Lesson Plan Guide ● Teacher Candidate: Ashleigh Reid Date: November 23, 2014 Grade and Topic: Fourth Grade Science Length of Lesson: Mentor Teacher: Dr. Weaver School: 50 mins University of Memphis UNIT/CHAPTER OBJECTIVE/GENERALIZATION/BIG IDEA: The Water Cycle LESSON OBJECTIVE: Given the Kidspiration Software, students will create a diagram of the Water Cycle with a score of at least six out of eight according to the rubric. STANDARDS ADDRESSED: ● GLE 0407.8.1 Recognize the major components of the Water Cycle ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● MATERIALS: Computer with Internet access Handout http://www.worksheetplace.com/mf/4-Stage-Water-Cycle.pdf (must copy link to browser) Pencil Kidspiration Software BACKGROUND and RATIONALE: Key Concepts: By the end of this lesson students should know, the major components of the water cycle, the functions of these components, as well as be able to prepare a graphic organizer that demonstrates the basic features of the water cycle. Academic Language: Academic Language will be addressed in methods courses and is not addressed in IDT 3600 Previous Lesson Connection: In our previous lesson we introduced the Water Cycle and it importance to Earth. Subsequent Lesson Connection: In the next lesson we will begin to discuss to the difference between weather and climate. Differentiated Activities: I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson. PROCEDURES AND TIMELINE: ● Introduction: We will begin this lesson by doing a quick review of the water cycle. Questions to ask: What are the stages of the water cycle? What function does each stage provide? Why is this important to our Earth? (5 mins) ● Procedures: 1. After reviewing the water cycle, the teacher will distribute the handout on the water cycle to each student and give them directions on how to complete this activity. 2. Students will work on the handout (10 mins). 3. Upon completion of this activity teacher will take up the hand out and begin giving directions on completing the graphic organizer. Directions: Student will go to Kidspiration and build their graphic organizer. They must include all steps of the water cycle, a description for each stage, as well as at least one fact for each stage. Students should use a variety of color, illustrations, and shapes. Be creative! 4. Give students time to work on graphic organizer. During this time, teacher will walk around to assist and answer questions as needed (30 mins). ● Closure: To close the lesson teacher will ask students to share one thing that they have learned or one fact from their graphic organizer with the class. After answering student will be able to line up to exit (5 mins). ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE: The graphic organizers that students will create through Kidspiration will be used as assessment Sample Graphic Organizer Water Cycle Graphic Organizer Rubric Criteria 1 2 3 4 Graphic images represent the correct Stage of water cycle Very few or none of the chosen graphics clearly represent correct stage of the water cycle Only a few of the graphics clearly represent the correct stage of the water cycle Almost all of the graphics clearly represent the correct stage of the water cycle All of the chosen graphics represent the correct stage of the water cycle Attractiveness Distractingly messy or Acceptable attractive very poorly designed. It though it may be a bit is not attractive messy Attractive in terms of layout, design, and neatness Exceptionally attractive in terms of layout, design, and neatness Required Elements Several required All but one of the elements were missing required elements are included All required elements are included All required elements are included, as well as additional information MODIFICATIONS: I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.