Structures in the Epidermis Structures in the Dermis Skin Cancer Functions of the Skin Skin Conditions 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Structures in the Epidermis Give the number of the layer that represents the entire epidermis. 1 $100 Structures in the Epidermis $200 Name the specific part of the epidermis in shown by # 6. Statum Corneum Structures in the Epidermis Name this part of the epidermis shown by number 7 & in yellow. It the lowest part of the epidermis. Stratum basale or germativum $300 Structures in the Epidermis Name these specific cells shown by red arrows. keratinocytes $400 Structures in the Epidermis Name this specific cell that has the “arms” . Melanocyte $500 Structures in the Dermis Give the number of the layer that represents the entire dermis. 2 $100 Structures in the Dermis Name the specific structure outlined in yellow. Sweat gland $200 Structures in the Dermis Name # 2 in the diagram. Arrector pili muscle $300 Structures in the Dermis Name structure # 6. 6 Sebacious glands $400 Structures in the Dermis What tissue fills in most of the space in layer # 2? Loose connective tissue $500 Skin Cancer $100 Name the skin cancer that occurs on the uppermost layers of the skin. Squamous cell carcinoma Skin Cancer $200 Name the type of skin cancer that occurs in the deepest skin layer. Melanoma Skin Cancer $300 What is the term used for the “spread of cancer”? It is why melanoma is the deadliest type of skin cancer. Metastasis Skin Cancer $400 What type of skin cancer is shown here? Melanoma Skin Cancer $500 Explain what each letter represents when using the “ABCD” rule to diagnose a mole as melanoma. DAILY DOUBLE!!! A = mole becomes asymmetric B = mole takes on irregular borders C = mole becomes a variety of colors D = mole becomes larger that an pencil eraser. Functions of the Skin $100 This vitamin is made by the skin. Vitamin D Functions of the Skin $200 Name the purple sensory receptor. pressure Functions of the Skin $300 Calluses and corns are areas in the skin where the ________ is thick. Both form in response to _________. Keratin, friction or pressure Functions of the Skin $400 Name the main sensory receptors in the skin. DAILY DOUBLE!!! Temperature (hot and cold), pain, touch, pressure Functions of the Skin $500 Besides a protective covering, give 3 other functions of the skin. A. Aids in body temperature regulation B. Retards water loss C. Houses sensory receptors D. Synthesizes various chemicals E. Secretes small quantities of waste substances Skin Conditons $100 This was a cut in the skin. What is all of the “stuff” shown by the bracket? collagen Skin Conditions $200 What type of burn is this? 3rd degree Skin Conditions $300 What is shown here? Keloid scar Skin Conditions $400 A skin disorder that can be a signal that a nursing facility is not properly caring for its patients is B) Pressure ulcers Skin Conditions $500 Differentiate between a freckle and a mole. DAILY DOUBLE!!! Freckle =a pigmented spot on the skin due to accumulation of melanin resulting from exposure to sunlight. Moles occur when melanocytes in the skin grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin. Warm Me Damaging & Fixing the Skin Here Hair! Name that Gland! 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Cool Me Skin Potpourri Warm Me, Cool Me $200 When the smooth muscle in the walls of dermal blood vessels contract a) The blood vessels become dilated b) Body heat is conserved c) More blood enters the dermis d) Body temperature tends to drop b) Body heat is conserved Warm Me, Cool Me $400 The greatest source of body heat is through _____. A) the hypothalamus B) prevention of sweating C) constriction of blood vessels D) contraction of skeletal muscle D) contraction of skeletal muscle Warm Me, Cool Me $600 What actually controls and maintains body temperature? A) the skin sweat glands B) sensory skin receptors C) the hypothalamus D) local skin chemicals C) the hypothalamus Warm Me, Cool Me $800 When you are cold, explain what occurs with each muscle (be specific): DAILY Smooth muscle (give name) Skeletal muscle DOUBLE! !! The smooth muscle called the arrector pili contracts and hairs stands up. Skeletal muscle contracts & relaxes rapidly causing shivering. Warm Me, Cool Me $1000 Explain specifically why you should never give alcohol to a hypothermic person. Alcohol dilates the peripheral blood vessels and makes the person loose even more heat. Damaging & Fixing Skin $200 Which statement is true about tans and tanning? A) Sunning for the purpose of tanning produces healthier skin. B) A tan indicates sun damage to the skin. C) Tans last even if the skin is not exposed to the sun for months. D) Tanning promotes skin with a more youthful appearance. B) A tan indicates sun damage to the skin. Damaging & Fixing Skin $400 Name this cosmetic procedure. liposuction Damaging & Fixing Skin $600 _____________ are cells that migrate into an injured area of the skin following a cut and begin forming new fibers that bind the edges of the wound together. It is these cells that lay down the collagen. fibroblasts Damaging & Fixing Skin $800 Tattoos stay in the skin because cells called ____________ in the ________ layer of the skin actually capture and hold the pigment in suspension. macrophages, dermis Damaging & Fixing Skin $1000 Explain 2 specific ways skin ages. DAILY DOUBLE!!! • collagen and elastin change and break down • decreased blood supply • lessoned hydration • less adipose tissue Here Hair ! $200 The cells that produce the shaft of the hair are: a) Epithelial cells b) Fibrous connective cells c) Loose connective cells d) Adipose connective cells Epithelial cells Here Hair ! $400 The papilla is represented by which number? 9 Here Hair ! $600 Name this dark region of a hair. Medulla Here Hair ! $800 The condition in which no melanin is made in the skin, hair, and eyes is called _____________. albinism Here Hair ! $1000 A hair is composed of dead _______________. (name cell type) keratinocytes Name that Gland! $200 Name the specific skin gland that contributes to acne. Sebacious Name that Gland! $400 Choose between apocrine or eccrine. Which type is under emotional stress and begins to function at puberty? apocrine Name that Gland! $600 Choose between apocrine or eccrine. Which type is represented by red arrow? apocrine Name that Gland! $800 What is the name or the oily substance produced by the sebacious glands? sebum Name that Gland! $1000 Give the physiological name for these glands located here (red arrow). ceruminous Skin Potpourri $200 What part of the subcutaneous layer of the skin acts as a heat insulator? Adipose tissue Skin Potpourri $400 The arrector pili is composed of ___________ muscle tissue. smooth Skin Potpourri $600 Name this specific area of a fingernail (red arrow). lunula Skin Potpourri $800 Name each of these specific sensory receptors. Yellow = cold Pink = hot Skin Potpourri $1000 A bottle of suntan lotion has an SPF value of 30. What does this mean exactly? You multiply 30 by how long it takes your skin to normally burn and this is how long you can stay in the sun with this lotion on. TODAY’S CATEGORY Chilled to the bone Make your bids now please Name the body systems that are involved with the Integumentary System when you get too cold. Explain the specific role of each system, including the integumentary system, in warming you.