Cell project instructions

The bonus must be different from the required!!
40pts- Travel brochure of the cell
You are to design a brochure to attract visitors to spend money to visit an animal
or plant cell. You can think about the cell as a huge amusement park. The brochure must
be on unlined “copier” paper, 81/2” X 11”, folded in thirds. Brochure may be typed or
neatly hand written, pictures may be added from computer or hand drawn. The brochure
must describe at least 8 “attractions” (organelles for that type of cell) that will “delight
and amaze” their potential customers. Humor and creativity are encouraged. Brochures
are evaluated by accuracy of organelle function descriptions, design and creativity.
25pts- Cell Mobile
Design a mobile that lists each of the organelles that we listed in notes for either a
plant or an animal cell. You may use craft objects to make your organelles for that type of
cell out of, draw them on paper and cut out, or print out pictures of each organelle. Below
each organelle list the function (may be handwritten or typed). Mobiles will be graded on
accuracy of functions of organelles and number of organelles displayed. You need to be
able to hang these from the ceiling (wire hangers for a frame, yarn or fishing line to string
things from, etc.)
20pts- Poster of a plant or animal cell
On a full size poster board draw either your choice of a plant or animal cell. Label
each of the organelles we studied for that type of cell, list their functions, and color the
entire cell (different colors) for each organelle. Posters will be graded on accuracy of
functions of organelles, number of organelles used, completeness (ex: coloring) and
30pts- Cell Analogies Collage
Draw a typical plant or animal cell on poster board (regular or ½ sheet) include all
of the organelles that we studied for that type of cell. Pointers from the cell organelles
lead to pictures cut from magazines, newspapers, or printed off of computer and a
functional analogy expressed in your own words (may be handwritten or typed). An
analogy is a comparison between two things which are similar in some respects, but
otherwise are different. Ex: you could have a picture of a man in a suit and under it have
Nucleus is like the Boss, it tells everybody else what to do. Collages will be graded on
accuracy of the function analogies, the number of organelles used and neatness.
50pts- 3-D Model of a Cell
Use your trash or items around the house to construct a model of the cell must
come with each organelle and cell part labeled and function explained. You may do a
plant or an animal cell your choice, but must be clearly one or the other! Be creative and
have fun!
Total limit for all Extra Credit Opportunities is 1- you may do more but I will not give
credit for them. (lowest point value of your two projects will be for bonus)
S000000000 get your Extra Credit today and help yourself study for your Test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spending a lot of money on this will not ensure you a better grade! Be creative!!!