Computing Workshop Online/Databases/Detector Description Session Paris 18th November 2015 Detector Description for the current detector basic principles essential & weak points from the reconstruction and simulation viewpoints Gloria Corti, CERN Credits to Chris Jones, Wouter Hulsbergen, Sajan Easo, Dima Popov The (obvious) Scope Model the experimental setup in the software G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 2 Detector Description framework ✔ Single source of detector information for all LHCb software … BUT sometimes different ‘views’ are needed Application Manager Message Service JobOptions Service Particle Prop. Service Other Services G. Corti Converter Converter Converter Event Selector Event Data Service Transient Event Store Persistency Service Data Files Algorithm Algorithm Algorithm Detec. Data Service Transient Detector Store Persistency Service XML Files Histogram Service Transient Histogram Store Persistency Service Data Files Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 3 A little historical background Very first implementation of the framework for Detector Description presented at CHEP’00 Concepts are the same Radovan Chytracek et al. Fully functional implementation with connection to a very first implementation of Conditions Database at CHEP’03 The Detector Description framework has not essentially changed since then. Technologies behind the scenes have. Sebastian Ponce et al. Alignment framework in CHEP’06, Juan Palacios et al. Doc entry page - G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 4 Using it in the context of the applications Used for over 14(11) years. DC04 was the first production where used in all applications DB technologies and tools have been evolving but framework itself rather stable Customizable Current detector described in all of its evolutions from 2001 to few months ago All upgrade TDRs studies have been done with it with n-options Complexity of detector data has strong influence on timing of navigation Major rewrite with this in mind and introduction of tracking simplified geometry Some weak points for things that we did not really consider at the time… G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 5 Basic Principles and Components G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 6 Two hierarchies of description Two tree structures independent but connected with hook for other detector data calibration, alignment, … Breakdown of detectors Identification LogicalVolumes, i.e. unplaced dimensioned shapes PhysicalVolumes, i.e. placed volumes G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 7 Logical Structure The basic object is a Detector Element Identification Navigation (tree-like) DetectorElement is an information center DetElement * Able to answer any detector related question E.g. global position of strip#, temperature of detector, absolute channel gain, user parameters, etc. MyDetector Placeholder for specific code The specific answers can be coded by “Physicists” DetectorElement objects are shared by all Algorithms G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 8 Volumes Logical Volume Contains the info of the Shape and Material of a Volume Physical Volume Contains the placement info of the Logical Volume i.e. Physical location and orientation of a Volume. Logical Volume also has a) the information regarding which other physical volumes are contained in that Volume. b) the graphics attributes needed for visualization. c) user defined parameters needed for tracking, electromagnetic field. d) flags to indicate if the volume is a sensitive detector (to create hits in G4) More info: LHCb-2004-020 G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 9 Shapes: attributes to Volumes Shapes in LHCb are Constructed Solid Geometry (GSG) Simple shapes, i.e. Box, Tubs, Cons, Trd, Sphere, … Easy to use and with better performance respect to other types Combination of solids via Boolean Operations Subtractions, intersections, union, … Should be avoided for performance reason but sometimes the only option Also to avoid Boolean operations with disjoint solids and with those that share surfaces More info: LHCb-2004-018 G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 10 Data Diagram Points to Resolved on demand Inherits from Lvolume Solid Material * Pvolume Geometry Info DetElem Calibration Alignment Condition Readout Condition Condition MuonStation EcalCluster Structure G. Corti Box Isotope Sphere Geometry Mixture Element Material EcalClusterCondition MuonStationAlignment Condition VeloReadout Conditions Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 11 Detector Transient Store A Standard Gaudi Transient Store Ask for Object Algorithm Retrieve pointer Detector Data Service Check presence Persistency Service Ask creation Lvolume Lvolume Lvolume DetElem Transient Store Cnv Load Geometry Db Tree-like structure “Catalogs” of geometry, materials, structure Items identified by logical names, in the form /xxx/yyy/zzz Load/update on demand Automatic update with new event G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 12 Persistent Representation The detector description resides in a unique Detector Description Database Partition (DDDB). Part of CondDB Shielded from actual DB technology via COOL interface DDDB LHCBCOND DDDB ONLINECOND SIMCOND XML is used as the language for the persistent representation Syntax specified in DTD files G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 13 XML format ‘files’ Why did we choose XML at the time ??? Instead of inventing our own format use a standard one a) Easy to read and to parse b) Extensible c) Easy to convert d) Many tools e) Extended using references Considered as strategic technology a decade ago ! G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 14 Persistency based on XML format ‘files’ a) Easy to read and to parse b) Extensible a) Uses the xerces-C parser Could use any DOM parser c) Easy to convert d) Many tools e) Extended using references c) Converters used to build C++ objets from XML One converter per object type Almost 1-to-1 mapping e) Independent development for sub-detectors b) Three main possibilities for users extensions to implement specific behaviour - Usage of parameters in the XML code - Specialization of the C++ objets - Full extension, including XML, DTD and C++ converters G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 15 Things we had to cope along the way or we found are missing by using it G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 16 Geometry in the simulation Gauss delegates to Geant4 the transport of particles through the experimental setup and the simulation of the processes that can occur A dedicated set of services, algorithms and converters to transform the geometry to be simulated from the LHCb transient detector description into the Geant4 representation Instantiation of Sensitive Detector and Magnetic Field objects, special simulation XML tags G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 17 Passing the geometry to Geant4 Loops through the list of detector elements provided, finds the corresponding LHCb volume elements, converts them to build the volume tree structure for GEANT4. IDetectorElement IGeometryInfo Geometry Info * DetectorElement Alignment MuonStation Specific detector description Detector Description G. Corti ILVolume Material LVolume ISolid Solid IPVolume PVolume SolidSolid SolidBox Geometry Exploited in a 1 to 1 mapping when passing the information to G4 GiGaDetectorElementCnv GiGaLVolumeCnv only called when given as StreamItems convert to G4 all its geometry tree with their positions Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 18 Passing the geometry to Geant4 BUT detector information varying with time is separate from the geometry structure info about misalignment IDetectorElement position as given in geometry tree IGeometryInfo Geometry Info * DetectorElement Alignment MuonStation ILVolume Specific detector description Detector Description Material LVolume ISolid Solid IPVolume PVolume SolidSolid SolidBox Geometry Quite a bit of gymnastic to get back the position for the PVolume from the corresponding DetectorElement G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 19 Applying the misalignment in the simulation Misalignment is applied only for some sub-detectors during simulation Misalignment info created for the list of ‘de’ for A and B. In Gauss we will the Geant4 info for each ‘pv’ and try to find the corresponding ‘de’ to get the info from. Needs a unique path name correspondence. lvA1, pvA1, deA1 (a) lvB1, pvB1,deB1 l lvA, pvA1, deA1 (b) lvB, pvB,deB1 l lvA2, pvA2, deA2 lvB2, pvB2, l deB2 lvA, pvA2, deA2 lvB, pvB,l deB2 lvA3, pvA3, deA3 lvB3, pvB3, l deB3 Example: A= HPD B= Si Anode inside HPD ✓ lvA, pvA3, deA3 lvB, pvB,l deB3 Example: A= ST sensor B= ST plane ✗ Need to change the schema in Gauss to support case (b) G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 20 Geometry in the reconstruction Material description used in track fit for estimating energy loss estimating multiple scattering Essential steps in Kalman filter locate material intersections between any two ‘nodes’ on track compute for each material intersection the e-loss and scattering using known material properties Precise aligned position is needed by all detectors. e.g. for photon reconstruction in the RICH essential to know where each mirror segment is and of each HPD and its internal silicon sensor Knowledge of material around is also necessary e.g. RICH needs to know the shape and position of the beam pipe to correct for lost photons G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 21 Degree of details in the geometry The degree of details varies depending on the scope* RICH only need very basic shape of beam pipe and effectively has private element for it The track fit is not so sensitive to the actual position of the actual position of the scattering planes between any two hits we see a number of material objects replacing these by one ‘average’ object may be enough The ‘full’ geometry can be used for everything but it has a cost* many elements locating intersections is time consuming (80% of fitting time) other experiments don’t do it this way * G. Corti The same applies to the geometry in the simulation Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 22 Simplified material description In 2007 a `simplified geometry’ was developed to be used for the track fit The `simplified geometry’ has only O(30) volumes only boxes and cylinders finesimplified grainedgeometry in the Velo reminder:most what the looks like velo region ● ● there are a total of 28 volumes: 19 boxes and 9 cylinders Behind the VELO, 19 boxes & 9 cylinders ● – for 'RF foil' (5-12mm), 'velo (12-45mm) and 'support' (45-250mm) In cylinder the VELO, 3 sections (RF, sensors, support) behind the velo, it is all very simple: just a few boxes y rich1 magnet T-station inside the velo-region it is more complicated – split in three z-sections rich2 Z heavy cylinder representing beam-pipe connection near exit window The track fit is entirely oblique to which geometry is used 5 G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 23 6 Simplified material description Volumes are assigned a ‘material composition’, by running simulated particles through the detector and averaging ‘real’ material in each of the ‘simplified’ volumes exit window tracing ‘reconstructable’ particles through the detector we characterise the material that actual tracks will see in each of the ‘simple’ volumes that's a beast! colours symbolize rad thickness > 0.001 > 0.01 > 0.05 line is 5 mrad (eta~3.6) ● I haven't found a satisfactory solution for this yet – boxes and cylinders just don't do it severely affects chi-squares and momentum pull for large eta Defining a suitable set of volumes was (is) hand work – ● similar problems in TT-station and magnet region keep the number as small as possible but still try to separate dense from less dense regions G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 7 Detector Description 24 Simplified material description, validation the result is validated by looking at track parameter resolution and pull distributions at various positions along the track track chi2 distribution • • shows pull of impact parameter in x versus eta and phi black is full geometry and blue is simplified geometry from ‘recent’ talk by Michael Alexander G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 25 Simplified geometry considerations The main drawback to current implementation is that it has no connection to real geometry It means, for instance for every update to the full geometry, necessary to manually run a job to compute new material constants, but cannot update the volumes if the velo is open, or not centered at (0,0,0), the ‘simplified velo’ is still closed and still centered at (0,0,0) ! The current simplified geometry is not appropriate for the RICH because integrates materials with very different densities Could choose differently the material in the RICH regions Somebody ambitious could develop procedure that generates simplified geometry automatically, including volumes should look at how other collaborations solve this! Simplified geometry could partly be used also in the simulation G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 26 Parallel geometry (in simulation) The simplified geometry coexists in the detector description in a ‘parallel’ path More then one in different paths used at the same time for different purposes? Need to be made ‘automatically’: with extern processing or with ‘tags’? In Geant4 two separate geometries Mass geometry where particles are tracked Parallel geometry where particles are not tracked but can create hits. Volumes can overlap with those of the mass geometry Want to use the parallel geometry in the future for scoring planes for material scans (and possibly for fastMC and readout geometries) Investigate parallel path in TDS with parallel geometry in Geant4 G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 27 Some random topics related to geometry G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 28 Do we have enough shapes? Geant4 has even more CSG shapes. GEANT4 also has: • BREPS (Boundary Represented Solids) • Tessellated Solids, i.e. Volumes defined by a number of facets. Useful for importing complex shapes created by CAD systems. G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description Importing geometry from CAD CAD geometries cannot be used as-is but sometimes very useful to do so Tools exist to transform STEP files into GDML files for Geant4 Used for example for some RF foil studies, but not so trivial! One of this tools developed by some engineers also in LHCb Our DTD not too different from GDML Are we interested in this for the upgrade? Purely for support structure? G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 30 Geometry for other simulation engines Fast MC in various forms is one hot topic at the moment. Need to give ‘some’ geometry. Embedded in Gauss can use Detector Description, but need to transfer it in the form understood by external engine used (if any) Use simplified geometry for simple acceptance? For radiation studies we use a completely separate application, FLUKA. Its own geometry description. For current detector ported by hand. Full geometry not always appropriate and part of the environment missing Some connections to Geant4 geometry possible (FLUGG) but with limitations Keep the status quo for the upgrade or is there something that we could use? G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 31 Tools: geometry checkers, visualization G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 32 Tools Tools to help in designing and checking the geometry both in the LHCb and in the simulation engines exists and are essential ① Write and check consistency of XML ‘file’ ② Visually verify volumes are where they are supposed to be in the LHCb world ③ Check for overlaps in the LHCb world ④ Do (2) & (3) in simulation engine (Geant4) world G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 33 Exploring and visualizing Until now the first tests to check a geometry were done with Panoramix Useful for quick overview of detector geometry, material inventory, XML debbugging Access to Geometry and Structure with different reference systems Need a tool like this for the upgrade (and not only) with a fast loading time Does not need to be connected to the events G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 34 Visualizing the simulation geometry Gauss can run in interactive mode and visualize the geometry using Geant4 tools DB LHCb Geometry Geant4 Geometry Geant4 graphics GDML … Many graphics drivers in GEANT4: OpenGL, DAWN. Need to make sure they work within Gauss. Recent example of Gauss with G4-OpenGL G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 35 Checking for overlaps Overlaps are a big cause of problems: crashes or, worse, strange results Main tool in LHCb is the Transport Service Precise and reliable For Gauss we also have Geant4 tools Can enable checking at construction time Use the Geant4 Dawn’s Visual Intersection Debugger (aka DAVID). Need to know how to interpret it. Need to make it work again for the upgrade detector G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 36 Final remarks G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 37 A personal view Our Detector Description has served us well up to now We can keep using it as-is with the current limitations There is room for improvement, with non-negligible work Better integration of simplified geometry Redesign of how we pass it to the Geant4 simulation Integration with other simulation engines to be looked at Optimization of how the detectors themselves are structured in the XML needed: particularly for the upgrade detector huge influence on timing! Tools for checking the geometry are also essential Should we be radical and change it completely? G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 38 References Detector Description documentation entry point Tutorials large section of Simulation 2012 tutorial, Solids, volumes LHCb-2004-018, LHCb-2004-020 Simplified geometry Wouter’s original talks: More recent validation by Michael Alexander: G. Corti Computing Workshop - 16 Nov 2015 Detector Description 39