EVOLUTION EXAM REVIEW SPECIES AND POPULATIONS Species a group of organisms mating between members of the group occurs naturally offspring are healthy and fertile Populations a group of individuals of the same species that live in a particular area mating occurs between members of the same population GENETIC VARIATION caused by differences in the genetic code of individuals lots of variation allows for higher success success in biology is described as the ability of a species to survive and produce healthy offspring sources of variation include mutations and recombination (synapsis/crossing over) http://www.dnalc.org/view/15117-Genetic-variations-in-humans-Kenneth-Kidd.html http://www.dnatube.com/video/685/DNA--Duplication-and-Mutations NATURE AND ARTIFICIAL SELECTION Artificial when specific organisms of a species are bread to emphasize/enhance certain traits breeds of dogs Natural Selection Selection when certain traits are propagated in a population due to their ability to increase survival and reproductive ability Darwin’s Finches ARTIFICIAL SELECTION ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES Advantages increased food production increase in quality of food domestication pets with “desirable traits” creation of new species Disadvantages reduced genetic variation loss of biodiversity “desirable traits” can cause reduced fertility and health http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi9Pa0DHG5Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7kbPsCdyQ0 Important Terms & Concepts • Gene pool: consists of all the alleles in all the individuals that make up a population • Sources of variation: 1. Mutation of DNA sequence 2. Sexual reproduction - crossing over/ random assortment Important Terms & Concepts • Changes to Gene Pools – Measured using Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium – Equilibrium of a gene pool means it is not evolving and the frequencies of alleles are constant – Equilibrium will be maintained if: • • • • • Must be random mating Large population No movement in or out of the population No mutations No natural selection Types of Evolution • Evolution depends on the selection of favorable traits • Several factors may disrupt the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and therefore cause microevolution • Types of Evolution: – Microevolution – Changes within a population – Macroevolution – The origin of new species (aka “speciation”) Mechanisms of Microevolution 1. Natural Selection (including Sexual Selection) 2. Artificial Selection/ Selective Breeding 3. Genetic Drift- The Bottleneck Effect 4. Genetic Drift - The Founder Effect 5. Gene Flow 6. Human Influence Group Activity - using your notes from Friday, or provided notes, write a point form note on the board and teach the concept to the class Homework p.223 #10, 11, 12, 16 Recall: Types of Evolution • Microevolution – changes within a population of a particular species • Macroevolution – changes that produce entirely new species = speciation – Speciation is evident in the fossil record and can lead to an increase in biodiversity on Earth Allopatric Speciation • Speciation caused by geographic isolation 1) Great distance between populations • Ancestors migrate to different islands (Galapagos finches) Allopatric Speciation (cont) 2) Physical barrier between populations • Isthmus of Panama divides Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea • Formation of Rocky Mountains created different environmental conditions on either side • Human influence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCoEiLOV8jc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATWE2Y5uOMw Sympatric Speciation • A new species evolves within a large population; the new species coexist in the same environment. 1) Gradual: Due to changes in behaviour • Hawthorn flies vs Apple Flies Sympatric Speciation (cont) 2) Sudden: Due to mutation or polyploidy • Polyploidy – organisms of the same species with different numbers of chromosomes (2n, 4n, etc.) • Ontario’s eastern gray treefrog and Cope’s gray treefrog Orange day lily is triploid (3n) and produces 3x as many petals as diploid varieties Ontario variety is tetraploid (4n) while Cope variety is diploid (2n) Patterns in Evolution • Natural selection leads to many predictable outcomes • On a grander scale, these predictable outcomes produce recognizable patterns in evolution (A) Divergent Evolution (B) Convergent Evolution (C) Coevolution Divergent Evolution • Divergent evolution is also called adaptive radiation • A common ancestor gives rise to many different species that each fill a different ecological niche. – Niche: All factors related to the role of an organism in the environment (predators, prey, habitat, nocturnal/diurnal, etc) Divergent Evolution (cont) • Examples: – Ontario rodents – Galapagos finches Convergent Evolution • Different species that do not share a recent common ancestor have evolved similar traits because they experience the same selective pressures (analogous features) Ex. 1 Eyes of spiders and humans Ex. 2 Streamlined body shape of sharks and dolphins Coevolution • Two species evolve simultaneously when the survival of one species is influenced by the other • Examples: – Predator-Prey: “evolutionary arms race” – Flowering plants and pollinators – Species that rely on mimicry for survival will continue to evolve if the species they mimic changes How Did Life Begin? • Abiogenesis – The first living things arose from non-living matter – Theory initially proposed independently by two different scientists in 1920’s – Suggested that first life forms arose spontaneously once the first organic molecules were made in “primordial soup” *Organic compounds include carbohydrates, fats, protein, and DNA, and are the building blocks of all living things Young Earth Conditions • Geologic evidence suggests that the atmosphere contained carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, hydrogen, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and water vapor (but little or no oxygen) – Oxygen is very reactive • Energy from volcanic eruptions, lightning, and UV radiation would be more intense than they are today First Cells on Earth • Prokaryotes: cells that do not have membranebound organelles – Heterotrophs: feed on other cells – Chemoautotrophs: Make their own food from simple inorganic molecules (without light) – Photosynthetic: Make their own food from carbon dioxide and light (produce oxygen) • Oxygen would have been toxic, – some cells adapted to survive in O2 – adapted further to using the oxygen for respiration as it accumulated in the atmosphere (aerobic prokaryotes) Origin of Eukaryotic Cells • Eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles (including the nucleus) – Believed to have evolved from prokaryotes by inward folding of cell membrane – Early eukaryotes did not contain mitochondria or chloroplasts • Endosymbiotic theory: Explains the origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria: – Early eukaryotes ingested aerobic prokayotes, but were not digested; established “symbiotic relationship” – Led to vast increase in multicellular organisms Cladistics • Cladistics: The process used to determine the sequence of branches in a phylogenetic tree • Each branch of a phylogenetic tree is called a clade; it consists of an ancestral species and all of its descendants – Clades can nest within larger clades – A clade may represent an individual species, genus, or family. – All members of a clade must share a homologous feature that does not exist outside of the clade = derived characters (= synapomorphy) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46L_2RI1k3k Cladogram • Cladogram: A phylogenetic diagram that specifies the derived characters of clades. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouZ9zEkxGWg How to Draw a Cladogram •Identify the “outgroup” that has no derived traits. •Use the number of derived traits (from lowest to highest) to help create your cladogram. Worm Fish Toad Lion Human Spine + + + + Legs + + + Hair + + Opposable Thumbs # of derived traits + What derived traits make humans unique? Structural Differences • Hairlessness • Skeletal structure – Skull • Larger Brain Case • Less protruding mandible • Position of foramen magnum – Pelvis: Wider & shorter – Spine: Lumbar curve What derived traits make humans unique? Cognitive Differences • Ability to perform complex reasoning and exceptional ability to learn – Linked to longer childhoods • Communicate using complex language – Lower position of voice box enables speech Exam Review – Evolution Topics: • Species, Genetic Variation & Selection – natural selection & artificial selection • Mechanisms of Evolution – Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, genetic drift, gene flow • Microevolution vs macroevolution • Speciation – allopatric, sympatric • Patterns of evolution – convergent, divergent, co-evolution • Origin of Life – abiogenesis, endosymbiosis • Cladistics – create a cladogram p. 483-483 • Human Evolution – characteristics of humans vs other primates/hominids Review Questions: • Evolution unit not in normal textbook – create your own notes and review homework questions • OR – sign out the other textbook