Teacher Instructions – Tumblebooks Station Activity • Delete this slide and then save this file on your shared student drive. Mark it as read only (Right click on file name, Properties, Read Only) • Copy the last two slides from this PowerPoint (Vocabulary Template) and save the file separately on your student shared drive. Mark it as read only. OR… Teach your students how to copy the slide into their own vocabulary project. • Students will access Tumblebooks from your Library Portal. Teach your students how to use the template in the lab.. • Each slide is a separate week/activity. Each slide contains possible activities that students may select from to prepare their student product. 50 Below Zero by Robert Munsch • Use Kidspiration to make a Story Web (Activities / Reading / Story Web). • From the NEISD Intranet Home Page, go to the Weather Channel and select 2 cities. Compare their temperatures this week with temperatures in San Antonio. Use Excel or the Graph Club to present your findings. The Best Excuse by Ellen Feinman Moss • Use Kidspiration to make a Graphic Organizer that shows 5 things Jesse says he did and where he went while on his way to class. Be sure to put the events you choose in the correct sequence! Check out stamps from the “Geography” section to show habitats he visited and places around the world. • Use Timeline Maker to make a timeline of the major events on Jesse’s trip. http://www.teachnology.com/web_tools/materials/timelines/ • Select a word from the vocabulary list at the end of the book. Complete the Vocabulary Template on the Student Shared drive for the word you selected. Boy Soup by Loris Lesynski • Use the letter generator to create a letter to the Giant about the new “Boy’s Restaurant” the boys have opened. Be creative! http://readwritethink.org/materials/l etter_generator/ • Use Microsoft Word to create a two column table. Find at least ten pairs of rhyming words that you find in the book and list them in the table. (Table, Insert, Table, 2 Columns, 10 rows). Champion: The Story of Muhammad Ali by Jim Haskins • Use Timeline Maker to make a timeline of Muhammad Ali’s life. http://www.teachnology.com/web_tools/material s/timelines/ • Use Kidspiration to make a graphic organizer with five facts about Muhammad Ali’s life (Activities / More / Five Facts). Crab Moon by Ruth Horowitz • Use Kidspiration to make a Story Web (Activities / Reading / Story Web). • Use Kidspiration to make a Chain of Events for the story (Activities / More / Chain of Events). • Use Kidspiration to complete a Question Wheel about the story (Activities / More / Question Wheel). Dad Runs Away With the Circus by Edgar Keret • Use Kidspiration to make a Chain of Events for the story (Activities / More / Chain of Events). • Research 3 different jobs with the circus. Choose one you would like. Present your research and selections in an appropriate application. • Design a poster in KidPix inviting people to come to the circus. Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin • Use an appropriate application (Microsoft Word, Kidspiration, PowerPoint, etc.) and write 5 new diary entries for the worm. Use what you’ve learned about the worm from the story to continue his diary. • Read a non-fiction book or research worms on the Library Portal. Compare 5 facts that you find about worms with how worms are presented in the book. The Fire Station by Robert Munsch • Use Microsoft Word or other appropriate application to continue the story. What do you think will happen to Michael and Sheila in the police station? • Use Kidspiration to make a Chain of Events for the story (Activities / More / Chain of Events). • Select a word from the vocabulary list at the end of the book. Complete the Vocabulary Template on the Student Shared drive for the word you selected. First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg • Was the ending of this story different than what you were expecting? Explain what you thought was going to happen, and what really happened at the end. Be sure to use examples from the text to justify your answers. Select an appropriate application (Word, Kidspiration, etc.) for your answer. Hannah is My Name by Belle Yang • Use Kidspiration to make a Story Web (Activities / Reading / Story Web). • Use Kidspiration to make a Chain of Events for the story (Activities / More / Chain of Events). • Use Kidspiration to complete a Question Wheel about the story (Activities / More / Question Wheel). He Came With the Couch by David Slonim • Continue the story in the style of the author. What do you think will happen with the new person who ‘came with the chair’? Select an appropriate application (Word, Kidspiration, etc.) for your answer. • Create your own new family member using Symbol Maker in Kidspiration. Write a paragraph about an adventure your family could have with the new member. A Home for Pearl Squirrel by Amy Crane Johnson • Use Kidspiration to make a Story Web (Activities / Reading / Story Web). • Use Kidspiration to complete a Question Wheel about the story (Activities / More / Question Wheel). • Select two animals from the story. Research them using the encyclopedia or other resources on the Library Portal. Include information on their habitats and food needs. Select an appropriate application to present your research. How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long • Use Kidspiration to make a Story Web (Activities / Reading / Story Web). • Use Kidspiration to make a Chain of Events for the story (Activities / More / Chain of Events). • Compare and contrast pirates and Jeremy. Use a Venn Diagram from Kidspiration (Activities / More / Venn Diagram) or other appropriate application of your choice. I.Q., It’s Time by Mary Ann Fraser • Create your own clock of the activities in the classroom. Use an appropriate application (i.e., KidPix, Kidspiration). • Write three time problems that someone could solve using the information in the story. Jessie’s Island by Sheryl McFarlane • Compare and contrast life on the island and life in the city. You may use a Venn Diagram from Kidspiration (Activities / More / Venn Diagram) or other appropriate application of your choice. • Which place would you select to visit? Write a letter to your teacher explaining your choice. Be sure to include examples from the text in supporting your answer! Martin MacGregor’s Snowman by Lisa Broadie Cook • What would you do if you were in Martin’s shoes? Use an application of your choice to show and write about what you would create if you had no snow for your snowman. Me Too! by Jamie Harper • Why did Grace’s attitude toward her younger sister change at the end of the story? Do you have any personal connections to this story to share? Select an appropriate application for your response. • Make a list of things you have learned in your life and the people you learned them from. Select an appropriate application for your response. • Pretend you grew up alone on a deserted island. What would it be like to learn everything on your own? Miss Malarkey Won’t Be in Today by Judy Finchler • Describe your ideal substitute teacher. What qualities do you like to have in a substitute? Select an appropriate application for your response. • Create a lesson plan for a substitute teacher in your classroom. What would you like to learn on that day? • Complete the Vocabulary Template on the Student Shared drive for the word “substitute”. The Mystery of Eatum Hall by Cathy Tincknell • Dr. Hunter signed his letter “Your very special fiend”. Complete the vocabulary template on the student shared drive for the word “fiend”. Was his choice of words in his closing deliberate or a mistake? Support your answer with examples from the text. • Describe the words or visual features in this story that provide a foreshadowing of Dr. Hunter’s true plans. Use an appropriate application for your response. Be sure to refer to examples from the text and/or illustrations to support your answer. Oliver’s Game by Matt Tavares • Use Timeline Maker to make a timeline of Oliver Hall’s life. http://www.teachnology.com/web_tools/materials/tim elines/ • Use Kidspiration to make a Story Web (Activities / Reading / Story Web). • Use Kidspiration to make a Chain of Events for the story (Activities / More / Chain of Events). • Use Kidspiration to complete a Question Wheel about the story (Activities / More / Question Wheel). The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch • Use the Kidspiration Character Web to describe Princess Elizabeth or Prince Ronald. Be sure to use specific examples from the text. (Activities / Reading and Writing / Character Web). • Use the Library Portal to research a real-life Princess. Select an appropriate application for your response. Pigs by Robert Munsch • Make a personal connection to the story. Have you ever done anything that your parents told you not to do? What were the results? Write a short essay explaining your connection to this story. • At the end of the story Megan is at the zoo. What do you predict will happen next? Continue the story in the style of Robert Munsch. Select an appropriate application for your answer. Porcupining: A Prickly Love Story by Lisa Wheeler • Compare and contrast a porcupine and a hedgehog in real life. Use either the encyclopedia or other resources on your library portal to obtain details about the animals. Be sure to include details about their sizes, native habitats, food supply, etc. Use Kidspiration, PowerPoint or other appropriate application to present your information. • Write a poem of your own. The Dot by Peter Reynolds • Use KidPix to create a drawing in the style of Vashti. • How did Vashti’s teacher inspire her to create her artwork? How was Vashti helping the student at the end of the story? Have you ever faced a challenging task and received encouragement from someone? Explain how the encouragement affected your performance and attitude. Select an appropriate application for your response. Zoe Sophia’s Scrapbook by Claudia Mauner • Open Google Earth and search for Venice, Italy. Turn on Discovery Networks under Featured Content. Watch the two movies about Venice Architecture and Gondolas. Select an appropriate application to present information about Venice that you have learned from these sources. • Select two places you would like to visit on a vacation. Locate the locations in Google Earth. Capture an image, insert into Word and write about why you want to visit that location. Book Definition: Copy & paste this link in the address bar in Internet Explorer http://www.webster-dictionary.net/ Definition in my own words: * * Vocabulary Word: Meaningful Sentence: * Illustration of the word: * Your name Teacher Directions: Have students click on the asterisk on each slide. When they get a lined box they can type in their text. Have students insert a picture from clip art or draw one of their own that illustrates the vocabulary word. Go to Insert, Duplicate Slide to make more of this slide. Have students create at least 6 slides (each student can do 1 word, or each student do all 6). When printing go to File, Print, choose Handouts from the drop down menu under “Print what:” and choose 4 or 6. Students can cut the squares out to make a mini vocabulary book. Punch a hole in the upper corner and add a round clasp so students can add words at any time. This template can be used in any subject area with a unit or topic or students can make their own list of unknown words while reading a selection. Delete this slide before using it with students. TEKS 3.8B, 3.8C (2-3)