condition of Capital Markets (1) 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Japan U.S. PBR < 1 PBR > 1 Market Capitalization GDP ※ Market Capitalization of Japan is derived from TSE. Market Capitalization of U.S. is derived from NYSE and Nasdaq. Blueprint For Japan 2020 Condition of Capital Markets (2) Case of a large Japanese bank: Without any reduction of capital, about 20 billion dollars of public money was injected. On an annual announcement of some billion dollars of newly borne write-off for bad loans, the share price stays the same level. The share is still trading with the market capitalization of the bank to be about 20 billion dollars. Blueprint For Japan 2020 Condition of Capital Markets (3) Japanese do not invest much into Stocks U.S. % 11.9 32.1 Trillion Dollar 34.1% % 0% 1420 Trillion Yen 7.2 54% Japan 20% Cash & Deposit 40% Bond 60% Investment Trust 80% Stock 100% Insurance Others Blueprint For Japan 2020 Diversity - Analysis Diversity is not recognized in Japan Needs to prevail the sense of diversity Needs for educational reform Needs for more to communicate in English ……… Blueprint For Japan 2020 Democracy - Analysis Democracy is not established in Japan Needs for the election system reform Needs for the media to become independent Needs for more disclosure of the nation state ……… Blueprint For Japan 2020 Capital Markets - Analysis Capital Markets is not working in Japan Needs for the independent SEC Needs for the reallocation of resources Needs for transparent corporate governance ……… Blueprint For Japan 2020 What to do? One idea is to create new indices, …not GDP, not Market Cap. Japan Diversity Index Japan Democracy Index Japan Capital Markets Index …and we track them.