Polygon Hierarchy

Polygon Hierarchy
Jonathan McAuley
Definition: A plane figure with at least 3 straight sides and angles, and typically
5 or more.
Everything is underneath Polygon because they all can relate to the properties
of a polygon.
Polygon Real World Example
Definition: A 4 sided figure which has 4 straight sides.
Parallelograms, trapezoids, rectangles, rhombi, and squares are all under
quadrilaterals because, they’re all 4 sided figure.
Quadrilateral Real World Example
Definition: A sided rectangular figure with opposite parallel sides.
Parallelograms and trapezoids are next to each other because, they both have
opposite parallel sides. Rectangles, rhombi and squares are under because
they relate to them having opposite parallel sides.
Parallelogram Real world example
Definition: It’s a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.
Parallelograms and trapezoids are next to each other because, they both have
opposite parallel sides. Rectangles, rhombi and squares are under because
they relate to them having opposite parallel sides.
Trapezoids Real World Example
Definition: It’s a 4 side figure with opposite parallel sides and 2 sides are the
same and the other 2 are the same.
Rectangles are next to rhombi because they both have 4 sides but in both
figure 2 sides are the same and the other 2 are the same. Squares are under it
for a reason.
Rectangles Real World Example
Definition: It’s a parallelogram with opposite equal acute angles, opposite equal
obtuse angles, and four equal sides.
Rectangles are next to rhombi because they both have 4 sides but in both
figure 2 sides are the same and the other 2 are the same. Squares are under it
for a reason.
Rhombus Real World Example
Definition: It’s a 4 sides figure with opposite parallel sides and all sides are
Squares are at the bottom because they are a 4 sides shape and relate to it all
having opposite parallel sides but all sides are equal.
Squares Real World Example