Name: Date: Pd: Guided Reading Grade: _______/_______ Identifications Grade: _______/_______ Quiz Grade: _______/_______ 1 Name: Date: Pd: Roads to Revolution Section1: Triumph & Tensions pg. 120-130 1. What event sparked the Boston Massacre? 2. How did the colonists view the results of the Seven Years’ War? (2 views) 3. Who tried to claim in the Ohio Valley? 4. What conflict did the Iroquois Nation have when the British wanted their support? (2 reasons) 5. Why was the Albany Plan ineffective? 6. How were General Braddock & his soldiers defeated at Ft. Duquesne? 7. How did the “tide turn” for Britain after defeats at many of their forts by French & Natives? 8. What did Pitt promise the colonists in return for their services? 9. Why were the Treaty of Paris & Treaty of San Ildefonso signed? 10. How did the British suffer from the Seven Years’ War? 11. Which problems did the Ohio and Great Lakes Indians face after the defeat of the French in the Seven Years’ War? (3 reasons) 12. How did the Proclamation of 1763 anger colonists? 2 Name: Seven Years War Date: Location Definition George Washington Location Location Location Location Definition Date Significance Location Definition Proclamation of 1763 Date Significance Definition Treaty of Paris Date Significance Definition William Pitt Date Significance Definition Grand Council Date Significance Definition Albany Congress Pd: Date Significance Location Date Significance 3 Name: Date: Pd: Section 2: Imperial Authority, Colonial Opposition p. 130-137 1. Why did James Otis protest the Writs of Assistance? 2. What was the MAIN reason Britain decided to pass the Sugar Act? 3. What happened to colonists if they were caught smuggling? Explain. 4. What is the difference from an internal and external tax? 5. Why did Grenville believe the colonies were NOT exempt from Parliament taxation? 6. What did Patrick Henry suggest to the Virginia House of Burgesses? 7. Why had Boston in particular find crisis in the Stamp Act? 8. What two issues did the representatives of the colonies agree upon at the Stamp Act Congress? 9. Why did Parliament decide to repeal the Stamp Act? 10. Why did colonists find importance in John Locke’s political writings? 11. What was the MAIN view of the “oppositionists” when dealing with Parliament? 12. How did the Old and New Lights react to the Stamp Act protests? 4 Name: Writs of Assistance Date: Location Definition Sugar Act Location Location Location Location Definition Date Significance Location Definition Declaratory Act Date Significance Definition Sons of Liberty Date Significance Definition Loyal Nine Date Significance Definition Patrick Henry Date Significance Definition Stamp Act Pd: Date Significance Location Date Significance 5 Name: Date: Pd: Section 3: Resistance Resumes p. 137-142 1. As Townshend takes over for Pitt, what issue did the New York legislature have over the Quartering Act? 2. What specifically prompted Townshend to tax imports sent from Britain to the colonies? 3. What types of goods did the Revenue Act tax? 4. What did Townshend hope the taxes could pay for? Why? 5. Which was the only taxable item that could be profitable to Britain? 6. How does John Dickinson describe the taxation by Parliament? 7. What was the “circular letter” and how did Hillsborough’s reaction affect the Massachusetts legislatures? 8. Which two angles did the colonists take to get Parliament to repeal the Revenue Act? 9. Why had women become influential especially with the non-consumption protests? 10. How did Townshend make the Navigation Acts stricter? (3 ways) 11. Why had many sailors complained that these new rules were an invasion of privacy? 12. Why was John Hancock’s ship a target? What happened to the charges? 13. Who was John Wilkes and why did he gain so much popularity with Britons? 6 Name: Quartering Act Date: Location Definition Revenue Act Location Definition Date Significance Location Definition Customs Racketeering Date Significance Definition Daughters of Liberty Pd: Date Significance Location Date Significance 7 Name: Date: Pd: Section 4: The Deepening Crisis p.142-146 1. How did British authorities respond to the John Hancock incident? 2. What were the reasons why Bostonians disliked the soldiers? (two reasons) 3. Which event sparked the Boston Massacre? 4. Who represented the guilty soldiers and what was their defense? 5. What was being threatened if Parliament had control over governor’s salaries? 6. Which region endured problems with Natives over expansion? Who? 7. What were the two reasons why the Paxton Boys formed in PA? 8. Why couldn’t the British stop settlement across the Proclamation line? 9. How did the Treaty of Fort Stanwix cause problems for Pennsylvania and Virginia colonists? 10. How were the Regulators more successful in South Carolina versus North Carolina? 11. Why was the Tea Act passed? (Two reasons) 12. Why did the colonists dislike the act that was made to benefit them? 13. After learning that a ship with tea accidently made it in to the Boston port, what did colonists do to out smart the British? 8 Name: Crispus Attucks Date: Location Definition Location Paxton Boys Location Location Date Significance Location Definition Definition Date Significance Definition Tea Act Date Significance Definition Treaty of Fort Stanwix Date Significance Committees of Correspondence Definition Lord Dunmore’s War Pd: Date Significance Location Date Significance 9 Name: Date: Pd: Section 5: Towards Independence p. 146-153 1. How did James Somerset and Lord Dunmore stir up trouble in the colonies? 2. Summarize the four Coercive Acts First: Second: Third: Fourth (Quartering Act): 3. How did the Quebec Act change life for French-Canadians? (two reasons) 4. What were the underlying reasons for Parliament to pass the Quartering Act and Murder Act? 5. What would disappear in Massachusetts if Britain enforced the Quebec Act? 6. What decisions did the First Continental Congress make? (three) 7. What did the delegates finally decide to do about their situation? 8. How did the Continental Association vigilantes encourage colonial support? 9. What did Governor Gage do when asked to arrest patriot leaders? 10. After victory for the colonists, where did the Second Continental Congress meet and what did they decide? 11. How did Parliament and Britain react to the losses at Breed’s and Bunker Hill? 12. What did Thomas Paine say about America becoming a new kind of nation? 13. How did Knox get the British out of Boston? 14. Where did Washington feel was the most important strategic point? 15. Which groups were not included in “all men created equal”? 10 Name: Date: Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation Definition Location Coercive Acts or Intolerable Acts Definition Location Continental Congress Location Date Significance Location Date Significance Location Definition Declaration of Independence Definition Date Significance Definition Thomas Paine Date Significance Definition Olive Branch Petition Pd: Date Significance Location Date Significance 11