AP Spanish Language Summer Work

Sr. Benjamin Black
AP Spanish Language
AP Spanish Language Summer Work
In order to be at the level needed for this class it will be necessary for you to complete some
work during the summer. In addition, to facilitate remembering previous concepts learned throughout
your Spanish students, it is imperative that you continue to use the Spanish language regularly.
Remember: “if you don’t use it, you lose it.”
The following work has been designed for you to complete during the summer months and must
be turned in the first day of class at the start of the new school year. You should space the work load
during the summer months and not try to do the work the last week before school starts. You will get out
of this class as much as you put into it.
If you have any questions, please send me an email and I will try to reply as soon as possible. My
email address is bfblack@lf.k12.de.us. You can call me at (302) 469-0016.
You will need to watch two Spanish-language movies from the list below. For each movie you
must write a summary and a reflection of the film of no less than one page and no more than
 Al otro lado
 Los de abajo
 Ladrón que roba a
 Bajo la misma luna
 Mar adentro
 Machuca
 Casi casi
 Diarios de
 Cinco amigas
 El laberinto del
Note: Most of these films are from other countries and, as a result, may have different cultural
expectations regarding content. If you have any questions about what may be inappropriate in
your household, please contact me.
You will need to read one of the following readings from each column. For each reading, keep a
two-column journal. On the left side, record your location in the reading. On the right side, you
need to take notes. These notes can be (although are not limited to) questions you have about
the reading, connections inside and outside of the reading, and your impressions of how you feel
as you read.
 Anónimo, Lazarillo de
 Gustavo Adolfo
 Emilia Pardo Bazán,
Tormes (Prólogo;
Bécquer, Rima LIII
"Las medias rojas"
Tratados 1, 2, 3, 7)
("Volverán las
 Don Juan Manuel,
oscuras golondrinas")
 Miguel de Cervantes,
Conde Lucanor,
Don Quijote (Primera
Exemplo XXXV ("De
 Sor Juana Inés de la
parte, capítulos 1–5,
Cruz, "Hombres
lo que aconteció a un
8 y 9; Segunda parte,
necios que acusáis"
mozo que casó con
capítulo 74)
una mujer muy
 Federico García
fuerte y muy brava")
 Miguel de Unamuno,
Lorca, "Prendimiento
San Manuel Bueno,
de Antoñito el
 Julio Cortázar, "La
Camborio en el
noche boca arriba"
camino de Sevilla"
 Gabriel García
Márquez, "La siesta
del martes"
You will need to keep a journal throughout the summer. You must have at least 10 entries of
approximately 60 words each (not counting prepositions and articles). The topics are your choice.
Make sure to write directly into Spanish; work that is translated will not receive credit.
Complete the work from the workbook Repaso.
Sr. Benjamin Black
Week 1 (June 10-14)
Week 2 (June 17-21)
Week 3 (June 24-June 28)
Week 4 (July 1-July 5)
Week 5 (July 8-July 12)
Week 6 (July 15-July 19)
Week 7 (July 22-July 26)
Week 8 (July 29-August 2)
Week 9 (August 5-August 9)
Week 10 (August 12-August 16)
AP Spanish Language
Work from Repaso
Chapter 1—Present Tense
 Act. 4, 5, 13
Chapter 2—Stem-changing verbs and verbs with spelling changes
 Act. 4, 5, 8, 13, 19 (Use la forma “yo”), 21, 22, 24, 25
Chapter 3—Ser and estar
 Act. 6, 7, 8
Chapter 4—Preterite tense
 Act. 2, 6, 11, 14
Chapter 5—Imperfect tense
 Act. 1, 9, 10, 12, 13
Chapter 16—Nouns and articles
 Act. 3 (impares), 5 (impares), 10, 16, 17 (impares), 18 (impares),
20 (impares)
Chapter 17—Adjectives
 Act. 2 (impares), 4 (impares), 6, 8 (impares), 11, 20, 25 (impares)
Chapter 23—Interrogative words
 Act. 1, 7, 9, 11 (impares), 12 (impares)
Chapter 25—Numbers, dates, time
 Act. 4 (impares), 5 (impares), 6 (impares)
Chapter 27—Word formation and diminutives
 Act. 1 (impares), 2 (impares), 6, 7, 8, 9
You are encouraged to do other activities in each chapter; you are only required to do the activities
mentioned above, however.
While not required, it is also recommended that you try to read and listen to as much Spanish as possible.
Listen to Spanish-language music, watch Spanish-language television, put on the Spanish-language audio
on your favorite DVD, or read web sites in Spanish (the Spanish-language version of the Wikipedia is a
very good resource for authentic Spanish usage). You should also try to speak Spanish as often as possible
in order to break the language barrier.