Cell Analogy Project


Science Snack FOR 11-19-09

–How are cells like building blocks?

–Agenda –

• Cell in a Bag

• Cell Analogy Project due

Monday 12-7-09

Cell Analogies

Analogy (Webster’s): “A comparison between two things which are similar in some respects, but otherwise different. An explaining of something by comparing it point by point with something else.”

• In order to better understand cells and the function of organelles, you will be responsible for making analogies relating to every day objects.

• Analyze the analogies given to you to determine if they correctly represent the relationship between the organelle and the object. Remember you are basing your analogies on

FUNCTIONS of the organelles

NOT shape, size, color etc.

Critieria to look for:

1. Is the analogy comparing the right relationship

2. Does the analogy show the reasoning behind the choice.

3. Is the analogy a functional analogy? (That means is it based on the function and not the appearance.


• The nucleus is like a CEO because it controls and coordinates the activities of the whole cell in the same way the

CEO controls and coordinates the activities of his company .

(Do not use this analogy.)

• Here is another example:

• The cell wall of a plant cell is like a brick wall of a house because both of them provide support and protection. The cell wall gives the plant cell structure and keeps unwanted substances and objects out as well. The brick wall of house also keeps things out (like wind, rain, and people that aren’t invited) while enabling the house to stand up. (Do not use this analogy.)

Cell Analogy examples:

Not Good:

• The cell membrane is like a security guard because they both keep stuff out.

• Better but not great :

• The cell membrane is like a security guard because the cell membrane keeps stuff out of a cell, and a security guard keeps stuff out of a place.

• Solid:

• The cell membrane is to a cell as a security guard is to a mall. The cell membrane makes chemical

"decisions" about what can come into and go out of a cell. Similarly, a security guard makes decisions about who can come into a mall and who should leave.

Cell Analogy Project

• Your Cell Analogy will be based on a theme: To help you before you start your analogy choose the theme you are going to use and list differents parts of that theme. Ex: Hot Dog Stand – buns, hot dogs, (ketchup, mustard, etc), money, hot dog vendor etc) Are there enough parts to the theme that you can compare a cell to it? If not choose another comparision.
