Canto 5-Famous Lovers

Canto 5-Famous Lovers
Circle 2=Lust, Sins of the flesh
Who are they and why are they in
Circle 2?
Group 1=Semiramis
Group 2=Dido
Group 3=Cleopatra
Group 4=Helen and Paris
Group 5=Achilles
Group 6=Tristan
Group 7=Paolo and Francesca
Group 8=Lancelot and Guinevere (not in Circle 2,
but Paolo and Francesca read about them)
• Group 9=Minos (not one of the lovers, but we meet
him in Canto 5)
Keynote or Prezi
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Title slide + three other slides + end slide
Explain who they are and why they are in Circle 2
Present your ideas to the class
Do NOT read from the screen
Semiramis (Si mir a miss)
Queen of Babylon
1. Had the laws changed
so she could marry her
own son
2. Had affairs
3. Developed the chastity
Dido-Queen of Carthage
•Was married and
had an affair with the
Trojan hero, Aeneas.
•She claimed that she
and Aeneas had
married, but he said
•Killed herself
Paris and Helen of Troy
Helen was the most beautiful woman in the world and was
married to Menelaus. Paris took Helen from Greece to Troy
after they fell in love.
•His lust overcame his
common sense. He fell in
love with a Trojan princess
and betrayed the Greeks in
order to be with her.
•Although his rage and
anger were common
knowledge, his lust landed
him in Circle 2.
•Ruler of Egypt
•Was married to her
brothers, but never
had children with
•Had an affair with
Julius Caesar, had a
child with him
•Had an affair with
Mark Antony, had
twins with him
• Nephew of King Mark
• King Mark was to marry Iseult, (Isolde) but she
had an affair with Tristan after drinking a love
Francesca and Paolo
Both committed adultery
•Dante was 20 years old when
Francesca and Paolo were
•Young and beautiful Francesca
was tricked into marriage to
Paolo’s ugly brother
•She was married for 10 years, but
loved Paolo, the cute brother, and
had an affair with him.
•The ugly brother murdered them
•They were reading a book about
Lancelot and Guinevere when
they fell in love
Queen Guinevere and Lancelot
King Arthur and
Queen Guinevere
Sir Lancelot and Queen Guineverehad an affair
Minos (Minus,
Meenos): The Judge